Gao Hai could see that the location of the big slide was originally blocked by a cement wall, but now that wall had collapsed. The rainwater in the cave gathered and spread downwards along the hole, heading towards Rushing deeper into the cave.

Vaguely, it seemed that someone could see someone reaching out and waving towards him behind the gap in the large slide.

Gao Hai felt an invisible force, which seemed to be tempting him, driving him, making him approach the breach, making him walk through the entrance of the big slide and go deep into the cave.

However, this level of mental erosion has no effect on Gao Hai, so he first asked the three players to stand farther away, and then quickly walked towards the guard box. The sentry box that appeared in the cave at this moment seemed to be intact, which was completely different from the completely abandoned sentry box that Gao Hai and Qianhua had discovered before.

He reached out and grabbed the door handle, twisting it slightly.

Without twisting it open, it looked like the door was locked.

Gao Hai reached out and knocked hard on the door of the guard box, then kicked it, but received no response.

Is there no one in the house?

After a brief hesitation, Gao Hai chose to pull out his pistol and pointed the muzzle at the door lock.


After a sharp gunshot, the door of the guard box was kicked open by Gao Hai, and then he strode into the guard box.

Chika Fujiwara raised her head, turned around, and looked at the security guard who opened the door and walked in.

In other words, someone walked in, wearing a security uniform.

The girl didn't scream.

She just clenched her fingers tightly, letting the palms of her hands bleed from the pricks, without making any sound, and just stared at the thing that walked in.

It is indeed wearing a security uniform.

But its body... Qianhua is hard to describe. It's like a person being squashed bit by bit. You can see that all parts of the body are flat. Broken bones and rotten flesh poured out from the gaps in the clothes and between the skin and flesh, and were flattened in the same way.

The only descriptions that Qianhua could think of were people who were crushed to pulp in fantasy movies, or rats that were run over by car tires on the road.

This thing is standing in front of me now.

Even though it has turned into this terrifying appearance, it is still acting like a normal person.

【Who are you? 】

The girl heard the thing's vague questioning voice.

"I...I am..."

Even though she had tried her best to stabilize her emotions, Qianhua's voice still inevitably trembled.

[The post box...cannot...enter...]

The crushed body twisted and stumbled forward, and the crushed head was slowly approaching Qianhua.

The crisis of death is approaching.

Before today, the girl had never felt such a strong sense of fear.

Don't panic.

Don't lose your mind.

To answer, you must make an answer that conforms to the rules of this place.

【You...can' here...】

In the vague voice, the thing's head was almost touching Qianhua's face.

"I am... a security guard..."

The girl who gritted her teeth finally gave the answer in this suffocating moment, almost shaking every word she said.

The monster's movements paused.

【security guard……? 】

The thing seemed a little confused by Qianhua's words, its movements paused slightly, and its twisted body froze.

"No, that's right. I'm a security guard. I'm the security guard here! I'm the new security guard Fujiwara Chika!"

And with the answer just now, the girl who had regained some confidence grabbed the chair and stepped back, and then continued to speak loudly to the monster.

[ class...only partner...why...]

The thing seemed to become more suspicious. The sound and movements were like the PC version of The Last of Us opened on 1050ti, which was so laggy that it almost crashed the system.

"I'm here to change shifts. I'm here to change shifts with you. You're off work. You're already off work!"

Chika Fujiwara, who was extremely nervous, answered loudly almost immediately after the other party expressed doubts, and sweat broke out on her forehead.

【Shift change? Time...shift change...]

The thing seemed to be confused for a while, and when it raised its head, it wanted to look at the clock hanging in the guard box.

But Qianhua, who had discovered the thing's intention in advance, immediately stood up, stood in front of the wall clock, and waved her hands to block the thing's sight. If this squashed thing really still had "sight", If you plant something.

"Shift change is shift change. If I say shift change, you can really get off work. What, you want to work overtime?"

Qianhua asked in a deliberately evil voice.

[After get off work... After get off work...]

The strange thing that seemed to have understood more or less, or was finally tricked into entering by the girl, finally nodded slightly, and then the tattered security uniform it was wearing was taken off and thrown casually in the corner.

The thing that had taken off its clothes was just a ball of squashed rotten flesh, which looked extremely disgusting and terrifying.

But it seemed like it was just an ordinary security guard. It dropped its clothes, put down the flashlight, hung the key on the hook next to the door, and then slowly turned around and left the guard box, not forgetting to close the door before leaving. .

"Ah...scared me to death..."

It wasn't until the other party's footsteps completely disappeared that Chika Fujiwara finally breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed directly on the ground.

She raised her head and saw a map, a framed map hanging on the wall, with a title like "Red Nut Gray Cave Tourist Map" written on it.

After standing up, the girl walked back to the table. When she lowered her head, she saw a small code that was pressed under the glass plate of the table.

[Rules for security personnel of large slides:]

[Welcome to become a security guard at the Red Nut Gray Cave Blockade Point. Here are the rules you need to abide by during work. I believe that the work experience here will become a unique memory for you, and I sincerely hope that you can perform your duties well]

[1. Your job content is to stay here for 12 hours to ensure the safety of the fence. The day shift is from 6 am to 6 pm, and the night shift is from 6 pm to 6 am the next day. Do not leave without permission during work. post, do not leave the "Plain" area]

[2. You need to patrol every 30 minutes. The patrol area only has a blockade wall with a large slide. Bring a flashlight to illuminate the wall and check with your eyes. Do not touch the wall with your hands]

[3. If you find cracks or collapse in the blockade wall, do not come forward to deal with it. Return to your post and contact external staff through the liaison device. If there is no response, please leave the Red Nut Ash Cave through the "Stone Forest Road" and go to the cave. Go outside and inform other staff not to walk on the "gentle slope\

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