Gao Hai was silent for a moment, then chose to open the note.

Then he saw a line of words written on the note.

[Hello, are you also a new student here? How about we get to know each other? This teacher's lecture is too boring, how about we chat? ]

The font was not neat, and because the paper was already wrinkled, it took Gao Hai some time to recognize it.

Zhufu did not feel any malice, there should be no problem, but what kind of situation is this, the weird student took the initiative to chat with me?

After thinking for a moment, Gao Hai wrote a reply on the paper.

[Sure, what do you want to talk about]

Then he crumpled the note into a ball again and threw it to the back seat.

Then quickly, the note was thrown back to Gao Hai's seat.

[How about talking about ghost stories? Do you know that there are many ghost stories and legends in this school?]

Ghost stories?

This answer made Gao Hai subconsciously raise his eyebrows.

The copy of Yeluoshan Middle School was called [Strange Stories Come True] in the research project of that year. Its research content is indeed to transform various strange stories into real strange things. In other words, Yeluoshan Middle School, which was still in the operation stage, should indeed have a lot of strange stories.

It seems that although this copy has undergone serious changes, there are still some things that have not changed.

[What are the strange stories? For example, are there strange stories in the dormitory building? I am a boarding student]

Gao Hai quickly wrote down the reply and threw the note back.

Among the strange story rules he knew at the moment, only the dormitory building's [Survival Rules] clearly hinted at several dangerous monsters, so he decided to try to get the corresponding information from these strange students.

This time the note was thrown over a little after two minutes.

[Okay, okay, I know the ghost stories in the dormitory building. There are three ghost stories in the dormitory building. I remember they are called "The Man Under the Bed", "The Girl Jumping from the Building" and "The Nameless Ghost". Whichever one you want to know, I can tell you.]

There are three kinds of ghost stories, which means there are three different ghosts?

This ghost student sitting behind him seems to be an NPC who answers all questions. As long as he continues to talk to it, he can continue to get clues.

Is it such a good thing?

While thinking, Gao Hai suddenly noticed that Hayasaka not far away was staring at him with a bit of doubt in his eyes.

The next moment, Gao Hai, who realized a certain possibility, turned his head suddenly, regardless of whether he would be remembered by the ghost teacher who was giving a lecture on the stage, and looked directly at his back seat.

Then, he saw an empty seat with no one sitting.

Ding Dong-Ding Dong-

The bell for the end of get out of class rang at this time.

Chapter 9: Uncovering the surface ripples and the new rules of [Life Club]

Ding Dong-Ding Dong-

The teacher turned and left with the crisp bell for the end of get out of class, and the dull atmosphere in the classroom began to change at this time.

One by one, students stood up from their seats, some went to the toilet in groups, some gathered together to chat leisurely. Of course, there were also people who stayed where they were, such as Gao Hai, who was still looking at the seat behind him at this moment.

No one.

Gao Hai, with a frown on his face, slowly exhaled.

No one sat in this seat.

Some of them could not remember.

When I just entered this class, was there anyone in this seat?

Thinking carefully, I just chose to communicate with the note without any consideration and without any doubt. Although I did get the three strange names of "Bed Man", "Jumping Girl" and "Nameless Ghost", this behavior itself seemed to be induced by some kind of power, but I didn't notice it at the time.

Are you careless?

Did I subconsciously relax my vigilance because I had not encountered any danger since the beginning of the dungeon?

Or was it because of the mechanism of this dungeon, because I had been unconsciously thinking that "I am a member of this school", so after two consecutive classes, I could no longer stay vigilant as usual?

In either case, it was not good news.

Gao Hai realized that this Red Moon-level dungeon, which had always exuded a sense of weirdness since the beginning, finally began to reveal its murderous intent little by little.

Fujiwara Chika, Yotsuya Miko, and Hayasaka Ai had already stood up from their seats and gathered together.

"Let's go."

Gao Hai stood up, and the four of them left the class and came to the corridor outside.

Not long after the four of them walked, they saw another group of players who went to investigate [Morihara Koji].

The two sides nodded to each other as a greeting, and then went their separate ways.


Gao Hai's footsteps stopped when he reached the stairs.

He was startled for a moment, then turned his head and looked at the notice board on the outer wall of the teacher's office not far away, and the shabby rules sheet on the notice board.

The words on it have changed.

It is completely different from the [Basic Rules] when I first entered the teaching building area.

Could it be that because I interacted with an abnormal weirdo and communicated through the note, I obtained some kind of medium, so that I can see things that others cannot see?

After realizing a possible hidden rule in the copy of Yeluoshan Middle School, Gao Hai quickly looked at Yotsuya Miko next to him. Unsurprisingly, he saw that Miko himself turned a blind eye to the changed rules table. , there was no reaction at all, it was obvious that he had seen this thing before.

"Did you see it when you first came in?"

Gao Hai asked Mianzi, pointing vaguely in the direction of the notice board.

"...Well, I saw it and reminded them, but your behavior is just like when I reminded Zhenfei and them in the dormitory building before."

Jian Zi was stunned for a moment, and after realizing what Gao Hai was talking about, he showed a surprised expression and quickly said to him.

It can be seen that the girl in front of her must have been very nervous before. After discovering that she was the only one who could see the rule sheet in the teaching building, and no matter who she talked to, she could not get effective feedback, Miko must have been frightened for a long time. But now that Gao Hai could see and understand what she saw, this fact brought an unprecedented sense of excitement to the girl.

"It seems that the situation here is a little more disgusting than I expected. Please stop for a moment. I want to confirm the rule sheet again."

After fully understanding the situation, Gao Hai took a deep breath, then turned to Qianhua and Hayasaka, and then walked to the notice board.

Although there was no way to see what Gao Hai was seeing now, Qianhua and Gao Hai still had a tacit understanding, so she nodded obediently and then stood still. As for Hayasaka, he was as obedient as a puppy ordered to sit down by his owner. He stood straight on the spot, almost stopping his breathing.

And Gao Hai's eyes have already fallen on the rule list, which is obviously much larger than the basic rules.

[Survival Code for Students in the Main Teaching Building of Yeluoshan Middle School]

[This rule is written by the Secret Society·Life Society, do not try to find us, it will not do you any good]

【1. Opening Hours Rules】

[(1) Do not try to disclose what you know to those who cannot see this code. They will not believe you and they will not be able to understand what you see. From the moment you can see things that others cannot see, you have stepped into another world. Only people like you and us can help each other. Look for them, but be careful not to expose yourself easily, there is something else in this school looking for you]

[(2) The teaching building is open from 6:30 to 22:00 from Monday to Friday, and from 6:00 to 22:00 on Saturday and Sunday. You can only enter and exit the teaching building during this time. , don’t enter the teaching building outside of opening hours, don’t do this]

[(3) Wear a full set of school uniforms, including Saturdays and Sundays. As long as you decide to enter the teaching building area, you must wear a full set of school uniforms]

[(4) Do not answer the voice of the person behind you, and do not communicate with the other person without seeing the person you are talking to. No matter what form of communication it is, it must be avoided as much as possible, maybe with The person you are communicating with is not the person you think you are]

[(5) Try not to participate in topics such as "weird stories" and "odd news", especially if the topic involves this school, don't be curious, don't be curious]

[(6) Check the flower pots on your class floor and the corridors below your class floor to confirm whether there are dead flowers and plants. If so, note the corridor area where the dead flower pots exist until the flowers and plants in this area are replaced]

【2. Non-opening hours rules】

[The main teaching building during opening hours is actually relatively safe. As long as you are cautious enough, you will not encounter too many problems. However, maybe you will find yourself back in this place after falling asleep and waking up one day, and find that you have entered the sealed teaching building during non-opening hours. We still have no way to determine the reason why this happened, but there is no doubt that this situation is extremely dangerous, so we have also written rules for this special situation. We hope this can help you in a critical moment]

[(1) Those who have survived so far have all woken up in the classroom, and they must have woken up in their own classrooms and in their own seats. Therefore, don't panic at the beginning, calm down, don't turn on the lights, and take advantage of the night outside the window. There is a flashlight at the bottom of the podium in every classroom. If you need a flashlight, you can take it yourself, but be sure not to reveal your presence and keep quiet, so that you can hope to survive]

[(2) When you open the classroom door and enter the corridor, check in advance whether there is anything active other than you on the floor you are on. If so, no matter what you see, don’t be discovered by the other party, and don’t let the other party notice your existence]

[(3) There are two staircases in the main teaching building. The staircase on the right side can only reach the second floor at the lowest. When using the stairs, it is best to go down only one floor at a time, and you can only go down two floors in a row at most. If you hear footsteps other than yours in the stairwell and find that the footsteps are quickly approaching you, use your fastest speed to get out of the stair area and never stay in this area at this time]

[(4) Don’t get close to obviously gathered garbage piles, don’t get close]

[(5) Sometimes when you pass by the toilet, you will hear the sound of dripping or flushing water, and occasionally it may be accompanied by the laughter of a girl. At this time, please go in and play with her and play with her]

[(6) If you find dead flower pots somewhere during your daytime inspection, then you must not pass through that corridor tonight. Stay away from places where flowers and plants are dead. Walk through places where flowers and plants are still lush and bright. You will be safe there.]

[(7) Do not easily enter other classrooms, especially those that are not locked at night. Avoid these places.]

[(8) Classrooms that are still brightly lit at night, or even have voices and obvious sounds of people moving around, are extremely dangerous. Stay away from the floors where such classrooms are located at all costs and never get close to them.]

[(9) Leave the teaching building at night The three doors will all be locked from the outside, but the windows of Grade 1, Class 1, 3, and 5 will be reserved. The key will be hidden in the flower pots on the corridors of these three classes. If you successfully reach the first floor, this is your escape route.]

[(10) The patio does not exist at night]

[(11) If you are sure that you can no longer reach the first floor safely or use any means of escape, go to the rooftop. The key to the rooftop is hidden in the flower pot outside the teacher's office on the top floor. Now you can only survive there. Remember to lock the door after reaching the rooftop.]

The entire set of rules is divided into two parts, totaling 17 rules. The opening hours rules are very short, but Gao Hai has clearly violated one of them. I just don't know if the Yeluoshan Middle School copy will play the game of getting on the bus first and then buying the ticket. As for the non-opening hours rules, that is, the rules corresponding to the people who stay in the teaching building late at night, there seem to be quite a few obvious things that are worth paying attention to, which gives people a very bad feeling.

Gao Hai's eyes lingered for a long time on the words [Don't try to find us] at the beginning of the rule sheet.

"Let's go."

Without saying anything, Gao Hai motioned to the three people beside him to follow him, stepped directly into the stairwell, and walked upwards.

Chapter 10: Silent floors and the search under cognitive isolation

People could be heard laughing at each other.

Scattered footsteps echoed in the corridor, with lively girls carrying water bottles and running around laughing, and boys discussing the strength of the characters in the comics in a vivid manner, and then arguing with others about which character was stronger.

All the students already had completely clear faces, and no one's appearance was blurred anymore.

After being able to clearly identify the appearance of these students, soon, whether it was Shinomiya Kaguya, Xiong Mi, or Gao Hai's side, they all noticed that the appearance, voice, figure, etc. of these students could be matched with the classmates in their impressions, and could even be said to be exactly the same.

Xiong Mi was very shocked by this. She had been struggling in society for many years and had long forgotten what her high school classmates looked like. As a result, this copy completely reproduced the appearance and voice of her classmates, which had a great impact on her for a while. If it weren't for her teammate Jian Bing who quickly took action and suppressed her mental activities with the obsession, and if Gao Hai hadn't set up 3 mental fragments for her, Xiong Mi might have further deepened her cognition of the school due to cognitive distortion.

Of course, even without this impact, in fact, the cognition of these players participating in the mission is constantly distorted. Since entering Yeluoshan Middle School, there has always been an unknown force acting on everyone's mind, causing them to constantly produce cognitive distortions such as "I am a student of Yeluoshan Middle School." Although everyone can still resist this cognitive distortion so far and will not really be twisted in their thinking, if this confrontation continues for a long time, it is certain that it will be a great test for everyone's will.

Under the premise that there is already a serious cognitive distortion phenomenon, using the appearance and voice of the classmates in the player's memory to further distort cognition?

As a [time-indefinite] copy, Gao Hai can increasingly feel the deep malice that is brewing under the surface calmness.

However, up to now, he has not seen the classmates in his memory. It seems that although this strange copy can reproduce the player's memory to create a familiar figure to exert influence, the power of the black watch is still higher. Therefore, his memory is hidden relatively safely, but he still has to be careful to avoid being tested for any problems.


Under the pale light, Gao Hai's footsteps move forward step by step along the stairs.

He raised his head and looked at the fluorescent lights on the ceiling and the fine and dense spider webs in the corners.

Along the way, Gao Hai noticed that every classroom was actually very clean. There was no trace of dirt on the corridor floor, walls, etc., and the corridor was also clean, but the ceiling was full of spider webs, and it felt like it had not been cleaned for a long, long time.

Did the student in charge of cleaning forget to clean the ceiling?


While thinking, he had already stepped onto the stairs of the 3rd floor and passed through the area where the senior students were.

Continuing up, the 4th floor was mainly occupied by activity classrooms and some special large classrooms. These classrooms were basically not used during the regular classes. Often, only after the last class at 5:30 pm, the students of the clubs to which the activity classrooms belonged would come here.

Therefore, Gao Hai and others who came to the 4th floor at this time felt a silence.

The quiet corridor without any human figures and the closed classroom doors, under the white light, somehow brought a sense of tension.

If it weren't for the noise of students coming from downstairs, Gao Hai would even doubt whether he had walked into an abandoned teaching building.

Then, when the group went up one more floor and arrived at the 5th floor area of ​​the teaching building, which is the top floor of the building, the dead silence suddenly became stronger and more vivid.

"If you continue to go up, you will reach the rooftop area."

Gao Hai looked at the top of the stairs and spoke in a calm tone.

"It feels so deserted here."

Fujiwara Chika pulled the wall of the stairwell and looked at the corridor outside. She looked left and right again, and then muttered in a low voice.

"There is no dust on the ground, but there are no obvious footprints. At least today, we should be the first group of people to come to this place."

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