Sounds... children...

No... that's not right, they are not children, this thing... is affecting thinking?

In the end, Gao Hai and Kaguya still climbed onto a high cabinet in time to avoid these things that have the characteristics of mental pollution regardless of their appearance and sound.

Being forced to lie on a cabinet with a person of the opposite sex close to her body is not a pleasant experience, but facing the attack of strange things, Kaguya can only choose to endure, trying to keep an expressionless state and pretend that she doesn't care about it.

As for Gao Hai, Gao Hai didn't have any ideas. He was carefully guarding against those children, not caring about the contact between Shinomiya Kaguya and his body, and was always on guard against other monsters that might appear from other places. He didn't care about the contact between this petite girl and his body, and was ready to turn the clock back anytime and anywhere, and didn't care at all that the girl's fragrant and soft body was pressed against his body.

It seems that the body is tighter and more elastic than Zhenfei?

Gao Hai thought about the various subtle differences between the two girls' bodies when they touched each other.

After a few minutes, these things gradually left, and the two were able to get down from the cabinet.

"Is this the third floor of Shirakawa Apartment?"

Recalling her unconscious trance reaction when she heard the sounds of these strange things, Kaguya frowned and whispered.

"This is just the beginning."

And Gao Hai, whose expression did not change from beginning to end, just said calmly, and then continued to move forward.

In front of the dark corridor, the disordered building structure did not know where it led to.

The only thing that can be confirmed now is that you cannot stop and cannot stay where you are.

Chapter 46: Fragments of the past glimpsed from the connection

The twisted road and various weird furniture that could not exist in reality covered the sight layer by layer, making it almost impossible to recognize the road ahead.

The sound of invisible footsteps passed through the corridor, one after another.

Children like porcelain dolls laughed and played, constantly appearing and disappearing from various locations.

And the open windows, and the stars and moons in the windows... or the floating corpses in the water?

The situation here is far more dangerous than expected.

Even though Gao Hai and Kaguya have been very careful to hide their whereabouts, they were almost discovered several times. Especially those children who seem to be porcelain dolls and rag dolls, if these things do not make a sound, Gao Hai and Kaguya have no way to detect their approach. Once they are approached to a certain distance, they will quickly fall into a state of trance, and it will become extremely difficult to escape.

Fortunately, Gao Hai, who has been caught by these dolls and soaked in boiling water once, now has a certain degree of resistance to these things. Therefore, every time he encounters a situation, he can break free, take Kaguya away from the encirclement of these things and find a high cabinet that they can't reach and hide in time.

Shinomiya Kaguya's calm expression at the beginning of the exploration soon became a little bit unbearable as she encountered various weird things again and again.

After escaping five or six [children] again, she, who was huddled on top of a tall cabinet with Gao Hai, could not help but turn her head and asked with a pale face:

"Dealing with this kind of thing, don't you have any psychological pressure at all?"

Such a weird, terrible thing that is hard to describe in words.

Especially the weird laughter that seems to pollute consciousness, every time I hear it, I will fall into a trance.

But this man can always react in time, break free, and take her away quickly.

At this moment, Shinomiya Kaguya felt a frustration that is hard to describe in words.

She seemed to understand why Zhenfei had strong confidence in this man, and even showed an expression of "there must be no problem with Gao Hai leading the team" when deciding that she and Gao Hai would act. When facing the weird existence outside the field of human cognition, the ability shown by this man is completely different from this inexperienced self.

"There is pressure, how can there not be pressure? But even if there is pressure, you have to move, right?"

Gao Hai smiled at Kaguya, showing a relaxed expression, and then continued to move forward.

At this moment, he didn't think too much, but was just thinking about the different changes he felt after arriving on the third floor this time compared with the previous two times.

From the most intuitive point of view, the number of monsters has obviously increased.

When entering the third floor in the first round, he and Zhenfei were first trapped in a room, and then they were polluted by the information of the fake Kaguya and his group, and finally there was a big explosion caused by Lao Guo. Although Gao Hai noticed that there were obviously a lot of weirdness on the entire third floor that time, he didn't encounter much in reality. When he came in the second round, he was directly polluted by the core of the apartment. When he came out, he was almost completely transformed into a weird part of the rescue team. Maybe because he was no longer completely human at that time, he was not found by those things.

This time, I came to the apartment without any contamination or transformation, nor anything to divert my attention. I walked in as a normal person. Therefore, the biggest difference from the previous two times was the weirdness that I encountered after taking a few steps.


The children were running around again.

They were laughing all the time, laughing loudly and wantonly.

They had new clothes to wear, toys to play with, clean faces, and no wounds on their bodies.


Those children were laughing wantonly.

They were laughing at a certain child.

A child who was different from them, always dirty, with bruises all over his face and body.

No, why did he see these.

Gao Hai frowned, trying not to listen to the sounds of these things, and trying to imagine various things in his heart to divert his attention. He persisted until the sounds went away again, and finally he could breathe a sigh of relief.

It had been 13 minutes since he entered the third floor.

He and Kaguya had encountered 4 [children] and 3 [footsteps] so far.

It was not difficult to avoid footsteps. Although the specific appearance of those footsteps could not be seen, the sound was very obvious, and he could hear and hide from a distance. The problem is that those children seem to have very good vision. Basically, when Gao Hai and Kaguya find them, they will inevitably find the two of them. The result is that you chase me and I run away, and finally they are forced to hide in the cabinets and other places they can't reach.

Just like she was in the apartment, as long as she was found by those children, she would be treated as a target of teasing. No matter where she hides, it is useless. Only by climbing up a tree or other high cabinets that they can't climb up can she avoid being bullied.

Gao Hai frowned and rubbed his temples with his hand.

"Is there something wrong?"

Kaguya noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with Gao Hai, so she stopped and frowned and asked.

"It seems like some kind of hallucination, and it is a hallucination that makes people unconsciously bring their own emotions. At present, it will not affect the action. Anyway, be careful. If I show any obvious abnormality, maybe we need to trace back in advance."

Gao Hai shook his head and continued to walk forward.

The roads ahead intersect with each other. A refrigerator that is twisted 180 degrees inexplicably in the middle is wide open, revealing the rotten and maggoty food inside.

Various clothes for adults and children are hung on the hands of people sticking out of the wall. It seems that something like eyes can be seen blinking in the cracks of some walls.

Footsteps sounded again.

Footsteps towards 304 sounded like this.

Gao Hai and Hui Ye hid in the corner, holding their breath, pretending not to hear the footsteps.

Just like other people living in this apartment, with disgust, pretending not to know the existence of these footsteps.

That damn gambler.

It is because of him that these debt collectors keep coming to the apartment, knocking on the door day and night, disrupting the work and rest of the entire apartment.

His wife is also annoying. She always makes rules for this and that. Isn't it just to find an excuse to control people? The problem is that she can't control anyone. Her husband beats her like a dog. Only her silly daughter listens to her and is controlled by her. She doesn't even dare to control her son. She doesn't dare to control her husband's precious two-year-old son.

That daughter is also annoying. I don't know if it's because of the beating, she leaks urine at any time, but always stands there stupidly, and hides when someone asks her a few questions.

Doesn't she take a bath? She stinks and there are fleas in her hair.

It's disgusting.

It's really disgusting.

If it weren't for the existence of this family, why would everyone have to suffer these troubles? Many children have been scared to tears by those vicious debt collectors. They only know how to cause trouble to others. They only know how to cause trouble to others all day long. This family might as well die.


Gao Hai opened his eyes and looked beside him.

On the wall beside him, there was a family portrait. It looked like a happy family of five.

However, in the photo, the five people all showed disgusted expressions, looking in a certain direction, and then showed very disgusted expressions.

That direction was the direction of the footsteps.

That direction was the direction of 304.

"... Um."

Because she heard too many footsteps and children's laughter, Kaguya, who was also in a bad mental state, held her forehead and panted softly.

Gao Hai was still silent, without making any sound, just silently enduring this discomfort.

So far, they have spent half an hour.

One sixth of the agreed exploration time has passed, and in this one sixth of the time, Gao Hai and Kaguya just walked through the messy corridors, and have not been able to find the place where 304 is.

"There seems to be a relatively intact room here."

At this time, Kaguya, who had better eyesight, found a house where the distortion did not seem to be very serious.

The two walked to the front of the house and found that there was a house number 305 on the door of the house, so they decided to hide in it for a while and take a rest.


Opening the door, a dark corridor appeared.

[Those debt collectors seemed to be here again last night? ]

[They splashed paint on 304, ugh, it got on our door, how shameless, it's not us who owed the money]

[What can we do, you dare to go find Li Youcai? That bastard is eager to find a reason to beat someone up and go to the detention center for a few days, just in time for him to avoid those debt collectors]

[This bastard is really disgusting. By the way, have you heard that the young man who just moved to 309 seems to have left?]

[Ah, this matter, I can only say that the boy is too young, and he actually wants to meddle in the affairs of this rotten family. Don't worry about it, don't worry about it. It has nothing to do with us.]

The auditory hallucination is clearer than before, as if it is ringing in his ears.

Gao Hai seems to be able to see the people gathered in the house, eating and chatting at the dining table.

But when Kaguya completely opened the door, when he looked over again, he saw an empty abandoned house without any figure.

"The structure of this house is different from the second floor. Could this be the original normal structure of Shirakawa Apartment?"

Kaguya frowned and whispered after recognizing some abnormalities.

And Gao Hai behind him has covered his forehead again.


Why do I see more and more of these things after I go up to the third floor?

It's like my sight is no longer completely in the Shirakawa Apartment at this moment, but connected to other places.

Why is there such a change?

While thinking, Gao Hai reached out and grabbed the door frame to close the door.

During this process, he subconsciously raised his head and looked out the door.

Then he saw the dirty child, wearing tattered clothes, appearing and disappearing in the disordered building structure.


Then Gao Hai understood.

He had been discovered by that thing and began to establish contact with that thing again.

Chapter 47: The rules of passing the level are already in my hands

After knowing his ability to rewind, Gao Hai actually thought about such a question, that is, for those rule talks involving memory and cognition, that kind of troublesome things of [knowing is cognition], the ability to rewind may not be able to eliminate the influence of such things.

In any case, Gao Hai has known the [taboo] of Shirakawa Apartment.

And knowing the taboo also satisfies the triggering rules of the taboo, and has become the target that [that thing] can focus on.

However, perhaps because of the replay, in the operating logic of this rule story, he had an extra taboo memory out of thin air. Therefore, if the rules in this regard are to be triggered, it takes a certain amount of time for Zhan to start slowly. But now that he can see that thing, it means that the triggering speed is not slow. From this point of view, maybe... the 7 days of the task of escaping from Baichuan Apartment is less than half of the time or even shorter for him.

If he estimates it optimistically, he may trigger the curse power of the core taboo of Baichuan Apartment in about 3 days, and be pulled into the twisted and disordered 304 again, and be tortured to death by sewing the mouth with needles and thread and pouring boiling water.

I really don't want to do it again.

This kind of torture is enough to make people despair after experiencing it once. He even came twice. If it comes for the third time, Gao Hai really doesn't know if he can still make it.

"Mr. Gao Hai, you seem a little uneasy."

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