"The feeling of a stagnant pool of water is really uncomfortable..."

On the third day of staying in Kyoto, Madara was a little tired of the peaceful mode of this world.

The people here are weak, weak in strength, and psychologically do not have much endurance.

I went out for a walk a few times in the past two days, and the people I saw were particularly weak. Occasionally, I heard people chatting, talking about how beautiful someone's daughter was, and what new game someone's son had researched...

It seems that people in Kyoto have nothing else to do except having fun.

"Without war and the desire for strength, it's not surprising that it will become like this..."

Hashirama sat on a chair, drinking tea and looking at the scattered white clouds in the sky.

This illusion is indeed terrible. If she is not careful, she and Madara may also be assimilated.


Since we have discovered where the problem lies, we must not let the next few decades pass like this.

They are not here to be educated and brainwashed!

"Then let them know that there are opportunities to become stronger in this world!"

Ban's fingers circled the teacup, and she knew what to do!

This stagnant world, she wants to make it alive again.

"Do I need to go with you?"

Putting down the teacup, Hashirama looked at Ban's expression, holding his chin with some entanglement and waiting.

If Ban wants to go out, should she and Feiyu go with him, or stay here and wait for her to come back after she is done?

"I won't leave too far. A few decades are enough for me to slowly make plans. It's very troublesome to remove that guy's scar. You and him don't have to leave Kyoto..."

Ban's eyes turned to the kitchen, where Feiyu was cooking.

After a few days of close contact, she also had a general understanding of Feiyu's scar, which was much more troublesome to heal than she imagined.

But at least Hashirama's power can still play a role, so even if it is to allow more time to be used for treatment, she needs to go out for a walk.

Otherwise, being together every day will always make time for intimate contact, and the treatment time will naturally be shortened too much...

"Then don't go too far. If you are not busy, come back every day to rest, otherwise he will miss you..."

Hashirama poured a cup of tea for Madara and added a cup for himself.

While drinking tea, they looked towards the kitchen together, that man...

Love will grow more and more, right?

Sure enough, the emotion of love is becoming more and more difficult to hide...

"You won't let him be idle, so he can have time to miss me?"

Looking back with disdain, Madara didn't want to talk to this guy anymore.

A bastard with strong recovery ability who can not rest, even if she is unwilling, there is no way to deny this.

"Can't you just rest under the quilt?"

Hashirama looked at Madara who stood up to leave, and slowly said something speechless.

"Get lost!"

I didn't want to pay attention to him, but for this guy's thick skin, Madara couldn't help but turn back to express his disdain.

With her state of clinging to others whenever she has the chance, she actually has the nerve to say that she is just resting?

Is it possible?

It's just like when he said he was going to commit suicide in front of her with a small kunai, it has nothing to do with the truth!

"I'm telling the truth, why don't you believe it..."

Hashirama, with a sad face, held his chin and watched Madara go back to the room to pack up.

This guy is really anxious, he just does it as soon as he thinks of it, without giving him any buffer time...

But looking at this situation, I can't just rest under the quilt tonight.


Early the next morning.

Madara, who had packed up, set off after breakfast.

"Aren't you worried about it?"

Hashirama rested his head on Feiyu's legs, and continued to treat his scar with his hands, but when he saw Feiyu studying the recipe, she suddenly felt unhappy again.

Madara went out, so he didn't have to worry or feel lost?

"No one in this world can hurt her..."

Fei Yu reached out and stroked Hashirama's long hair. He really didn't need to worry. The strongest person in this world was only a jonin, and that was already rare.

"I know that, but you won't worry because she left suddenly?"

His eyes narrowed slowly. Hashirama felt that she needed to teach Fei Yu a lesson. At least when his wife was out, as a husband, he should have some awareness and expression.

"No, she will be back in the evening. I have prepared lunch for her at noon. If there is any unexpected situation, I can sense it..."

Fei Yu put down the recipe in his hand and looked down at Hashirama, curious about what she was worried about.


At this moment, Hashirama suddenly didn’t know what to say.

That bastard didn’t even say he would be back in the evening, and...

When was the lunch box made, why didn’t she know at all!

Sure enough, Madara was deliberately making her misunderstand, thinking that he would not be back in a short time after going out, but it turned out to be...

“I’ll make you delicious food at noon, if you are tired, take a rest first...”

Flying Feather smiled helplessly at Hashirama’s expression, picked up the recipe and continued to study.

The most important thing for him now is to recover from his injury, but he can’t heal this injury himself, so he can study more recipes in this world, at least when his wife is busy, he can make some delicious food to make them happy.

That day At night, Madara returned with some anger.

She went out for a day and passed through many towns and villages, but all the people here seemed to be controlled and had no intention of fighting.

Now she is more certain that this world is the infinite moon reading world she once imagined.

There is no more war in people's hearts, and peace is the foundation of the world.

But people without desires are slowly declining and dying...

After a night's rest at home, Madara went out again after breakfast the next day to continue looking for possible exceptions in this world.

Day after day, when Madara returned home every day, his expression would be very gloomy.

Until a year later...

"It seems that there is an unexpected gain this time?"

Looking at Madara who was proud of his eyes after returning, Hashirama could guess what it was without any effort.

"The boy this time is not bad. Although he didn't express it when his lover was married to someone else, when his lover was killed by the mistress of the family he married to, he finally had the idea of ​​revenge! "

Ban is actually dissatisfied with the boy he saw today, but this is the only person she has met so far who has the desire for revenge.

It took a year and half the world to meet a...

"Then give him the power of revenge and see what choice he will make after revenge."

Fei Yu put the written recipe aside and handed a small scroll to Ban.

He didn't want Ban to teach the avenger. Now it's just a breakthrough. He just needs to let the boy who has the idea of ​​resistance get the power.

As for the follow-up...

Just wait and see the result. After all, this is just an illusion, and...

It's actually some virtual data created by Xiao Hei.


Author has something to say:

Good evening o(=·ω·=)m

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