Of course, Gao Hai's acting skills are very poor. He has never learned acting, so the effect of his impromptu performance is not very good.

But he doesn't need to act very realistically.

Because after he shouted the first sentence, various sounds began to appear around him.

[The door is locked, and the residents of 109 did not respond! Please open the door, a new round of flood peak is coming! We must evacuate immediately! ]

[Hasn't the first floor been evacuated? Is there anyone who hasn't evacuated yet? No matter what, we have to get them out! ]

[Apply to break the door, but there is no response to the communication? No matter what, saving people is important, I will be punished when the time comes! Team 1 is ready to break the door! ]

One voice after another rang around Gao Hai.

Although the surroundings were still dark and nothing could be seen.

But Gao Hai seemed to see rescuers standing in the surging sewage, shouting and taking action.

No, he could really see...

The left hand wearing the watch suddenly felt a sharp pain.

The badge on his chest seemed to warm up, bringing a subtle warmth.

Then, as if in an illusion, a series of images gradually became clearer from blurry.

Gao Hai saw faces after faces.

Each one was very young, just a passionate young man in his twenties.

[The peak of the flood has come early, and the Baichuan Apartment has not yet been evacuated. We are the nearest rescue team. Brothers who still have strength, follow me! ]

[Received, Captain, let's go, Team 1, Team 2, Team 3, move quickly, and act according to the corresponding actions of the 123rd floor, quickly! ]

[Received, everyone check your equipment, hurry up and act, and be sure to complete the Baichuan Apartment evacuation mission before the peak of the flood arrives! ]

A series of figures passed through the turbid water and rushed into an old apartment building.

One door after another was knocked open, and one person was escorted one by one.

Gao Hai found that he seemed to have become one of the rescue teams, or he was watching all this from the perspective of the person to whom the badge belonged, watching this thing that happened a long time ago.

[Come on, old man, I'll carry you. Hey, be careful, we'll be out soon]

[Don't be afraid, little boy, we're here. There's a rescue boat outside to pick you up. It'll be fine]

[Go, go, go, put on your life jackets. Don't be afraid. We'll follow you! ]

The water pouring in from the gate kept washing away, making it almost impossible to stand still.

Those figures kept shuttling back and forth in the water, taking out the people who had not yet evacuated the apartment in time.

And Gao Hai also saw the figure standing at the front of the team at this moment, reaching out to an old man with limited mobility.

[Come on, give me your hand]

[I'll take you out]

As the figure spoke, he carried the old man on his back, turned around and moved, allowing Gao Hai to see the man's face clearly.

The other person's voice was now clear enough to be recognized.

Xusheng? !

Even though the voice itself had changed somewhat, sounding younger and more energetic, and the voice heard in the wall clock hallucination before was somewhat distorted. But at this moment, Gao Hai still recognized that the voice of this young man was exactly the same as Xusheng's.

How could this be? Could it be that Xusheng was the captain of the rescue team responsible for the evacuation of Shirakawa Apartment that year? Could it be that this man was actually a witness? A witness to all this at the critical moment when Shirakawa Apartment became abnormal? !


Gao Hai's thinking was forced to interrupt the next moment.

Because the door of 109 in front of him suddenly opened with a loud bang.

Then, there was a force behind him pushing forward, pushing Gao Hai forward without preparation, causing him to fall on the corridor inside the door of 109.


The next moment, with the crisp sound of the lock core, the door of 109 was automatically closed.

Only Gao Hai got up from the ground, stood up in the corridor under the light of the incandescent lamp above his head, and looked at the dry and dilapidated corridor in front of him.

Chapter 35: The buried things gradually surfaced

This place and the damp and waterlogged first floor just now seemed to be no longer the same place.

Gao Hai's cautious eyes slowly swept across the corridor in front of him.

He noticed that there was no water on the floor of this corridor, and there was not even much dust. It looked like it was cleaned frequently.

Although there were some cracks on the wall, there were no spider webs, wall dust or anything like that.

He raised his head and looked at the chandelier in the corridor.

The bright yellow light brought a hint of warmth, and there was no trace of dirt on the brand new bulb.

He stepped forward, passed the corner of the corridor, and then saw a photo album on the cabinet in the corner.

He opened the album, and there were photos of children in it, with blond hair and blue eyes, as cute as dolls, and very lively.

There is a tall blond man who often appears in the photos. He is either holding a child, lifting the child up and laughing, or walking beside the child, looking at her tenderly. At the end of the album is a photo of a sleeping baby, with a line of English signature next to it, which reads "You are my world."

Sanchez and his child?

He was trapped in this apartment while it was still able to interact with the outside world and the residents involved could still go out. If the exit of this apartment is in China, doesn't that mean that if he wants to meet his daughter, he has to take a plane? No, I'm afraid that just solving the problem of entry and exit materials is a huge trouble. In this case, how can he reasonably explain his sudden appearance to the local government?

In other words, it is basically impossible for him to meet his daughter again?

Gao Hai, who realized this, more or less understood why he took the risk and decided to test 304, and why there were people who supported Sanchez and assisted him in committing violations.

However, there is no point in discussing these things that have already happened.

In short, let's keep walking forward and see what secrets this 109 hides.

Thinking of this, Gao Hai subconsciously touched his waist, but didn't touch anything. Then he suddenly realized the problem and lowered his head and found that the rope that was originally tied around his waist was gone.

The rope broke? ! No, the rope disappeared directly.

If only the rope was broken, the part of the rope that was wrapped around his waist should still be there, but the fact is that there is no trace of the rope on Gao Hai's body. Not only that, his shoes and pants, which should have been soaked, are now completely dry. Only the badge is still on his body, and the black watch on his left hand is still on. Other than that, everything on him is the same as when he just woke up in the apartment.

Gao Hai realized something.

He stepped forward, walked through the corridor, and arrived in front of the living room door.

Next to the living room door, at the end of the corridor, there is a wall clock placed here, and its style is no different from the wall clock on the second floor. The difference is that the hands of this wall clock will not move, showing a completely solidified state, as if time has been suspended.

Gao Hai came to the wall clock.

He did not intend to move the hands of this wall clock.

He just looked at his face reflected through the slightly smooth metal reflective surface of the wall clock.

The broken face that was crushed by the truck from the middle.

After entering this room, did his [identity] change from a living person to a corpse?

In other words, just like what he saw in that dreamlike scene last time, what he entered this time was also a residual image from a certain time in the past?

After confirming this, Gao Hai turned around without hesitation, twisted the door of the living room, and stepped directly into it.

The next moment, what came into his eyes were various photos hanging in the air, strung together by a rope, cut newspaper pages, and notes with various contents.

The walls were densely covered with various documents and information, and there were thick books and documents on the table. There were torn papers scattered on the ground. There was an old desktop computer on one side of the room, and the smell of ink gathered in the room, and it was still very clear until now.

Gao Hai reached out and took a piece of paper cut from a book.

[The first of the top ten strange stories in China, the mysterious disappearance of the old apartment! 】

[A mysterious apartment that can never be found. It is said that its residents are cursed and cannot escape even after death]

It looks like a rumor collected from a strange novel?

Gao Hai did not hesitate and took another piece of newspaper clippings.

[The disappeared apartment? The rescue team disappeared strangely. What is the truth? 】

[All the parties involved do not remember the relevant events. Is it just mass hysteria? 】

He looked at the notes one by one, walked to the wall, and finally looked at the documents on the wall, carefully reading every piece of information and writing it down carefully.

Some of this information is various documents, and some are handwritten thoughts and investigation records.

There is no doubt that this was done by the man named Sanchez. During the time when this man stayed in 109, he had been trying his best to collect information related to Shirakawa Apartment from all channels and preparing for his final action.

[Reporters investigated the street house numbers and found that an unknown apartment number had disappeared mysteriously, but the person in charge said it was just a data error]

[The inquiries to the residents of Qingquan Apartment did not yield any results. They remembered the severe flood they had experienced, but they had no memory of a place called Baichuan Apartment across from their apartment. No one remembered this place anymore]

[The new commercial street has been completed, and a large number of merchants will soon move into the new district of our city! ]

[The suburbs of many years ago have now become a prosperous urban area, but the vacant land at the old site of Baichuan Apartment has not been used so far, even though the surrounding area has become a busy commercial street. Why does everyone subconsciously not develop that vacant land? ]

[The restructuring of the city rescue team has been basically completed, and we will do our best to protect the safety of citizens]

[Infiltrating the rescue team archives, we did not find the rescue team number information responsible for Baichuan Apartment. Was their file erased? Or is it because they are dead, so everything they have has been swallowed up by the apartment and can no longer be remembered by anyone? ]

[Residents trapped in the apartment can temporarily leave the apartment and meet people they know while they are still alive. But except for close family members and close friends, ordinary friends, superiors and colleagues will become indifferent to this person's affairs and gradually forget about things related to him]

[But as long as this person is still alive, you can still find traces of his existence in the real world and find things related to him]

[Xu Sheng... If you are really still alive, why can't I find any information about you? Why do you hide a piece of rescue team clothing in your closet? How many things are you hiding from us? Are you really doing this for everyone's good and helping us? ]

[The number of Shirakawa Apartment is still there, and the information of this apartment has not been completely erased. I should be able to find something. Maybe I should change my mindset.]

[Sneak into the city police station and find the check-in register of Shirakawa Apartment. The information of the occupants of Room 304 has been damaged and cannot be restored. Only the check-in date can be found.]

[The investigation of all residents of Shirakawa Apartment has been completed. No living residents have been found. All residents of Shirakawa Apartment who moved in at the same time as or after the occupants of Room 304 have died, and all died within one year after the flood. The relevant families do not have any valuable information.]

[Maybe this idea is wrong. If the police station can keep some documents, maybe they can find something else?]

[Investigate the old archives of the police station and find a dispute mediation record between residents 304 and 309. The original mediation document has been lost. It can only be speculated based on the report information. It is suspected to be a family conflict, but no more useful information can be found.]

[Why is it 309? 】

【It was found that the information of the residents of Room 309 had changed once, and there had been a relocation that was not recorded in the archives, and the information of the original residents could not be found】

【Further investigation of the dispute mediation records has yielded new results. The mediation at that time had a recording file preserved in the form of a tape. I got the tape, and now I need to get a tape recorder. This thing has been discontinued for a long time, and I don’t know where to buy it】

The records outline the steps of this man named Sanchez to explore the past of Baichuan Apartment.

I have to say that this guy is quite capable. He can sneak into various places to find useful information, and he really got a lot of things.

However, he didn’t leave much useful information here, and most of the investigations ended in failure. In Gao Hai’s opinion, the most noteworthy one is the information about Room 309.

Room 309 is the room that Xu Sheng mentioned in the rule table as his own room.

Previously, the focus of everyone's attention has always been on rooms 109 and 304, but room 309 has not received enough attention. After all, in the eyes of Gao Hai and others, it is just the place where the organizer of the previous generation of survivors lives.

But now, with Sanchez's investigation being discovered, Gao Hai has to include room 309 as an object that needs special attention.

Walk to the table with various documents.

Gao Hai pulled out a chair and sat down, then reached out and opened the diary on the table.

[I secretly made a key for 309 and entered his room on the Sunday when Xu Sheng left]

[Nothing was found]

[There is no abnormality in that room, it is exactly the same as every room in Baichuan Apartment]

[Maybe I have to come here at night to see if there is any abnormality? ]

[I decided to take a risk and stay in this room until night. Now the "problems" in Shirakawa Apartment are basically not active anymore. Although I am more likely to encounter danger after changing rooms once, I must find useful clues this time.]

[Nothing was found]

[No matter whether it was day or night, there was nothing abnormal in 309]

[Am I thinking wrong?]

[Maybe I still have to go back to 304. Although there are many dangers there, I may find useful clues.]

[But the noise I made when I explored 304 last time was a bit loud, so I was discovered. I have to be more cautious next time.]

This guy even made a key to 309 and sneaked in to stay there for a whole day...

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