
No, that's not right. At the last moment when my memory was interrupted, there was no obvious sign of being attacked.

And now, there is obviously another person next to me.

Gao Hai can hear the other person's breathing and smell the fragrance of women's shampoo.

There is a woman lying next to me, lying on the same bed with me in this house that looks so shabby that it can't be shabby anymore.

Her breathing rhythm had changed when I turned my head to look at this house. Now she is probably pretending to sleep.

Is it a trap?

By the way, is there such an operation as kidnapping people from their homes and then trapping them? I always feel that it is a bit abnormal.

Anyway, I will get up and take a look at the situation now. If it is really a trap, then I can only have a dark duel with the other party here. I heard that this is the best solution for the big boys in Japan to deal with female fists. Gao Hai thinks this experience is worth learning.


However, before Gao Hai decided to take action, a harsh sound, like nails scratching a blackboard, suddenly sounded in his mind.

At this moment, Gao Hai found that his body had lost the ability to move, and the whole person was stiff as if completely frozen, and he could only listen to the harsh sound continuing to sound in his mind.


The sound was so sharp that it was extremely uncomfortable. It sounded for more than ten seconds before it gradually began to weaken.

Then, there was a voice that could not be identified in terms of gender, and it was so distorted that just hearing the other party's voice made people shudder inexplicably.

[Welcome to the Sacrifice Game]

The other party's first sentence seemed familiar, as if he had just heard it once.

[Player Gao Hai, this is your first game, game level: Dusk]

[Your clearance condition is: Escape from Shirakawa Apartment]

[The time limit for this game is: Seven days]

[Now I will send you game tips, please make good use of them]

[Tip 1: The way out is hidden in the message of the predecessors]

[Tip 2: The reopened door will lead to hope]

[Tip 3: The precious things in the dust will bring happiness]

[Tip 4: The secret is hidden in the place you must not go]

[The tips are over, I wish you can pass this game and get close to the throne that witnesses the end]

From beginning to end, it took less than a minute for the voice to finish these words.

After saying those inexplicable things that made people confused for a while, the strange voice disappeared without a trace, and the stiffness that Gao Hai felt that he could not control his body at all also disappeared at this moment, and he regained the ability to control his body.

"I... go..."

Suddenly regaining control of his body, Gao Hai rolled off the bed, and in mid-air, he grabbed the A4 paper on the bedside table and put it in his arms, then he hit the ground, rolled around, and got up in a mess.

He was now completely sure that he should have been involved in some kind of supernatural power event, and it was very likely the kind of extremely scary dark event that would kill people.

No, director, wait a minute, this is not right.

Didn't I travel to the daily world of the second-dimensional anime?

This development method, this is completely wrong, why did it suddenly turn to the plot of the death game?

Can I refund the ticket? Can I boycott the performance? This plot is completely beyond my tolerance, okay? ! Why do you have to change this style suddenly? Can't we just do a flattering harem plot?

Although he complained a lot in his heart, Gao Hai had already stood up quickly in action. While keeping a distance and not getting too close to the wooden door with a hole and the kitchen entrance, Gao Hai's sight was now locked on the bed in the corner of the small living room where he was lying.

Then, he saw a girl with long black hair, a cold expression, and a look of coldness and scrutiny sitting up from the bed.

Red pupils.

Slightly poor figure.

Black long-sleeved dress, white cuffs, and a red tie.

This look, as well as this look of looking at trash, activated Gao Hai's DNA in an instant.

This is not that, this is not that photographer, ahem, no, this state is not that Ice Kaguya? It is the Shinomiya Kaguya in the Ice Kaguya period that has not changed because of the president.

My two-dimensional time-travel story, what on earth has it become? !

At this moment, Gao Hai felt that his mind was a little confused, and he was a little confused about what story he was playing the protagonist of.

Chapter 3: My youth routine will not encounter strange stories

I can't remember how I ended up in such a place.

At the end of my memory, it was clearly a very ordinary school life, but the next moment when I opened my eyes, I found myself lying in a very dilapidated house, lying on a bed that had not been cleaned for who knows how long, full of dust and dirt, and exuding a strange smell.

Kidnapping? Blackmail? Imprisonment?

All kinds of possibilities quickly passed through my mind.

In any case, this is an unprecedented emergency, and we must be very alert to deal with it.

At this moment, Kaguya Shinomiya entered a battle-ready state.

Being able to take me directly from school, and taking me, the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family, from Shuchiin to such a place, is definitely not something that an ordinary kidnapper can do.

At the moment, I must be as cautious as possible and find a way to confirm the surrounding situation first. If I act rashly, it is likely to lead to unpredictable consequences.

Kaguya Shinomiya, who finished thinking about these things in a very short time, was not at a loss and took action in a short time.

She opened her eyes slightly, kept her body still, and quickly looked around. She noticed the man lying next to her, who seemed to be asleep, but in fact his head was slightly shaking, and he was obviously also looking at the room.

It is difficult to judge the specific age from the side, but it should be a young man, between 18 and 22 years old. The clothes look ordinary in quality, and there are suspicious red and white stains. He is tall, estimated to be around 183, about 25cm taller than me, and his body is not thin. Considering that the other party may be a trained person, it may be difficult to subdue him in the first time if we confront him head-on, so we must not be reckless.

For Kaguya Shinomiya, the eldest daughter of Shinomiya Group, one of the four major conglomerates in Japan, who has been isolated from the world like a girl in a box since childhood, it is really unbearable to get along with a strange man in such a close distance.

But the strict family education and the rationality she has cultivated made her clearly aware that she is now in an isolated and unfamiliar environment. When everything is unknown, it is essential to act cautiously.

The other party may be a person trapped like herself, or it may be arranged by the mastermind behind the scenes. In any case, from the actions of this person pretending to sleep and secretly observing the surroundings, it can be seen that he should also be a very cautious person, so he may have been discovered by the other party that he is pretending to sleep. In that case, he should have been prepared for my actions, so it is unlikely to subdue him unexpectedly, so the next action is to find a way to distance himself from him.

If Hayasaka were here, with her skills... No, as the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family, she shouldn't think about such meaningless things that will improve the current situation. In short, she can't continue to wait and see. No matter what, she has to take action now!

Shinomiya Kaguya's head was thinking about strategies intensified, and her body had unconsciously tensed up.

However, before she decided to act, accompanied by a piercing sound, she lost control of her body, and then, the strange voice heard by Gao Hai rang clearly in her ears.

[... Player Shinomiya Kaguya, this game is your first game, game level: dusk]

[Your clearance condition is: escape from Shirakawa Apartment]

[The time limit for this game is: seven days]

[Now released to you...]

The specific content described by the voice is not much different from Gao Hai's, just the name is different.

Unlike Gao Hai, Shigong Kaguya, who had no idea what this thing was, was horrified for a moment. If her body had not been controlled by an inexplicable force and could not move, the expression on her face would have changed dramatically at this moment.

What on earth was going on?

The body could not move.

It was as if her breathing had stopped. No, when this sound rang out, she really could not breathe.

From hair to toes, every part of her body could not move, just like the remains of an explorer who fell into an ice cave and was found by later people. As long as it is not taken out, there will never be a possibility of moving again.

But this is not the most shocking part for the girl.

When this sound rang out, she was not only unable to move, but she could not feel her body at all. If it were not for her own strong consciousness that made her immediately start to pay attention to her breathing and heartbeat, then when listening to this sound, she would not have been able to realize that she had stopped breathing and her heartbeat had stopped, as if all the perceptions of the body had left her, as if her soul had left her body.

This is no longer something that a kidnapper can do.

This is completely against common sense, unreasonable, and completely unrealistic. It should not exist.

What kind of situation am I in?

No, now is not the time to panic. Fear will not help me get out of the current situation. What I need to know is what to do next.

As the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family, growing up in a cold and ruthless chaebol family, Shinomiya Kaguya's mind has long been greatly sharpened. Even in the face of this unreasonable situation that has completely surpassed common sense, Shinomiya Kaguya still forced herself to calm down and listened carefully to the content of the strange voice.

Sacrifice game? Escape from Shirakawa Apartment? Limited to seven days?

These four hints sound like meaningless word games, but since the other party gave such information, there must be a meaning in it.

At this moment, Shinomiya Kaguya thought a lot, but with too little information at the moment, she really couldn't come to any effective conclusions.

Soon, as the voice ended, Kaguya Shinomiya, who had regained control of her body, sat up quickly, moved her hands and feet slightly with imperceptible movements, and her eyes were quickly locked on her side.

"I... go..."

The other side's reaction was much greater.

The sudden loss and recovery of control over his own body brought him strong discomfort, so he rolled off the bed directly. But even so, he subconsciously reached out and grabbed the note on the bedside table next to him, then climbed up and stepped back two steps, raising his head.

The two people's eyes intertwined like this.

"Hey, that, deduct your Chihuahua? The weather is very good today."

Although I don't know what to say at this moment, I'd better say hello first.

Thinking of this, Gao Hai waved to Kaguya Shinomiya who was sitting on the bed, and tried his best to show a harmless smile.

"... Did you hear that voice just now?"

Glancing at the note in Gao Hai's hand, Shigong Kaguya got off the bed, stood beside the bed, and asked Gao Hai about three meters away.

Analyzing from the previous situation, it is very likely that this man was kidnapped and thrown into this place like himself. Although other possibilities cannot be ruled out for the time being, communication is still necessary. Therefore, after thinking for a while, Shigong Kaguya decided to try to have a conversation with the other party first.

"If you mean the voice that said I have become a player of the [Sacrifice Game] and made me unable to move my body, yes, I heard it. So are you and I the same person who was inexplicably brought into this place?"

As Gao Hai spoke, he took another step back and pulled the distance between them a little further, so as to ensure that each other could feel more secure in this way.

"Really? My name is Shigong Kaguya, what is your name?"

From that cold face, Gao Hai could not see Shigong Kaguya's emotions at all, and there was no way to hear anything from the words that had almost no ups and downs in the tone.

This black-haired girl in the school uniform of Shuchi Academy, although her figure and posture are still somewhat immature and she seems not to have fully grown up, her cold aura is completely different from the one in the animation. Gao Hai suspects that if a young person in his twenties or thirties who has not experienced much wind and waves came here, he might not be able to remain calm in front of this Shinomiya Kaguya and adapt to her piercing gaze like a sharp knife.

However, for Gao Hai, whose parents died early and who had experienced a lot of struggles in society, Shinomiya Kaguya's aura could not debuff him, so he quickly calmed down and spoke immediately:

"My name is Gao Hai."

"Well, Miss Shinomiya, if I'm not mistaken, you suddenly lost consciousness and found yourself in this place when you woke up, right?"

"It's the same for me. I was packing up my things at home, but I suddenly came here. Anyway, I think we may have been involved in something very serious. Do you have any experience in this?"

"In addition, this printed paper is something I noticed before. It is something that is somewhat out of place in this broken house. I think there may be something recorded on it. No matter what the mastermind wrote or something else, I think this thing is of certain value. Do you want to take a look?"

Gao Hai, who organized the language logic well, maintained a moderate speed of speech, and raised the printed paper in his hand while speaking.

Although Gao Hai did not look carefully at the contents on the printed paper because he had to pay attention to the other party's actions, he still saw the words "Shirakawa Apartment Life Rules" after a rough glance.

The written text seemed to be Chinese, which meant that the other party might not understand it. But considering that he had been involved in such a supernatural and strange incident, maybe the Miss Shinomiya Kaguya on the other side would also have some language plug-in. No, that's not right. You have to know that she is the eldest daughter of a consortium in the setting, and her talent is so outstanding that she is almost a plug-in. It is also very likely that she can directly understand Chinese.

Gao Hai always maintained a cautious attitude and did not approach this Shinomiya Kaguya.

First of all, there are still too many things that he can't understand in the current situation. Secondly, he remembered very clearly that in the original work of the work that Shinomiya Kaguya belonged to, this girl who looked less than 1.6 meters tall was actually quite powerful. She could overwhelm ordinary men in muscle strength as a woman, and she threw a high school boy of 175 cm tall to the ground with her bare hands and knocked him unconscious on the spot. She also had systematic learning of archery, swords, fists and kicks. In addition, the other party is obviously in a state of high alert and does not understand the situation. If I go up, I might be knocked to the ground by Master Ye's attack like the wooden man, or even fainted on the spot.

"Put it on the table, we can read it at the same time."

Shinomiya Kaguya did not answer Gao Hai's first question, but only answered the second question.

She pointed to the low round table on one side of the room, moved her feet, walked to the side of the table, and stood across the table from Gao Hai.

"Read it at the same time?"

Gao Hai did not quite understand this sentence. Was she going to stand with me to read it? But she was obviously in a state of being defensive and rejecting me at the moment, right?

"It's not difficult for me to read the text upside down. Just put it on the table."

Perhaps seeing Gao Hai's doubts, Shinomiya Kaguya explained a little bit, while keeping a table away from the other party and maintaining a state of alert.

"If you are sure, that's fine."

After understanding what the other party wanted to express, Gao Hai slowly placed the printed paper on the small round table, in the middle of the table. The text on the paper was facing him, and Gao Hai could read it effortlessly. As for whether Shinomiya Kaguya would have any difficulty reading it upside down, he could only say that since the other party suggested that she had no problem doing so, Gao Hai would not talk about gentlemanly manners. Although the beautiful girl was pleasing to the eye, he might not have so much leisure time in the face of life and death.

After putting down the printed paper, Gao Hai let go of his hand and returned to the state of standing across the table from Shinomiya Kaguya, and then cast his eyes on the content on the printed paper.

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