Hayasaka Ai squatted down and carefully observed the subtle traces left on the floor that were difficult for others to find, then stood up and reported to Gao Hai seriously.

"It's really quiet here. I can't even hear the voices of the students downstairs."

Yotani Miko turned her head and looked at the bottom of the stairwell with some doubts. She always felt that the surroundings were a little too quiet. Although they were indeed a little far away from the floor where students were active, they shouldn't be able to hear anything after coming up. It was as if there were no students in the entire teaching building.

Maybe, when they arrived at this floor, the students who originally existed in this building really disappeared?

This conjecture made Miko nervous involuntarily.

"Don't scare yourself. It's time to go."

Noticing that Miko was probably daydreaming again, Gao Hai reached out and patted the girl's head. After the other party made a "Wooah" sound, he warned her seriously, and then continued to move forward and stepped into the corridor on the fifth floor.

Gao Hai frowned tightly.

Although he acted as if he didn't care, he actually felt that it was too quiet here.

Will we meet them?

He couldn't help but have such thoughts in his heart.

Those strange creatures that have not really appeared until now and whose hiding places are unknown, will they appear here?

"Well, this classroom is not here. This is the literature club. The club name is marked directly like the class name."

Fujiwara Chika walked beside Gao Hai. She approached the first classroom closest to her and quickly completed her judgment of the situation in this classroom.

"If this place doesn't play any tricks of [switching house numbers], then this classroom should not be here. Let's go to investigate the next place. We must at least make sure that we have investigated all the club classrooms in the main teaching building within half an hour. After that, whether there is time left to investigate the auxiliary teaching building is another matter."

As Gao Hai spoke, he signaled the four people present to get as close as possible to avoid someone falling behind and getting into trouble, and then continued to move forward.


The crisp footsteps fell on the ground and spread in the empty and silent corridor.

The noise of students who could barely be heard on the fourth floor had completely disappeared.

The light stretched the shadows of the four people walking, shaking slightly in the corridor.

They walked through each door one by one, and made basic confirmation of each classroom, but they still did not find the so-called [Life Club].


Unconsciously, the sound of breathing seemed to become heavier.

Gao Hai subconsciously raised his head and looked at the clock hanging on the side of the corridor, confirming that the time was 9:47.

It took 7 minutes from going upstairs to walking around the entire fifth floor. This was after they carefully checked the internal situation of each classroom through the window on the side of the corridor, and they carefully confirmed the club to which each activity classroom belonged.

However, no activity classroom belonged to the [Life Club].

The clubs corresponding to each classroom on the fifth floor of the main teaching building could not find any place that might be related to the [Life Club], and they could not see which club was suspicious. Of course, because the doors of these activity classrooms were locked, Gao Hai and his team did not try to enter the classrooms to investigate, so there might be other possibilities. It was just for safety, so they certainly could not try to break the door during this preliminary investigation.

"Did you find anything?"

Standing at the staircase leading to the fifth floor, Gao Hai asked others while recalling the investigation along the way.

The three girls all shook their heads. Even Hayasaka, who had the most outstanding observation ability, and Miko, who had extraordinary perception, could not find any valuable clues this time.

"Tsk... There is no way, let's go."

Gao Hai was a little helpless, but he was also prepared to run in vain, so he didn't say much and planned to take others to the fourth floor to investigate again.

However, when he was thinking about this, as Gao Hai stepped into the staircase, Miko beside him suddenly said "Huh", and then he found a dirty poster on the ground.

What is this?

Gao Hai quickly turned back to observe Chika and Hayasaka, and found that they didn't seem to notice the poster on the ground. So he winked at Jianzi as a reminder, signaling her not to act rashly, and then he walked up quickly, squatted down in front of the poster to tie his shoelaces, and then took the poster in his hand.

Judging from the reactions of Chika and Hayasaka, they probably really couldn't see the poster, and there was no way for them to notice Gao Hai picking up the poster. Otherwise, even if Chika didn't notice it, with Hayasaka's cautious personality, it would be impossible for her to not find out what Gao Hai was doing. Even if she couldn't see the poster, she would definitely realize that Gao Hai was deliberately covering it.

The cognitive blocking mechanism of this copy made Gao Hai think of the shielding characteristics of the weirdness in the real world for ordinary people.

But now he didn't have time to pay attention to these details. Although he couldn't be sure of the danger, he opened the poster without hesitation and looked at the text on it.

[Kaidansha is recruiting new members! Welcome to join~?]

Chapter 11: [Gaitan Club]’s new recruitment announcement and things that are still unseen

[Club Recruitment Announcement:]

[Gaitan Club is recruiting new members! Welcome to join~?]

【Do you believe there is another world in this world? 】

[Do you believe that there are things in this world that ordinary people cannot see? 】

【Do you want to look for those unusual things? 】

【Are you eager to see those bizarre things that ordinary people cannot see? 】

[If this is what you want, then come and join the Kaidan Club! 】

[Everyone here is just like you. They are tired of the day-to-day life and have decided to live a different life! 】

[Join us and explore areas beyond reality with us to find existences that are difficult for ordinary people to see! 】

[How to join: From 1:00 to 4:00 in the morning, climb into the main teaching building through the windows of Class 9, Class 11 or Class 13 of Grade 1, and enter the central patio area. We will unlock the windows of these three classes in advance. The key to the patio door will be hidden somewhere in the teaching building. Find the key before 4 o'clock, open the patio door and come in. You will be one of us]

On a design level, this announcement is undoubtedly a huge failure.

On the completely blackened paper, a grinning grimace was drawn crookedly. The painting was not as ugly as the black ones drawn by the pupils in Hayatachi Elementary School. Next to the grimace, there was written something even more crooked, Gao Hai’s linguistics plug-in is so ugly that it’s almost impossible to recognize what it says.

As for the content here...

Sneak into the teaching building through the window at one o'clock in the middle of the night, and then search for a hidden key in the whole building?

If this rule comes from the "Ghost Story Club" that really existed in Yeluoshan Middle School in history, then Gao Hai can only say that these high school students are really awesome. This kind of method of committing suicide was what he learned when he was in high school. Time cannot be done no matter what.

[Please turn to page 55...]

The teacher on the podium was still explaining the text in a cadence.

It was already the beginning of the third period. Gao Hai and others had all returned to the class and sat in their seats for the 40-minute teaching time.

The exploration of the main teaching building and the search for [Life Club] resulted in nothing. After walking through the fourth and fifth floors, Gao Hai and others were unable to find any trace of this student club. Also, the [Ghost Story Club] where Gao Hai picked up the poster has not been found. It seems that these two clubs do not exist in the main teaching building.

Except for Gao Hai, the investigations of other groups of people were all unable to achieve effective results.

The core obsessions of the former Yoroyama Middle School, neither [Eriko Asamoto] nor [Koji Morihara] appeared in their corresponding classes. Players tried to talk to the monster students in these classes, and the answer they got was "There is no student with this name in the class". For this reason, some players were even treated as crazy by those students.

Xiong Mi was also unable to enter the patio area. She, Kenbake, and Kenta Hayashibe tried nine unlocking methods, but none of them successfully opened the patio door on the first floor. But even so, Xiong Mi carefully inspected the patio through the window, determined the general layout of the patio area, and recorded the locations and types of various flowers, plants, and shrubs planted inside. But what should I say? Gao Hai felt that Xiong Mi's busy work for half an hour was actually in vain.

Although there are no decisive clues yet, the current situation has made Gao Hai realize that their group may not be able to investigate anything during [daytime]. This weird dungeon hides all the weird things in the dark, making it difficult for players like them to find it even if they search for it. Coupled with the [non-opening hours] emphasized in both survival rules, Gao Hai believed that it would probably be at night before he could see those dangerous monsters.

In other words, the only thing that can be done now is to wait?

In the silence, Gao Hai raised his head and looked at the teacher with a melodious voice on the podium, feeling somewhat irritable in his heart.

In addition to the current class, there are still five classes of torture to endure. This rubbish dungeon that forces players to attend class makes me want to skip class. What is this thing about being dragged back into a high school class in my twenties, and it's a foreign high school class?

Gao Hai complained several times in his heart, and then started to write because he was bored. Then he began to observe the students around him, especially the female students who wore skirts with their legs exposed. Then he soon regretfully discovered that these female students who were transformed into monsters basically all had bow-legged legs. Compared with the beautiful legs of his true concubine and Qianhua's small legs, he was completely unattractive. In sensei's words, Can't lick it at all.

Of course, boredom is boring, and Gao Hai still occasionally throws a note at him behind his guard. By now, he actually has a rough idea of ​​what players have to do to see the hidden rule content. The method is very simple, that is, triggering the content mentioned on the hidden rule table. For example, when he was in the dormitory building, he checked under the bed and saw a strange thing, and during the second period, he chatted with the strange thing out of sight. It was these two actions that enabled him to gain the ability to see the rules of survival. As for Jianzi's extraneous perception, there will be no comparison here.

What Gao Hai is more concerned about is the prerequisite for players to obtain hidden rules, which will cause players to have triggered at least one of the rules when they see the rule table. For example, in order to avoid being haunted by the ghostly face under the bed tonight, Gao Hai had to go to sleep somewhere else. However, the rules of the teaching building did not say what the consequences would be after talking to the monster, so all Gao Hai can do now is wait for the abnormal phenomenon to find him again.

Ding dong——ding dong——

The bell rang again, and another class was successfully passed.

Gao Hai yawned. Being vigilant for a long time had consumed a lot of his energy, but he was not going to fall asleep directly at the moment.

At this moment, a small hand stretched out from his side and patted his table gently.

Gao Hai raised his head with some vigilance and found that Chika Fujiwara was standing beside him, followed by Mitani Miko, who had a somewhat rosy face.

"We were going to use the bathroom and she couldn't hold it in any longer."

Qianhua lowered her head, whispered to Gao Hai, and vaguely pointed at Yotsuya Miko behind her.

Subconsciously, Gao Hai wanted to say something like not to go to the toilet, as doing so might be dangerous. But then he realized that this dungeon was likely to last for an extremely long time, and it was impossible for players not to solve the problems of eating and going to the toilet, so going to the toilet was intolerable.

"Be careful, there are still many mysteries in this copy."

After saying this, Gao Hai stood up and motioned to Hayasaka Ai not far away to follow him.

The four of them left the classroom and came to the toilet. Gao Hai himself did not enter the toilet, but just stood in the aisle outside the toilet. Qianhua and the other three entered the toilet. Among them, Qianhua herself and Miko did have some needs, while Hayasaka just followed up to observe the situation to ensure that there would be no danger.

"Huh, before... ahem, I said before that we can only chat with each other when we can see each other, so after the two of us enter the toilet later, we must stay quiet the whole time and say one word. Don’t say it out loud, don’t respond to anyone’s words, just remember it.”

Chika Fujiwara, who looked serious, patted Mitsuko on the shoulder as she spoke, then opened a toilet cubicle door and walked in.

"Ok, I know……"

Miko himself quickly stepped into the cubicle, sat down on the toilet, and then let out a long breath.

I always feel like I've been working all morning without producing any results.

The girl thought dullly in her heart.

I originally thought that I should be able to see something terrible that could help my seniors find key points quickly, but as a result, I haven't found any trace of those things yet. Where are those monsters hiding? Why can't I see them all the time? There is also the poster brought back by the seniors. No one except me seems to have seen it. So what is written on the poster? Are there any clues in it that can be referenced?

While thinking, the girl had finished clearing away the burden on her body. She quickly finished tidying up, put on her school uniform, pressed the button to flush, and then prepared to leave the toilet cubicle.

【Meet classmate】

A call came from behind her.

Chapter 12: Yotsuya Miko’s first contact with the unknown

For a moment, Yotsuya Miko almost stopped breathing.

【Meet classmate】

The call was so fleeting that Miko didn't even have time to identify whether it was a man or a woman, an adult, a child or an old man.

But she can already clearly understand what kind of situation she is in now.


Outside the compartment door, there was a subtle dripping sound.

In the dark and narrow toilet cubicle, the girl whose finger was still pressed on the toilet flush button widened her eyes and her body began to tremble involuntarily.

clam down.

The girl said to herself in her heart.

Calm down.

Monsters will not kill people suddenly without warning. These things are subject to the rules of ghost stories. They must only act after certain conditions are met. Although her name has been called out now, according to the rules, as long as she doesn't respond, this thing can't hurt her.

That's right, as long as you don't respond.

Stay calm, don't panic, don't lose control.

Think about your senior's performance when he led you to explore survival in Fujika Middle School, and think about his attitude when facing these things. Even if I can't be as calm and calm as him, at least I can't mess up my hands and feet, and I can't be too timid in front of these things.


As she breathed, Yotsuya Miko returned to her expressionless state.

She turned around slowly.

What appeared in front of her at this time was a toilet cubicle door that had some stains and seemed to have been abandoned for a while.

I didn't see anything weird or scary.

Although I heard the sound just now, the other party didn't seem to be in this compartment.

However, the voice he heard just now was indeed coming from behind.

Nowadays, Miko is still very good at her visual abilities. She can be sure that if something really calls her name from behind her, she will definitely be able to see the other person when she turns around. Even if it was an insubstantial thing, her eyes could still detect traces of it.

So the other person must be in this compartment, somewhere at the edge of his vision that he didn't notice, and maybe he was watching him.

Jianzi's fingers trembled slightly.

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