"Go, your lips are sweet." An Ran's face flushed slightly, and she quickly washed Chen Haonan and drove him out, "Hurry up and get out, I want to take a shower."

I don't know what happened, but this little guy's body is a little weird today, and his expression is also weird.

An Ran didn't dare to look at Chen Haonan's part, especially when he looked at her, she felt that his eyes were a little weird, not as innocent as before. She had no choice but to drive him out as soon as possible. Anyway, she also had to take a shower, and she definitely couldn't leave him here.

Chen Haonan didn't drag his feet, and went out directly to put on his pajamas. It must be said that after waking up and washing, he felt much more refreshed and comfortable all over.

"Hehe, it's comfortable to have a wife take a shower."

Chen Haonan's smile spread on his little face. Not to mention, he enjoyed An Ran's scrubbing him. After all, she knew how to massage, her movements were gentle, and the strength was just right. A simple bath seemed to relax his muscles and bones.

He shook his little arms, smiled, and walked over to grab the Huawei phone. The first thing he did was to see who was looking for him so anxiously.

The phone was unlocked, the screen lit up, and the screen saver was a smiling face of An Ran. However, there were still a lot of messages and more than a dozen missed calls.

"Good fellow, so impatient."

Chen Haonan unlocked his phone and found that the messages were sent by four people, marked as Gun Wang Tian, ​​Fighting Lao Li, Undying Lao Tie, and Perverted Doctor Lin Fan...

"Aren't these the four royal guards of General Gao? Why are you looking for me? Why are you so impatient? You actually sent them while I was holding An Ran to sleep."

Chen Haonan muttered, opened the messages one by one, read some of them, and found that they were almost the same. Brother, where are you? Find your wife for help. The brothers couldn't help it, and they were all angry...

"Brother, you can't hide your wife in a golden house. We also want to use your wife. Don't hide her. Help her. Help her. I will definitely reward you in the future."

Use my wife? Help her? You can't even speak. Can you use my wife?

Chen Haonan was a little angry and almost threw his phone, but he finally held back and looked at the following messages, which were all cries for help.

"Little brother, my good brother, please reply to the message. We really need your help and your wife's help. Please give me the address. Please help me..." This is the message from the perverted doctor Lin Fan. The tone is a little better. Unlike that old friend, he is simple and rough, and directly asks to borrow your wife.

Following the message from Dr. Lin Fan, there is the message from Wang Tian who loves to play with guns. However, in the message, he has no intention of picking up a gun, but is begging on his knees. The content is as follows: "Little brother, I have always regarded you as my good brother. I have said that I have packed milk for you for a month. I really want to treat you well. Just give me one word, where is An Ran?"

"We are looking for An Ran to learn how to write summaries from her. Please help us. 200,000 words a month is really not something a human can do."

"And the object of this summary analysis is you. You are not here. How to analyze it? Please give us an answer. What time and what place, okay..."

The content of the message shows that Wang Tian is really anxious. He wants to write 200,000 words, more than anyone else.

"I know you're in a hurry. Who told you to tell the chief that you also graduated from elementary school and have to write an 800-word composition like me?"

After reading Wang Tian's message, Chen Haonan grinned. He still remembered that this guy was asked by the chief to write 200,000 words because he said that he started from the same starting line as him and only wanted to write an 800-word composition.

200,000 words is indeed a bit unfair to this guy. He is a veteran and a master at playing with guns. If he has to write 200,000 words, just typing on the keyboard is enough to break his ten fingers.

He is definitely not as good at typing as his wife, not to mention the need for ideas...

Chen Haonan suddenly thought of the scene where his wife just wrote a novel, and he also understood why these guys were so eager to find An Ran. Without An Ran's help, they couldn't complete this task even if they racked their brains.

However, the strange thing is that they actually knew that An Ran could write novels?

Chen Haonan was also surprised when he saw a message. The message said: "We all know that your wife writes novels. Come on, we'll pay you. Come on."

This message was sent by Li Xilai. Compared with others, he was calmer. However, because he was too calm, he didn't say a word. He was fined 150,000 words by the leader. He was not calm on the spot when he heard this request, but he finally accepted it.

It can be said that the ideological reports of these four people who were fined 100,000 words or more were very important to the leaders.For them, it was a huge problem, which made them unable to sleep.

Chen Haonan felt happy just thinking about it. He watched and watched without disdain. Instead, he continued to watch with some curiosity. At the end, he found that the four guys were complaining like a shrew.

"Little brother, where are you? We sent so many messages, but none of them went to the sea. At least, you can reply to a message. We have been unable to contact you since we came back. We can't eat or sleep. We are waiting for you."

"Please send us a message. We are waiting online... If you don't reply, we will call the police and say you are missing. Anyway, you are just a child. It is easy to file a case. Please consider the consequences. We are also forced to do this."

"Reply to the message, please..."

Chen Haonan was speechless. He quickly scanned the back, but in the end, he unexpectedly received a message from Kang Tuan.

"Little guy, I heard you followed Commander Gao? How are you now? You are very important now, so it is hard to contact you. You are awesome!"

This message was sent after Kang Tuan's first call. He probably couldn't wait for a call back, so he sent a message. Ten minutes later, Kang Tuan probably couldn't wait for a reply, so he sent another message.

"Ah, as expected, when a bird grows up, it will fly to the forest. I can understand that you want to follow General Gao to a bigger stage, but the Iron Fist Group is your mother's home. If you want to leave, you should come back to the Iron Fist Group first and let's have a good chat."

Five minutes after this message, Kang Tuan added new information: "Well, just talk about your future arrangements. As a person who has been through it, I can give you some guidance so that you can avoid detours..."

"By the way, let me tell you something that makes you excited. You have made some contributions, and the headquarters actually promoted you."

"You really got promoted. You have a military rank. It was sent to me. You will know when you come back."

"Fuck... I was promoted?"

Chen Haonan looked at this message and jumped up. The pajamas he was wearing slipped off instantly, and he realized that he was not wearing any pants.

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