"Very good. As long as it can be reasonably explained as a [rescue] behavior, I can basically completely control that individual to act."

Gao Hai sat on the chair in the post, frowning, feeling the action of summoning the individual under the power of the obsession, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Wearing different clothes will have different identities.

I originally thought that this rule might only be for players and people.

But now it seems that even weird beings can transform their identities through this rule, and they can even be used as matryoshka dolls. As long as the outermost layer of clothing can continue to determine the identity, there is no need to care about the inside. In other words, the rescue team member controlled by the obsession can now transform into the two identities of security guard and rescue worker at any time, and enter and exit the different time and space of Gao Hai and Fujiwara Chika at any time.

So since weird beings can change their identities in this way, are there other ways to use the rules, such as two people hugging each other and wearing larger clothes to obtain the same identity? Or repeatedly changing multiple identities to suppress the assimilation effect?

These operations just went through Gao Hai's mind without actually trying to practice them.

He turned to look at the three new players waiting outside eagerly. After thinking about it, he stood up and commanded the rescue team members in the dark cave through double threads in his mind while talking with the three people. .

"Mr. Wang, you are still in good spirits now, so you will stay for now. As for the two of you, you have begun to forget your identities, which means that you can no longer hold the identity of the rescue team, otherwise you will definitely be completely Forget that you can never leave, so I have to "change clothes" for you. But changing clothes means changing your identity. You will probably be transported to an unfamiliar area, so you have to think about it. Don’t risk changing your clothes.”

Gao Hai warned the two players who had forgotten their names seriously.

Although they were just complete newcomers who had never participated in the game, the two of them nodded without hesitation, obviously knowing their current situation very well.

"Well, I hope you can survive. After all, I have a lot of ideas and I need your help to verify them before I can succeed."

With that said, Gao Hai quietly took out the blood doll from his watch.

After being cautious for such a long time, it’s almost time to take some proactive action.

Chapter 15: In a corner he hasn’t seen yet


Under the warm water, Kaguya raised her head, stared at the shower head in front of her, and then reached out her hand to turn it off.

He picked up the towel, wiped his body gently, and then put on the yellow striped uniform.

Shinomiya Kaguya really dislikes this outfit because its style reminds her of the clothes worn by prison inmates, except that usually prison inmates’ clothes are black and white stripes, but this one on hers is just yellow and white stripes. .

[Shower time is over, please go to the staff lounge to rest. Your second exploration operation will be carried out tomorrow]

There was a loud noise coming from the bathroom ceiling.

Kaguya had already walked out of the bathroom without saying a word, passed in front of the medical examiner, and finally returned to the personnel lounge.

It was a small room separated by heavy iron doors, one for each person.

In Kaguya's opinion, this is actually no different from prison.

We must find a way to escape from this environment.

The identity of this [explorer] places great restrictions on her movements. Except for exploration time, other times are basically completely restricted. Her movements will be exposed to surveillance at all times, and she will be armed with guns. Soldiers were standing guard not far away, and they would attract attention if she made any changes.

The C3 explorer played by the player was shot dead by the soldiers because he made some small moves not long ago.

Those soldiers wearing black full-coverage protective clothing, those soldiers who were actually strange existences, silently patrolled every room in this research base, and closely monitored explorers like her.

Something has to be done.

Shinomiya Kaguya looked down at the scalpel she had hidden on her body.

Most of the obsessive objects are now kept at Gao Hai's side. Now he only has this convenient scalpel, and the true concubine also only has one scalpel. The main reason is that at the beginning everyone thought that they would gather at the entrance of the Red Nut Ash Cave, so in order to act as tourists, those obsessions were inconvenient to carry, so they were all given to Gao Hai, who could store the obsessions on his watch. As a result, they did not expect that this mission would undergo such a drastic change, which made the three people's strategies not only completely ineffective, but also encountered trouble on their own side.

No, not necessarily. If she had an obsession like a blood doll in her hand, she would definitely try to use it. But with the weird situation in this place, maybe when she uses the obsession, Terrible things will happen.

This feeling really makes Kaguya want to laugh. Strange things that are obviously not even human are acting as human soldiers and using firearms to attack players who violate the rules. However, players have to try to rely on various weird skills to Obsession, using strange power to find a way out of trouble.

There is a strange feeling that the situation on both sides is reversed.

Picking up the red ribbon, she tied up her long black hair.

Kaguya has returned to the staff lounge, back to the small room that is about the size of a car and has only one bed and one toilet.


While sitting on the bed, Kaguya lowered her head and realized something was stuffed inside the bed.

She reached out and opened the bed, and then she saw a brand new white coat and a rule sheet placed in the coat.

[Working Code for Cave Base Researchers:]

[Welcome to the Cave Base. This is a secret research base affiliated with the Ameri Kingdom. As a researcher working in this base, in addition to the basic confidentiality laws, the following are special work rules that you need to abide by here. Please be sure to its remember]

[1. Depending on the type of work you are assigned, you may be engaged in sample analysis work, observation work or research work. Different work locations require different corresponding access cards. Please keep your access card properly. Each access card is bound to your personal information. You will be held responsible for any loss or damage]

[2. The scope of activities of researchers is limited to the experimental area and observation area. To enter the observation area, you need to obtain permission in advance. You are not allowed to enter the isolation area. Only isolation area staff, explorers and remote-controlled automatic equipment can enter the isolation area. No matter you You are not allowed to enter for any reason, and please do not embarrass the soldiers guarding the quarantine area]

[3. If biological information is detected in the samples sent to the analysis area, you need to press the emergency button immediately to start the protection process of transferring to the freezing area. This is an extremely important and easily inactivated research sample. Your superior research unit Only have the right to contact. You need to leave the analysis area at this time, and you will not have the right to participate in the subsequent work. If you have any questions about this, you can ask Professor Fournen, the director of research at the base, but you may not get an answer]

[4. The work in the research area and observation area is under the responsibility of the base research director Professor Fournen. When working in this area, you must obey all his instructions. If you are unable to do so, you will be removed from this position]

[5. Only those with the highest access authority can enter the freezing area. If you need to enter this area to work, please communicate with Professor Fournen in advance to confirm the important matters you need to pay attention to]

[6. All noises such as cries, calls for help or knocking on the door from the direction of the isolation area are hallucinations. There is an unidentified special biological toxin in the air environment here, which will cause hallucinations to a certain extent. , don’t pay too much attention to these hallucinations. If you think these hallucinations have affected your normal work, please report it to the superior department]

[7. For your mental safety, please take the antipsychotic drugs provided by this institution regularly. It will help you rest and sleep. Please do not give your drugs to the quarantine area explorers. If they ask for it, you can Call security soldiers to drive them away]

[8. Keep your personal clothes well. Wearing personal style clothes is not allowed in the base. The dressing style must be suitable for your position. This is a military research base, not your personal leisure show. Please maintain your professional qualities]

[9. If you repeatedly feel crowded, difficulty breathing, body inversion, etc. while sleeping for many days, and this situation begins to affect your normal work and life, please ask for instructions in time. You will be temporarily removed from your position, and we will Corresponding treatment will be arranged for you as soon as possible. This is a mental illness that is commonly suffered by staff here, and it can be contained only by early treatment]

[The right to interpret this code belongs to Professor Fournen and Lieutenant General Shegueira]

The content of the code itself is not complex.

But looking at this code, Kaguya couldn't help but frown. She had realized that just like the Shirakawa Apartment had a stable period of time after the abnormal phenomenon occurred, this strange research institute was probably also a place established after the abnormal phenomenon occurred. Phenomenon】Buildings during the period. It's just that unlike the Shirakawa Apartment where survivors were united and trying to find a way out, the situation in this place was completely different. People actually blocked the entrance to the abnormal area and were studying it.

Is such a thing possible? Weirdness will obviously lead to information blockade and cognitive shielding, making it impossible for ordinary people to realize related events.

Is it because the strange stories here have not really evolved yet, so the cognitive blockade has not yet formed?

Or is it that the weirdness that exists here is somehow different from the common sense of the players?

While she was thinking, Kaguya took off the explorer's yellow striped uniform without hesitation and put on the researcher's white coat.

The surveillance camera in the room suddenly locked onto her, and the soldier who was originally standing outside arrived at the door in the blink of an eye, opened the heavy iron door of the room, and then raised the muzzle of his gun and pointed it at Kaguya.

Then he slowly put down the gun and stood there, ignoring Kaguya in a white coat walking past it.

Different clothes, different identities, different ways of being treated.

Shinomiya Kaguya has figured out the operating rules of this place to a certain extent.

Go to the door and open the door to the lounge.

Concubine Shijo was already waiting outside the door. She had sneaked into the staff lounge to place clothes and rule sheets not long ago. At this time, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Kaguya walking out fine. Then Concubine Shijo motioned with her eyes for Kaguya to follow. He and the two girls walked through the corridor one after another and came to the door that separated the observation area and the research area.


The access card in Zhenfei's hand rang slightly.

The next moment, the heavy alloy door, which was over 40 centimeters long, slowly opened, revealing the area behind it.

Kaguya's eyes immediately noticed a line of signs on the wall and a row of sentences under the signs.

【Cave Plan】

[Creating a new future for civilization]

This plan……

Strange, why do I always feel like... I heard it somewhere?

For a moment, the girl felt a little dazed.

Chapter 16: You are being watched by it now

Gao Hai could not describe his feeling at this moment.

In front of him was the ground where water droplets were constantly dripping, and a layer of water had accumulated on the ground.

In the dark cave, one can see figures appearing in the darkness and quickly disappearing out of the light range.

The blood doll tightly bound the two undressed, pale figures. Then Gao Hai reached out and grabbed the shoulders of the two "people" and threw them directly into the crack in the wall on the other side of the big slide. In the hole.

The two new players, who had forgotten their names, had taken off their rescue team clothes and put on explorer clothes. The exchange process was a little unharmonious, but with the help of the obsession, everyone was happy with the result.

However, this is not what Gao Hai cares about. Although the two players avoided being continuously corroded by changing their identities and completely became part of the [Rescue Team], the identity of [Explorers] is also corrosive, and is more corrosive than those who violated the rules. The identity of the rescue team that will produce erosion effects will be eroded and assimilated faster. Whether they can survive in the end depends on the luck of those two people and whether they have the fate.

What he cared about was the senses that were split in half at this moment.

"Is it simply space division and overlap? Or is time also affected?"

In the cave where Fujiwara Chika exists as a security guard, at this moment, the team member summoned by the rescue team medal is standing in front of Gao Hai.

Standing in front of Gao Hai, who was in the midst of falling rain, standing in a cave filled with water.

He couldn't see the other person.

To the naked eye, all that exists is a cave with surging water.

But he could see the other person.

You can clearly feel something standing in front of you and realize that the other person is right in front of you.

Reach out and try to touch the other person's body.

Nothing was touched.

But the senses also reacted strangely at the same time, as if they really touched something invisible.

"What do we do now?"

Wang Gui beside him asked nervously at this moment.

At the beginning, Gao Hai changed the clothes of the two players. After seeing the two players disappear out of thin air, Wang Gui originally thought that he would also change clothes with him. But Gao Hai said that the two people were just sent to another dangerous area and decided not to change Wang Gui's clothes. Because he can still maintain himself, changing his identity in this case is not worth the gain.

Although he could understand what Gao Hai meant, the fact that he had to continue to stay in this strange cave made Wang Gui feel unsure and somewhat nervous. At this time, seeing Gao Hai stopped in place, he subconsciously asked.

"Wait a minute, don't be in a hurry."

Gao Hai signaled Wang Gui beside him to stay calm, and then mentally directed the rescuer to start taking action in the dark cave.

According to the rescue team's rules, the two identities of staff and security seem to be eroded very quickly, and the wearer will be eroded and assimilated in up to half an hour. In this case, Fujiwara Chika's current situation is very dangerous, and he has to help her find replacement clothes as soon as possible.

The rescuers in the dark cave had strode past the big slide.

Through the rescuer's sight, Gao Hai could see that the large slide on the other side was completely blocked and sealed by a cement wall.

The blockade of the big slide in the cave over there is still intact. Does it mean that the time in the area where Chika Fujiwara is located is earlier than the time in the cave here?

Such thoughts passed through Gao Hai's heart, and the rescuers on the other side had already taken off their tattered security uniforms, and then disappeared directly from the cave on that side, appearing in front of Gao Hai in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Hai threw one of the rescue suits left by the two new players to the rescuer. He took the rescue suit and put on the security uniform again, returned to Qianhua's side again, and then He walked to the door of the guard box, knocked on the door a few times, and then placed the rescue suit at the door after confirming that the girl could hear. Because he was not sure what would happen if the security code that stipulated that the door of the guard box must be locked was violated, Gao Hai just controlled the rescuer and said to the room: "The clothes of the rescue team are at the door, please come within half an hour." Replace as soon as possible] and then left again.

The next goal is to get the rescuer to leave the cave, reach the entrance from the stone forest road, and go to the ground area of ​​the red nut gray cave on the other side.

"Help me be alert to the surrounding situation. If there is an abnormal situation, such as rescuers climbing up the big slide or the water level rising, you will alert me immediately."

Gao Hai said this to Wang Gui beside him, and then controlled the rescuers on the other side more carefully, using the reason of "finding support personnel for rescue as soon as possible" to drive them through the stone forest road as quickly as possible.

From the rescuer's perspective, Gao Hai saw a clean red nut gray hole.

A Red Nut Gray Cave without any garbage, no discarded clothes, many benches along the way, railings on both sides, and a large number of lighting fixtures.

During the rescuers' operation, colorful lights have been illuminating the road. Gao Hai can clearly see the scenery in the cave without the help of flashlights and other lighting equipment. It seems that only the lights on the plain are not on? No, it seems that the lights on the gentle slope are also dark. It doesn't sound good, but the clothes of the rescue team have been left to Qianhua. I believe she should know what she should do now. He can't focus all his energy on Fujiwara Qianhua now.


Passing through the stone forest road, we came to the entrance of the Red Nut Gray Cave.

As a rescue team member, we walked down and the entrance was filled with mud and water.

As a rescue team member, the entrance was clean and tidy when we went up.

Gao Hai manipulated the rescuer to go up the stairs and came to the outside of the cave.

Outside is the dim night sky, sparse stars, and the Red Nut Gray Cave scenic area quietly immersed in the darkness.

Is that the Red Nut Gray Hole where nothing has happened yet?

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