Sun Dajun sighed deeply, his expression was very complicated.

"There is nothing we can do about it. That Green is obviously a gangster. Etiquette, righteousness, and moral principles are not acceptable to him. Only when he is really hurt, he will know who to listen to."

Knowing that Sun Dajun still couldn't understand such a thing, Gao Hai thought about it and explained it a little. Although this fat man couldn't run or jump and ate a lot, his ability to repair circuits and mechanical locks, as well as his ability to do some simple woodworking, were of great value. We couldn't let such a teammate be alone and think about it, and we had to explain the pros and cons to him.

"I know it's like this. Alas, people, why do you want to make yourself unhappy when you are living well?"

Sun Dajun didn't say anything else, just shook his head and sighed as he left.

An hour later, the bloodstains in the living room had been basically cleaned up, and the broken finger was sent back to Green's room for safety reasons. As for the door lock, it will be reinstalled after the next exploration. This is also to prevent this guy from doing anything stupid again, so that he will realize that he will not survive if he messes up again.


The wooden board covering the hole was lifted again.

Gao Hai looked down and saw pale figures raising their heads one after another.

"Still down there."

He turned back and said to Zhen Fei who was guarding in the kitchen.

"Hai Jun, if those things are still there, it is indeed still..."

Zhen Fei hesitated a little. Although she had discussed all the details of the second exploration before, she still couldn't bear to not want Gao Hai to take risks when she really had to act again.

"I know, but this is the best choice now, and don't forget that our Mr. Green still has to atone for his sins. I have to give him a chance, don't I?"

Gao Hai smiled and said this, and teased Green, who was at the kitchen door not far away, with a sluggish face and gauze wrapped around his left hand, and then turned around and faced the hole in the floor in front of him.

The second exploration continued, which was indeed a helpless choice for Gao Hai.

According to the original plan, it should be either Shinki or Kaguya who went down to explore.

But due to Green's clever operation, Shinki was injured and temporarily unable to move, and Kaguya had no way to trust this man. In order to keep an eye on this 1.9-meter-tall man, she, who had the highest combat power on the scene, had to be present. Sun Dajun was a logistics staff member who went downstairs to deliver snacks to the ghost story, and in the end, Gao Hai had to go downstairs again.

"Don't worry, didn't we discuss the reasoning together before? Although it's dangerous downstairs, if it's for exploration, there will be no problem in theory. Okay, I'm going, can't waste time, right?"

Finally, he turned his head and smiled at Shinki again. The next moment, Gao Hai pulled the rope tied around his waist again, then closed his eyes and jumped directly into the hole in the floor.


In the clear sound of falling into the water, Gao Hai did not touch any foreign objects.

Those densely packed figures standing in the water seemed to be non-existent, and were untouchable phantoms.

He did not open his eyes, but held the wall and slowly walked out of the kitchen.


With the clear sound of the door opening, the kitchen door that he had closed before slowly opened.

Of course, it was not Gao Hai himself who opened it. He just walked to the door and the door opened automatically.

No attack occurred.

Until he walked into the living room, walked to the open living room door, and then walked into the corridor, there was no attack. The surroundings were quiet, with only Gao Hai's breathing and the sound of water.

Just like the situation deduced at the beginning.

This is really, quite intimate.

Gao Hai couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Chapter 34: Don't be afraid, we are by your side

Regarding the situation in Shirakawa Apartment, its time period changes, Gao Hai, Kaguya and Maki have sorted out some ideas based on the current clues.

The earliest period of existence is when there is no abnormal phenomenon in Shirakawa Apartment, or at least no abnormal phenomenon known to the outside world. At this time, Shirakawa Apartment was a normal place in the real world, connected to the outside world.

The most direct evidence of this is the local government's evacuation of Shirakawa Apartment residents during the flood in the newspaper, and it can be determined that the moment when Shirakawa Apartment changed from normal to abnormal occurred during the evacuation stage. To be more precise, when the rescuers were evacuating the residents of 304 and were about to take them out of the apartment, this old apartment underwent an extremely terrible transformation, and since then it has become a weird place, and people from all over the world have been pulled into the apartment out of thin air.

304 is the root of all this.

Gao Hai has no way to make an absolute judgment on who lives in this room, but he thinks it should be a couple with at least one child. The child should be a girl and should be very young. And it is very likely that they have suffered inhuman abuse, such as... being poured with boiling water.

Children are taboos in Shirakawa Apartment. Perhaps, they are referring to the residents in 304, the children of this family.

A considerable number of the rescue team members who came to evacuate the residents of Shirakawa Apartment failed to successfully leave the apartment. They were trapped on the first floor and became part of the apartment. Now it seems that these rescue team members have basically lost their humanity and self, but they still retain a certain degree of instinct and intelligence.

Therefore, when Gao Hai explored outside from the kitchen, his actions were similar to those of the residents who had been evacuated. At this time, he would not be attacked. Even if there were abnormalities, they were basically harmless abnormalities. However, when he walked back and tried to return to the house, the abnormalities transformed by the rescue team members began to appear. Whether it was the human wall blocking him in the darkness or the last conversation, he could clearly feel that these abnormalities were trying to prevent Gao Hai returned to the house and returned to the second floor.

However, for the anomaly in Shirakawa's apartment to be effective, [interaction] is indispensable, so except for the last conversation, which made Gao Haifang overwhelmed because he had never encountered a similar situation before, the previous human wall no longer mattered. No matter how crowded it is, it can't really stop Gao Hai.

But considering that was the first time the abnormality on the first floor was revealed, it would not be so easy for me to go back this time.

But Gao Hai was already prepared not to go back.

The anomaly on the first floor involves the critical stage of the entire apartment from normal to abnormal, and is one of the origins of understanding the inside story of the apartment. In order to find the right way to escape from the apartment, it is necessary to explore the first floor in depth. Whether it was 109 where Sanchez lived or the scene that might have appeared in the corridor, Gao Hai decided to explore it to the end.

At that time, if you can maintain consciousness and use the rope to remind you to go back in time, go back. If the enemy is too fierce and cannot go back, then go back.

He was ready to risk his life.


Amidst the sound of water flowing, Gao Hai had already walked through the corridor and arrived at the door.

However, there were still some situations where the three people who conducted the analysis had similar views.

109,304, the exploration of these two rooms will involve the secret that the entire Shirakawa Apartment turned into a strange place of death.

However, for the purpose of finding an escape route, maybe... you shouldn't explore along the road from 109 to 304. Maybe even if you know the truth, you still can't find a way to escape.

What they need to know is, after all, the way to leave Shirakawa Apartment alive.

This path may not be the right path.

Gao Hai slowly stepped into the corridor while continuing to think.

[The messages from the predecessors hide the way to survive, the reopened door leads to hope, the precious things in the dust bring happiness, the secrets are hidden in places that must not be visited...]

He suddenly thought of these four sentences again, and thought of the four incomprehensible words he heard spoken in his mind by the unknown ghost that he heard at the beginning of this moment.

The messages from predecessors...those rule sheets, supply boxes and the like really helped them a lot. The same goes for Xu Sheng's message after dialing the clock. Without that information, it would be impossible for them to know that 206 is the correct way to the first floor, and it would be a waste of time and energy.

The reopened door... I can't figure it out, and so far they haven't found any clues about it. The same goes for the precious things in the dust. Although there are various conjectures about the [precious things], no relevant clues have emerged so far, and Gao Hai does not dare to speculate randomly.

As for the places he must not go... all he can think of is 304, which is a forbidden place in Baichuan Apartment. But judging from the clues he got before, Sanchez should have opened the door of 304 twice, and nothing happened the first time. The situation, it was the second time that led to the deterioration of the entire apartment.

Maybe the gate of 304 itself is not the most serious taboo, and even entering 304 does not mean that the worst will happen.

Maybe there is a place inside 304, a secret that must not be entered or revealed. That is the real key.

Tsk... There are still too few clues on the third floor. The ghost place is now as messy as the scene in The Evil Within. It is too difficult to find valuable clues in each room, so there is no way. Improve this situation?

And after all, just like the rule table left by Xu Sheng has a serious lag problem, are the tips given to them by this unknown voice really correct?

You must know that the name of this game is [Sacrifice Game]. Gao Hai doesn't think that a normal unlimited flow copy game would be named like this.


Amidst the sound of running water, Gao Hai stepped into the corridor and touched the wall directly opposite the 106 gate.

He walked steadily.

Even though he couldn't see, even though his feet were filled with water covering his calves, he was still walking steadily.

Because someone was holding his shoulders and helping him walk.

Although Gao Hai couldn't see anything in the darkness, he could clearly feel that there was someone beside him supporting him and following him.

There were people not only beside him, but also in front and behind him. He had been surrounded by a group of people, and he was surrounded by these people.

These people followed him silently, moving forward with him, moving forward in this darkness.

As long as they don't stop, they don't seem to stop.

But when he started to take different actions, such as trying to enter 109 instead of heading to the gate to evacuate Shirakawa Apartment, Gao Hai suspected that the action mode of these things would be different at that time.

So, let's take a little gamble.

Gao Hai took out the badge he had torn off before from his pocket.

Before setting off, he asked Sun Dajun to use a thin nail to pierce the badge to make something like a pin. Now he put it on his clothes and put on the badge of the rescue team.

The footsteps around him suddenly disappeared.

The strength of the arm that supported him forward also disappeared.

Did the existence of the badge temporarily deceive these things?

Gao Hai slightly quickened his pace. He reached out and touched the wall beside him. His fingers slid gently, and then he soon felt a clear change in touch.

Then, he continued to reach out and touch, and soon he touched what he wanted to know.

The house number... yes, it was No. 109.

Reach out and grab the door handle.


Twisted, but didn't move.

Gao Hai's expression became awkward at this moment.

The door of 109 was locked.

Although Gao Hai, as an online writer, had learned a lot of strange things to collect materials, he really didn't have the skill of unlocking. The only two people in the team who had these skills, Sun Dajun, had poor physical fitness and courage, and it was impossible for him to take on the task of exploring the first floor, not to mention Green. If he was thrown down, he would probably piss on the spot.

What to do now?

Gao Hai could feel his heartbeat getting faster and faster.

The humid air seemed to be getting colder and colder, as if the figures around him were seeing through his not-so-clever disguise bit by bit and were about to take action again.


He could even feel the cold breath touching the back of his neck.

What to do?

What to do next?

Gao Hai took a deep breath.

He knew that as long as he pulled the rope to give a signal, Kaguya would immediately start dialing the clock to trace back.

And even if the retracing fails, I still have the replay plug-in to use. Although there are only 11 times left, it’s okay to use it once now, after all, there are still many times of trial and error.

In any case, now is not the time to look back and forth, and continuing to procrastinate will not change anything.

Gao Hai slowly exhaled the deep breath he had just taken.

I can’t interact with the anomaly because [interaction] in this apartment is the medium for the anomaly to work.

But is it really impossible to interact completely?

My willpower seems to be stronger than others, and I have a higher resistance to the mental pollution of the anomaly. And these anomalies themselves have a certain behavioral logic. For example, the knocking ghost will try every means to persuade the people in the house to open the door, and the anomaly that took away the identity of Kaguya and others will regard themselves as a member of the apartment, and the corpse in the room will act as a protector, etc.

So what is the behavioral logic of these rescue team members who failed to walk out of the apartment?

They will not stop him at all when he explores outside the house, and can even be said to assist him to a certain extent, so...


Gao Hai took a breath again, clenched his fingers into a fist, and was ready at this moment.


The raised fist fell suddenly.

A loud knock on the door sounded in the dark corridor the next moment.

"Residents of 109, please open the door! Flood is coming, please open the door and follow us to take shelter!"

Gao Hai shouted hard, and then punched the door of 109 again.

"Please open the door quickly, the water has flooded into the apartment!"

"It will be very dangerous if it goes on like this, please open the door as soon as possible and follow us to take shelter!"

The knock on the door sounded in the dark corridor one after another.

Gao Hai shouted as loudly as he could, trying to put his emotions into the identity of a rescue team member, imagining himself as a rescuer rushing into an old apartment attacked by a flood, knocking on the door hard, hoping that the residents in the house would cooperate with him to leave quickly.

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