On the other side, Shinomiya Kaguya remained on guard and looked at the content on the paper as well. As she said at the beginning, reading the text on the upside-down paper is not difficult for Shinomiya Kaguya herself. She can even read the entire text on the printed paper faster than Gao Hai and Write it all down at first glance.

【Shirakawa Apartment Life Rules】

This is the title on the printed paper. The font is specially enlarged and highlighted in red so that it can be noticed at a glance.

[When you read this code, you should have just woken up from this apartment. I think you probably don’t know what happened yet. Maybe you are thinking about opening the door and leaving here quickly. I also think you are thinking about calling the police or anything else. But I suggest you don’t do this yet. Read this code as quickly as possible, read it, and then remember it. This is your only reliance on surviving here.

I hope you can understand that from the moment you are chosen by this Shirakawa Apartment, you will never be able to escape from it. Adapt to this code and try to survive. This is the only thing that you, us, and all the people trapped here must do.】

The printed font is a very ordinary bold text, and it looks like the entire text has been deliberately bolded.

After seeing these words, Gao Hai instinctively felt a strong sense of something bad deep in his heart. He just tried his best to stay calm with the insistence of his consciousness and continued to look at the specific content of this so-called code of life. .

Code content:

1. Shirakawa Apartment can only enter and exit through the gate between 8:00 and 17:50. You are not allowed to enter or exit the apartment outside this time period. You are not allowed to enter or exit the apartment from any place other than the gate.

(Sometimes, it is safe to enter and leave the apartment at time points like 7:59 or 17:51. This time is not absolute. But believe me, that is just sometimes. Some people who think they have mastered the safe time point Guys have paid their price for this, and I don't think you intend to be one of them. As for if you want to try to leave from somewhere other than the door, such as a window, I can only say that it is not a last resort, don't. this way)

2. When the time exceeds 21:00, do not stay anywhere except your room

(Stay in your room, stay in the room you woke up in here. As long as it's past 9 p.m., this apartment will become unsafe anywhere except your house, no matter the corridor, no matter the stairway, Enough people have paid the price. Don't worry about time. The clock in your house is absolutely accurate. The clock in every house here is absolutely accurate. They will not deceive you.)

3. When you hear a child's cry and a knock on the door, don't open the door or make a sound. Pretend that no one is in the house until the sound disappears.

(Sometimes, the nights in this apartment will become very restless, but all you need to do is pretend not to know. For this apartment building, children are the biggest taboo. I can’t tell you too much. There are Chances are you'll understand, but for now, you just need to know that curiosity is the last thing you need here, don't be curious if you want to survive)

4. After dark, do not turn on the lights or make any noise in the house.

(This rule is actually a derivative of rule 3. Don’t turn on the lights, don’t talk, keep your room dark and quiet, as if no one has ever lived in this room. This is how you want to survive. You must do it. Of course, don’t forget to lock the door, but this is common sense, so I don’t need to write it down specifically for you, right?

5. There are no children in Shirakawa Apartment. If you meet any children in the apartment, do not communicate with them and avoid them as much as possible.

(The people selected for this apartment have never had children, the youngest resident so far is over 20 years old, and no one except us selected people can enter this building. In apartments, there are no exceptions to this so far, so don’t touch any children you see in the apartment. Of course, if you don’t believe it, you can try it, but you will have to bear the consequences.)

6. When your way is blocked by children and there is no way to avoid them, climb on the high cabinet and wait for them to leave.

(If you have ever been in the corridor of an apartment, you will find that there are many, many cabinets placed here. Each one is almost two meters high, basically close to the ceiling, but it can still barely accommodate a person lying on it. These cabinets are The ones we manage to build usually still have some supplies on them that may be useful. When you're at your wits' end, climb to the top of the cabinet if you can. Somewhat against rule number 1. People have also survived by this trick. If you are in that situation, remember to stay on the cabinet until 8 am)

7. If you encounter a child in the apartment and survive, do not bring up the relevant topic anywhere, whether discussing it with others or talking to yourself, even if you do not leave a written record

(Perhaps you have discovered that this rule deliberately does not describe something. As I said before, children are the biggest taboo in this apartment. I can't tell you why. After you have experienced it, you will naturally understand why it must be so. I believe that you will keep quiet at that time. As for before encountering such a thing, what you need to do is to follow the rules as much as possible and pray that you don't have that kind of "lucky moment". If you survive, don't think that you can relax when you are alone. Don't talk about it, don't record it. Many people have paid the price for it, and even implicated others)

8. Room 304 does not exist in Shirakawa Apartment. Don't talk to anyone who claims to be from Room 304. Communication

(When you meet anyone who is not a child in Shirakawa Apartment, if you decide to communicate, the first thing you have to do is to determine which room he is from. As long as he is not from Room 304, he is a trustworthy person, at least someone you can communicate with normally. But if he claims to be from Room 304, do not contact him again. Even if he was your friend, he is no longer your friend. Stay away from him and do not communicate with him. You can use force when necessary, but never create injuries that may be fatal or cause fainting. Absolutely not)

9. Every 3 days, guests must stay in Shirakawa Apartment for 1 day, and you can only leave Shirakawa Apartment for a maximum of two days

(If you think you can just escape from the apartment, then you are totally wrong. There are many people who think so, but they can only leave for two days at most. When the third day comes, whether they want to or not, they will return to Shirakawa Apartment. Moreover, in this case, they usually come back at night, and I don’t think you want to know what it means to enter the apartment at that time. It is difficult for people who are selected by the apartment to really leave here, but there is no need to give up. I and my friends who wrote this code, and many others have not given up. Survive, only by surviving can we find the real way out)

10. When you stay overnight in Shirakawa Apartment for 6 consecutive days, you must not leave on the 7th night. You can stay in the apartment, but you can't stay overnight in the apartment for 7 consecutive days

(The number 7 seems to have some meaning in Baichuan Apartment. Some people think that 7 days here represents a reincarnation. I don't know if this is true, but I know that people who stay in the apartment for 7 consecutive days will disappear on the 7th day, even if they stay in their own rooms. So, don't stay in this apartment all the time. Go out for a walk appropriately. This is also good for your body, isn't it?)

After reading this, I believe you have a certain understanding of the situation in this apartment. Maybe you will think that I am exaggerating, but believe me, all these things that are like curses wrapped around us are nothing to joke about. This is a rule that everyone who is here must abide by. Every content above is exchanged for human life. Cherish it, and you are cherishing your life.

I am Xusheng, an old resident of this apartment. My room is 309. If you want to know more, you can come to me during the day. Except for Sunday, I am usually here at other times.

More than 2,000 words of rules may seem like a lot, but Gao Hai didn’t spend too much time reading them.

However, reading them is one thing.

The mental stimulation he received from them is another.

This… this is… this is not a rule story? This is definitely a rule story, okay! ?

My daily life in youth, my harem in the second dimension, my treatment as the protagonist of a hedgehog cat otaku novel, how did I become a guinea pig in a rule story! ?

Why? Tell me why? ! !

At this moment, Gao Hai tried his best to keep his expression calm. He seemed calm, but he was already roaring in his heart.

Chapter 4: As the protagonist, why don’t you give me a cheat!

Rule story.

As a special genre that was popular on the Chinese Internet for a while, combining reasoning and horror stories, Gao Hai had a deep understanding of it.

Whether it was the Zoo Strange Stories that became popular overnight, or the Da Luo Mountain, Secondary College, Espedro City, and other things that followed, these articles based on rules and regulations, which went from normal to abnormal, triggered people's reasoning and thinking, and also made people shudder, once fascinated Gao Hai for a while.

However, it was precisely because he knew what this thing was that he didn't want to really enter a place related to rule strange stories.

What a sin! It's fatal! What mistake did I make? !

For rule strange stories, mental pollution and confusion of thinking are all child's play. They often involve space overlap and displacement or even parallel worlds, and time reversal is also casual. The boss behind it is always something unreasonable and invincible like Cthulhu or Supreme. He Gao Hai is not a legendary investigator, he is just a small idiot who writes novels. Why should he suffer like this?

Would it be better to commit suicide and reincarnate again?

Gao Hai couldn't help but start to think about this question seriously.

Then I couldn't help but think that, as if in some rules and weird stories, not only would you not die after committing suicide, but you would suffer even greater pain.

Fuck, can't those writers who play with rules be a little gentler? Haven't they thought about how miserable it would be if someone was unlucky enough to travel to the world they described? Can't they be a little considerate of me, a poor protagonist who has been treated by a jerk author?

"Life rules?"

While Gao Hai's brainstorm was going through a storm, Kaguya, who had read the content before Gao Hai, frowned slightly.

This so-called rule is really weird in all aspects, giving her a very uneasy feeling. Although she has never believed in anything supernatural, the weird voice and the terrible experience of losing control of her body have shaken Kaguya's worldview to some extent, and now seeing such a weird life rule, she can't help but think too much.

"If this rule is not a prank, uh, where is the clock in this room?"

Gao Hai thought of the "absolutely accurate" clock mentioned in this rule, and the first thing he wanted to do was to find the clock in the room to confirm the current time.

At this moment, he subconsciously lowered his head and then noticed a black watch on his left hand.


When did I wear a watch?

I couldn't tell what brand it was, there was no decoration, and it looked very ordinary black watch.

Before his eyes stopped at this watch, Gao Hai had no sense of the existence of this thing, and had no sense of wearing anything on his wrist. It was not until he discovered the existence of this watch that he finally felt that he was wearing something on his hand.

Then, when Gao Hai raised his left hand and looked at the watch carefully, he found that the watch was full of cracks, and there was only one minute hand on the dial with twelve scales, without an hour hand or a second hand. At this time, the minute hand was pointing straight to the zero scale, and there was no sign of moving at all, and Gao Hai did not see any button switch that could adjust the pointer on the watch.

What kind of strange thing is this?

Could it be that this is my plug-in as the protagonist?

Gao Hai thought of this point at the first time, or in other words, facing the tragic situation that is likely to come, he can only rely on this idea to comfort himself a little, so as not to fall into a too depressed situation.


A shrill female scream suddenly sounded at this time, as if it came from the next room.

What's going on? This kind of strange scream that suddenly sounded at the beginning of the story and used to advance the plot is like a set plot. Don't you think this routine is a bit old-fashioned? Will you find a corpse when you walk out next, and then after everyone talks nonsense, a middle-aged man suddenly falls down and sits on the ground, and then a primary school student hides behind him and starts to give a speech and perform on the spot to point out that he is really fierce or something?

Hey, it seems that this is not bad, it is a hundred times or even more than ninety times better than participating in the rules of the ghost talk game.

"Do you want to go out and see the situation? I'm afraid it's not just the two of us who are trapped here."

Gao Hai coughed lightly and said to Kaguya Shinomiya across the table.

Then he found that the printed paper on the table had been taken by Kaguya Shinomiya. She turned it over and over, trying to read it from different angles, and finally turned to the back without words and observed it carefully.

Is she trying to see if there is any hidden text?

I was distracted just now and she took the printed paper away quietly. I didn't hear any movement at all. Are all women in the two-dimensional world so outrageous? Is she the descendant of the Neon branch of a fraternity?

"Go out and take a look at the situation. I'll give you this rule paper. My clothes don't have pockets, so I can't put this kind of thing."

Probably confirming that there is no hidden information, Kaguya Shinomiya put the printed paper back on the table and spoke to Gao Hai in a calm tone.

Although she said she wanted to go out and take a look, Kaguya Shinomiya herself did not move. It was obvious that she wanted to wait for Gao Hai to take action before leaving, and she was unwilling to walk in front of him. Gao Hai didn't say anything about this. He simply put away the printed paper, folded it and put it in his pocket. Then he looked around the house. After confirming that there was no clock in the room, he looked at the only wooden door in the house and the doorway leading to the kitchen on the other side. Then he walked directly to the door with a hole in it and grabbed the door handle to open it.


The extremely harsh friction sound, accompanied by the overly heavy and extremely difficult movement to pull.

The joints of this door are almost completely rusted, and the interior can basically be said to be completely stuck. It can only be opened by brute force.

As the door opened, Gao Hai appeared in front of a small wall clock on the side and a broken wall only more than one meter away from the door. Judging from the time on the wall clock, it is about 8:30 now. Combined with the light coming in through the window gap, it can be roughly confirmed that it is daytime. Of course, it may also be night, but according to the rules, it is fine before 21 o'clock, so Gao Hai still walked out of the house.

The door was at the end of a long and narrow corridor.

At the end of this narrow, dark and uncomfortable corridor, there was a right-angle turn to another long and narrow corridor.

At the end of the corridor, Gao Hai saw a half-open toilet, an old-fashioned squat toilet that looked like it hadn't been cleaned for a while, but he didn't see any of Lao Ba's ecstasy stuff, so it was okay. In addition, the main door to the outside was right next to the toilet door. It was a rusty, old-looking iron door.

Gao Hai tried to recall the structure of the house. The toilet was on the right hand side of the door, and there was a corridor on the left hand side. Turn right and walk another corridor. Then turn right and enter the door. There was a small living room and bedroom. On one side of the living room was the kitchen...

What kind of crazy house structure is this?

Is there something wrong with the designer of this building?

With this thought in mind, Gao Hai reached out and grabbed the door handle, and then pulled the door open at once.

"The door lock is broken."

Looking down, Gao Hai noticed that the door lock of this door was completely damaged, and the lock core could not be ejected, so that the door could not be closed at all.

He immediately had an ominous premonition.

After opening the iron door, he came to the corridor outside.

It was even more depressing here than in the house, mainly because the corridor itself was very narrow, stretching out in a straight line to the left and right. In addition, the corridor itself was already very narrow, and there were many cabinets in the corridor. These cabinets were very high, and there was basically no place to climb and hold on. They seemed to be nailed to the corridor, leaving only a small space on top that could barely accommodate an adult lying on top of the cabinet. The corridor was lit with pale white lights, illuminating the ceiling and walls with peeling paint and cracks everywhere, and dark red, rusty doors were lined up in this narrow corridor.

The door that Gao Hai just walked out of had a dark red house number mark [204].

It was really a great place to shoot a supernatural movie.

Gao Hai's feeling of uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, there were already several people in the corridor. Gao Hai saw a black guy with a short haircut, oh no, it was a black brother; a middle-aged Asian man with glasses and a big belly wearing a bloated suit; a white man who was obviously over 190 cm tall and had a thorn-shaped tattoo on his face; a middle-aged Asian man with a backpack, who seemed to be plain-looking and had a gentle expression; and a young girl who seemed to be just a high school student, wearing the same clothes as Shinomiya Kaguya.

"Your hometown?"

When Gao Hai saw the girl for the first time, he felt a little familiar, but he didn't remember who she was at the first time, so he looked at Shinomiya Kaguya who followed him and asked.


And there is no doubt that Shinomiya Kaguya recognized the girl at first sight, and the other party also recognized Kaguya. And although they had recognized each other, neither of them made any communication actions, but only communicated with their eyes to avoid being discovered by the people present that the two knew each other. Although such a cover-up doesn't make much sense when wearing the same school uniform, it may be helpful to avoid being identified as an acquaintance, so the two did it without hesitation.

Maki-san, are you here too?

Auntie, are you here too?

It seems that the person behind all this has extraordinary power, and he actually attacked the Shinomiya family and the Shijo family at the same time...

Although I said so, it seems that the other party's purpose is not something like ransom. Auntie, do you have any idea?

We are obviously the same age, can you stop calling me that? Don't you see what time it is now!

Even if you say that, Auntie is still Auntie, isn't that how we are in the same generation?

Although there is no language communication, perhaps it is the special ability of being a two-dimensional person. Shinomiya Kaguya completed a series of quite complicated content exchanges with the girl with braids just by looking at each other.

At the same time, Gao Hai, after the initial doubts, quickly remembered the identity of this girl.

This girl, isn't this girl Shijo Maki?

The most miserable character in the original work of Kaguya-sama: Love is War, she spends every day in the dire straits of Bai Xue. Oh no, she is not as good as Bai Xue. Bai Xue is really a group of three people pulling each other, and she is a pure loser. She can only face waves of dog food baptism, watching her best friend spend sweet years with the boy she secretly loves, and even causing a death at the age of 17, and making a weird drama of getting married with a baby.

I didn't expect that this poor girl who was persecuted all day in the original work was also selected to enter this rule-based weird game. To be honest, in terms of personality, this child can be called a little angel in the original work. If what I am experiencing now is really a movie, TV game or novel, to be honest, I have some doubts whether the author is mentally abnormal. Why throw such a cute and poor child into this kind of storyline?

Various thoughts passed through Gao Hai's mind one after another, but they did not show on his face.

At this moment, he and several other people in the corridor were looking at Room 205, which was the room next to him and Kaguya Shinomiya. This was the room where the screams had just been heard, and no one knew what was going on inside.

Chapter 5: Shouldn't the horror movie start with a safe time?

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