"Clothes, clothes?"

Kakashi turned around quickly with his back to Obito and the others, afraid that he would accidentally see something he shouldn't see.

They were all resurrected...

At this moment, Kakashi closed his eyes tightly, just listening to Obito's tangled complaints about Orochimaru, and he couldn't control his tears.

Fortunately, we can finally see each other again...

"Orochimaru... Forget it, Lin, you just wear it for now, and when we can go out, I'll buy you clothes..."

Obito took the clothes from Orochimaru, and when he was about to give them to Lin, he found that the size of the clothes was a bit too much.

However, when he saw Orochimaru's figure, he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to complain.

Orochimaru took out the clothes she prepared, and it would be inappropriate to tangle with it.

"I can do it myself, you also put on your clothes, Lord Orochimaru is still here..."

Nohara Rin patted Obito on the shoulder with disdain. She could dress herself, but Obito...

Can you be a little more gentle? Although everyone would see it during the previous inspection, the situation is different now!


Obito looked at his legs, quickly put on his pants, and then unbuttoned the coat.

The clothes that Rin was wearing at this time could not be tied because the waist was too thin, so Obito folded the coat and wrapped it on.

Although the belt seemed a little too thick, at least there was no need to worry about exposure.

"Okay, you can go out and talk if you have something to say, just don't disturb the construction of the village outside."

Orochimaru saw that Obito and Rin had finished cleaning up, and he drove them out directly.

She also had to help her philandering master to turn the poor boy Gaara into a little girl.

Suddenly I felt a little uncomfortable. Could this be the so-called jealousy?

"Lord Orochimaru..."

Kabuto Yakushi and Kimimaro stood outside the door. When they saw Orochimaru coming out, they stood respectfully on both sides.

"Take them out to a place where no one is, and don't worry about them. These two will be senior managers of our Sound Village in the future, but we will decide where to arrange them in a few days..."

Orochimaru arranged a task for Kabuto Yakushi and determined the identities of Obito and Rin.

After saying this, she took Kimimaro away and went to find Gaara who had been soaking in the special potion for half a day.

"Lord Orochimaru, he has never moved since he was soaked in it..."

Kimimaro pointed at Gaara who was soaking in the potion, and was a little worried that this guy would have problems.

"It's okay. You go watch outside. I'll take care of this kid."

Orochimaru glanced at Gaara, whose skin had been soaked. This kid had been silent all the time. If he was busy and forgot about him, he might really have to rebuild his body.

Forget it, let's not make it difficult for him...

Otherwise, her master would be distressed. What a troublesome guy!

"Come out. You don't need to soak any more."

After Kimimaro left, Orochimaru raised his hand and knocked on the table next to him, telling Gaara to come out.


Gaara came out of the potion and stood beside Orochimaru.

Speaking of which, Orochimaru killed his father and even controlled the Sand Village.

But he was used as a tool by his father since he was a child, and even suffered assassinations again and again. He also arranged for his only uncle who cared about him to come and die...

Gaara didn't think he needed to care about such a father, let alone avenge him.

But Orochimaru finally took control of their Sand Village. As a member of the Sand Village, Gaara still found it difficult to accept this direct seizure of power.

"Originally, you could have taken over the position of Kazekage after you came back, but now that you want to change your gender, it will be a lot more difficult for you to control the leadership of the village after you return. Have you thought about it?"

Orochimaru looked at Gaara and didn't think there was anything wrong with killing his father.

Before in the Sand Village, although the illusion was maintained, Orochimaru still controlled the fourth Kazekage Rasa and exposed some problems to Gaara.

Although there was a component of teasing him, he also wanted Gaara to find the problem and then hand over the position of Kazekage.

Later, Gaara did find out, but he didn't inform anyone and stuck to Feiyu's team every day.

"Whether it's a boy or a girl, it has nothing to do with me inheriting the Kazekage. If they really dare to say that I can't be the Kazekage, then I don't mind letting Shukaku play around in the village for a few rounds!"

Gaara has no feelings for the Sand Village, he wanted the position of Kazekage, but he just wanted to give himself a stronger identity, at least he would not be completely unknown beside Feiyu.

"Yes, with this awareness, I believe you will soon control the position of Kazekage. This medicine is very simple. After taking it, you will be reborn and reverse the yin and yang, but you have to bear the pain yourself."

Orochimaru took out a small bottle of medicine. He did not participate in the research process of this thing, but it is said that this medicine can be sold at a very high price.

But at present, he has no thoughts in this regard, so he will put it aside for the time being. When he finishes his work one day, he can let the pharmacist take a few medicines out and try to make money.

"I'm not afraid of pain..."

Gaara reached out to take the small bottle of medicine, and after Orochimaru explained the usage, he tilted his head and poured the medicine into his mouth.

The moment this small bottle of medicine entered his throat, the bottle in Gaara's hand was crushed directly.

Pieces of sand appeared out of thin air and quickly wrapped Gaara into a sand ball.

"Shukaku, don't jump around here. If you dare to destroy anything of mine, I will wipe out your consciousness and turn it into Gaara's power!"

Orochimaru looked at Shukaku's head gradually growing out of the sand, a flash of red light flashed in his eyes, and he directly crushed Shukaku's head that was almost formed.

Dare to be presumptuous in front of her?

Not to mention the one-tailed Shukaku, even if the nine tailed beasts gathered together, they are not qualified to jump around now!

"Orochimaru... Gaara is in pain now. Is there anything that can relieve it? His body is about to collapse!"

Shukaku didn't expect that it would be crushed directly after it came out, but at this time Gaara's situation was worrying, it couldn't just run away without any backbone.

"You want to reverse your body and mind, do you think it's easy to do? And the pain this medicine brings is related to strength. If it's an ordinary person, the transformation will be completed directly after sleeping, but he... One-tail Jinchuriki, you, the tailed beast, belong to his power, so it's impossible not to feel pain..."

Orochimaru stood aside and admired Gaara's changes. Even with Shukaku's sand, she couldn't block her eyes.

Although I have seen an example of a man turning into a woman and a woman turning into a man before, they are both ordinary low-level ninjas, and the data effect cannot be compared with Gaara.

I just don't know if this boy can become more beautiful after becoming this girl.

Her master likes beautiful girls very much. If she doesn't look good...

Then she has to prepare some cosmetic or beauty drugs. Although it is not troublesome, she is still too lazy to touch those useless things for her.

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