The speed of the big black fighting technique is fast. When Goodman's whip kick swept over, Chen Haonan's small body seemed to have no bones. He shrank and slid, and immediately avoided the whip kick.

Not only that, Chen Haonan's small body also cut into the opponent's lower body, and kicked up with a short leg, kicking the opponent's third leg at lightning speed.

"Damn it..."

There was a miserable howl on the stage, and the person who roared was Goodman. He was black and had a large force area. The short leg made him unable to hold back, howling miserably, and at the same time his body could not be stabilized. Just when he was about to fall out diagonally, Chen Haonan's flying leg arrived again.


Chen Haonan's small hand grabbed the opponent's big and thick arm again, and pulled it towards his own small body. The opponent's heavy body of more than 200 pounds was forced to get closer by him.

At the same time, his lightning-fast short legs kicked out again, and with a bang, he kicked the opponent's third leg in the middle with a whip kick.

"Fuck it..."

Accompanied by the not-too-loud collision sound, the black man Goodman screamed again, but this time the roar was louder, and the pain on his face was several times stronger than before.


Goodman only had this feeling in his body. The severe pain made him feel like dying, but the pain in his body was secondary. More importantly, he seemed to hear the sound of a broken bone there.

The egg was broken!

Goodman's heart was about to break, and his heavy body could not support it because of the severe pain. He fell straight to the ground with his legs tightly clamped together, his whole body twitching constantly, his whole body twisted, and white foam came out of his mouth.

Sometimes being too big is also a burden. He really experienced it, and he regretted not cutting it off earlier.

"Damn it..."

Except for Goodman's howling, the lively scene was dead silent. Except for Chen Haonan who took action, everyone's surprised eyes were focused on Goodman on the ground.

"What happened? Why did Goodman fall down? Wasn't he fine just now? He is a yoga master, no one can hurt him, why is he crying?"

"He was careless, Goodman was also careless, and was attacked by someone in the lower body, the root of a man, the most vulnerable part."

"Fuck... That kid is insidious, attacking people in the lower body, the means are cruel."

"What are you talking about? That's the stage. If you don't use means, are you waiting to be beaten to death?"

"What a powerful kid, he can even knock down Goodman..."

There was a burst of exclamations from the audience. Some were surprised, some scolded Chen Haonan for not being martial arts-minded, and some agreed that Chen Haonan was smart and knew how to use his own advantages.

A child knocked down two people in a row, a soldier king and a master, and they were both very famous local big shots. Such a sensation was indeed huge.

Chen Haonan stood on the stage, looking at Goodman coldly, and said in a cold voice: "You yelled so ugly, it's embarrassing for adults."

After saying that, he jumped up and turned around, his body drew a circle in the air, and then faced the karate instructor's fist.

Because Goodman was knocked down, the karate instructor was also stunned, but he reacted quickly. When he saw Chen Haonan stand up, he began to accumulate strength and punch out.

He was completely unaware of the first punch that collided, and it can be said that he was careless, but this time he was fully prepared and there would be no error.


The two fists of different sizes collided directly without any signs, but even if the karate instructor was well prepared, Chen Haonan was not at all inferior. Looking at this karate instructor, he took three steps back before stopping.

"Fuck, this guy is a power type, we still can't fight him head-on."

Just a second ago, he seemed to have felt the bones of his arm shaking slightly. If the opponent's strength was stronger, fractures would be inevitable.

Fractures are nothing. If he is kicked in the lower body like Goodman, it will be terrible!

The karate instructor suddenly seemed to realize something, and looked at Chen Haonan with a little fear. At this moment, the opponent's eyes were also staring at his lower body.

"My God, he also wants to attack my lower body, but he just crippled Goodman Taekwondo Master. If he also uses such a trick, wouldn't I be in danger?"

Looking at the small Chen Haonan, the karate chief instructor suddenly felt that he was not easy to deal with. After all, the opponent's strength was terrifying, and the movements were so fast that he could cripple people in minutes.

Whether it was the first punch or the second punch, it was initiated by the opponent. Although I took it, I couldn't guarantee that I could easily take it if the opponent attacked me later, especially since the little guy was short and it was very easy to attack him from below.

"No, I'm not married yet, I don't want my wife to be cuckolded in the future. "

In just a moment, countless thoughts flashed through the head karate instructor's mind, including how to knock down the kid, but in the end, he still felt that he did not have enough chances of winning. After all, Amir, who fell first, and Goodman, who was still howling on the stage, were stronger than him, at least their strengths were equal.

The two men's fates were too tragic. If Amir was careless, then Goodman was definitely not. He was a yoga master with many tricks, and he was well prepared, but the kid was able to avoid his attack and sneak attack him, which showed that the kid was not simple.

The next second, the head karate instructor immediately raised his hand, looked at Chen Haonan's stern face and said: "I admit defeat, you kid, you really have a trick. ”

Admit defeat?

Hearing and looking at the karate chief instructor on the stage, the audience around fell silent. No one could have imagined that this karate chief instructor would admit defeat to a 9-year-old child.

"My God, he hasn't even fought much, how could he easily admit defeat? It's so embarrassing."

"It's embarrassing. What kind of master is he? It's an insult to this title."

"Insult? Why don't I think so? On the contrary, I think he is wise, because that child is too abnormal. There is no need to fight. It is not glorious to win. The key is that he may not win. Think about Amir and Goodman. Aren't they powerful? Why did they all fall to the ground and shout to admit defeat? This shows that the opponent is very strong. "

"Yes, the strong are respected. Since you can't beat him, it's better to admit defeat. The child's strength is too terrifying. He really can't stand it. "

There was a heated discussion in the audience. Some people disparaged the chief karate instructor, while others said that his choice was right. In short, the atmosphere on the scene became heated again.

Chen Haonan looked away from the chief karate instructor, then raised his head and shouted to Tabor on the stage: "Who else, Chairman, am I qualified to get the Septic Medal?"

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