Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 1063: completely annihilated

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Chapter 1063, the whole army is annihilated

Seeing that the cloud dance completed the first part smoothly, Black Pride continued to command.

"Okay." The cloud dance was unambiguous, urging the two forces to attack the power of the magic around them.

The power of the chaos in the body is full of hundreds, and they must be solved one by one.

The power of the powerful elements and the vindictiveness, directly selected the power of the recent magical devotion as the goal, and the mercy of the mercy!

The power of the magical madness is extremely arrogant, and it is stalking everywhere. The place where it passes is a mess, the meridians are somewhat damaged, and the power of the magic is playing.

When the two forces came, the power of the magical power seemed to have thoughts. The cloud dance actually felt a touch of disdain, as if the two forces were not in the eyes.

"So arrogant, I don't believe you can continue this way later!" Yunwu thought, and then unceremoniously directed the two forces to swallow away toward the power of the demon.

The power of the magical power was swallowed up by the two forces in an instant. The cloud dance felt that although the power was trapped, it was not refining, and the moment was unceremonious and forced to go.

A battle between the power of the magic and the power of the magic begins in the body!


In the **** corpse, it is already a mess.

The blood corpses who were known to have weaknesses still have a fight. As long as they are not found, they will continue to gain strength.

But at this time, the secret room in the mountain palace has been affected, and it is no longer able to provide them with strength.

The blood corpses have long since smashed their eyes, and there is no source of strength. The blood corpses seem to be mad and become more violent.


"What happened? How did these **** bodies suddenly become so violent!" A rough man who had just slashed a **** body, wiped off the blood on his face, and yelled at a man next to him. Shouted.

The man seemed to be the leader of the team. Obviously, he also found this problem. He turned his head and looked at the rough man, but his eyes were attracted by the blood corpse that had just been hacked.

"Look!" The man seemed to have discovered the New World. He was surprised to point to the **** body on the ground and said, "They can't recover the wound!"

Rough and sturdy, he has never found this situation. Hearing the man mentioned, he quickly looked at it, and it was exactly the same as the man said.

"Wow! How did these blood corpses start to bite? Still sucking blood!" Another voice came from the other side.

The rough man and the man looked at the same time, and they saw that the blood corpse on the other side did not know how it was not a fight.

It’s like madness, holding humans in a hurry, grabbing the place where you can bite unrelentingly, watching the throat roll, and knowing that they are actually taking blood.

"What happened? How did this **** corpse begin to **** blood?" The rough man looked arrogant, but he couldn’t figure out why, and he quickly rushed into the battle because a **** body bit him.

The man who led the team was shocked to see the scene in front of him, and he reacted for a moment.

But very quickly, he found that those crazy blood corpses were mostly wounded blood corpses. After they sucked the blood, the wounds on their bodies began to heal, as if human blood could bring them strength.

It turns out that those blood corpses have lost their strength and will gain strength from other aspects, and blood is the most attractive and the first choice for them!

But these humans fighting outside do not understand why this is, they only know that this is a good thing for them, because the blood corpses of this matter are all powerful, and it will not take long before the blood corpse will be wiped out!

"Don't be afraid, these blood corpses can't live for a long time. Just don't let them **** blood, they can't heal the wounds, everyone! Kill the blood corpse and avenge our people!" The man excitedly spread the news. Go out.

The confused people heard the news, and they suddenly felt a great spirit. One by one, they saw the dawn of victory, and they played harder.

"Kill the blood! Revenge for the tribe!"

"Kill the blood! Revenge for the tribe!"

"Kill the blood! Revenge for the tribe!"

The slogan sounded through the entire **** corpse, far away, with an incomparably powerful warfare to the inside!


In the depths of the mountain palace, the cloud dance took almost two hours of time, and finally completely controlled the power of the magic in the body.

At first, relying on the power and vindictiveness of his own elements, it is very difficult to deal with the power of the magic, but the more he came to the back, the power of the engulfed magical power slowly transformed into his own power.

Cloud Dance has dealt with the power of the four chaos, and it feels a lot easier, and the power of the magic that has been turned into its own use is constantly enhancing the strength of the cloud dance.

Only when the power of the magical power is completely swallowed by the cloud dance, the physical condition of the cloud dance has been weakened to a certain extent. If it is weaker, it will be abandoned, even if she controls the power of the magical power. use.

Mu Xiu Ming and Xiao Smelly looked at the cloud dance's face more and more pale, almost no blood, as if not angry, terrible.

"What should I do? How can I treat this kind of weakness and how to heal it? How can I heal for half an hour, but it is getting weaker?"

The little stinky rushed to the group, but there was no way, only to look at Mu Xiu Ming, I hope he can give a little idea.

Mu Xiu Ming is equally worried, but the cloud dance is in a state of cultivation at this time, and he can't help, for fear that if he is not careful, he will disrupt the steps of cloud dance.

"Don't worry, let me try."

Mu Xiu Ming guessed the progress of the cloud dance. He thought that the cloud dance would definitely choose to control the strength of the body and then heal the wound. In this way, what he can help is to try to help her relieve the pain in the body and repair the meridians.

With such a thought, Mu Xiu Ming took the jade box of Fang Cai without hesitation, and took out a medicinal herb and fed it into the mouth of Yun Dance.

Yunwu felt that something was close to the mouth, and the tip of the nose lingered with a strong medicinal scent, and I knew that it must be Mu Xiu Ming’s shot.

At the moment, he did not hesitate to open the mouth and swallowed the pill. At this time, her injury was too serious, and she could not go back with Mu Xiu Ming. The good feelings of today can only be repaid in the future.

The entrance to the pill, the feeling of coolness came again.

Cloud Dance finally felt a little more comfortable, and began to wholeheartedly repair a mess of injuries in the body.

After seeing the medicinal herbs being eaten, the face of Yun Dance was a little better. Wood Xiu Ming knew that he had guessed it, and he was relieved.

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