It may not have been like this originally. When this thing was still alive, before it became like this, maybe it was also an ordinary person, a person with some hobbies that were different from ordinary people, but not bad in nature, and lived his ordinary life.

But that has nothing to do with it now.

Heavy darkness condensed on this thing, and dirty blood stains and dirty marks covered this big and strong body wearing an apron.

The stench permeated the surroundings of this monster. Looking at it with eyes, it seemed that there was a slight visual distortion somewhere on its body and clothes, and then it quickly returned to normal, as if everything was just an illusion.

There were whispering sounds around, and on that huge body, it sounded like a child whispering something, and it was like an inhuman curse. No matter what it was, it was now deeply entangled with this weird thing, shaping its current appearance.

The place where the face of the thing should have been was now covered by black, graffiti-like lines. Those things were densely wrapped around its face like snakes. Although the graffiti lines themselves were visually completely two-dimensional, they could completely cover its head and its appearance from any angle. At most, only a little messy gray-black hair was exposed.

So Gao Hai understood the essence of this thing at this moment.

It was a hybrid weirdness.

As a human being who once lived in this world, it had died and turned into a weirdness.

As the fictional one in the children's imagination, it was still alive and also turned into a weirdness.

And these two different individuals are now fused together in a mixed way to form the current weirdness.

It is invalid to interpret the rules of only one of the individuals. It is necessary to analyze both sources of this complex and clarify their historical sources and rule composition in order to exert the highest power of the suppression bomb and ensure that they are suppressed and sealed in one breath.

Gao Hai didn't understand this matter until now.

Unfortunately, it's probably too late now.


The blade pierced into the body.

The chaotic and blurred consciousness suddenly became clear at this moment.

Gao Hai felt the blade piercing through his fur, cutting a long bloody wound bit by bit.

The big hands wearing rubber gloves and covered with stains reached out, passed through the wound, grabbed the two sides of the skin, and then tore it apart.

The color of blood quickly blurred Gao Hai's eyes.

In the intense pain, he could vaguely see that the tall figure tore a piece of mixed-hair dog skin off his body.

Mixed-hair dog skin... is it me?

If I turn into a dog for the second time, will it become like this? Or is there some mechanism that I still can't understand...

Gao Hai wanted to continue thinking, but found that after becoming what he is now, his thinking ability has begun to decline significantly, and he can't clearly understand his current situation.

His brain in this state cannot support complex thinking patterns, and even remembering the dual form and mechanism of this weird thing seems extremely difficult.

Only pain is always so clear and intense.


Amidst the blood on the ground, the intact dog skin was thrown to the ground. The mixed-haired puppies in the cage shrank and trembled at this moment, unable to make a sound.

Gao Hai had already felt a cut on his neck, and felt more blood gushing out of his throat.


He couldn't scream.

The pain of suffocation and the pain of skin and flesh being torn all over his body continued to spread on his nerves.

But the blade did not stop, and continued to cut, cutting the chest to the stomach, and then reaching out to tear out the intestines, liver, lungs, stomach and heart, completely emptying all the internal organs.

Gao Hai could feel his body being torn apart bit by bit.

He could even feel the internal organs that were taken out, and felt that after leaving his body, those internal organs continued to maintain contact with his body, instead of losing their activity and becoming something that would soon rot.

What is going on here...


That thing seemed to be humming a song, and seemed to be enjoying itself.

Gao Hai felt that he was placed on the chopping board.

He seemed to vaguely see the knife light falling.


After a violent tremor, his body was dismembered.


In the vibrations one after another, the kitchen knife fell, and each knife pierced through the puppy on the chopping board, and stopped only when it hit the chopping board itself.

Then, he reached out his hand.

Carefully picked up the cut meat.

The man didn't seem to be particular about cleaning the food, and didn't prepare to blanch it, and directly threw the meat into the boiling soup pot.

One piece of meat, two pieces of meat, legs cut into three sections, front paws...

Finally, Gao Hai's head was picked up and moved closer to the boiling water on the stove.

He could feel that his body, which had been cut and thrown into the pot, was suffering from the high temperature burns in the boiling water.

He could also hear some faint sounds.

There were cries of children coming from the pot.

There were also cries and screams coming from the belly of this thing, which seemed to be more children, and some adults. Dull, unclear, but so real that the sound entered his hearing.

Finally, it was the moment before Gao Hai's head was thrown into the water.

His eyes, whose eyelids had been torn off, saw the things churning in the boiling water.

It was the body of a puppy that had been chopped up, still rolling in the water.

It was the body of the children that had been chopped up, still struggling in pain in the water.

There was also Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai. He finally saw the appearance of the blonde girl, but unfortunately her head was split open and her body was chopped up. They were the same as those boys. They had been cut into pieces, but they still couldn't die, and they were still floating in the boiling soup.

Ah, that's it.

Although most of his thinking ability had been deprived, Gao Hai still understood what was going on.

Just like in the story of the wolf grandmother, if you cut open the wolf's stomach, the grandmother can come back intact.

In fairy tales, even if the evil guy does something that is theoretically irreversible, the story can still be reversed. This situation that will not happen in real stories can be realized in fairy tales, so in the imagination of children, the child eaten by this thing is still alive in its body, so even if the player is turned into a dog, dismembered, cooked, chewed and swallowed by this thing, he will not die.

It's just that there will be no hunter who can cut open the hungry wolf's stomach, and there will be no saying that cutting open the stomach can save everything.

It's enough.

Gao Hai wanted to close his eyes, but he had no way to close his eyes in this situation.

Although he no longer had any way to control his body, use blessings, or take any other actions.

However, he still had a way to end everything and start all over again.

Anyway, it wasn't the first time he used this method, and he was ready for things to go this far.

{I now make a request to activate the suicide function}

Perhaps because it was not the first time that Gao Hai used this function, he found that his state of mind seemed quite calm when he used it this time.

Even though his whole body was suffering from the pain of skin and flesh being torn apart, body being crushed, and boiling in boiling water, he still remained calm. Even though his own thinking ability was greatly limited, he did not seem to be at a loss.

Perhaps, it was because such pain was just like this.

55 seconds...54 seconds...

Gao Hai's sight was completely submerged by boiling water.

35 seconds...30 seconds...

His body fragments sank and floated in the soup pot, mixed with other pieces of meat thrown into the pot, and could not be distinguished from each other.

15 seconds...10 seconds...

A dirty spoon was inserted into the pot, and the tall figure was stirring the soup, humming a song, and sprinkling various seasonings in a good mood.

And Gao Hai, who had heard enough of the painful voices of those children and his companions, finally counted down to the end.

At the same time, he remembered the key problem that he had not noticed, and noticed where the flaw came from.

It was the [Observation Room].

The observation room that no longer had any light source, no light at all.

He had to use a flashlight to see the situation in the observation room, which meant that there was no light in the observation room. Therefore, it was impossible for him to see Kaguya in the classroom through the observation window of the observation room, which was unreasonable.

For people to see things, they need their eyes to receive light. If he could see the classroom outside the window, it meant that the light in the classroom could shine into the observation room, so the observation room could not be pitch black. But the fact is that there was no light source in the observation room that Gao Hai entered, that is, the observation port was fake, and the [Kaguya] he saw at that moment had already turned from [black] to a fake. Later, when he came out of the observation room, he saw two Kaguyas, because his cognition was affected at that time.

As for how Kaguya herself saw another [Gao Hai], which led to the [black] versions of "Gao Hai" and "Kaguya" appearing in the classroom at the same time, communicating with each other and setting off the whole place, I'm afraid that only the next round can find a way to find the answer.

2 seconds... 1 second... time reset.

Gao Hai naturally did not change his needs.

So the strange creature that was stirring the soup pot suddenly stopped singing at this moment.

It noticed the abnormal situation and stood up suddenly. At this moment, it made an extremely harsh, distorted sound like countless children screaming together.

The next moment, a violent explosion destroyed the soup pot in an instant, and the broken rotten meat was scattered all over the room in an instant.

In the flying soup, Gao Hai's remaining flesh and blood was rapidly dissipating.

In the moment when his consciousness was about to completely dissipate, he could see the tall monster crying like a child, and saw the thing overturn the table and sit on the ground as if crying loudly.

He could also see the half-open door on one side of this dirty kitchen-dining room, the doghouse outside the door, and a young figure standing by the door, looking at him expressionlessly.

Gao Hai didn't have time to see the thing clearly.

Because the next moment, his consciousness sank into darkness, and he could no longer perceive anything that happened here.

And in the soup and meat on the ground, the black watch that appeared in it at some point, or had always been there, the pointer on the watch trembled slightly at this moment, and then, from the position of 0, it moved to the position of 1 so neatly.


Chapter 25: Time and unreasonable things in the blood city

Open your eyes.

What you see is a blood-red color.

It is a city covered by a blood-red sky, a city with bright lights, but no human figures can be seen, and only a dead silence exists in the city.

Since obtaining the black watch, a plug-in that can increase his strength at any time, how many times has Gao Hai come to this place? Well, I can't remember the exact number, was it six or seven? Anyway, it shouldn't be ten yet, right? But it's probably not far from that time.

Death, then return to the starting point, and start over.

Gao Hai found that he had completely gotten used to this.

Physical pain was basically impossible to knock him down, and mental attacks were difficult to break his ego.

After going through all kinds of torture to get to the present, Gao Hai found that he had changed a lot, and he was almost two different people from the self who had mistakenly entered the Shirakawa Apartment in ignorance. He really didn't know whether he should be proud or sigh about such a thing.

No matter what, people always have to move forward.

All he can do now is to summarize the rules, summarize the lessons learned, and then try to hold on, that's all.

"Huh, there's really no time to rest, but I've figured out some things."

Sitting on the ground, Gao Hai muttered to himself while carving a name on the ground with his fingernails:

[Hachiya Chiyo]

This is the name of an elementary school girl he got from the diary and from the so-called [friend Kamiki].

This girl is an orphan, and it seems that she was abandoned by her parents or something. In short, such children without parents were not originally within the scope of the research team's selection, but due to the urging of the military and the risk-taking of the team leader, the Hayate Elementary School carried out a large-scale expansion in the last year, and as a result, this child who did not meet the enrollment standards was recruited.

The source of the collapse of Hayate Elementary School seems to be this child. This child did something, and it was not discovered and stopped in time by the researchers, resulting in an irreversible disaster, which eventually turned Hayate Elementary School into the broken and twisted weird place it is now.

Gao Hai can be sure that Fengya Chiyo should be the core obsession of this copy, or even if it is not the core obsession, she must occupy a crucial position in the copy.

Could the figure I saw at the end of the self-explosion be her?

In short, now I can be considered to have obtained a key clue, and I am no longer in the dark. Next, when I enter the dungeon, I have to quickly reunite with Kaguya, and then use her student identity to find out as much information as possible about Chiyo Hachiya. Speaking of which, I have not yet seen any specific role for my teacher identity. Although I entered a hidden area like the [Observation Room], I died here because of a moment of carelessness. I wonder if there is anything deeper to be explored with this identity.

While thinking, Gao Hai stood up from the ground, passed the collapsed area on one side of the square, and glanced inside at the figures burning in the flames.

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