At the entrance of the Iron Fist Group, Kang Tuan's face was very long, sighing and frowning.

Lao Hei, who was standing next to him, saw his look and asked in confusion: "Captain, what happened?"


Kang Tuan clenched his fist and kicked a welcoming pine tree next to him, and the leaves made a rustling sound.

"Lao Hei, I'm so angry. General Gao, you are the commander of a military region, but you used such means to snatch Chen Haonan away."

"Oh my god, Chen Haonan can't come back? Didn't he go to the hospital for treatment? Why was he suddenly transferred away?"

"Don't you understand? This is General Gao's usual method. Who told that guy to perform too well? If I had known, I would not have let him participate in the military exercise. It would not matter if the exercise results were almost okay. In this way, he could stay in the regiment. It was a mistake. Hey... Lao Hei, if he leaves, you will have no children to take care of in the future. And, Lao Gong has also betrayed and gone to Langya as a staff officer."

As he said this, Kang Tuan felt a ball of fire in his heart, burning more and more. It was really like waking up and the whole world betrayed him. Chen Haonan said that he wanted to experience the life of the army and would never leave until he trained the Fourth Company of the Sharpshooter. He also said that he would bring his wife An Ran to be a staff officer. As a result, he turned around and left. Even Gong Jian, who was so close to him, left.

What made him most angry was that he had been worrying about Gong Jian's lifelong affairs and wanted to introduce his kind aunt to this guy, but the result was...

Kang Tuan felt like he was back to the days of dating and was abandoned by his lover. Moreover, he wanted to win back his lover, but he couldn't see her. He was so miserable that he had no place to use his strength.

In fact, he knew very well that with Chen Haonan's strength, the small platform of the Iron Fist Group would indeed limit the development of this little guy. However, he didn't want much. He just wanted him to stay for a while and lead the Fourth Company of the Sharp Gun, especially in fighting and shooting, so that the people of the Fourth Company of the Sharp Gun could grow up completely and be able to stand on their own. In the next military exercise, their Iron Fist Group could continue to maintain good results. Unfortunately, this guy is gone...

"He really left. I still want to see Chen Haonan have a baby here soon. I think he has a good relationship with An Ran. What a pity. "Lao Hei sighed, "Ah, but from the time he challenged Langya to the military exercise, his achievements were too impressive. How many people came to inquire about his identity? Not to mention Lao Fan, Lei Keming and Langtou, even the general affairs department came. With such a big commotion, we definitely can't keep him. Captain, think about it. Think about it, when a bird grows up, it will definitely fly to a bigger forest, so that it can develop better. You don't want to hold him back, right?"

Kang Tuan was full of anger, "Having said that, I'm just unhappy. One or two good seedlings went to Langya, I How will our Iron Fist Group develop? You can just disband it right here. You keep saying that I can't lead soldiers. Why don't you give me some good ones? "

"Captain, didn't you turn a blind eye to those excellent soldiers before? If you didn't want to give them, you wouldn't drink with them."

"Nonsense, am I that kind of person? How can I give my soldiers away so easily? Besides, he is Chen Haonan, a 9-year-old child. Even a special forces king like Thor is no match for him. If he can stay and lead the team to train, do I still have to worry about the lack of successors? Damn, I can kill those old specials in a minute."

"That's true, what should I do? He won't come back, how can I train people?"

"I don't care, I have to think of a way."

Kang Tuan was helpless. After all, the big boss of the Southeast Military Region wanted people, and there was no way to talk about it. He had already accepted his fate, but he wanted to change a way to see if he could take advantage of Chen Haonan's strong strength and bring some output to the Iron Fist Group. As the strength of the Iron Fist Group, if the Fourth Company of the Sharp Gun could be improved by Chen Haonan, it would be a bit of comfort.

At that time, why did he promote Chen Haonan, a 9-year-old boy, as the company commander? It was to stimulate those guys in the Fourth Company of the Sharp Gun. Unexpectedly, it ended just after it started. It was really a cooked duck that flew away.

The more Kang Tuan thought about it, the more unwilling he became. He took Lao Hei's hand and asked, "Lao Hei, think of another way to keep Chen Haonan for a while. The Sharp Gun Company 4 really can't do without him now."

Lao Hei pondered for a moment and said weakly, "Captain, he has to refuse General Gao himself. Unless you detain his wife like Lei Dian and the others, he will stay."

Kang Tuan rolled his eyes, "Am I that kind of person? If I don't do it, you can't either. Otherwise, people will think I authorized it. Damn it, you keep giving bad ideas. Think about it with your brain. OK..."

As he was talking,A car drove slowly over and stopped beside him.

Who is it?

Kang Tuan was a little confused, stopped talking, and stared at the car.

The next moment, the parking space was opened, and Chen Haonan walked down from the driver's seat.

Damn! It's this little guy, why did he come back? Can't bear to leave me? Or can't bear to leave the Fourth Company of the Sharpshooters? Impossible, he won't stay...

Kang Tuan's eyes were straight, and many assumptions flashed in his mind. He looked at Chen Haonan's small body and remembered one thing. He said speechlessly: "Hey, you are 9 years old, driving a car, aren't you afraid of being caught? Even if your father is the richest man, he doesn't know how to play, right? What if something happens?"


Chen Haonan raised his hand and saluted, "Captain, I'm 9 years old and I have a wife, so what's the big deal about driving? Keep a low profile and don't alert the police. Hush, just keep it a secret. Also, don't let my dad know, he'll be worried, maybe he'll just take me back to school, it's impossible for me to study, and he can't force me, he just doesn't want to make a fuss, and he wants to affect the harmony of the army, right?"


Kang Tuan sighed, looked at him reluctantly, and asked, "Little guy, where did General Gao take you? Why did he inform me as soon as I came back that you were going to the headquarters? This is too sudden, right? I'm not mentally prepared."

When speaking, Kang Tuan's eyes were full of attachment, and he wished he could tie Chen Haonan to the Iron Fist Group.

"I was thinking that when you grow up, you will continue to serve in the army here until you get married and have children. I also want to make you a deputy regiment commander. You don't know that I treat you as my own child. Also, there are so many cenotes in Langya. Can you play better than them? Alas... Poor parents in the world, I am worried that you will not grow up..."

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