Chapter 54: The Proud Little Angel Zhenfei Does Not Accept Confessions

Take off the completely soaked clothes and wipe off the water drops on the body with the paper towel in the supply box.

Wearing only boxer shorts, Gao Hai stretched his body, stretched his waist, and then jumped up and down twice on the spot, doing some basic stretching, and then drank a few sips of water.

The clothes that were soaked in boiling water due to the power of the curse are now hanging on a wire rack temporarily built in the kitchen, with a stove burning underneath. Gao Hai used this method to dry the clothes as quickly as possible, so as not to have to wear completely soaked clothes when he was about to start the action in a few hours.

To be honest, Gao Hai was still a little nervous and worried.

The pointer on this magical and weird black watch has reached the position of the number 3. He only has 9 times left to start over. No, considering the existence of Zhenfei, he must let the other party save the memory, so that there will be less than 5 times to go back. After this round of operation, it has been basically confirmed that there is only one chance to pass the level in one round, so you must do your best to finish everything in this round.


Gao Hai took several deep breaths in succession, trying his best to calm his emotions, empty his mind, and ensure that he can meet the next challenge in the best mental state.

All along, Gao Hai felt that he was just an ordinary person.

Although he is very handsome and heroic, his figure is not as good as that of a bodybuilding star, but it is also sharp. Although he has been self-reliant since high school because of his orphan background, he has achieved a healthy life by writing and some other small skills. Now he has entered the rule ghost story death game... Well, well, it seems that he is still quite extraordinary.

"Shijo Maki, Shinomiya Kaguya, um..."

Two two-dimensional beautiful girls from app92, the beautiful girls of this level that the players in the running group first reacted to when they saw them, whether the other party was not a human, became his teammates, cooperated with him, and got the first kiss of the former.

Gao Hai recalled the four days he had spent in Shirakawa Apartment in the three rounds, and he couldn't help but feel a little emotional in his heart.

It's a pity that I was almost dead at that time, and I didn't get to feel the taste of that kiss.

If I could, I really want to do it again.

Wait a minute, why do I feel like I have suddenly become the kind of big brother character who is about to retire, or the standard must-die character who has to give a separate scene to recall the past youth before the last battle?

No, no, I can't set this flag. I want to be the man of the harem king of the second dimension. I can't stop here, I can't stop here!


Because there was nothing to do for a while, Gao Hai, whose mind began to run wild, heard footsteps outside the corridor at this time.

"Hai Jun, are you in the room?"

Accompanied by the sound of the door opening, Shijo Zhenfei opened the living room door that was repaired and blocked by Sun Dajun, looked into the house, and then saw Gao Hai standing in the house wearing only boxer shorts, with his back to her and turning his head to look at her.

"You, you, you--what are you doing? Why aren't you wearing any clothes!?"

The startled Zhen Fei almost immediately closed the door and yelled angrily outside the corridor.

"I'm obviously dressed well, why are you talking as if I'm not wearing anything."

Gao Hai in the room scratched his head and said innocently.

"What's the difference between you and not wearing anything? I'm suing you for harassment, you guy."

Even though he couldn't see Zhen Fei's face, Gao Hai could imagine her furious look standing outside the door.

"So, when boys see girls without clothes, boys are harassing them, and when girls see boys without clothes, boys are still harassing them. This is gender discrimination, okay? It's so cold, when will this world be better to boys?"

Gao Hai, holding his hands, sighed for a long time, and Zhen Fei outside the room immediately stiffened her fists.

"What? Saying this kind of thing only proves that Haijun is a fool who can't care about girls. This kind of thing will only deduct points. If my impression of you is 100 points, then just that sentence will deduct 40 points, and you can only pass with 60 points, hum!"

The voice of Zhenfei with a sense of dissatisfaction quickly sounded from outside the door.

At the end of the speech, I deliberately added the word "hum". This kind of two-dimensional feeling is really strong.

"So girls' scores are so easy to fluctuate, but my impression of Zhenfei is very high, about 30,000 points,"

Gao Hai, who was impressed by Zhenfei's personality in his heart, deliberately stretched out his voice and said, and then as expected, he heard the stomping sound coming from the corridor.

"Who cares about 30,000 points for a commoner like you? I am the eldest daughter of the Shijo family, destined to be at the top. 30,000 points, hum, 30,000 points, even if your impression score with me rises back to 80 points, it can barely be considered good, and I can't give you a higher score."

Just by listening to the voice, you can imagine the girl outside the door stamping her feet and mumbling.

Gao Hai had to admit that although people say that tsunderes are out of fashion every year, the real and genuine tsunderes with rich personalities and cuteness, not the trashy and uneducated tsunderes who fill in the harem toilet paper literature, have never been out of fashion.


While Gao Hai was immersed in the arrogant words of Zhen Fei just now, the girl outside the door quietly opened the door again and took a look inside. What she saw was Gao Hai, who was facing her head-on, with his arms folded across his chest, revealing his strong body, and wearing only boxer shorts.

"Why haven't you put on your clothes yet..."

The girl immediately yelled and closed the door again.

"No, my clothes are soaked, and I have no choice but to do this temporarily, okay."

Gao Hai sighed helplessly.

"Soaked, why, ah... Is the curse still working? Are you okay? Why didn't you say it earlier? I almost thought you were a pervert with some special fetish..."

Realizing that the situation was not what she imagined, Zhen Fei almost immediately opened the door and walked in, with a worried expression on her face without any concealment.

Only then did she notice that Gao Hai's body was covered with large and small burn marks. Although it was not as serious as the previous round, it was still very scary. So she turned around without hesitation to find the supply box in the room, took out all the disinfectant iodine and bandages, and then strode to Gao Hai.

"Turn around and sit down."

The serious-looking girl was very impressive at this moment.

Gao Hai did not speak, turned around and sat down very obediently, allowing Zhen Fei to apply medicine and bandage his wound.

The room became quiet.

The serious-looking girl carefully disinfected Gao Hai's wound, and then bandaged it.

Gao Hai closed his eyes and did not move, just quietly feeling the touch of the girl's fingers and cotton swabs on his body.

"Why didn't you say it clearly at the beginning?"

In the end, Zhen Fei couldn't help but break the silence and asked in a low voice.

"It will only make people worry if you say it out? Anyway, it won't be a problem this time. It's you and Shigong. You are starting to feel it now, right?"

Gao Hai laughed softly, and then his voice quickly became serious.

"... Well, this is the case. Although I haven't really seen anything yet, I can already feel it."

Mahi nodded gently and did not choose to deny this issue.

After exploring 304 and attracting the attention of the weirdness, plus the pile of information clues obtained from the investigation. Shijo Mahi and Shinomiya Kaguya now know the core weirdness of Shirakawa Apartment to a certain extent, and are beginning to attract attention like Gao Hai.

Even if nothing has really appeared in front of her now, it is true that Mahi can already vaguely feel that something is watching her.

Because of this, the risks and dangers that Mahi and Kaguya need to face on the third day of action are no less than Gao Hai.

"No, this is not the point of the problem. You guys should stop fooling people."

Then the next moment Mahi stretched out her hand and knocked Gao Hai on the back.

"If you are injured, tell me earlier. Anyway, there is nothing to do for the time being. I can come over to help apply medicine and bandage."

"The next step is the crucial battle. No matter what, all of us must ensure that we are in the best condition."

"Don't hide alone like this anymore. Can't you discuss anything with me? Or do you think I am not reliable enough?"

The girl's unhappy tone and the concern in her words made Gao Hai feel warm in his heart.

"If you continue to care about me like this, I might confess to you, Miss Zhenfei."

So he smiled and joked, turned around, and faced Zhenfei directly.

"What? Confessing after a few days of getting along is something that only superficial men would do."

Zhenfei blushed when Gao Hai said that, but her momentum was not at all flustered, and she immediately refuted with confidence.

"Although it's only a few days, we've been together through life and death, and have experienced many ups and downs. This level of richness is impossible for other couples to have in a year, so in terms of the depth of our relationship, I believe we've known each other for a year."

The arc of pleasure on Gao Hai's mouth became more and more obvious, and his words became a little more unbridled.

In a sense, he was getting more and more clear about the bottom line of getting along with Zhen Fei, and Zhen Fei was also getting familiar with Gao Hai's personality. The two of them no longer needed the polite and distant boundaries of ordinary friends.

"That's too lame, it's just like a scumbag who deliberately flirts with girls."

So Zhen Fei showed a look of contempt.

"Ah, is it necessary to think so? I'll be very hurt."

Gao Hai immediately made a somewhat exaggerated reaction.

"It's just too lame, and there's no way to calculate like you said, couples or something... Humph, let's talk about it after we get out of here, now let's focus on the present. As long as we can leave this apartment smoothly, maybe I can really listen to your overly rude requests. Okay, okay, I've bandaged it, I should go."

Zhenfei muttered as she looked away a little, her rosy face looked even cuter in the dim light.

Gao Hai was still a little absent-minded for a while, he couldn't help but began to feel that compared to those scary and weird weird stories, it seemed that this kind of pure girl's reaction had a stronger impact on him.

So, when Zhenfei got up and prepared to leave, he grabbed the other's wrist.

"What are you doing?"

Zhen Fei, who didn't expect Gao Hai to do this, asked in a panic.

"I don't want to wait for anything [after I get out]. In this kind of [we'll talk about it later], there will always be various difficulties in realizing it, so let's just talk about it here."

Gao Hai took a deep breath and used a little force to pull Zhen Fei to sit in front of him again.

"What are you talking about? Now is not the time to talk about such things..."

Zhen Fei's cheeks became even redder, and her voice became a little thinner. She struggled with her hands, but seemed unable to break free from Gao Hai's hands.

"You are very important to me, true concubine. From the first episode when you saved my life, to the second episode when you supported me, and now, to be able to see you who retains the memories of the past, look. You are here to remember the experiences we have fought together. You are very important to me, so I hope you can listen to me well. "

Gao Hai's expression became more and more serious.

"This, this, is not, Haijun, you..."

The true concubine's face became redder and redder, her voice became more and more trembling, and she became less and less afraid to face Gao Hai's eyes.

Her heartbeat started to beat faster.

Gao Hai, who was sitting opposite her, had an unprecedented serious expression on his face.

Although he has always thought about the dream of becoming a two-dimensional harem king, Gao Hai must admit that during the time he stayed in this ghost place, everything that the lovely girl Zhen Fei did for him has deeply affected him. It shook him to his core.

If she is willing to recognize him here, believe him here, and choose him, Gao Hai feels that maybe his whole life will be tied to this girl.

At least at this moment, he had such an idea seriously. Because in his opinion, such a girl is worth protecting for his whole life.

So, he wanted to tell her, even if he failed in the end and couldn't walk out of Baichuan Apartment, he still wanted to tell her and let her know what he felt about her and what he wanted to say——


Before Gao Hai had time to say anything, Zhen Fei suddenly broke away from his hand, got up from the ground in a panic, and ran out the door in a flash.

"I-I'm going to ask auntie if she's ready. Haijun, you, you, you have to have a good rest, that's it!"

After saying this in a hurry, the door outside closed with a sound.


Just ran away like that?

Gao Hai sat there blankly for a long time, and finally he could only retract the hand that was stretched out forward, which was originally holding the true concubine tightly.

"Sure enough, it's still too urgent, but I really don't want to set the flag..."

Gao Hai, who was sighing like this, lay on the floor, closed his eyes helplessly, and rested for the time being.

Chapter 55: The finale begins to play under the rain curtain

The fact that he tried to express his feelings to the real concubine but she ran away immediately was just a small interlude before everything started.

The light outside the window dims, then lights up, then falls into darkness again, and then lights up again.

The third day was quickly approaching as the clock continued to accelerate.

"So, everyone, are you ready? This time, we will either leave this apartment alive or die on the way. This is the only possibility."

Standing in the living room of 206, Gao Hai looked at Kaguya and Zhenfei beside him, as well as Sun Dajun, Green and Maeda Miwa who were a little further away with very nervous expressions, and some who were excited and waving their hands like elementary school students on a spring outing. Mamel said slowly and solemnly.

"Let's go, now is not the time to hesitate."

Kaguya spoke in a cold tone and walked forward at the lead.

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