
We are all good kids——

Hehe——Good kids should play together——

Don’t play with bad kids——



The laughter obviously sounded like the voice of an ordinary child, but at this moment it was full of strong weirdness, as if it was going to crush Gao Hai’s mind completely.

He turned his head and looked at the inside of the cabinet.

He saw the printed paper pasted on the inside of the cabinet and the content on it.

[1. Don’t look down, don’t look at each other, so you can survive]

[2. You are safe here, you will not be hurt, so don’t panic, stay calm]

[3. There are usually supplies on one side of the cabinet, including food, water, disinfectant alcohol and gauze, which can be used if you are injured or thirsty]

[4. If it is night in the corridor, please be sure to wait until it is completely bright]

[——Xu Sheng]

It’s this person again, he is really thoughtful...

Gao Hai lay motionless on the cabinet, and Zhen Fei on the other side also remained silent.

The children's laughter gradually faded away.

One after another, they quickly disappeared on the other side of the corridor.

But Gao Hai had no intention of going down.

He just continued to lie quietly on the top of the cabinet, motionless, and continued to keep quiet.

Tsk, so boring.

So boring, so boring!

The bad kids dare not come.

The bad kids dare not come again.

The bad kids just know how to hide from everyone.

Because she is not a good child, hehehe——

Hehehe——I won't play with her——

Hehehe——Then I won't play with her——

Hehehe——Good kids don't play with bad kids——


Then, the children's voices began to move away again.

Accompanied by the sound of bouncing footsteps and the sound of laughter.

Until the voices of this group of children disappeared completely, until those voices completely disappeared at the end of the corridor, Zhenfei, who was lying on the top of the cabinet opposite, closed her eyes and stopped carefully for a long time before she breathed a sigh of relief, revealing a lingering fear.

Just now, she heard that the laughter of these children when they came and when they left overlapped and were not completely consistent. It is very likely that some members stayed in the same place silently, so she lay on the cabinet to warn Gao Hai, so the two did not move, but waited for a while.

"What is this, this kind of thing..."

After confirming that those things had indeed left, Gao Hai and Zhen Fei jumped down from the cabinet, and then Zhen Fei sighed heavily, still whispering with some fear.

"This is one of the things we need to face next."

Before coming down, Gao Hai took out a chocolate bar from the secret compartment on the top of the cabinet that was specially left by Xu Sheng's group. While eating, his expression gradually became solemn.

He must admit that he may have been a little too proud.

After successfully eliminating two old players who were like troublemakers, and cooperating with Zhen Fei to solve the biggest problem at the beginning of the copy, he was actually a little too relaxed, and even began to feel that there was no problem that could bother him at all.

But the fact is that he is still trapped in this apartment, and none of them have been able to leave here.

"It's far from time to relax..."

After a sigh, Gao Hai could only say this, and then motioned to Zhenfei to go back to the house with him and leave this narrow and gloomy corridor.

Chapter 45: The first exploration with Kaguya begins

"Then, the next round of exploration on the 3rd floor will be carried out by Miss Shinomiya and me."

In the living room of 206, Gao Hai, who was sitting at the table, reached out and tapped the table lightly, and said the result of the discussion of several people present in a calm tone.

"Yes, let's decide it this way. How about setting the action time in 10 minutes?"

Kaguya, who was sitting on the other side, nodded gently and spoke in a calm tone.

"That's it, I will be responsible for staying here as a backup in case of emergency. You two should be careful, it's not a good place."

Zhenfei also spoke with one hand supporting her head, her eyes full of seriousness.

The exploration of the final area of ​​Shirakawa Apartment, the third floor, which is the most important task at present, has been basically decided.

Although Gao Hai himself still wants to act with Zhenfei, after all, both sides know each other well. But Zhenfei expressed her opposition to this and reminded him implicitly that Kaguya was actually a little uneasy and anxious about the current situation. It would be better for him to act with her once to ensure that Kaguya can understand Gao Hai to a certain extent in this round. And considering the intricate structure of the third floor described by Gao Hai, Kaguya, who has stronger nerve reaction and motor quality, can indeed help better.

Gao Hai actually suspected that Zhenfei was temporarily afraid to be alone with him because of the previous conversation in the corridor, but what she said did make sense, so Gao Hai accepted this proposal. As for Kaguya, she did not refuse. At the beginning of the game, under the coordinated operation of Gao Hai Zhenfei to kill two people, to be honest, this arrogant genius girl has been a little confused. Now there is a chance to act personally once, which can also relieve her uneasiness in her heart.

Sun Dajun is still responsible for repairing the two doors of 204 as in the previous game, but this time he has two big men, Green and Mamel, one black and one white, to help him. He should be able to handle any dangerous situation better. reaction. Putting aside Green, Mamel, a teammate, is more useful than Gao Hai expected. Basically, he can happily do whatever the people on Gao Hai's team say and doesn't quarrel with anyone in the team. He even has a bit of an adventurous spirit and wants to take the initiative to undertake exploration tasks. And his willpower is pretty good. After putting on the badge, he can basically maintain his consciousness for about one minute, and he can take off the badge according to his own will within this time.

If Gao Hai hadn't felt uneasy relying solely on Green to protect Sun Dajun, he would probably still consider bringing this black guy with him. By the way, after some questioning, Gao Hai, the little brother named Mameer, found out that he was a waiter and creative chef at the American Chinese style restaurant. His specialty dishes are cantaloupe beef braised buns and mapo tofu pizza. According to him, he has recently been trying to make sashimi steamed buns, and has been struggling with how to cook the steamed buns while ensuring that the fish fillets inside are still raw.

I always feel that he is a happy young man. It is a pity that this guy has been sacrificed by people like Lao Guo in the first two weeks.

Zhenfei and Maeda Miwa stayed in the same room. Maeda Miwa was the first person to ring the bell. The return time agreed by Takami Kaguya and Zhenfei was 3 hours. If neither of them could return to the second floor within 3 hours, then The true concubine must order Maeda Miwa to ring the bell.

As for how to ensure a smooth return from the third floor, here we have to mention another obsession in Lao Guo's hand, a bloody key that can open almost any door.

This obsession was not obtained by Gao Hai and others at first. That was because it fell in the room of 210. It fell when Lao Guo was beaten by the headless male corpse in the room, so it was not Obtained by Gao Hai and others.

But after all, Gao Hai had experienced the previous game and knew that Lao Guo had this thing in his hands, so after counting the harvest, he spent a lot of time searching, and finally entered 210, and used the blood doll to trap the body The headless man got the key after the corpse.

The door opened with this key may lead to the place the user wants to go, or may lure something dangerous to the person who opens the door. It is a double-edged sword and must be used with caution. But at the same time, for Gao Hai and Kaguya, who are about to explore the third floor, this is their only chance to return safely. After all, the structure of the entire third floor is intricate, and it is extremely difficult to find the way back to the second floor.

"Don't die up there, Mr. Hai, and my aunt."

Before setting off, Zhen Fei waved her hands to the two of them and said in a slightly rude tone.

"Don't worry, I cherish my own life very much."

Gao Hai gave Zhen Fei a thumbs up.

"You better be like this."

The true concubine did not meet Gao Hai's eyes, but just answered with a snort.

Arrive at the stairwell at the edge of the second floor.

Kaguya stretched out her hand and smoothed her long black hair. She glanced coldly at Gao Hai beside her. Then she looked at the real concubine in the corridor not far away who had not returned to the room. She opened her mouth slightly. In the end, nothing was said.

The two men have a good relationship.

Regardless of the tone or demeanor when communicating with each other, the atmosphere of getting along with each other, no matter how you look at it, can only be enjoyed by people who have a good relationship.

As the branch of the Shinomiya family, Shinomiya Kaguya knew quite a bit about the Shijo concubine. She was certain that in the daily life circle of Concubine Shijo, it was impossible to come into contact with Gao Hai. Taking into account the wall clock recall mentioned by both Gao Hai and Zhen Fei, the two of them may have lived in this apartment for a long time, but in the end no one else survived, and they could not find a way to escape. So I decided to use the wall clock to retrace everything and start over.

At least judging from the public tone of the two men, this seems to be the case.

But Kaguya felt that things might not be that simple. Although there is no concrete evidence, even though it is just based on her own intuition, Kaguya believes that Gao Hai and Zhen Fei should have a common secret that they are hiding from everyone else.

It's really concerning, but... the key now is not here. How to escape from Shirakawa Apartment and how to leave this place is the most important issue at the moment.

"Mr. Gao Hai."

Before stepping onto the stairs, Kaguya turned to look at Gao Hai and spoke seriously.

"I don't care what the reason for Zhenfei's trust in you is. Now that we are going to act together, I hope you can show enough ability and value."

"If this is really a dangerous game that can lead to death, then everyone must do their best to achieve the ultimate victory."

"I hope you won't behave too badly and make me doubt my true concubine's vision."

I have to say that Bing Huiye's way of speaking is really not cute at all, far worse than the little angel Zhenfei.

Of course, for Gao Hai who understood the plot, he knew that Kaguya was not to blame for this incident. After all, the Shinomiya family chaebol set by Akasaka is a cerebral palsy concentration camp. Kaguya, who was educated in such a hellish place, only has a bad voice and an indifferent personality, which is considered a blessing among misfortunes.

It's just that although he can understand it, Gao Hai won't be polite to her. He knows very well that he can't be humble to such a proud person, which will only make Kaguya look down on him even more.

"It doesn't matter who will disappoint whom. Little flower in the greenhouse, if the operation ends early because of you, I will really look down on you."

So Gao Hai raised his head and assumed a very high-profile provocative posture.

"Hmph, at least you are not disappointing in terms of rudeness. It's time to go. According to you, no matter whether this staircase goes up or down, it will lead to the third floor, right? In this case, let's take action immediately. Look. Let’s see how dangerous that third floor you mentioned is.”

Kaguya, whose brows furrowed even more tightly, took direct steps forward.

Gao Hai followed closely behind, and the two of them stepped into the corridor one after another.

There was a chill in the air.

Darkness enveloped everything.

Gao Hai, who was walking among them, had no way of confirming whether he was going upstairs or downstairs, or whether he was walking straight forward. It's like direction and height have lost their meaning in this darkness, and there is no way to perceive the correct direction.

However, such a weird feeling did not last long. Soon, Gao Hai's vision returned to clarity, and the chaotic and twisted third floor appeared in front of him again.

It's just different from before. I don't know if it's because it's daytime. This chaotic area is no longer in darkness. Instead, there are lights coming from more than one place, turning the twisted corridors around it. and various furniture all illuminated.

"Such a place actually exists..."

Kaguya's tone next to her was a little wavering. Even though she had seen the corpses summoned by the blood puppets, the impact of this nightmarish and chaotic space was obviously stronger in comparison.

However, even though Kaguya was shocked, she adjusted her emotions very quickly and returned to the state of Furui Muha.

She did not come here to go shopping and enjoy the scenery, but to join forces with the mysterious man next to her to find out the secrets hidden in this chaotic place, and seek the hope of escaping from this place and leaving here alive.

"Let's go."

Gao Hai has already taken steps forward.


Kaguya nodded lightly, without saying anything more, walked carefully beside Gao Hai, walked through the twisted corridor, and took steps forward.

Next, what exactly will be waiting for her ahead?

The girl couldn't help but think so in her heart.


Then her hair got caught in a gap in a disordered wooden wall, and her whole steps stopped suddenly.

Gao Hai quickly noticed Kaguya's situation, stopped and helped him get out the stuck hair.

"The terrain here is too complicated. It's easy to get stuck with your hair hanging down like this. Tie your hair up."

With that said, Gao Hai looked around and couldn't find anything suitable, so he tore off his T-shirt and handed a long strip to Kaguya.

"…Thank you very much."

Unexpectedly, there would be an accident on her side at the beginning. Kaguya thanked her in a low voice with some embarrassment. She took the cloth and didn't pay attention to the suspicious red and white stains on it. She directly pulled up her hair and tied it up to ensure that it would not affect her next steps. action.


Gao Hai didn't notice the stains on the cloth until the other party took it, but it was too late to say anything, so he could only reply casually with a straight face, pretending to be fine.

Why does it feel like my brain is tied to Kaguya? Hey, this statement is so strange. It’s better not to think about it so much.

"Sorry for causing trouble, it's okay."

After a while, Kaguya, who had her hair tied up, turned around and said calmly to Gao Hai.

But at this time, she found that the other party's eyes were not looking at her, but at a place in front of the corridor.

So Kaguya also looked over, and then she saw several doll-like things about one meter in size that looked like children, laughing and approaching as they shuffled their steps. There was no sound on the ground.

"Why is this the devil again? Leave quickly!"

Gao Hai lowered his voice and patted Kaguya on the shoulder, then quickly turned around and fled. At this moment, Kaguya, who realized something was wrong, started to run along with her, and then she heard the laughter of the children behind her begin to get louder quickly, approaching at a speed that was impossible for humans.

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