So Gao Hai thought for a while, then he came to the glass wall and breathed on it, then stretched out his hand to write on it.

[I'm fine here. It seems that as long as we follow the instructions of the nurses, there should be no problem for the time being. You can try to comfort your classmates and don't panic. If you can't comfort them, try to stay away from them to avoid being involved in danger.]

[Try to find a rule sheet with various rules and requirements, or try to ask the nurses about prohibited items. Be careful. If you feel something is wrong, don't be reckless. Everything is based on your own safety. OK? I will find a way to get to your side as soon as possible.]

[And you don't need to write on the glass. I can read lips and know what you are saying.]

That is, Gao Hai's lung capacity is good enough now that he has a superhuman physique. Otherwise, if someone else comes, I don't know how long it will take to write so many words. And in order to take care of Jianzi's perspective that is opposite to his own, Gao Hai has to write the words in reverse. It has to be said that it is really troublesome.

The girl looked at the words written by Gao Hai seriously, nodded hurriedly, and said seriously that she would be careful.

At this time, a nurse noticed the actions of the two people here and immediately came up with an electric baton.

[Hey, what are you doing? Go back, don't get close to the isolation wall]

The nurse waved the electric baton impatiently and yelled at Gao Hai, and it looked like he was going to swing the baton to hit him if he didn't agree with her.

It was just like a living person.

If it weren't for the perception that could determine the true identity of this thing, Gao Hai estimated that he would not be able to judge whether this thing was a human or a ghost with his naked eyes.

"I'm sorry to bother you. I just want to talk to my girlfriend. It's hard to see her after entering this place, so I miss her too much. I'm really sorry, sorry."

Gao Hai, who lied casually, apologized seriously, and the nurse just sneered after hearing this, muttered [Another delusion], and then didn't bother to pay attention to Gao Hai.

Whether it is the facial expressions, tone of voice or various small details of body movements, they are completely like living people.

Gao Hai stepped back a few steps and left the glass wall area. He turned around and looked around. He saw that two caregivers had begun to slack off and gathered together with newspapers to discuss horse racing. Another patient tried to take off his clothes and was knocked to the ground by a caregiver. There were three patients gathered together. One of them pointed at the girls on the other side of the glass wall and shouted that they all had mahjong tiles on their faces. Another patient raised his hands and praised the sun. The last patient held his head and acted as a sunshine mushroom. It can be said that each patient has his own characteristics.

Everyone is like a normal person.

Everyone here seems to be alive, as if they are really patients and caregivers living in an ordinary mental hospital.

But this is not the case.

Just like the lost people in the red nut gray cave, Gao Hai knows that this is just the weird [surface] revealed, and it is just [normal] in appearance. The reason why these things act like people is that no one meets the specific death rules, so that they will not be released from this special state, and they will always maintain this unconscious [playing] state.

Gao Hai did not pay too much attention to these things. He just walked back and forth in this activity room silently, observing every place that could be observed.

Although he himself did not feel anything, since Jianzi said that she felt [something was watching her], it means that there must be something hidden under this seemingly normal hospital. And what Gao Hai has to do now is to find the hidden thing before it reveals its true form and finds him.

He first walked to the window and looked out. Through the window, Gao Hai unexpectedly saw Fujika Middle School, which seemed to have been abandoned for a long time and was silent in the sun. There is about a hundred or two hundred meters between this mental hospital, and there are only some low three- or five-story apartment buildings in the middle, so Fujika Middle School itself cannot be concealed.

The buildings around it look very desolate, and it is impossible to tell whether anyone lives there.

As for judging the architectural style and age, Gao Hai couldn't do that, but he could more or less see that these buildings were old-style apartment buildings that would only be built in the last century, and they were often the type that would only be built around factories or schools. Well, it shouldn't have been built in the 1940s, after all, there were all kinds of electrical appliances, and there was even a TV hanging on the ceiling in this mental hospital, so... Could it be that the time here was when [Idol Alice] was active?

While thinking about this, Gao Hai took a few steps forward and glanced at the wall on one side.

Then, he couldn't help but stop.

Gao Hai saw a poster.

A promotional poster with real photos posted in this activity room, which looked quite new.

The poster of [Alice].

A song came from the TV not far away.

Although the quality of the TV was so bad that the song was so vague that it was difficult to hear the content of the song. But it was enough for Gao Hai to recognize the voice and realize who the voice belonged to.

He raised his head and looked in the direction of the TV.

Alice, who was wearing an idol uniform and dressed up extremely cute, smiled at Gao Hai on the TV.

[Alice loves you, everyone is Alice's good friend, and Alice's best friend, so next Alice will dedicate this song "Best Friend" to everyone——]

The girl's singing voice is like the sound of nature, and even the noisy sound of a low-quality TV cannot conceal its charm.

Patients gathered one by one, looking stupidly at the screen.

Even the caregivers came forward and stared blankly at the singing and dancing girls on the screen, their eyes gradually becoming fanatical.


Someone was murmuring in a low voice.

【Alice Alice Alice——】

More people began to repeat, and their voices became louder and louder.

[Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice ahhhhhhhhhhhhh——! ! ! 】

All the carers and fans started roaring.

For a moment, as if a group of demons were dancing, these patients and caregivers became extremely excited, as if they were turning into puppets controlled by the sweet girl on the TV, as if they had completely become each other's slaves, from body to mind. They all lost themselves completely, shouting crazily, worshiping and craving like crazy.

In the women's activity area on the other side, the same scene was happening.

Those high school girls did not expect to see such a scene suddenly. Many of them stood there at a loss, not knowing what to do. Some girls who were not very determined had a vague expression when they saw the girl on TV, and they seemed to have the urge to join the carnival crowd. There were also a few girls who sneaked towards the door, hoping to escape from the activity room when no one was watching.

Also, several girls were very confused by the behavior of these fanatics. One of them couldn't help but muttered in a low voice and said directly, "It's like a psycho. How can a star be that good?"

So the carnival stopped the next moment.

All the revelers turned their heads and turned their attention to the girl who spoke.

The cold atmosphere is spreading.

Yotsuya Mitsuko shuddered, with a bit of panic in her expression.

And Gao Hai has clearly sensed that the [normal] side of these strange objects has begun to gradually disappear, and their true appearance may be revealed.

He was ready for those things to tear that mean-mouthed girl to pieces on the spot.

But what I didn't expect was that nothing happened in the end.

Crunch - crunch -

Because the door of the activity room was opened again, because a figure who was tightly bound was pushed in by the caregivers.

The expressions of all the patients and caregivers changed.

Some nurses turned off the TV, and some patients silently stood in front of the poster.

They looked at the figure bound on the iron frame bed, and their strong hostility could not be concealed at all.

But they seemed to be full of fear of that figure. After the thing appeared, they lowered their heads one after another, not daring to look at each other, not daring to show their admiration for Alice in front of each other, and just turned back to ordinary people. Psychiatric patients and nursing staff.

The two girls who tried to escape from the activity room were thrown back into the activity room a minute later. Each received a severe blow, and they all fell to the ground convulsing with tears streaming down their faces.

Gao Hai stood in the corner silently watching all this, watching the caregivers push the bound man to the middle of the room, then turn around and leave, walking out of the room at a very fast speed and closing the door.

The caregivers who were still in the activity room all showed uncomfortable expressions, as if they had to live with something very bad.

At this moment, Gao Hai had sneaked up to the poster and looked at it again.

[Welcome Miss Alice to come to our hospital to perform a condolence performance]

His eyes were fixed on this line of words on the poster.

"When does this show start?"

Gao Hai looked at the patient standing in front of the poster and asked him in a low voice.

[Tomorrow...hey hey, I can see the lovely Miss Alice tomorrow, hey hey hey, tomorrow...tomorrow...]

The patient who didn't seem to be in a good mental state said while smiling and drooling.

After receiving the news, Gao Hai couldn't help but look at the tightly restrained figure placed in the activity room, and he probably had some guesses in his heart.

Chapter 63: The strange hospital we first entered and the hidden contamination

Guangben Mental Hospital.

This is the name of this hospital that Gao Hai learned after spending some time communicating with the patients and caregivers.

This is a hospital built in the old city, very close to the ruins of the abandoned Fujika Middle School.

For some reason, the nursing staff had strong resistance to Gao Hai's inquiry, and the patients were always immersed in the emotion of Alice's song and dance on the TV. Therefore, Gao Hai's communication process was not smooth. He asked many people in succession to get some rough information, and he never found the rules and regulations of this hospital or anything else for reference.

Could it be that just like the surface area of ​​Touka Middle School, the strange rules of this place are also hidden? Or worse, because this place is so confusing that no players have ever arrived, so there are no effective rules that have been summarized at all. If I want to understand the rules, I can only summarize them myself and become a so-called [land reclamation player] ]?

Such a possibility gave Gao Hai a headache.

I thought that after finally solving Alice, things would become a little clearer, but in the end, I just jumped from one pit to another, without being able to fundamentally change my situation at all.

Well, that doesn't seem to be entirely the case. At least this time I have been sitting in this activity room for more than half an hour, and nothing weird has come out to kill me.

Gao Hai, who was comforting himself in his heart, turned his head and looked at the direction of his core obsession. Even in the release stage, the man was still tied tightly, and there were caregivers around him to guard him, and no one was allowed to do anything. People approach.

Gao Hai had thought about trying to approach secretly, but he just took a few tentative steps in that direction. Following him, he immediately noticed that all the patients and nurses in the entire activity room were looking towards him. He had to quickly pretend to be passing by and change the direction of travel. It took a while before he felt those watching eyes disappear.

You can't get in touch with that core obsession openly.

As long as you make such an action, these strange things that look like [human beings] will immediately show their strange properties. This is really strange. These things... they seem to have a superficial disguise. They usually maintain this false form, but as long as it is related to that man, to the man named Hirano Sosuke , will cause this layer of disguise to be immediately torn apart, causing them to reveal their terrifying and weird side.

It's better not to act rashly for the time being.

Based on a cautious judgment of the current situation, Gao Hai decided to observe the situation for the time being and not to do anything in a hurry.

He stayed in the activity room like a real patient, occasionally observing the condition of the bound [Hirano Sosuke], and then seeing if there were any changes in Miko's side. Do anything that will attract the attention of those patients and caregivers.

During this process, the TV in the activity room has been playing the idol Alice's concert and various interview programs, and all the patients and caregivers are obviously enjoying the voice of Alice, as if they are intoxicated. It's the same in it.

As for Gao Hai himself, he felt uncomfortable listening to Alice's voice and wished he could find her immediately and kill her with a thousand cuts.

After a while, the nurses opened the door to the activity room, and then Gao Hai and other patients were led out and toward the other side of the corner of the corridor.

During the action, Gao Hai finally saw the map of the hospital and the floor area map of the building where he was now.

Judging from this map, is the [Men's Cafeteria] the next place to go?

Gao Hai quickly arrived at the canteen with these patients and received his own lunch.

Cold seaweed, fried fish fillets, rice with mashed yam, and fried dumplings are pretty good in terms of presentation and taste. Gao Hai also thought about whether there would be any problem eating the food here, but there were nurses around to check whether the patients were eating well, so he ate the food after hesitating for a while.

It tastes pretty good.

And...seems a little dizzy? Is there really anything mixed in these foods?

After lunch, the nurses took the patients into action again.

This time Gao Hai was sent back to his ward, probably because he had behaved quite well before. He was no longer tied to the bed like at the beginning, but could move freely in the room.

It was also at this time that he finally found something that could be called a "rule sheet". It was a piece of paper posted on the wall of the ward with various rules and regulations written on it.

[Guangben Psychiatric Hospital Patient Management Regulations]

[Hello patient, when you receive these management regulations, it means that you have been admitted to this mental hospital for treatment. Our hospital has the most professional treatment and assistance system and a beautiful and pleasant environment. You don't need to worry about anything here. We will provide the highest quality service during your hospitalization so that your body and mind can be truly healed]

[In order to ensure that you receive good service during your admission, here are some basic rules that you need to abide by. We kindly ask you to actively cooperate with our work and jointly maintain the good environment and style of Guangben Mental Hospital]

[Rule 1: Our hospital has planned a scientific work and rest time. The daily life of admitted patients must be planned according to the table. Please abide by the relevant contents and actions on the work and rest planning form of our hospital, so as to facilitate your recovery]

[The content of the plan is as follows]

[(1.) 6:30 am, get up, wash up, and tidy up personal hygiene]

[(2.) At 7:15 a.m., everyone will go to the outdoor playground to do aerobics. If you are unable to go out due to personal reasons, please go to the indoor activity room to do aerobics]

[(3.) At 7:45 am, go to the canteen to eat together. Please note that this hospital implements separate management for men and women, so you are not allowed to eat in the canteen area of ​​the opposite sex]

[(4.) 8:30-9:00 am, medical staff will go to different wards to conduct basic daily inspections and inquiries for patients. Please stay in your ward during this time period]

[(5.) 9:00-11:00 am, personal adjustment stage. During this stage, you will continue to stay in your ward and receive the adjustment treatment plan provided by our hospital. Our hospital has an extremely effective treatment plan for various mental illnesses, namely "idol therapy". Through the correct, healthy, perfect, healing, and absolute idols, you will receive the most comprehensive treatment and completely recover to what you should be like]

[Our hospital's personal adjustment treatment plan is mainly divided into three types, namely "auditory therapy", "visual therapy" and "perceptual therapy". All these treatments are designed to heal you. They will not cause any pain, but will make you feel good and happy. I believe you will like this treatment.]

[(6.) 11:00-11:50, time for fresh air. During this period, you will be taken to the indoor or outdoor activity room for free activities. Please enjoy this time.]

[(7.) 11:50, go to the cafeteria for lunch.]

[(8.) 13:00, lunch break. During this period, you will not be disturbed by anyone in the ward.]

[(9.) 14:10-16:30, personal adjustment stage. During this period, you will receive a different set of treatment plans from the morning.]

[(10.) 16:30-17:30, time for fresh air.]

[(11.) 17:40, go to the cafeteria for lunch.]

[(12.) 18:30, take everyone to the bathhouse for body washing.]

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