In the big villa, in the cozy big room, on the 1.8-meter big bed, Chen Haonan suddenly opened his eyes, and then he realized that it was already afternoon.

"This nap was so comfortable, I slept until the afternoon."

Because there was no tension in the army, nor the tension on the competition stage, Chen Haonan really had a comfortable nap. It can be said that this was the most comfortable sleep he had since he went to the army.

Although the life in the army was full of blood everywhere, the rhythm was very tense. For example, there was almost no nap without an alarm clock, let alone a comfortable nap. In order to stimulate those guys, he didn't sleep for 6 hours a day.

Chen Haonan yawned and his eyes fell on An Ran's face who was sleeping with him. The evening sun just sprinkled on her pink face through the window, golden yellow.

She was like a pear blossom in her deep sleep, blooming brilliantly. She was at the best age for a woman, and she looked very pleasing to the eye. Even though she was training every day in the army, it did not affect her appearance at all. Her fair skin was faintly pink, and her skin was so tender that you could squeeze out water, unlike the natural bronze skin color of male soldiers. I don’t know how she maintained herself, exposed to the wind and rain every day, but she could still maintain such good maintenance...

She was really beautiful, just like a crabapple, the kind of crabapple that had not yet bloomed, not the white-haired crabapple.

While appreciating An Ran’s beauty, Chen Haonan also realized a problem, that is, he had unconsciously pressed An Ran to sleep. This posture looked very indecent, but according to their current relationship as husband and wife, it was very normal.

Suddenly, An Ran opened her blurry eyes, looked at Chen Haonan's little face, and said unhappily: "Why are you climbing on me again and pressing me? You are small, but you have big ambitions. Don't push me, come down."

After that, she raised her hand and pulled the little guy off her body.

Chen Haonan grinned and said, "Actually, I can do something bad."

"You are still a child, don't have impure thoughts." An Ran cursed, and then said, "Go and wash up, I will take you out for dinner. You are so old, you don't have any sense at all. I am spoiling you."

An Ran really dotes on her underage husband. She even scolds him with a smile. There is no way. She has no temper for this child.

How to say it, when this guy encounters big things, he shows more courage than any soldier. Whether it is the matter of saving her before or the performance on the stage just now, these are actions that many soldiers admire.

It can be said that although this guy is very small, he has done great things. However, in daily life, he is like a child, drinking milk at night and sleeping with someone. Today, he behaved a little strangely, and he actually pressed her to sleep. However, he is just a child and has never slept well.

An Ran didn't care much, and didn't know that Chen Haonan's words just now were half a joke and half true. After all, he has been strengthened by the system and has the characteristics of an adult.

If he was naughty, it would be possible, but he was a little small, which made An Ran unacceptable, so he would not mess around.

Chen Haonan got out of bed and shouted directly: "Wife, come and help me wash, I can't wash it clean."

After that, he took off his clothes and pants, and An Ran was so scared that she covered her face directly. This little guy, sometimes, you really can't treat him as a virgin.

"You kid, don't you know how to be shy? You're already 9 years old, and you're still taking off your pants in front of an adult."

"What do you need to hide in front of your wife? In another 9 years, I'll be 18, so I'll let you get used to it in advance."

"What a bullshit theory, you kid, you're just a kid with a big heart. Go in and get the water first, didn't you say you wanted to scrub your body?" An Ran had no choice but to send Chen Haonan away, and she went to get a towel and followed him into the bathroom.

Since she started taking care of Chen Haonan in the hospital, she was used to scrubbing this child, so she didn't have any thoughts, but she didn't look at some places, anyway, Doctor Mu said he was abnormal.


The hot water was turned on, Chen Haonan stood under the faucet with An Ran on his back, humming a little tune, in a good mood.

"It's great to have a wife to serve me. Use more force, harder."

"Yeah, that's the right force. It's comfortable, really comfortable..."

"You only know how to enjoy yourself." An Ran cursed softly, and continued to rub Chen Haonan's small back with a towel using her slender fingers.

Chen Haonan grinned: "Of course I have to enjoy it. It's much more comfortable than torturing those guys outside."

An Ran hummed again: "I know you are good. You are a little brat. It's not good to talk about fighting and killing all the time. You have to go back to school in a while, otherwise, SiI think I've regressed."

"Wife, the chief praised me for my broad vision, how can you say I've regressed?"

"Yes, yes, you have a broad vision..." An Ran couldn't do anything with Chen Haonan, because he was always so outstanding, even the chief admired him.

Chen Haonan suddenly turned around and looked at An Ran, and said seriously: "Wait, I'll help you wash too."

"Nonsense." An Ran frowned, but still scolded with a smile, "Okay, I've spoiled you, don't push it, after washing, you go to check your phone, it seems that your phone rang several times, you pressed me, I couldn't get up, and I didn't want to wake you up. ”

Because seeing Chen Haonan working very hard on the stage and then seeing him sleeping so soundly, An Ran felt a little distressed. After all, she also knew that such a battle would consume a lot of energy for a child, not to mention the fighting afterwards, but she couldn't even handle the 10 laps, 45 minutes, and record-breaking.

It's not easy for this guy to handle it, but this is also what makes her distressed. Although he is very young, he has such a high level of ideological awareness and always wants to save face in front of others.

It can be said that at this exchange meeting, Yan Country was able to win such high respect and take back what belongs to its own country, all thanks to Chen Haonan's efforts, which really shocked those arrogant guys.

When the black-faced general presented the award, his face was black.

Thinking of that scene, An Ran looked at Chen Haonan with some admiration and tenderness in her eyes. She also felt sorry for her little man.

"Is that so? Who is looking for me so anxiously?"

"I don't know."

"Okay, let's go and see who called. "Chen Haonan stood up and walked out, turning back to give An Ran a warm smile, "Thank you, my wife, for helping me like this, I love you."

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