Is it because of the combined effect of two obsessions that have the function of [assimilation] at the same time, that the speed of transformation, that is, the speed of the obsession losing control, has increased?

Gao Hai did not let Qianhua wear the rescue team badge for too long. Seeing that the wound was almost healed, he tore it off, and then took off the clothes with strange power on her body.

Perhaps because of the effect of the two forces, the assimilation of the exploration suit, which had already undergone certain changes, with Fujiwara Chihua's flesh and skin slowed down a lot, and then only a little bit of the skin was torn off, leaving only a few scratches on the girl's body.

"Why is this dress..."

After taking off the expedition team clothes, Qianhua woke up and struggled to get up from the ground, with fear in her eyes.

But then she noticed that she was only wearing close-fitting underwear. Out of shame, she still reached out to cover her chest, her legs together, and a blush appeared on her cheeks.

Although I know that this man took off his expedition suit without any bad intentions, on the contrary, he was saving me, but the feeling of being held down tightly, unable to move, and forced to take off clothes without resistance is really... a bit exciting...

"Put on this security uniform, hurry up."

On the other side, Gao Hai didn't pay any attention to the black and gray lace underwear and white panties with a small bow pattern and gray spots on the side that Fujiwara Chika was wearing. Instead, he directly put on the badge of the rescue team, making himself a rescue team uniform.

This obsession seems to have undergone a certain degree of mutation after Xu Sheng's rest. When Gao Hai wears it, the pollution can be reduced to a very small level. Basically, it can be said that after wearing this thing, Gao Hai can wear it for a day and a night without any problem as long as he is not fighting against weirdness. Considering that any injuries Gao Hai suffers after wearing this thing can be healed quickly, and his physical fitness will be improved to a level far beyond that of humans, he thinks that this thing can be used as a superhero transformation device.

But now, all he needs is the identity of [rescue team member]

"Okay, okay, I got it!"

Taking the security uniform thrown by Gao Hai, Qianhua, who had noticed some strange movements around the cave, didn't care about the peculiar smell on the clothes and quickly put them on.

Then, the girl looked up in a daze and found that she was sitting in a guard booth, sitting in front of a table. Under the light, she saw a gloomy cave outside the window facing her. Three people in yellow striped clothes were not far away. The figure in the front seemed a little familiar, but it was too far away to see clearly.

[The confirmation of the "guard booth" has been completed. It is not suitable to enter now. C1, take your team back to the entrance]

[Yes, I will lead the team back immediately]

Shinomiya Kaguya turned around and started to return with the other two team members.

At this time, Qianhua also heard the sound of the door opening on her side. She turned her head and saw a figure in security uniform slowly walking in.


Under the pouring rain, Gao Hai wiped the water off his face and looked at the serious-looking rescue team members and firefighters around him.

"The situation inside the Red Nut Ash Cave is unclear now. We must rescue as many people as possible while ensuring our own safety. Now everyone has a copy of the code of conduct. Read it in 3 minutes, remember it, and then set off!"

A bearded white man in a firefighter uniform shouted at Gao Hai, and then handed him a copy of the code in a waterproof bag.

Chapter 12: A corner of the chaotic world is revealed here

[Red Nut Ash Cave Rescuer Action Guidelines:]

[As a rescuer participating in this rescue operation, you have been warned in advance of the danger and unpredictability of this operation. This action guideline is a summary of the recent rescue operations to ensure your safety. Please be sure to follow it]

[1. Make sure you bring a full set of rescuer equipment or firefighter equipment into the Red Nut Ash Cave. You must ensure that you maintain your identity as a "rescuer" or "firefighter". What matters is not whether you are or not, but whether you look like it]

[2. Recall your identity and name every 15 minutes. If you find that you can only recall your identity as a rescuer, but not your name, If you cannot remember clearly, please leave the cave as soon as possible at all costs. You are no longer able to perform the work of a rescuer at this time.]

[3. Do not enter the "gentle slope" area, especially the area near the big crack. No matter what you hear, see or feel, there is actually no one in need of rescue in the "gentle slope\

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