Lei Zhan frowned, thinking, how can I reply to get myself out of this, because if it is investigated, it seems that they did not do much to eliminate Scorpion and others, but let the injured Scorpion run away, which is a manifestation of insufficient strength.

Of course, Lei Zhan did not think that they were weak, but because they went too late, Chen Haonan took the lead.

General Gao snorted coldly, "Why are you still standing there? Report the key points, do you want me to teach you how to report?"

Lei Zhan came back to his senses and reported quickly, "Report, Chief, I was late, and I don't know the specific situation, but Captain Gao knows more."

General Gao stared at Lei Zhan and said word by word: "Are you sure you don't know?"

"Report, I don't know."

Lei Zhan gritted his teeth and replied that he was indeed late, and then, he avoided the important points in his report.

Mr. Gao turned his head and looked at Captain Gao. He didn't ask him immediately, and then looked at Lei Zhan, "Okay, let's talk about the military exercise. Before the scorpion appeared, Lei Keming's Black Tiger Commando was killed by the Iron Fist Group's Sharpshooter Company 4. It is said that the leader was their new company commander, who was still a 9-year-old cute kid."

"Also, Fan Tianlei's people were also killed by this 9-year-old company commander. Lei Zhan, tell me, if it were you, surrounded by heavy enemies and bombarded by artillery fire, could you find a way out, break out, and even kill the opponent's commando?"


Lei Zhan's old face was stretched so long that he couldn't answer at all. He was also abused by that kid. He analyzed it carefully and felt that he could also kill Lao Fan and Lei Keming and others, but the method was different.

Feeling the burning gaze of General Gao, Lei Zhan had no way to evade the question. He could only straighten his back and said loudly: "Report, Chief, the battlefield is changing rapidly. We need to analyze the specific situation. Maybe we can't do the best, but our Thunder Commando is confident that we can eliminate all enemies."

General Gao's face darkened, "Empty words are not enough. We soldiers don't talk about these empty words. The most practical thing is to speak with the results of the battle. This time, I can't see where your strength is. Let's put aside the exercise and tell you about Scorpion."

"Although I haven't watched the video yet, I know that it was this kid who killed the people brought by Scorpion. He also saved a female agent comrade. Everyone knows that Scorpion's people are international mercenaries who kill without blinking an eye, and their weapons are also sophisticated. However, this 9-year-old cute kid rushed forward with bare hands to save people, regardless of everything, and confronted Scorpion's men head-on. How much courage does it take? "

"Why didn't you report this just now? You just said how tired you were chasing the enemy, how great your contribution was, and how cunning Scorpion was. Aren't you flattering yourself? It's okay if you are not strong enough, but you are still bragging. I think you have done your best as a special forces king."

Lei Zhan's face turned pale, "Report, Chief, I don't know much about this. I just report what is within my scope of responsibility."

If he knew that the news would be passed back so quickly, Lei Zhan would not report it like that. He would be more tactful. If it really doesn't work, he would praise Chen Haonan. After all, the other party is indeed the biggest contributor.

President Gao knew that Lei Zhan was pretending to be dead. He glanced at him and said, "I also heard that this 9-year-old cute kid not only took people to kill Lei Keming's team and the veterans led by Fan Tianlei, but also blew up the arsenal you were in charge of. You led people to chase him and he kicked you in the crotch. Don't you know this?"

Lei Zhan's mouth twitched for a while, and he opened his mouth, unable to speak. What else can he say? President Gao has said this, and he can't hide it, he can't hide it at all.

President Gao looked at Lei Zhan and stopped talking, and Lei Zhan didn't dare to speak, and no one else spoke.

Suddenly, the scene was silent and the atmosphere was dull.

He Zhijun, who was sitting in the back row of President Gao, glared at Lei Zhan with a serious face.

He wanted to speak to ease the atmosphere, but he couldn't find a suitable entry point. He didn't expect that Lei Zhan, this kid, would report the part that could highlight his merits as soon as he came back to report, skipping a lot of things and never mentioning Chen Haonan. He didn't know that President Gao had already mastered all the information.

If Lei Zhan had honestly explained all the details at the beginning, would he have been criticized by General Gao?

What is this? Being too clever is a mistake, and he has shot himself in the foot!

He Zhijun felt that Lei Zhan had indeed become too arrogant recently. Even the 200,000-word self-criticism report could not calm him down. It would be good for him to be criticized.

After a while, General Gao picked up the water bottle on the table, took a sip of water, put it aside, and looked at the silentLei Zhan said angrily: "Lei Zhan, how did you become the captain? You don't know this, you don't know that, what do you know? I'm surprised that the country has invested so much money in you, unlimited bullet supply, three types of stoves, unlimited funds, and unlimited support for your training."

"Then when you were reporting, you patted your chests and told me that the strength of the Thunder Commando Team is among the best among the special forces, and you have a set of special warfare strategies. You can handle any enemy with ease."

"What's the result? This time you had a military exercise with the Iron Fist Group. Your so-called special warfare strategy was to rely on firepower bombing. , relying on missiles to clean up the ground, doing the work of conventional troops and heavy mechanized troops, tell me, where is your special warfare spirit? Why can't I see your infiltration, but always artilleryism? Is this the strength of the special warfare commando? "

"On the contrary, I saw adventurous infiltration, silent beheading, and special warfare spirit in a 9-year-old child. He is much better than all the people in your Lei Zhan commando team. You disappoint me so much."

Lei Zhan's head was lowered lower and lower, and he didn't dare to say anything. He was unconvinced in his heart. One exercise can't explain anything. He was careless at the beginning, which led to such a result.

"Unconvinced, don't believe it, right? Okay, you guys come to watch the video and see how this 9-year-old cute kid beats you in seconds."

After speaking, General Gao made a gesture to his deputy.

The deputy immediately reacted, trotted to the computer, picked up the mouse, opened a folder, and clicked on a video from it...

With a swish, the video began to play.

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