The result can be regarded as a success, but in fact it is equivalent to a failure, because after starting to play the piano, Qianhua found that she could not leave. Her whole body seemed to be fixed in front of the piano, and she could only play it over and over again, and her consciousness became more and more complicated. It became more and more blurry, and gradually began to feel drowsy.

Chika Fujiwara, who knew that she might not be able to wake up once she fell asleep, tried her best to resist, but she still lost consciousness bit by bit, and fell into despair. But at this moment, Gao Hai suddenly appeared and rescued her. At that moment, the girl could not describe the ups and downs of her mood, so she collapsed completely after she was safe, and she cried directly in her arms.

"So, it's almost time to get up, right?"

Then at the moment when she finally calmed down and regained her composure, in Gao Hai's polite smile and voice, the girl suddenly felt a hard touch against herself, and her whole body froze at this moment.

Could this, this thing be...

"Let me tell you, you still have to be somewhat self-conscious. You are a very beautiful and lovely girl. This kind of sudden hug is very bad. I think as a lady, you should not do this kind of thing to strangers of the opposite sex. good."

Gao Hai still maintained a polite smile and just warned Qianhua seriously.

"You, you, you wouldn't do this to a male stranger."

Fujiwara Chika, who suddenly stood up from Takahai and stepped aside, subconsciously wanted to scream, but then realized where she was and quickly suppressed her voice. She just stamped her feet and retorted with a red face. road.

The heartbeat is very fast.

Even the hard, indescribable thing just now didn't seem to make the girl feel any disgust towards the man in front of her.

Maybe it's because he said she was a beautiful and lovely girl, so he couldn't hate her anymore, right?

No, it seems that it is completely opposite to disgust. What about another feeling...

At this moment, Fujiwara Chika was a little confused about her own thoughts.

"So, did you find any valuable clues in the area where you were trapped?"

Gao Hai didn't pay much attention, since he was the happy one anyway, so he directly asked about the business.

"Well, I found something. Well, um, I'm sorry for getting your clothes wet..."

Chika Fujiwara nodded slightly, took out a leaflet from her waist, then noticed the wet patch on Gao Hai's chest, lowered her head and apologized softly.

"Okay, don't keep repeating these meaningless words. Well, let me take a look..."

Gao Hai, who didn't care at all, said casually, and then unfolded the leaflet in his hand.

The words on the colorful and beautifully made leaflets came into Gao Hai's eyes.


At the same time, the dormitory area.

Princess Shijo first opened the door and entered the dormitory for four people. She carefully searched inside and confirmed that there was no one inside and there were no monitoring devices. Then she nodded to Kaguya at the door, and then Kaguya walked in. Turn around and close the door, lock the dormitory door directly, and use a chair to hold the door lock.

"Are you sure it's safe here?"

Kaguya asked very seriously.

"At least among the places we can go, this is the safest."

As the real concubine spoke, she rummaged through her backpack and quickly took out a tape player.

After the dungeon in Shirakawa Apartment ended, Gao Hai, Kaguya and Zhen Fei prepared various things in their backpacks. Among them, Zhen Fei brought a tape drive in order to use it when the dungeon encounters some special situations. Something that has been basically eliminated in modern society.

For example, now, she and Kaguya sneaked into the archives area on the second floor of the base and stole a tape and a document.

"Play it."

After Kaguya searched the dormitory again and repeatedly confirmed that it was safe, she nodded to the real concubine and said.


Stretching out a finger, Zhen Fei gently pressed the play button and started playing the tape that she had taken out of the archive area.

Chapter 40: As we all know, investigation teams are always killed in battle every day.


Among the noisy noise, you can hear the sound of playing with equipment, footsteps, and some unclear conversations.

Zhenfei and Kaguya checked the surroundings for the last time, and after confirming that nothing was peeking, Kaguya, who felt that it was still a little unsafe, scattered the ashes at the door and in several corners of the room, and then became a little worried about what was in the tape machine. The sound might have some weird effect, so after thinking about it, I discussed it with the real concubine. Only Kaguya would listen to the tape, while the real concubine stayed away and plugged her ears, paying attention to Kaguya's situation at all times. If anything happened, If something is wrong, take action immediately.

This is about the most preventive measure that the two girls can take. As for whether it will work or not, it all depends on their luck.


Shinomiya Kaguya must admit that although she could still maintain a blank expression on her face and pretend not to care, when she had to face the unknown horror alone at this time, her heartbeat could not help but speed up a lot, and she could not control her palms. Sweat dripped from his body.

If it were normal, Kaguya would wipe it off as soon as he noticed that his hands were sweating, and wash his hands quickly to avoid leaving any odor. But right now, she had no time to pay attention to this situation, and her attention was completely focused on the tape machine in front of her.

[A1 confirms that the communication is normal and there is no noise]

A deep male voice came from the tape recorder.

[Command confirms that the communication is normal and there is no noise]

[A2 confirms that the communication is normal]

[A3 confirms that the communication is normal]

[A6 confirms that the communication is normal]

The voices of a total of seven people sounded one after another. It sounded that one of them was the person in charge of remote command, and the other six belonged to the same team and were preparing to take action.

Action record? Could this be a recording file of the explorers investigating the Red Nut Gray Cave?

Realizing this, Kaguya became more cautious.

[A1: Exploration operation, codenamed "Cave-01", now ready to start recording]

[A1: Each member will conduct the last equipment inspection]

[A2-A6: Inspection completed]

[A1: All members have completed the inspection and can set off at any time. Please reply to the command center if you receive it]

[Command center: Received, please act]

[A1: Begin the action, enter the "entrance" area, and the next area to pass is the "fork\

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