[From today on, the development and protection of the Red Nut Gray Cave will be handed over to you, Pei Di, you must protect this park.]

The young man answered with vigor:

[Of course, Mr. Austin, I will do it. I will develop this park into a well-known attraction in the state until I get a national certificate and make it a world-famous attraction that will flourish for a hundred years. This is my promise.]

Gao Hai looked past the two figures and looked out the window at this moment.

He saw the park under construction outside the window.

The old simple sign was removed and the new sign was erected.

The original bumpy hole was carefully taken care of, and a staircase was planned to be built.

The wall was built, and the planted flowers gradually opened their buds.

Finally, there was a very tall monument, which was lifted by the machine, moved, and finally slowly put down.

[Work hard]

Among the two blurred figures beside him, the old man finally reached out and gently patted the young man's shoulder, leaned on his crutches, limped away slowly, and disappeared in the corridor.

[I will, I promise]

The slightly shorter young man nodded solemnly in response, then turned around and left, and disappeared just like that.

And Gao Hai, who had already walked to the window, lowered his head and looked at the monument. With his extraordinary vision, he could see the statue on the monument and the text below.

[Auston V. Brown]

[The first warrior who successfully explored the Red Nut Gray Cave, completed the exploration of the entire cave, and successfully developed and utilized the cave]

[Founder and first president of the Red Nut Gray Cave Tourism Development Company]

That was...

The scene around him changed again.

Gao Hai saw the flying scraps of paper, including tickets to the Red Nut Gray Cave, banknotes of different colors, and other large and small documents.

He saw that this place has changed from a completely natural cave to gradually building various equipment, building a park outside the cave, and then expanding and safety engineering inside the cave, and building various infrastructure. Step by step, this place has undergone earth-shaking changes.

There are more and more tourists coming and going.

The dangerous area behind the big slide, which is specially open to explorers, is expensive, but it has attracted many people who love adventure.

A wave of cave tourism is sweeping the country of Amei.

And Pei Di, who took over the cave from Austin, successfully grasped the limelight and made this cave attraction more perfect.

Gao Hai reached out and caught a piece of intact document, which was not as fragmented as other pieces of paper.

It was a letter.

An ordinary document with a very simple cover and no traces of decoration.

[To Webo:]

[Hi, it has been five years since we last parted. After graduating from college, you wanted to work in safety management, and I came to the Red Nut Gray Cave Tourism Development Company. We once agreed that no matter who becomes famous, we should not forget each other, so now I come to you]

[I am now the president of this company, a 32-year-old president, amazing, you can worship me as much as you want, hahahahaha]

[Anyway, you know what I mean, I need your experience, I need you to help me further improve the safety measures of this scenic spot. For example, the crack on the gentle slope, ha, this is the seventh time someone has been stuck in it, I really don’t understand what those tourists are thinking, they have to climb over it even though it is surrounded by a fence. If the crack is not narrow enough, ha, I dare not imagine what it would be like to fall to the bottom of a 300-meter deep crack in one breath. There is also a big cliff. It is too high. Even professional explorers can easily get into trouble. We need to build a simple pulley elevator there, and you are the best at this.]

[Yes, I need you. Laugh if you want. I'm sure you are laughing when you see this.]

[Don't think I can't guess your expression, you bastard. We have been fighting with the kids in the next street since we were 5 years old. If you lift your butt, I will know whether you want to poop or fart. Get over here quickly. The ticket is attached to the letter.]

[——Pei Di]

Auston, who originally developed the Red Nut Gray Cave, and Pei Di, who took over the cave scenic spot, and Welbo, who assisted him in safety work.

The information shown to Gao Hai by this memory fragment made him very concerned.

He took a step and wanted to go deeper into this place.

What happened in this cave?

Why did a nationally famous attraction eventually become such a chaotic and twisted place of weird stories?

What is the key?

Hidden in this dark cave, where did the origin of all the disasters begin?

Too many questions lingered in my mind, but I couldn't get the answers.

Although I didn't know why I could sense the things in these memory fragments, Gao Hai was not ready to stop there, but decided to go deeper, try to get more clues, and try to find the truth he wanted to find from these broken shadows.

But at this moment, Gao Hai suddenly found that the building he was in was getting dim.

It was as if the light itself could no longer exist, and it was rapidly dimming and falling into a lightless environment.

Something was approaching in the darkness.


It was like the trace of a metal object dragging and moving on the ground.

He began to realize that he had to run.

The originally clean and tidy corridor became tattered.

Drops of mud and water began to fall from the ceiling.

The window was no longer the sunny ground park of the Red Nut Gray Cave, but a cold and gloomy cave, and the lights that kept flickering in it, which seemed to be extinguished at any time.

It's coming.

His blessing still couldn't capture the other party, and he couldn't feel the slightest kindness or malice, nor could he tell what it was.

But Gao Hai's instinct was already warning him, telling him that he must run away now and must not be caught up by the darkness.


The dragging sounded extremely slow, but it was approaching quickly.

That thing had discovered him.

Even though he was in a broken cave that was not real, but in someone's memory, that thing still discovered Gao Hai and was approaching him quickly, wanting to end his life here.

We must get out of here.

The more Gao Hai advanced and ran, the less he could move.

The walls on both sides were getting closer.

The originally high ceiling was constantly compressed downwards.

This place had become a low, dark cave without knowing when.

In the sound of crying, it seemed as if someone was shouting "Hold on".

Then, Gao Hai opened his eyes.

He looked at Fujiwara Chika, who was lying in his arms and was hugged tightly by him.

Well, I can feel the other person's emotions. It's her, not some ghost pretending.

It's just that her face is a little red, and it seems that she is not asleep, or she has woken up a long time ago? In short, although Chika herself is now lying honestly in Gao Hai's arms, with her head resting on his slightly numb arm. But from the body that trembles slightly from time to time, and the increasingly obvious blush on her cheeks, it is not difficult to see that the other party is awake now, just pretending to sleep.

In the dream, she took the initiative to hold me while sleeping, but when I woke up, the situation was completely reversed?

In any case, at least Zhenfei didn't see this scene, so it's okay.

Thinking of this, Gao Hai suddenly heard the "click" sound of the door lock opening from the side.

The next moment, the heavy metal door was pushed open, and Shijo Zhenfei, wearing black soldier clothes, appeared outside the door expressionlessly, with purple eyes staring straight at Gao Hai who was sleeping on the single bed with Qianhua in his arms.

"Uh, well, what a coincidence..."

Gao Hai, who didn't know how to react to this overly dramatic scene, pulled the corner of his mouth, and finally raised the hand that was not pressed by Qianhua and gently waved to Zhenfei.

Chapter 24: Angry Tsundere Girl and New Exploration Action

Shijo Zhenfei was very angry.

She felt an unprecedented atmosphere, so angry that she was about to explode.

In twelve hours, she and Kaguya carefully explored the entertainment area on the third floor, and managed to get a set of soldiers' uniforms and hid them in the dormitory area on the second floor. Then, after spending the first night, Kaguya wore a researcher's uniform and sneaked into the command room, while Zhenfei put on the soldier's clothes and went to the staff lounge to take Gao Hai and Fujiwara Chika out, took them for basic examinations, and then took them to the quarantine area.

During the whole process, Zhenfei and Kaguya were very cautious. In this place where strange things exist everywhere, one wrong step may lead to the annihilation of the whole army.

In the dormitory on the second floor, they saw those figures lying on the beds, some of them were dehydrated and almost mummified, and there were a lot of sand and dust on their bodies; some of them were swollen and rotten and swollen, and they were not human; some of them seemed to be squeezed flat, showing a bloody and fragmented state.

But even so, the two girls could not smell the stench of these corpses, nor could they smell the slightest smell of blood. On the contrary, they could even hear these things snoring or chatting with each other, as if they were still alive.

When they arrived at the lounge on the third floor, the situation seemed even more serious. The place was full of flying blood and fragmented corpses, but they were all wearing researchers' or soldiers' clothes, drinking wine like living people, playing various entertainment facilities, and having fun. Some people even invited Zhenfei and Kaguya to play together.

It seems that the clothes on them are what keep these things alive.

As long as they wear clothes that [represent a certain identity], no matter how seriously these things are damaged, nothing will happen. They seem to have gotten rid of birth, aging, illness and death, and are no longer bound by the laws of nature, and can live like this forever and ever.

Shinki and Kaguya did not rashly try any of the games in the entertainment area on the third floor. Instead, they carefully explored each room one by one, and finally, in a small room in the corner, they took away the clothes of one of the two shattered corpses while they were flirting with each other.

To be honest, the sight of two humanoid scum hugging each other and lingering like they were run over by a truck can easily leave a psychological shadow on people. At least the real concubine who witnessed this scene was greatly stimulated and almost couldn't control herself and vomited on the spot. By the way, after taking off the clothes that represented their [identity], those two things soon began to emit a foul smell, and gradually pieces of flesh began to fall off their bodies, and blood and water flew out. , which explains very well why there are blood stains everywhere on the third floor.

Putting on this set of clothes was a huge test for the true concubine, because the clothes were stained with blood, and there were even some broken bones and minced flesh left inside.

But in order to confirm Gao Hai's safety as soon as possible and to see with her own eyes that he was okay, Zhen Fei finally overcame her psychological and physical discomfort and reluctantly put on the soldier's clothes.

The strange thing is that the soldier's uniform was obviously a few sizes too big for the real concubine, but after she put it on, it fit her perfectly, as if it was tailor-made for her. It looked very comfortable. Fit and comfortable.

Zhen Fei, who had a deeper understanding of [playing identity], immediately came to the personnel lounge and came as a soldier to take Gao Hai and the rest of the explorers away.

Then she saw Gao Hai holding Fujiwara Chika tightly in her arms without letting go.

"The second exploration operation is about to begin, please take action as soon as possible."

Zhen Fei, who had no expression on her face and even had a hint of murderous intent, said coldly, and Gao Hai immediately let go when he saw the other party. Then Qianhua, who was finally free, hurriedly got off Gao Hai, panting and blushing. stood aside.

So exciting.

Qianhua Qingqing, who reached out to cover her chest, felt her heart almost stop beating.

After sleeping for a while last night, she suddenly felt some movement next to her as she still couldn't fall asleep. Before he could understand what was going on, Gao Hai turned over to face her, then stretched out his hand to hug her, pulling her whole body into his arms.

The height difference between Gao Hai and Qianhua was nearly 30 centimeters, which made Qianhua almost feel like she was being rubbed into Gao Hai's chest, forcing her whole body to stick to him.

Coupled with the absolute difference in strength, even if Qianhua tried her best to struggle, it had no effect at all. Instead, it aroused some instinctive reactions in Gao Hai like a gangster's excitement punch, and hugged her tighter.

The girl who couldn't break free finally got tired from struggling, and after confirming that Gao Hai had really fallen asleep and was not deliberately taking advantage, she had no choice but to give up, and just lay in Gao Hai's arms, treating his body as Go to bed and sleep with your eyes closed.

This experience is exciting.

At least for Chika Fujiwara, who had never been in love and had almost no in-depth contact with anyone of the opposite sex, it was quite exciting.

Especially the next morning, when Gao Hai's body had the morning instinctive reaction, the stimulation became even more powerful. It was so powerful that Qianhua thought she was going to stop breathing on the spot and passed out.

Fortunately, the soldier who came to the rescue prevented something extremely bad from unfolding.

Thinking like this, Qianhua raised her head and took a look, and then she was extremely shocked to find that this soldier was actually Shijo Zhenfei. She suddenly opened her mouth and was speechless.

"Please put on your exclusive uniform and come with me for a medical examination."

The true concubine just continued to speak expressionlessly. At this moment, her aura was so cold that it almost made Gao Hai wonder whether she had been completely assimilated by the strange force and turned into an inhuman monster or something. Fortunately, because of the blessing, Gao Hai was still able to confirm that the girl in soldier clothes was indeed one of his own, but now her mood was filled with a bit of less obvious malice. She couldn't say that she really had anything against Gao Hai. The thoughts of hatred are just a level of malice that is particularly unpleasant to him.

As for the source of this malice, Gao Hai is naturally quite clear.


At this moment, Gao Hai's heart was filled with embarrassing emotions.

It was obviously a scary and hard-core rule-based monster game before, but now it suddenly turned into a Shura field. There is definitely something wrong with this kind of development, right?

Not knowing what to say, Gao Hai could only quickly arrange the yellow and white striped explorer uniform he was wearing, and then motioned for Qianhua to follow him, while he followed the true concubine who turned to leave, and stayed with her Go for that so-called medical checkup.

After more than ten minutes, just a few scans with several instruments, he and Qianhua were told to go to the isolation area as soon as possible to start the next round of exploration.

"be careful."

Although the eyes she looked at Gao Hai still contained a bit of resentment, the true concubine finally explained to Gao Hai the various information she and Kaguya had obtained in earnest. Including what the [researchers] on the third floor talked about: "The base still hasn't found a stable production method this year", "The number of explorers recruited from prisons is starting to be insufficient again", "Yesterday there was an unlucky soldier who failed to follow the rules and disappeared. "Disappeared" and other topics, as well as the information collected from all aspects were conveyed to Gao Hai.

Even including the maps of the first and second floors of the base, Zhen Fei also gave Gao Hai a rough schematic map drawn by herself. As for the entertainment area on the third floor, because she and Kaguya hadn't fully explored that place, there wasn't an accurate map available yet.

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