"Bada, hurry up, I left a few acquaintances here..."

Hashirama looked at Uchiha Madara who had been fighting for a long time and had not finished yet, and roared in disgust, then stood under a tree and waited.

Just now, when Uchiha Madara went to deal with the Otsutsuki, she condensed a few trees around Konoha.

These branches strung together the enemies who were resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation, and those who were not known were directly sent back to the Pure Land. The remaining ones still had some other uses.

For example, her father, Madara's father.

These Otsutsuki were really too much. It's okay for modern ninjas, but these old generations whose corpses had long turned to dust were also summoned...

If Madara wasn't so angry now, she would have wanted to go over and beat up the Otsutsuki.



Tobirama and Izuna looked at the two people tied up by branches, and the appearance of the Impure World Reincarnation was still the same as before...

"We have to wait until Madara deals with this controller before their consciousness can be restored..."

Hashirama leaned against the tree and shook his head at Tobirama and Izuna who ran out.

Her current strength can easily send all the dead back to the Pure Land, but if she forcibly removes the control of the Otsutsuki, it is likely to hurt the soul.

Although the next development is that these people of the previous generation may reincarnate after returning, she still can't do such a thing as destroying them with her own hands.

"That... my brother, no, it's my sister. Can she change back?"

Izuna looked at the figure who was still beating up the Otsutsuki over there, and wanted to confirm the current situation first.

He was also changed before, but it only lasted for a few days before returning to normal.

If his brother can also change back, he naturally still hopes to be his brother.

But if he can't change anymore, then he can only adjust his mentality and accept it.

"It can't be changed back. Unlike you who were resurrected by the reincarnation technique, our bodies are completely reshaped, which means... the body is what the soul is."

Hashirama tilted his head to look in the direction of Madara, and was very sure to cut off Izuna's last hope.

"Well... Actually, my sister is okay. After all, I haven't experienced what it's like to have a sister..."

Izuna held her forehead with a sad face, but when he saw that Madara's fist slowed down a little, he still endured the depression in his heart and expressed his acceptance and understanding in a slightly relaxed tone.

It can't be changed, so in order not to put too much psychological pressure on my sister, just accept it first!

"Tsk! That's not what you said just now..."

Tobirama was watching the sadness from the side, and he hadn't been comforted yet, but he had to consider the feelings of Izuna, the bastard, first.

"What does it matter? Tobirama, you are the same as me, and... your family is much more troublesome than mine. Don't forget that you have a direct descendant..."

For the sake of her sister's mood, Izuna decided to find trouble with the Senju family first.

As for whether Tobirama would be upset because of this, why did he deliberately mention it if he was not upset?

And he was telling the truth. Tsunade over there has been petrified since she saw the two people appear, and she has not regained her consciousness yet.

"Little Tsunade... should be okay?"

Hashirama finally realized what she had overlooked before, her granddaughter...

"Hashirama, let that kid come and extract the soul of Otsutsuki. This kind of guy is annoying to look at!"

After hearing some of Izuna's attitude, Madara relaxed and completely destroyed this Otsutsuki.

But now looking at the people tied to the tree, in addition to their fathers, there are also some clan leaders of the family back then.

Even if it is to free their souls, they must first let this Otsutsuki release his mind control before he dies.

And the one who studies the soul the most is the guy she doesn't want to deal with for the time being.

"His current state is not very good... Forget it, how could he not do your request..."

Hashirama wanted to say something for Feiyu, but gave up after being glared at by Madara.

It was just a few kisses from Feiyu.

You didn't have such a big opinion when you were in that space, why don't you admit it after you came out?

"Feiyu, this matter still needs you to do, this guy is angry again..."

Waving Feiyu over, Hashirama handed the Otsutsuki who was rolled into a ball to him.

"Just destroy the soul directly, I'll take a look at the memory..."

Feiyu came over to read the memory of this Otsutsuki, and then destroyed it with his own hands.

[Host kills a member of the Otsutsuki clan, gaining chakra +99999...】

After a long time, Xiao Hei suddenly gave Fei Yu a system information notification.


'You should save this step! '

Originally, Fei Yu wanted to see if there were any useful clues in the memory of this Otsutsuki, but Xiao Hei's sudden reminder made Fei Yu stunned.

Before there was no reminder, he wanted to copy or devour but didn't see this thing...

'Host, don't be so fierce, don't think that this system is blacking you, it's really you, think about how many times you have killed people so far? '

Xiao Hei rolled around in the system space with laughter, it was intentional.

Deliberately reminding its host that this Otsutsuki has come out, but he personally did it. In addition to the three Hyuga family members before, are there any more?


With a force of his fingers, Fei Yu directly turned the body of this Otsutsuki into smoke and dust.

It seems that he really hasn't killed anyone since then...

'Host, host, you have to hurry up and prepare for your body reconstruction...'

Xiao Hei suddenly stood up seriously, shaking his tail to indicate that some actions need to be done quickly.

It has recovered a part now, and next it should spend some time to heal its host's injuries first.

But in this case, it will require Senju Hashirama to work hard.

'I know, after I finish this matter, I will let Orochimaru prepare to start. '

Thinking of his own situation, Feiyu also knew what he should do.

After carefully checking the memory of this Otsutsuki, Feiyu shared it with Orochimaru, and asked Orochimaru to pick out the part that could be passed on to Obito.

Because of the contract, Feiyu has now put all her mind on the next plan. With Orochimaru around, she can leave everything to her with confidence.

With what happened during this period of time, he already understood why Xiao Hei must let Orochimaru stay with him, because this is a perfect existence with full trust.

"The control is gone, but you guys should think about it. If they... Never mind, you guys chat slowly, I have something to do with Orochimaru..."

Fei Yu looked at the people on the tree. They were all from a hundred years ago, and they were basically enemies of each other.

He didn't hide his identity when he was active in the Pure Land before, so it's better not to meet. After all, Konoha has become a new gossip center, so there's no need to add to it.

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