And Gao Hai did not hesitate, and took advantage of this time to hand over the information he and Qianhua had collected to the other party, which surprised Zhenfei. She had never expected that the different identities of [Explorer], [Rescue Team] and [Security] would lead to direct transmission to different time nodes, and that there were all kinds of strange phenomena hidden in the depths of the Red Nut Gray Cave. Therefore, she fell into deep thought and was a little distressed about how to integrate these intelligence to find a reasonable direction of action.

In addition to the clothes that Zhenfei and Kaguya were already wearing, there was also a set of Zhenfei's researcher uniforms and the clothes that she stole, which belonged to another soldier who was hugging each other at the time, which could be used for replacement. According to her and Kaguya's ideas, they would originally take advantage of this time when they could contact Gao Hai and Qianhua to change their clothes and let them get out of the exploration that might face various unknown dangers, but Gao Hai chose to refuse after thinking about it. He decided to enter the Red Nut Gray Cave at this time to confirm the specific situation inside.

According to Fujiwara Chika, although Shinki had already been extremely dissatisfied with this plump girl, she would not ignore her life or death because of a little emotion in her heart. Therefore, after Gao Hai decided not to change her clothes, she signaled the girl to change her clothes and change her identity.

Unexpectedly, she was rejected again this time.

"In the previous investigation, Gao Jun saved me several times, and I have cooperated with him many times, so this time I will act with him. In this way, if there is any unexpected situation, I believe I can cooperate with Gao Jun."

When Fujiwara Chika said this, although the blush on her face had not disappeared, her attitude was still very firm, and she had no intention of changing it.

Therefore, Shinki clenched her fists a little tighter.

Good, these two guys are so close that they can work together with mutual trust.

When I worked hard to investigate this research base, what did you two do?

And you also called Hai Jun "Gao Jun" and so on, your attitude is quite intimate.

Shijo Shinki looked at Gao Hai with eyes that seemed to be burning with fire. She endured and endured, but finally held it back. She did not let her emotions affect her current actions. In the end, she just kicked Gao Hai's leg lightly without force, and then walked away angrily.

To be honest, Gao Hai still felt guilty when he saw the other party's performance.

But the problem is that if you think about it carefully, he really didn't have anything with Fujiwara Chika? Whether it was tearing off each other's clothes, taking a bath together, or sleeping in the same bed at night... Well, although the starting point was mostly accompanied by various helplessness, these things did have some bad places.

But now, ah, forget it, let's not think about this kind of thing for now, think about how to survive first.

He forced himself not to pay attention to the gaze of Shinki, who was standing in the corridor leading to the isolation area and deliberately chose a position far away from him. Gao Hai just walked forward and stepped into the spacious isolation area hall behind the gate, a place called [Preparation Room].

Just by looking, he could see more than ten machine guns and automatic artillery aimed at him, and secretly felt more than one twisted hostility.

However, these artillery weapons, judging from the angles they were facing, did not seem to be prepared for Gao Hai who had just entered, but for something that came out from the direction of the cave.

There was a glass wall not far away. When he entered here, Gao Hai could see his incongruous appearance in yellow and white striped clothes from the glass. At this moment, behind the glass wall, Kaguya was standing in that room, watching a group of researchers in front of her who were observing various data.

[Exploration personnel are in place, number, 3... number 2? Number... 2, a total of two exploration personnel, please notify the command room to start the action]

In the cold voice, a researcher whose whole face had been shattered turned his head and gave orders to Kaguya.

Chapter 25: The abnormal situation gradually began to emerge

The number of exploration personnel is 2? !

Kaguya widened her eyes.

Looking through the glass of the observation room, there are clearly three people standing on the field, Gao Hai, Fujiwara Chika, and the third explorer who is actually played by Guiyi. There are clearly three people in front of them, but why is it said that there are only two explorers?

Is it that the character played by Guiyi was not judged to go in?

No, it is impossible.

In the first round of exploration yesterday, Kaguya acted with two other explorers. At that time, there were a total of 3 members who went in and 3 people came out. According to Zhenfei, the number of people judged in the command room and the observation room has always been 3, and there has been no change.

But why did it become 2 people today?

Kaguya suddenly thought of the first mission. At that time, Gao Hai's identity was different from other players. As soon as he appeared, he got the identity of the "corpse" in room 204. Although he himself did not get much benefit from this identity, this abnormality was indeed there from the beginning.

Is it because of the watch?

Thinking of the sudden fixation of this mission inexplicably and the current abnormal situation, Kaguya couldn't help but start thinking about this problem.

By the way, Gao Jun and Fujiwara-san's number is C3. The two of them have the same number, so maybe that's why they were judged to be the same person.

But referring to the first game, perhaps... Gao Jun himself, in addition to these superficial identities, also played an identity? A special identity that he himself may not know and has not been exposed so far?

If this is the case... Wait, she was taken out of the staff lounge by Zhenfei yesterday, and the strange explorer still appeared as before, but why did the explorer played by another player disappear? At that time, Zhenfei only found a set of researcher's clothes and had no way to bring the player out. As a result, when they acted again today, the other party disappeared, and did not walk out of the staff lounge at all, as if evaporated from the face of the earth.

And why didn't Zhenfei find this kind of thing? She clearly played the role of a soldier responsible for bringing people out, and she should have discovered this problem at the first time.

Is it because she played a soldier that she didn't find it?

Realizing that this research base that seemed to be safe by playing the role well was gradually exposing its horror, Kaguya's heartbeat tightened.

She wanted to do something, but the weird person looking at her had already begun to emit an extremely bad aura. If she took inappropriate actions at this time, she might end up disappearing like the players who only heard her voice yesterday, and she didn't even know where she died.

But even so, she couldn't do nothing now.

"The exploration team should act in groups of three. Now there are less than three explorers. Is it a bit against the rules?"

Thinking of this, Kaguya resisted the creepy gaze of the researcher sitting in front of the transparent glass in the observation room and carefully put forward her ideas.

Article 5 of the exploration personnel code states that the exploration team is a standard team of three people. If there is a reduction in personnel, the exploration activity must be stopped immediately. Now this observer has personally confirmed that there are only two explorers outside, which is already a violation of the rules.

[Please notify the command room to start the action]

But the researcher whose face was broken just spoke again, and the temperature of the entire observation room began to drop further in his emotionless voice.

Several researchers in the entire observation room turned their heads and stared at her motionlessly. Some researchers who stood with their backs to her even twisted their necks and turned 180 degrees to look at her.

All eyes were on her at this moment.

Unable to communicate.

Because this is a researcher in the observation room, not a commander in the command room, so there is no way to make comments through the content of the rules?

Speaking of which, yesterday, the researcher, Zhenfei, stayed in the command room, but today she was sent to the observation room, which is also a change. There must be a reason for this change in task arrangement. Is there something hidden in it that she has not discovered?

Kaguya's brain started to work at high speed after the abnormal situation began to appear.

Of course, she did not hesitate at all in her actions. She walked to the door on the side with an expressionless face, opened the door and came to the command room and the commander.

"The observation room said that the action can be started, but there are only two explorers at the moment, which is not in line with the rules. Can you start the action?"

Kaguya considered the way of communication and asked the pale commander.

[Begin Action]

The next development was something Kaguya didn't want to see, but it was not surprising.

Because of the point mentioned in the code that the command room's orders are higher than the code?

Kaguya's expression became more and more solemn, but at this moment she could only stand here. She couldn't leave this place before the end of the action.

And because of these strange existences around her, she couldn't change her clothes and change her identity. Because when she changed her clothes, she would be immediately noticed because of the inaccuracy of her identity, and then she would fall into a huge crisis.

Besides, she didn't bring clothes to change her identity into the command room... Was she still not prepared enough? She didn't expect such a situation to happen the next day, and she was still not cautious enough.

Knowing that there was nothing she could do, Kaguya could only stay where she was helplessly, watching the actions of Gao Hai and others on the field.

While Kaguya was worried, Gao Hai, who heard the order, had already started to put on his equipment and prepared to take formal action.

Of course, he knew that the current situation was not right and that something was wrong.

But at this moment, as an explorer, he agreed that there was no way to break the situation, because several machine guns were aiming at him at this moment. Gao Hai was sure that if he made any wrong move, these weapons would sweep him into a sieve on the spot.

Being killed by the strange power of the ghost story was fine, but being killed by a machine gun was nothing. What was going on in this copy? How could the strange thing be combined with modern weapons?

Gao Hai, who wanted to complain loudly, had already put on his equipment and stepped towards the dark cave under the command of the command room.

At the same time, on the other side, Zhen Fei, who played the role of a soldier, had already come to the second floor and carefully observed the situation nearby.

When taking Gao Hai and others out, Zhen Fei had a vague feeling that something seemed to be wrong, but for some reason, the strange feeling quickly disappeared, and the girl herself was unable to convey the wrongness she realized to others.

As for what she had to do here, it was very simple, because she had to cooperate with a guy who had hidden a doll in Professor Fornen's office.

A few minutes ago, Professor Fornen had left his office and entered the research area on the first floor.

So at this moment in his office, the doll controlled by Gao Hai's consciousness had already staggered out from under the table, looked around, and then quickly ran to the door.

He jumped up, reached out to grab the door handle, but didn't catch it.

After thinking for a moment, he turned around and climbed onto the bookcase next to him, then jumped into the air and jumped onto the door handle.

His weight was too light and his strength was too small, so he didn't pull it, and the doll fell to the ground.

Gao Hai, who was walking down the stairs, staggered slightly and was almost overturned by the feedback force from the doll. He barely managed to stabilize himself with his physical fitness beyond ordinary people.

He climbed onto the bookcase again, this time directly to the top of the bookcase, and jumped out again, landing on the door handle.


The door was finally opened with the blessing of strength.

After the doll fell to the ground this time, Gao Hai's legs and arms had small wounds, as if he had fallen from a very high place.

The feedback effect of this doll obsession is really uncomfortable...

Through the doll's sight, Gao Hai saw Zhenfei who tiptoed into the office. After seeing the doll, the other party glared at him, and it was obvious that the anger in his heart had not subsided.

At the same time, he had arrived at the entrance of the Red Nut Gray Cave, officially stepped into the cave, and saw...

Seeing tourists walking in the cave one after another, and their curious sights.

Chapter 26: Scenes and sights existing at a certain moment

[C1, report the situation]

[We have entered the entrance area of ​​the Red Nut Gray Cave, and the situation here is no different from yesterday]

After the C1 leader originally played by Shinomiya Kaguya changed his identity and disappeared, the explorer played by Guiyi became the new C1 and the leader of this team of explorers.

There is no C2, only Gao Hai and Fujiwara Chika are two C3s. By the way, Gao Hai thinks it is a pity that there is no C4.

Through the voice in the command room heard through the communicator, Gao Hai knew that the current team was judged as two people. This situation is an abnormal situation that does not conform to the rules, but under the command of the command room and the threat of machine guns, Gao Hai can only step into the cave.

I don’t know if Kaguya tried to do anything.

It’s really troublesome to exchange intelligence information and figure out each other’s situation in this copy.

If there is such a prop, he and Kaguya Maki can communicate and know their situation no matter how far apart they are.

This unrealistic wish flashed in Gao Hai’s heart, and then it was quickly put down.

Now is not the time to think about such things.

How to deal with the things he is facing at the moment is the top priority at the moment.

The sound of laughter sounded all around.

One by one, tourists walked by, talking and laughing.

A couple walked past Gao Hai with a little boy, who was still licking ice cream.

A couple was taking photos in front of a strange-looking rock.

An elderly man and a young man chattered about the characteristics of this cave while walking, and it seemed that they were comparing it with the caves they had visited before.

Everything looked normal.

The only thing that shouldn't have appeared at this time was the so-called normality.

The explorer who played the strange role had silently stepped forward and walked towards the direction of the stone forest road.

Gao Hai walked forward silently, and at the same time paid attention to the reaction of Fujiwara Chika next to him. He found that although the girl was very nervous, she was still moving and exploring carefully.

She didn't look like she saw the tourists around her.

After a day of cooperation, Gao Hai still had a lot of understanding of Chika's personality. She was not very courageous, and her reactions to various terrible things were startled. At most, she could only barely hold her face and force herself to be silent.

Such Chika would inevitably have a corresponding emotional reaction when she saw the tourists around her.

But now she had no reaction. Judging from her behavior, it was clearly the same reaction as when she and Gao Hai explored the chaotic cave together before. In other words, in her eyes, what she saw now should be an empty dark cave, which was completely different from what she saw.

And after all, what exactly were these things she saw?

In the sight, everyone looked so normal.

But his own induction blessing could not capture anything, as if these people were just phantoms and did not really exist in this place.

Now Gao Hai could no longer pay too much attention to Zhenfei. He had to move forward carefully and avoid those tourists when he was moving to avoid physical contact with them. Although Gao Hai guessed that these people might be some kind of phantoms of the past, it was better not to contact them if possible. If there was any abnormality after contact, he was not sure that he could solve the problem.

Moreover, he began to feel that sight again.

The strange sight that made people feel cold all over came from nowhere.

There still seemed to be some kind of barrier between that line of sight and Gao Hai at the moment, but... the barrier here was very shallow. Compared to before, Gao Hai could feel the existence of that line of sight more clearly than ever before.

It was as if... it was there?

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