However, the specific effect of this can only be known when that moment actually arrives.

[Don’t mind this family’s affairs, this disgusting thing, as long as it’s not too outrageous, it’s okay]

[It really makes me feel sick just looking at it. How in the world can there be such a person]

More and more reverberations are emerging, as if the toy was taken out and activated the memory of this twisted land.

[This family should just die. His wife is also disgusting. She secretly picked vegetables from 303 two days ago, and when she was discovered, she trampled the vegetable field directly]

[And their daughter, is she sick? She's acting like a fool every day. She's frightened every time she asks her. Her mother actually scolds me for talking to her daughter. She's so crazy! 】

The sounds of disgust, the expressions of disgust, the movements of disgust, no matter what the emotion was at the beginning, it all turned into the same disgust in the end.

[What the hell, the young man from 309 took care of their daughter last time. Look at the battle and forced her away]

[Hey, why don’t those debt collectors stop knocking on the door in the middle of the night? Once they knocked on my door by mistake]

All the voices were pieced together bit by bit, pieced together what had happened, and pieced together a corner of the history of that apartment.

Faced with that disgusting couple, who were afraid of getting into conflicts with each other, from the initial conflicts, everyone gradually began to ignore them, as if this family did not exist, and turned a blind eye no matter what happened. When something becomes a habit, it starts to become a matter of course, like everyone knowing that the family's daughter has been tortured and abused. But what does it have to do with me? Is there really any benefit to taking care of this matter?

There was only one new young man who planned to work hard in a big city. He wanted to save some money and moved into this old apartment. After seeing what happened to the child, he couldn't bear it and made a decision. took action.

But his good intentions only brought him endless trouble, and eventually forced him to move away. And after this clear example, no one was willing to care about the family's affairs, so much so that even the children of these people imitated the adults' attitude, ignoring, insulting, and even bullying the child.

Everything is sliding towards the abyss.

The light gradually disappeared without a trace.

In other words, it never existed.

There was just a moment when she had the illusion that things would really change.


Gao Hai had already taken off his clothes and acted with his upper body bare.

The burns on his body became more numerous, the skin became red, blisters formed, or a whole piece of flesh was burnt.

Even though the total number of these injuries is not too large now, and they are not covering the whole body like in the second week, for Gao Hai, the pain he bears is already severe enough to start to affect his actions.

"Or not……"

Kaguya took a deep breath and took off the badge. The almost formed rescue team uniform she wore also dissipated, revealing the school uniform she was wearing.

"Are we still lacking some conditions? Or is that door really hidden to this extent, so hidden that we have searched around here so many times and still can't find it?"

The real concubine on the other side also panted. She had already worn the badge once before, and she took it off only when she was almost unable to hold on anymore. The result was still no gain.

Wearing the rescue team medal and forming a rescue team uniform on your body, you may be able to find the entrance to 309. This is a possibility that Gao Haizhenfei Kaguya and the others thought of, and it is also the reason why they try it now.

But the result was not ideal.

Even with the rescue team badges on, they still couldn't find 309's location.

During the process, the three of them also tried to replicate the tactics Gao Hai had used on the first floor, trying to put themselves into the identity of the rescue team to call for assistance, but no rescue team member responded.

In contrast, the three of them had encountered the two [parents] wandering in this area many times.

And, every time, the distance between the two things and the three of them seemed to be gradually getting closer.

Even if you keep a long distance from them, it won't be long before those two things slowly wander around them again.

It's like they have some way of positioning themselves, some way of being aware of their position.

Maybe, it's because they have that thing in their hands?

At this moment, there is still about half an hour before the light disappears completely and enters the dark night state.

After nearly an hour of searching, no results were obtained.

Later, Kaguya even thought of using the blood key to open a door and connect it to a gate on the first floor to see if this method could summon the rescue team. As a result, this attempt not only failed to open the door, but also attracted the [parents], causing the three of them to have to hide in embarrassment.

It seems that because there is a huge conflict between the 1st floor and the 3rd floor, forcibly opening the 1st floor door on the 3rd floor will basically attract the attention of the strange being.

Gao Hai had thought that things would not be so easy, but when he was really faced with the current dilemma where he could not find a solution at all, he had to admit that he was more or less anxious.

"You can enter 309 wearing the clothes of the rescue team, because Xu Sheng is the captain of the rescue team. After he was caught in the strange conversation throughout the apartment, he contacted each other with the rescue team's strange talk, and maintained his sanity for a long time until Sanchez ruined everything... ...Tsk, the 1st floor is the rescue team, and the 3rd floor is the root cause. Maybe because we are on the 3rd floor, it is difficult for the rescue team on the 1st floor to reach this place. If there is any way to establish a connection between the 3rd floor and the 1st floor. …”

"Based on the experience of the previous week, if the degree of transformation is high enough, the rescue team can be called directly on the third floor. To break the power hedging between the third floor and the first floor and allow the rescue team to appear here, there must be a basic The transformed individual is here, but this requires very high willpower, and I think only I can do it, and only I can retain my sense of self while being almost completely transformed.”

Gao Hai put forward this opinion after some serious thinking.

"I don't agree. If you want to leave, let's go together. Now is not the time to play sacrifice."

Without any hesitation, the true concubine expressed her absolute opposition on the spot.

"I don't agree either. It's true that it's not yet time to sacrifice a person. We have to think again about which clues we have overlooked."

Although Kaguya has a cold personality, she also chose to oppose it at this time. After all, she is not really cold and heartless. It is impossible for her to choose to completely give up Gao Hai's life while she still has a choice.

"Okay... then let's use this as a backup plan."

Gao Hai nodded lightly and said nothing more.

He had really thought about whether to just wear the badge and try to forcefully retain his consciousness to summon the rescue team during the complete transformation process.

But the existence of this cheat means that once he makes self-sacrifice, the final result will inevitably be to start from scratch, which is completely meaningless.

Therefore, we have to think of other ways.

How about letting Maeda Miwa wear a badge so that she can be completely transformed, and then let her summon the rescue team?

No, no, calling for rescue team members requires a certain degree of initiative, and the rescue team members who have been completely transformed will definitely go to the first floor. Even if they wear the rescue team member badge, they may not be able to scream attractively. The risk is very high. I hope it will be very good. Small, not worth trying yet.

Are there really any clues that have been overlooked that they can and need to use now, but have been ignored and not thought of?


Xusheng's message pointed to 109, and the key to 304 found in 109 led them to Sanchez's last words, and finally came to the present.

These clues and information are interconnected and are indeed paving a way for them to survive. There is no reason for problems to arise at this last critical step.

So, what is the clue that they didn't use...the tape?

Something that had been forgotten for a long time suddenly appeared at this moment.

"Open a door, a door that leads to a tape machine. We ignored the tape. The mediation tapes of residents 309 and 304. There may be clues hidden in that thing."

Gao Hai suddenly woke up and said hurriedly to the two people beside him.

Zhenfei and Kaguya showed signs of being in a trance for a moment, but then they woke up. Kaguya almost immediately walked to a nearby door, inserted the blood key into the door lock, and opened the door with a slight twist. Zhen Fei, on the other hand, found the stack of tapes that Gao Hai had placed in her backpack, and followed Kaguya to get ready to enter them.

After the opened door, there was a room obviously located on the second floor, with a layer of shallow water on the ground.

The three of them didn't recognize which room this was for the time being, because the interior furnishings were a little different from the rooms the three of them had been to before. There are old radios in this room, musical instruments such as suona and erhu are placed in the glass cabinet in the corner, and there is a small tape player on the table.

Go into the room and close the door.

Before Kaguya could get the tape player, the door at the back suddenly opened, and then the old man's body in 201 jumped out.

If Kaguya hadn't reacted in time and thrown away the blood puppets, letting the flesh puppets entangle the old man, one of the three of them would have lost the lottery at this time.

"Is it actually Room 201 that was not explored because the corpse was too active? Tsk, speaking of it, except for this week, there was no way to explore this place without the obsession before, so I subconsciously regarded this place as a dead place and ignored it. …”

Gao Hai, who only reacted after looking at the old man's body, curled his lips, and then couldn't help but think of Lao Guo and the traitor.

If those two people didn't have cerebral palsy and insisted on causing damage, but could lead the newcomers through the level like normal seniors, why would it be like this now?

However, the resentment in my heart was nothing but resentment. Now that I had obtained the tape drive, the focus of the matter returned to the information carried by the tape.

Since the blood doll could not trap the corpse on the second floor for too long, the three decided to return to the room where the other people were. They left the room, the last person recovered the blood doll, and then slipped out of the door before the old man's body got up. The people outside closed the door again, then inserted the blood key into the door lock again, then knocked on the door gently, and opened the door after receiving a response. , and just returned to the room where Sun Dajun and others were hiding.

"How's it going? Did you find anything?"

Green, who was most anxious and afraid of being left behind, asked quickly.

"Be quiet, there are important clues here, we need to confirm the content."

Takahashi said as he moved a table in the room to the middle of the room, followed Kaguya, put down the tape recorder with the tape inserted, and then pressed the play button.

No sound, no movement.

"Is it broken?"

Kaguya was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding what was going on.

"Did you forget to turn on the power?"

Mahiro beside her took a look and looked at her aunt, an electronic idiot, with some confusion.

"This... It seems that I am not particularly good at this kind of old-fashioned electronic product."

For the embarrassment at this moment, Kaguya coughed lightly and gently turned it over. And Gaohai had already picked up the tape recorder, found the power button and turned it on. As expected, although this thing had been placed in Shirakawa Apartment for at least one or two years, it was still very powerful and immediately started playing the tape.


The first thing that came out was a messy and meaningless noise.

Then, after the noise lasted for a few seconds, a cough from a middle-aged man began to sound inside.

[This is the xx police station, the time is... (after a standard official statement) Now we are mediating for both parties, so who will explain the matter first. After one party finished speaking, the other party said, don't interrupt or quarrel, everyone should try to stay harmonious, be harmonious, okay? We should strive to turn conflicts into friendship, this is the harmonious approach, right? Then, let this young man speak first...]

The middle-aged man's opening words were dragged out very slowly, with a bit of slow official tone, which made people more or less impatient.

But then, after the voice of this middle-aged man fell, the voice of another young man sounded, which made Gao Hai raise his head and was slightly surprised.

Could this voice be...

Chapter 57: The echo of despair and obsession engraved here

[Do you want me to say it? ]

[If you ask me, this mediation is totally unnecessary. What you should do is to cancel the guardianship rights of the parents and send the child to an orphanage. With her current condition, it would be better for her to go anywhere than to stay in her family]

[Young man, don't get excited. Talk slowly. Why are they sending a family of four to an orphanage when they are fine?]

[Fine? Have you seen the injuries on her body? Do you know what she was beaten like?]

[It's none of your business how I want to beat my child. You look stupid. Hey, you're still not convinced, right? Try to glare at her again? I'll beat you to death!]

[Don't get excited. Talk quietly.]

[You want to fight, right? Come on. I'm afraid of you, old thing!]

[Hey, hey, hey, calm down.]

[Ahh, murder, murder!]

[Come and help. Pull this young man away. Hey, stop hitting. There's surveillance. Stop hitting! ]

[Hahaha, if you don't beat me to death today, I'll put on a bandage and go to your parents' workplace tomorrow, hahaha, let's see what you can do]

The sound in the tape went from calm to chaotic in just a few words.

The man's vulgar insults, the woman's hysterical screams, the young man's angry roars, and the sounds of chairs being pushed down, people tearing and beating each other, all sounded chaotically, so that it was impossible to distinguish anything valuable.

But such sounds did not last too long. In the end, all the sounds gradually subsided, and then they sounded again, and this time the voices were the voices of the previous young man and another middle-aged man.

[You just moved out of your home for less than a month, and you went to the police station with someone, and you were fighting in the mediation room? You kid are going to embarrass me]

[...I know, but that family, those two people are not worthy of being parents at all. You don't know how they treated that girl]

[Yes, I don't know, what can you do if you know? ]

[I just can't stand that incident... How can there be such parents? They starved their daughter for a whole day and night. She had a needle wound on her arm. They left her in the corridor in the middle of the night. She was wearing only a single layer of clothes. The temperature was only 6 degrees. Is this something a human being can do...]

[Okay, okay, you kid, I know you are a kind-hearted person, but I didn't expect you to go to this extent and make trouble in the police station for someone you don't even know. Do you know that after you beat that guy in the mediation room, he stayed in the hospital. Now he has to go to the hospital for examinations. I guess he can't get over this unless he asks us for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of yuan.]

[How can we give him back the money...]

[You started it first. The recordings and videos can all be seen by the people present. The examination results also show that there is indeed an injury. You broke his arm, and it was in the police station. Do you know that if this matter is handled seriously, not only will you go to jail, but my job will also be affected. Now I'll take more money to cover this matter. When he gets better and really makes trouble in our unit, it will be difficult to deal with it. What do you want me to do? I don't want this family anymore. I won't support your sister, grandparents, or grandpa anymore. Will I accompany you to be a knight and kill that person? 】

[...Dad, I'm sorry]

[Okay, I know you are a kind child, you did nothing wrong in this matter, but there are some bad people, and people like us who have families and burdens can't afford to waste time with them. Let me ask my acquaintances to get you a place in the city rescue team. Although it is difficult, you are a child who can endure hardships. Work hard there for a few years. Maybe you can become a team leader or something. This kind of thing of saving lives and accumulating merit is also suitable for you]

[Can't you really take care of that child...]

[How to take care of it? What can you do? Don't think about it. By the way, I have asked someone to cancel the lease of that room, and I have packed up all the furniture and things for you. You don't have to go to that apartment anymore. Next time you go out and choose a place to live, take a good look at the surrounding environment first]

[...I know]

It seems to be a conversation between a father and son, a heartfelt conversation between the young man and his father.

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