[I saw that thing]

[Black, made up of messy lines]

[It was lying under a bed in the nap room. I bent down and saw it. I wasn't sure if it was looking at me. Anyway, in the blink of an eye, the thing disappeared]

[The research team held a small meeting tonight. Many people were excited and cheering]

[The very unstable thing that appeared for a moment and then disappeared seemed to be the target of the early research team. Even though it is now just a phantom-like, almost shapeless, fake thing, its appearance can already represent many things.]

[Further research plans are about to start]

[Because I saw that thing, I can't easily leave this research group]

[I have a bad feeling]

[I asked Sato about the boy and his family. I hope that the family is fine, but Sato just said "They dedicated themselves to the great empire." I began to realize that there might be more and worse things to happen next.]

[--Day 88]

[Everyone is busy, and I can't be lazy like before, so I have to keep the record simple.]

[Zao Li Elementary School has expanded its enrollment. The original main research subjects were only more than 30 elementary school students, but now it has expanded to more than 100 people, including the families of these children. These more than 100 families are our test subjects.]

[--Day 92]

[The drug plan has been approved by the higher-ups. We will install pipelines in this school to deliver drug gases to specific rooms at the right time. Some food will also be mixed with drugs. It is said that this is to better control the students and the direction of the experiment]

[There are many things in those drugs that will permanently damage the students' minds, and some drugs are addictive]

[No, it has nothing to do with me. I just need to do my job well. Everyone is doing it anyway. I don't need to make myself special]

[--Day 105]

[I talked about some things with researchers from another group during lunch. It seems that Sato came out alive from some very strange place and brought out some incredible things. It is said that the research project of the Hayate Research Group is carried out by that little thing. In addition to this little thing, it is said that a friend of Sato took another little thing of the same kind to Yeluoshan Middle School, and Fujika Middle School was the control group without the so-called little thing as an auxiliary.]

[The news is true or false, and I don’t know what’s going on, but I did see those things several times, those black things, like children’s graffiti, ridiculous, scary bastards]

[More than a dozen children have disappeared]

[But I feel very fortunate, because one of the basic rules we added to this thing is "cannot harm the teacher and will be driven away by the teacher", so the missing will only be those students and their parents, never me]

[I started to think I was a bastard]

[——Day 168]

[More than 50 students have been consumed, of course including their families]

[Some things can’t be covered up, and the military is not satisfied. They think that this thing is too slow to kill people, the rules are too complicated, and it is easy to detect that something is wrong. So we changed to another place to continue the experiment, and this time we will try to add new rules to that thing so that ordinary people can ignore those things. Well, it would be best if everyone except the children who were the subjects of the experiment and us as the "teachers" would ignore what those things did.]

[The students who are still alive have transferred to other schools. That being said, the place they transferred to is our new research institute. The military will not let these people escape.]

[The ultimate goal of the military seems to be to create a weapon that can be dropped behind the enemy and destroy everything that cannot be stopped. This kind of thing certainly has nothing to do with me, a small researcher, but even if such a thing is really developed, how can it be controlled? I always feel that things will not go so smoothly.]

[--250th day]

[I have officially been in this research institute for more than a year.]

[If I say that I have learned anything in this place, perhaps only cold-bloodedness can be used to describe it.]

[But it doesn't matter. I don't care about these things anymore. I just want to get through this period of time. I don't want to care about anything else.]

[--366th day]

[I opened this notebook today and remembered that I have always had the habit of recording, but the last record was six months ago. I didn't expect that one day I would be so lazy. What can I record here? 】

【The research has entered a stagnant stage. We originally wanted to ensure that the thing was "formless", but children's imagination is difficult to control, and the final result is still three relatively fixed forms. As the rules we planned for the thing became more and more perfect, it is now difficult to make corresponding changes. The thing has become a mechanized monster that can only move in Zaoli Primary School and the residences of those students, and only those who understand and believe in it will be hurt. It can be said that there is almost no practical significance.】

[To change all this, we may have to start from scratch, but this is impossible. We have invested too much and cannot start from scratch at this time]

【——Day 476】

[Yeluoshan Middle School produced a result, which is said to have killed hundreds of American soldiers]

[The people above are beginning to put pressure, and the plan given by Sato is also very simple, that is, to expand enrollment, massively expand the number of children as cognitive subjects, and then take advantage of the cognitive instability during the expansion period Let’s revise the action rules of that thing that has almost been determined]

[This is not a wise decision. The manpower of Zaoli Research Institute is not enough, and we are responsible for supervising the words and deeds of every student. If we expand the number of people, we are likely to have insufficient supervision. In that case, if the students are " "Dark" creates some kind of impression that we didn't notice at the first time. What should we do? 】

[I have to give some advice. If such a dangerous thing comes around, it will probably kill us]

【——Day 708】

[Sato has decided on the final enrollment number, 200]

[Two hundred children, two hundred families, and the total number of researchers responsible for research and surveillance is less than fifty, and twenty of them are leaders who are not working on the front line. Well, of course Sato is also a leader. Half of the remaining twenty or so researchers have other responsibilities, which means that there are only a dozen or so people who can really devote themselves to supervision work]

[More than a dozen people face two hundred primary school students and their families and require accurate records of every word these people say every day. How is this possible? 】

【——Day 709】

[The plan to request people from the military was not approved. Those guys claimed that the situation on the front line was urgent and they couldn't find any more people to help us. Didn't that mean the war was going well? He also said that America's most powerful Enterprise had been completely sunk, and that victory was advancing steadily. Why couldn't he even dedicate some manpower to help? 】

[Sato passed the plan anyway. He said it was do or die now, bastard, I don’t want to die here! 】

【——Seven hundred and twenty-three days】

[Unsurprisingly, there was a chaotic management situation from the beginning, and our people had no way to properly control these students]

[Sato built a kennel on the first floor and hired a guy who likes to eat dog meat as an assistant. He seemed to be planning to directly use a simple and crude method to add a certain concept to "Black", using bloody and cruel intuitive images. Increase the aggressiveness of "Black" to ensure that a monster that satisfies the military can be produced]

[And until now, I have not been able to escape from this hellish place... I think I may not be able to leave here properly]

【——Day 759】

[A student disappeared without leaving any monitoring records. Something is wrong. Why do we not have any monitoring records for this student? 】

【——Day 898】

[More than 10 students are missing. Their disappearance does not conform to previous patterns. We have not been able to find the reason]

[——Ninth ■■■■■ (time records begin to become blurry)]

[Sato locked a suspected student, who was an orphan, chosen because of the person (the record is further blurred)]

【■We were wrong■Okay■■】



【Do you see it? 】

【I no longer have Fa Li Li】

【But maybe, I can still be friends】

[In other words, I have always been your friend, but you just can’t remember it]

[My name is Atsuko Ueki, I am a teacher at Zaori Elementary School and your friend. Do you remember? You have never forgotten me, haven't you? 】

[Yes, that’s right, that’s right, we’ve always lived here, haven’t we? Do you remember when we ate together in the cafeteria? I told you that the boy I was monitoring in my class hid snacks in the drawer every day, thinking that no one else would notice]

[You said at the time that you wanted to visit a quieter place. You said you hadn’t gone out for a long time]

[It doesn’t matter, we have a lot of time now, don’t we? 】

[Since there is nothing else to do now, let’s go take a look around together]

[Anyway, I don’t know where Sato and those annoying superiors are. They probably won’t suddenly come out to supervise our words and deeds.]

[So, what do you think? 】

[Mr. Gao, oh, there is also Xiao Sigong, a student in Mr. Gao’s class, but it’s best not to bring dogs to school]

[How about we go for a walk? It’s quite boring to stay in this classroom all the time, isn’t it? 】

[Ah, you agreed, that’s great, let’s go then]

[I've actually always wanted to talk to you about the past, how long we wasted in this hellish place, and the fact that nothing came of it in the end]

Step - step -

[Why is the expression so strange? Mr. Gao, we are friends, aren't we? You mean footsteps? Maybe someone else is coming towards us. It’s not a big deal and you don’t need to worry about it.】

[You asked me the name of that child? 】

[What kind of child, I don’t know very well? Um? The name of the child that Mr. Sato targeted? 】

[What a strange question...]


[You said I must know? Because I'm your friend, so I must know?]

[That's a strange thing to say... uh, I...]

[Okay, okay, it's really not easy to find out the problem with that child. Of course, if we investigate seriously, we will definitely succeed. How could a child hide it from us? Remember when we investigated together? We... uh, you just want the name? Mr. Gao, you are too impatient, so it's better not to talk to your friends like this, right?]


[Ah, someone is knocking on the door, so--hey, Mr. Gao, do you care so much about that name?]

[Okay, okay, don't do that, don't do that. I know the name of that person. I do know it--this, why are you--okay, okay, don't get excited, don't get excited]

[The girl's name is Fengwu--]



Chapter 24: The Broken Moment of Death and the Last Thing Seen

Consciousness became chaotic again.

Vaguely, I seemed to remember pulling out a pistol and pulling the trigger at something.

I can't remember when and where I fired the gun.

I can't remember what I encountered, or what happened after I encountered it.

How many shots did he fire?

One shot... no, it seemed like two shots?

When I fired the first shot, I could still feel that the gun was held in my hand.

When I fired the second shot... it seemed that something had changed, and in that instant, an unexpected change occurred.

He couldn't fire the third shot.

In fact, before the second shot was completely fired, the gun seemed to fall from his hand. It was only because his consciousness was still connected to the gun that he could control the gun to complete the second shot.

When he wanted to fire the third shot, it was too late.

The two suppression bombs were not enough to suppress the action of the thing. They only delayed it a little, less than one tenth of a second, and even the shooter himself didn't feel the delay for an extremely short time.

Then, he couldn't hold the gun, and couldn't convey his intention to [fire].

What on earth is going on?

That thing… what on earth is it…

No… that’s not right… where am I now…

I felt my body being dragged.

I felt the rope wrapped around my feet.

I felt myself being hung upside down in the air.


The blood-stained blade was grinding on the whetstone.

The firefighter had fallen to the ground nearby, his body quickly dissipated and disappeared.

The stench was spreading all around.

It was the smell of blood, the smell of decay, the disgusting smell of excrement and rancid swill.

My vision seemed to be recovering little by little, and my senses gradually returned to normal from the state of being unable to function.

Then I saw footsteps approaching me.

Gao Hai couldn’t see clearly what the thing looked like.

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