
The true concubine just responded softly, not daring to turn her head to look at Gao Hai, so she lowered her head and followed Kaguya.

"We really have to keep up..."

Green was trembling a little. He originally thought that this time he would just stay behind as before. Unexpectedly, Gao Hai said "everyone must leave" and directly decided that the survivors on the second floor would follow suit.

"Mainly, we really can't keep this second floor..."

Sun Dajun understood this decision very well. He lowered his head and looked at the wet floor. He could not hide the uneasiness on his face.

The condition of the apartment is deteriorating.

After the doll that harbored some of the core ghost obsessions was taken out of 304, the situation in the entire apartment continued to deteriorate.

Moss began to grow on the walls of the second floor that should have been safe, water was still dripping from the ceiling, and dirty sewage gradually appeared on the ground, as if it was changing towards that past moment, towards what this apartment once had, That worst moment transformation.

Can't stay on the second floor anymore.

It won't take long for the second floor of Shirakawa Apartment to be completely transformed into an area of ​​unknown danger. Therefore, the original support staff cannot be left behind in this operation. Everyone must enter the third floor, and once there try to find a place to house those who are not suitable for exploration.

When you walk out of the door and into the corridor, you can feel the unpleasant smell permeating the air.

Most people here don't know what the stench is, but they just feel very uncomfortable. But Green's brows furrowed even deeper, because he knew very well that this smell could only be emitted by rotting corpses.

Moreover, it must be the smell of human corpses.

Gao Hai also knew what this smell was.

The smell at this level is not strong and far from nauseating.

But as everyone walked up the stairs one by one and entered the third floor, after arriving at the twisted and chaotic area, the stench began to become extremely distinct.

"Why does it smell so bad? Well, it's so disgusting..."

The real concubine really couldn't bear it, and she already had the urge to spit it out.

"Don't spit it out, don't make too much noise, stay quiet."

Kaguya, who was walking in front, also frowned, but she immediately turned back and whispered to Sun Dajun and others who were following.

Sun Dajun was about to vomit, but after hearing these words, he held it back with great difficulty. Green and Maeda Miwa didn't change their expressions, but the difference was that the former could barely adapt to the smell, while the latter broke his nose while inhaling some irritating gases and couldn't smell the smell at all.

"Oh, man, this is a terrible place."

The black guy Mamel was very excited at first, but after he actually arrived on the third floor, he still swallowed and became more or less scared when faced with the surreal scene in front of him.

It is no longer the same as the third floor.

Gao Hai looked around, staring at the damp floor, and became more clearly aware of the changes in this place.

All the walls were in an almost broken state and were soaked with water, just like the top floor of a building with poor waterproofing treatment that was corroded by heavy rains. Large areas of wall paint fell off, exposing the wet bricks inside. structure.

The water on the ground continues to extend, flowing randomly in all directions.

The children were nowhere to be seen.

The footsteps did not appear again.

The third floor of Baichuan Apartment has turned from [normal] to [abnormal]. The experience accumulated by Gao Hai and others from exploring this floor has completely failed at this moment, and they are no longer able to cope with the situation in front of them.

However, at least for now, they haven't encountered anything that would pose a threat to them.

"Zhenfei, try using the key first."

Gao Hai quickly found a nearby door that stood crookedly on the twisted wall and spoke to Zhen Fei.

"OK, all right."

Although Gao Hai's actions made her heart beat faster before, now that it was time to do business, Zhen Fei still understood the importance of importance, so she immediately restrained all her emotions, came to the door and took out the red key. .

Inherited from the old player Lao Guo's blood key, it is an obsession prop that seems to be able to open any door, and make the opened door lead to the place the user wants to go, or it can lure something dangerous up.

This is a double-edged sword, so when using it, Gao Hai and Kaguya are very careful to guard their surroundings, always paying attention to whether anything will be lured over.


The key inserted into the lock cylinder is gently twisted, and the door opens.

What appeared behind this door was a small living room that was dripping with water. The windows were sealed and the kitchen door was closed. And what the true concubine opened was the door into this living room.

"No problem, come in."

Gao Hai took the lead in walking into the house and explored inside. After finding nothing unusual, he waved his hand and motioned for all the people outside the door to come in. Zhen Fei, who was walking at the end, closed the door, pulled out the key, and then carefully opened the door. closure. Then, when the true concubine opened the door again, although there was still a chaotic and twisted building area outside, it was obviously different from the place where everyone was just now.

"I haven't found anything attracted yet. It should be safe."

After observing the situation at the door for a while, the true concubine turned her head and said to the people behind her.

"Very good, let's get started. Those who are left behind will just stay here, and don't forget the promised code. True Concubine, Miss Shinomiya, let's go."

Gao Hai nodded slightly, and then started to walk out the door.

Through the blood key, open a [door leading to a safe closed area close to 309], and then Sun Dajun, Green, Mamel and Maeda Miwa, four whose abilities are generally not suitable for exploration, stay and hide in this closed area as a reserve team. in the area. Then Gao Hai, Kaguya and Zhen Fei were responsible for exploring, looking for the location of 309, and finding this room hidden in the endless twisted space.

At least for now, this action plan has not encountered any difficult problems.

The only thing I have to say is that the black guy Mamel still wants to go outside to investigate. But at this life-or-death moment when the level was about to be cleared, Gao Hai really couldn't trust a guy with whom he had little contact, so he still asked him to stay put.

After closing the door and turning his head, Gao Hai looked at the maze-like twisted walls and various broken furniture that could not be distinguished from the surroundings.

Until now, nothing unusual has popped up, no attacks have occurred, and no strange phenomena have occurred.

It's just quiet here.

The entire third floor fell into dead silence, that's all.

What is the reason for this change?

[With such a heavy rain, who the hell wants to continue living in this leaky place on the third floor? Let’s go, let’s go to grandma’s house for a while]

[By the way, what’s going on at that 304 store? It’s too smelly, right? Is the toilet broken? 】

【What does it have to do with us? Just ignore it, don't worry about it, what do you have to care about that rotten family! 】

While thinking this way, Gao Hai seemed to be able to hear the muttering of some people and the sound of distant footsteps.

Because the 3rd floor is located on the top floor, water leakage is so serious during heavy rains that many people move out temporarily?

Taking steps slowly, Gao Hai, who was walking in this twisted land, soon heard more sounds. Those who lived in the house were shouting and cursing, as well as the sound of water dripping from the roof and ceiling, making the whole house damp.

Everyone is hiding.

Everyone is hiding.

They... they will not show up easily, and will not move forward in this rain curtain, unless...

Kaguya, who was walking aside, passed by a relatively dry place that for some reason was not wet by water droplets.

The moment she was about to step onto the clean area, Gao Hai reached out his hand and pressed on the girl's shoulder.

Kaguya stopped suddenly, and the toes of her shoes that had been extended into the dry area suddenly cracked.

"Don't go near any dry place without water. Those things on the third floor have not disappeared, but are hiding. They are hiding from water. As long as there is no water, those things may be hidden."

While pulling Kaguya back, Gao Hai said seriously and looked at the dry area with some lingering fear.

He couldn't see anything unusual about that place at all.

If he hadn't been cursed so deeply that he could see phantoms of the past from time to time and think about how to deal with it, he would have never been able to stop Kaguya just now.

"In other words, the current rule on the third floor is that it is only safe where there is water?"

The real concubine looked at Kaguya's cracked shoe tip, frowned and said in a low voice.

"Not really."

Gao Hai, who looked forward, shook his head and his tone became helpless.


Before Zhen Fei had time to ask her doubts, Gao Hai had already pulled her and hid behind a broken wall, and Kaguya also reacted at the same time and hid.


The sound of treading water quickly passed by where the three of them had just stood.

A faint female voice also sounded at this moment.

[A rat has entered the house again...]

Chapter 56: The key clue that was ignored

[There are 3 hours and 20 minutes left before the end of day 3]

[There are still 1 hour and 20 minutes until dark on the third day]

It didn't take long for the woman's voice to disappear.

But for the three people present, the appearance of this thing undoubtedly heralded a very bad news.

The strangeness that exists in 304 has begun to spread, and they have begun to be tracked.

"Why does she appear outside? Shouldn't she be in 304?"

The real concubine doesn't quite understand the reason for the appearance of this thing.

"Maybe it's because we took something that it shouldn't have taken away. Now that we've seen this one, the other one will probably show up. Let's go, we have to be careful. There may be more... What did you encounter?"

Gao Hai said this, stretched out his hand and pulled the collar of his clothes that were getting wet, and continued to move forward pretending that nothing happened.

Just by being close to that female weirdo, his clothes were automatically soaked by the boiling water, which began to cause him severe torture.

As the curse he endured gradually deepened, the intensity of the pollution to him by the beast-like [parents] seemed to be getting higher and higher, as if his own existence itself was gradually leaning towards the position of that poor girl, becoming Just like her, she will be tortured and abused by [parents].

Speaking of which, everything I saw, heard, and felt was basically from [her] standpoint. The final stage of this curse was for me to be executed in the same way she died, experiencing the same pain as her. It was like through this curse, I was forced to experience her life and experience her life.

The question now is that she is still the only one in this situation, but Zhenfei and Kaguya have begun to show signs of being cursed. Will they also reach this point? If so, how long is left until that stage?

These questions with uncertain answers made Gao Hai somewhat uneasy.

"It would be great if I could just use that key to get to 309."

The real concubine sighed and whispered.

"It's better not to have this kind of delusion. We have already tried it, but the key cannot open such a key room. The current situation is already the best condition we can achieve. The remaining problem is just Just find it there.”

Kaguya rarely spoke more, and warned the real concubine very seriously.

"Yes, it's my aunt. Well, there seems to be some noise in front of me. Be careful..."

The true concubine had just replied, and then she noticed something strange.

The three of them hid again, and then heard the sounds of commotion gradually approaching from a distance.

[Come on, who is afraid of whom? Hit me. If you are scared, it will be your grandson, hahaha! 】

[You don’t have damn eyes, do you? What do you mean by throwing the bottle at my door?]

[I can throw it wherever I want, come on, you want to hit me, right? Come on, come on, you’re scared, right? Hahahaha——]

The drunk man was yelling curses.

The angry neighbor did not dare to step forward because he knew that this man was really capable of taking action and did not care what happened after the beating.

Even if the police are called, once a fight breaks out, unless someone is seriously injured, it will only be counted as a physical assault. But this man never accepted mediation. When he entered the police station, he went with the goal of sending people on both sides to the detention center. The man's idea was very simple. Entering the detention center was just a convenient way for him to hide from debt collectors for a few days. But for the neighbors who had jobs and families to support, this insignificant thing became extremely disgusting. .

Another reappearance, a remnant of the past.

But this time, Gao Hai was not the only one who could hear these things.

"Those sounds just now... Haijun, have you been able to hear these sounds since you were cursed?"

The true concubine turned her head to look at Gao Hai. Those distorted sounds did not seem to have much impact on her. In contrast, after experiencing the situations Gao Yihai had experienced, her worries about Gao Hai immediately became deeper. .

“Will boiling water start to appear in the next stage, or are there other stages in between?”

Kaguya's face looked slightly pale, but she quickly calmed down, turned to look at Gao Hai and asked.

"That's almost it. Anyway, be careful next time. This is not a good experience."

As Gao Hai spoke, he looked at the slightly bloated school uniforms of the two girls.

In order to cope with the various reactions to the curse, both Zhenbi and Kaguya put multiple layers of toilet paper and towels under their clothes. In this way, after encountering the curse of boiling water appearing out of thin air, they can absorb as much water as possible through these paper towels and remove it from the body in time, thereby reducing the extent of the burn and slowing down the impact on themselves.

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