"It sounds like it should be the audio left by the research base's exploration of the Red Nut Ash Cave. There are 6 people in total. But it doesn't sound like these people are like the explorers I played before. The atmosphere between them is very relaxed and can I feel that the command attaches great importance to them. Maybe this is a record left by an official investigator. I guess this record comes from the early days of the establishment of the research base. At that time, the researchers here were not aware of the red nut gray hole problem. The seriousness of the matter is why we are still sending official personnel to explore. Perhaps because too many people died, we began to use death row prisoners as investigators to investigate. "

Kaguya lowered his head and thought about it very seriously, but what he was thinking about in his heart were the last few words left by the team.

In the last moments of their lives, they seemed to be experiencing great pain, as if they were stuck somewhere, and something was staying with them at the same time.


It seemed that someone was repeatedly emphasizing "hand" at the end. Was it the hand that saw something? Or something else similar to a hand? Or is there something on the "hand" that attracts attention?

This information may be difficult to answer and verify on my side, but on Gao Jun's side, maybe it can be of some use to him?

"Contact Mr. Gao. Let's tell him the information we got here."

As Kaguya said this, she suddenly felt a little empty in her heart.

It was too difficult for her and Zhen Fei to conquer this mysterious dungeon. However, the very reliable Gao Hai who once fought side by side in Shirakawa's apartment was not with her at this time and could not provide help. .

This feeling of having to face unknown dangers on your own is really... annoying...

Chapter 41: About the cute girl stuck in the hole or something

Gao Hai moved his body, stretched his legs, twisted his waist, and jumped twice. After completing the basic warm-up exercises, he looked up at the entrance of the cave above.

There is most likely the entrance to the next area, which is where the [Return Point] is located.

Gao Hai has thought many times about why there is an area named "Turnback Point" in the Red Nut Ash Cave with a completely different naming style from other places. Gao Hai has thought about various reasons, but before being verified, these ideas It's always speculation without evidence, so ultimately, you'll have to try it yourself to find out.


The feet sank slightly, then exerted force suddenly.

Gao Hai jumped nearly three meters in the next moment, stretched out his hand to easily grab the rock wall, and climbed up into the cave.

The dark and gloomy cave is very narrow and a little damp. But for Gao Hai, these were not problems. Using his hands and feet, he quickly climbed up the cave and moved to the platform at the corner. Then he turned around and looked at Fujiwara Chika below.

"Move quickly."

Gao Hai stretched out his hand and said seriously to the girl.

"Well, I, I understand."

Fujiwara Chika obviously couldn't jump more than two meters in place like Gao Hai, so she dragged her desk under the hole, then climbed on the table, jumped up with a "hey", and then Gao Hai easily grabbed her little arm, and then lifted the girl up with one hand and pulled her into the cave.

The headlamps they wore on their heads swayed with their movements, flickering light and shadow in the small cave.

The cave here was so narrow that Gao Hai and Qian Hua couldn't even squeeze in side by side, so they had to separate in front and behind. And as long as you advance a little further, you will enter an even narrower and lower area where you can't even turn around or squat down.

Gao Hai suddenly had a bad feeling.

He couldn't tell what was going on. He had obviously experienced this kind of narrow area before. In the area named [Artery], he had already experienced what it felt like to just lie down and move forward. . But now, when facing this unknown cave, he had an extremely bad premonition that he had never had before.

It's like I have been to this place before.

It was like I had seen this place before.

"Huh, are you leaving?"

Chika Fujiwara took a deep breath, looked at Gao Hai and asked.

"Well, are you ready?"

After Gao Hai was silent for a while, he looked at Qianhua with no abnormal expression and just asked.

“Of course, rookie explorer Chika Fujiwara is always ready—oops!”

The girl who immediately showed a proud expression raised her head and said, then let out a low cry as her head hit the rock wall.

It seems that no matter what the situation, Fujiwara Chika is a cute girl who can laugh and liven up the atmosphere.

Gao Hai sighed slightly in his heart, then turned his head and looked at the dark and deep passage ahead.

"Then, it's still the same as before, I'll go in front and you go in the back. Do you remember the rules?"

Gao Hai, whose tone gradually became more serious, finally asked.

"Yeah, remember, make sure you are crawling in a natural cave with no artificial traces, and if you encounter a fork in the road, you must back up and not continue forward. When you climb to a place where you cannot turn around, you must stay quiet, don't speak, and don't respond. Other people’s voices.”

Chika Fujiwara nodded repeatedly, obviously remembering the rules very deeply.

"Okay, let's go."

Without any more nonsense, Gao Hai took the lead and lay down on the ground and moved towards the depths of the cave.



This was what Gao Hai felt at the first moment.

His adventure suit scraped against the bumpy ground, blocking the pebbles from cutting his skin.

The helmet collided with the rock wall at this moment. Gao Hai realized that he had raised his head too high and had to lower his head, his chin almost touching the ground, before he could continue to move forward, crawling and squirming further forward.


Water droplets fell on his neck, bringing an even colder touch.

And Gao Hai himself had slowly reached out his hand, grabbed a rock wall in front of him, and then slowly dragged his body, crawling further forward.


Breathing inevitably became heavier.

Just at the beginning, Gao Hai realized that the environment here was more depressing than the [Artery], much more depressing than the [Artery] area where one could at least squat forward.

He couldn't stand upright.

At least if he raised his upper body a little, the cold and wet rock wall would block him.

Gao Hai could only crawl slowly.

I moved my body bit by bit in the cave that I didn't know how long it was.

For a moment, he felt like he was moving at an extremely slow pace, imitating a snail.

And in this moment of distraction, Gao Hai's ear was scratched by the rock wall. The scratch caused blood on the spot, causing bursts of stinging sensation.

This made Gao Hai immediately lose the idea of ​​joking, collect his thoughts, and continue to crawl forward silently, slowly crawling further to the front of the cave.


Another drop of water fell and landed on Gao Hai's side.

The caves here are quite humid, which brings some convenience to Gao Hai's movements. Climbing into wet caves is slightly easier than dry caves. But in such a depressing and dark environment, he didn't have the heart to think about these things, so he could only continue to crawl forward step by step.

Ten minutes, maybe twenty, or longer than that.

Gao Hai finally climbed through this area and arrived at a new, larger cave.

The size here is about the same as the inside of a van. There are not many stalagmites and stalactites. It is an open space where you can take a rest.

On one side of the cave, Gao Hai, who was eating energy bars to replenish his strength, found a rusty iron sign with the word "Return Point" written on it, and left a sentence below:

[Now do you know why this place is called "Turnback Point"? 】

This sentence made Gao Hai slightly stunned, and then he couldn't help but laugh.

"Indeed, you immediately understand why this place is called 'Turnback Point'."

Gao Hai, who sighed in a low voice, looked at the side of this small open space, which was the passage he was going to next. It was another narrow cave passage. Just from the entrance, it could be seen that this cave would definitely be narrower and darker than the path he had just crawled through.

The so-called turning point is the turning back road that makes people retreat when faced with difficulties.

If you are a timid guy, you will almost lose your courage after reaching the turning point and will be unable to move forward.

However, he won't back down here.

Not to mention a narrow cave, even hell, I can only venture into it now.


While Gao Hai was thinking this, the mournful screams of Chika Fujiwara suddenly reached his ears.

Turning his head, he looked at the entrance of the hole he had just drilled out. A small hand was waving wildly there, struggling to grasp the rock wall, but there was no way to break free.

Gao Hai stepped forward, squatted down, and looked at the pink-haired girl who was trying his best to get out of the hole.

"Gao, Gaojun, I'm stuck."

Seeing Gao Hai appear, Fujiwara Chika immediately showed a pitiful expression.

Through the power of blessing, you can confirm that the other party is a living person, and it is Qianhua.

However, considering the rules mentioned on the rule sheet, Gao Hai did not speak, but just reached out and grabbed the opponent's outstretched hand, and then pulled it hard.


Under Gao Hai's power, the girl was pulled out very smoothly, but judging from the painful expression on her face and the action of covering her chest immediately after getting out, the experience at that moment was obviously quite... Bad.

Well, you can clearly see the wear on the chest area. This girl is really stuck in a hole. How should I put it? Is it worthy of E-level combat capability? Compared to Zhen Fei and Kaguya, who are only at AA level, it is indeed a dimensionality reduction blow.

Putting this combat power in this kind of terrain is a huge disadvantage.

Gao Hai pondered, looking at the cave the two of them had just drilled out of, and then at the obviously narrower area where the two of them needed to go next.

It is certain that if you just get in like this and leave it alone, Chika Fujiwara's figure will really get stuck in the cave and you will not be able to get out until you die.

In this case, we can only use some means.

"Take off your shirt."

Gao Hai took off his backpack and said seriously to Qianhua.


The girl who didn't understand Gao Hai's consciousness was stunned for a moment.

"Quickly, take off your shirt."

Takahashi said impatiently, then took out the bandage from his backpack, tried to pull it, and confirmed that the toughness of this thing was not bad, then looked up at the girl who was covering her chest not far away, unzipping the zipper of the expedition suit and taking it off.

"Take off the mask too."

Takahashi said mercilessly.

"Hey, hey, do you want this too?"

The frightened girl almost instinctively took a step back, then looked at the bandage in Gaohai's hand, and roughly realized what the other party wanted to do.

"If you don't want to die here, just be obedient. Now is not the time for you to act like a spoiled child."

Takahashi took a step closer and said calmly.

"I, I know..."

Fujiwara Chika, whose cheeks were completely stained with crimson, turned around tremblingly with her back to Gaohai, and then reached out to untie the last restraint on her body.

To be honest, I was a little disappointed that I didn't see the two big white rabbits face-to-face, but now was not the time to make a fuss, so Gao Hai just tore off a piece of the bandage, quickly came to Qianhua, and said to her, "Breathe in, hold your chest and head high," and then wrapped the bandage around her.


Qianhua almost immediately let out a cry of pain.

And Gao Hai had already wrapped more bandages around her chest, tied a knot behind her back, and firmly bound the girl's proud curves.

"Can you still breathe? Try to breathe in and out."

After wrapping the bandage, Gao Hai looked at the girl with an uncomfortable expression and asked.

"It's... OK, but it's a little uncomfortable..."

After breathing in and out with difficulty for a while, Fujiwara Chihua raised her hand, made a scissors hand gesture to Gao Hai, and then smiled.

"That's good. Let's have a good rest and then set off. Come, let's eat something to replenish our nutrition."

Giving a chocolate energy bar to Chika, Gao Hai maintained a slightly bent posture, turned around and sat on one side of the cave, with his back slightly turned.

"Well, thank you, Gao Jun. Without you, I think I would never have been able to get here."

Although the process of binding the chest just now was really blushing and heartbeating, and it was still very uncomfortable and difficult to breathe, but knowing that this was for her own good and for her own survival in the future, Fujiwara Chika thanked him very seriously.

"Well, anyway, have a good rest..."

Takahashi's reply was still calm, as if there was no emotion at all.

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