Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 1064: Above the battlefield

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Chapter 1064 above the battlefield

"How is it?" The little stinky can't see the injury of the cloud dance.

As a summoning beast of cloud dance, he can feel some, but in the face of such a small change, he is not sure. In his induction, the cloud dance is still seriously injured.

“Do not worry,” said Mu Xiu-Ming. “Now she has the ability to heal herself, and then it will slowly improve, but the process may be a bit long.”

"Then you don't have a remedy? Is it better to eat it together?" The little stinky said quickly.

He didn't forget that there was still a big fight outside. It was a dangerous moment when the cloud dance was not clear.

"..." Mu Xiu Ming's mouth was pumping. How do you feel the little stinky? It seems that he is eating jelly beans for the cloud dance?

You know, that medicine is hard to come by.

The little stink snorted and screamed at the wood, saying: "You won't be reluctant?"

"What are you talking about!" Mu Xiu Ming glanced at his eyes. "Do you think this medicinal herb is a jelly bean? If you want to eat it, you can eat it. If you eat another one, it will not absorb it. Instead, it will waste a medicinal drug."

"The drug is extremely potent. Eating too much is not good for her healing. Instead, she has to be distracted to deal with that drug."

The little smelly smell, the brow couldn't help but wrinkle. He didn't know anything about the drug. Even before the departure, his parents gave him the drug that hasn't moved yet.

As soon as I heard that Miao Xiu Ming told him this, the small smelly mouth asked: "Really?"

"You say it!" Mu Xiu Ming's eyes glimpsed, and now the cloud dance's injury began to improve, and he finally got a joke.

At the moment, he said: "Moreover, if there is any special situation in the future, how much can be reserved for a drug? If it is eaten once, what should I do?"

This is a small smell, I understand it. Now I nodded and said, "Oh, what you said makes sense. That's it." After that, he went back to the previous position and continued to protect the law.

Mu Xiu Ming sighed with a sigh of relief. How do you listen to the stinking smell? Is it like listening to his own words?

But at this time in front of the cloud dance, in order not to disturb the healing of the cloud dance, they can not argue loudly, so the wood repaired a smack of a small smell, and returned to his position to sit down.


Outside the mountain palace, a group of blood corps masters wandered back and concentrated on the main hall in the mountain palace.

The blood corpse looked cold and looked at the blood corpses standing no more than ten. The body of each blood corpse appeared more or less human skin.

"I can't think of it, my blood corpse is still coming to today..." The blood corpse smiled a bit and sighed.

These blood corpses are all blood corpses of the blood corpse, and they are the longest blood corpses in the pool when they became blood corpses.

Unlike other blood corpses, they have the ability that other blood corpses do not have. That is, when energy supplements are no longer used, they can become humans again by some means, but the price of returning is huge.

When they change back, life is no more than ten years!

This is why only a few of them can withdraw.

From the perspective of the war, they already knew that the pool was destroyed, and there was only one way to destroy the pool, which was to block the magic hole.

Once the magic hole is fixed, it is impossible to open the hole with their power.

"Dawang, we..." One appearance is a woman's blood corpse coming forward. Her looks are quite beautiful, but a face is red and white and people look very terrible.

When the blood corpse king saw her, she knew what she was going to say. She waved her hand and said: "Don’t say more, our blood corpse killed a lot of humans. For so many years, they have long wanted to kill. We. Even if we all turn back to humans, they will not let us go."

When the words of the blood corpse king were finished, all the blood bodies in the room were silent.

They know that it will be like this.

If they were not greedy for the magical power, how could they become what they are now?

"Those who are the beasts of the beasts are really unreliable!" A **** corpse took a sip. "When the war was over, I expected them to shoot more. If they were willing to take the shot, why should we fall to this point today? But they Good, seeing that we are going to be destroyed, we have all escaped!"

"Hey, those people." Another **** corpse also sneered and said, "They are just like us, for the sake of profit."

Originally, it was to take away the person. Now I can’t take it away. What can I do without leaving? It’s a pity that we didn’t have time to use her, and that’s all...”

When I heard the blood corpse mentioning the person, the corpse of the blood corpse flashed and then went silent.

"Hey, if those who attacked came for that person, we might have a chance to live, but now..."

"Great king, that pool..."

There was a blood corpse suddenly thinking of something. I went forward and said: "The pool is so secretive. How could it be suddenly smashed? Is there anyone who sneaked into the interior?"

The **** corpse is a glimpse, this is what I think.

Above the battlefield, the blood corpses responsible for guarding the room were already killed, causing them to forget this.

"Go and see!" Blood King said immediately.

A group of blood corpses did not hesitate to follow the blood corpse king toward a certain room.

Anyway, staying outside is also dead. It doesn't matter what they do at this time.

Soon, the door to the room opened, and the original rune that had been darkened had already turned white into 80%, and the remaining runes were constantly changing.

The pool in the middle of the room has turned into an empty one, and there is no more energy to penetrate.

"This..." A **** corpse was shocked by the exit, but found that he could not say anything at all.

Even if you already know what it is, you will still be shocked when you see it.

The pools that were originally very rich are not left in a single drop. They rely on the black energy of the family to never appear again!

"Da Wang! Those who destroy the pool must be below this! Let's go and see, anyway, we will die. We will pull them into the water before we die!"

A **** corpse licked the eyes of a few **** bodies with bright red eyes. Even now, what they think in their minds is to pull people into the water.

"Yes! Let's go down and see, maybe those people haven't gone yet!"

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