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Chapter 1107 Space Attributes

The identity of this team is extraordinary. The baby that is common in the day does not know how many, and naturally will not go to these things.

Especially the fire and the cloud dance, they all know clearly that if you get the best things here, it is much better than taking everything else.

"Are we caught in a puzzle? How can anyone not?" Huo Linger became a little embarrassed from the initial curiosity, and suddenly she thought of a possibility and quickly said it.

"You said that this grave has a lot of crisis, so it is possible to use the puzzle?"

The cloud dance in the forefront shook his head and said: "No, there is nothing on the road we have just walked. The real crisis is still behind. I feel that there is no such thing as this on the road."

The words of the cloud dance made a few people behind me feel at ease.

In fact, they are more or less confused by the current phenomenon, but since the cloud dance is so sure that there is no problem, it is really no problem.

Whenever the cloud dance is so, people believe it.

"It is obvious that the palace is not big from the outside. How is this passage so long? It has been extending to the inside. If we continue this way, will we go directly to another exit?" Huo Linger said.

The first time she participated in the robbery, she was curious about everything, and she had a lot of ideas in her mind, hoping to be useful.

"We are only afraid of being on the periphery of this grave." Yunwu hasn't spoken yet, but this time it is Mu Xiu Ming's opening.

"What?" This time, it wasn’t just the fire that was shocked, but the fire was also surprised. "We have been away for a long time, even the center has not arrived?"

Mu Xiu Ming nodded affirmatively, closed his eyes and felt the surrounding atmosphere, and finally broke open in vain.

"This grave is really weird. It seems that we are really only one person. It must be that the summoner used the space element to divide the entire grave into several places, big and small. Every place exists independently, so we I can't feel the situation elsewhere."

Unfortunately, he is not the summoner of the space attribute, otherwise there should be a way.

Thinking of this, Mu Xiu Ming looked up and walked at the forefront of the cloud dance, only to see the back of the back firmly, without hesitation between the steps.

Mu Xiu Ming’s mouth evokes a smile: Fortunately, their team has a space-sponsored summoner, which is like opening a hang.

In fact, it is true.

"Oh... this way we are just headless flies, we can't feel anything, we can only go forward..."

Fire Lin and Huo Linger didn't know their strength. Lin Yunqi only knew a little about it, so I was worried and wary.

But the cloud dance is not worried at all, and it doesn't feel like there is no goal.

She has a clear sense of space and feels at the end of her own path, and can feel the breath in all directions. For her, there is no difference between it and other places.

The only difference is that her range of perception has become much smaller, perhaps because her strength does not reach the strength of the summoner.

And when she came along, she also guessed through observation and observation why only they got here.

If the transmission array is randomly transmitted, then there are so many people outside, how to find someone will come here like them, even if there is more entrance to a grave, it is not allowed to be separated from so many people outside.

So, I want to know exactly why, there is only one answer!

The pace of the cloud dance moving forward suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Huo Linger stared at the big eyes and curiously stretched his head to ask for the cloud dance.

The cloud dance mouth is hooked, what has been turned, and said: "We are here to rest and move on."

When the words came out, several other people stunned, and Huolin said directly: "What? Rest? Miss Yun Dance, this is not so good? We are still on the periphery until now, if we stop and rest, Don't you have to be surpassed by others? In this case..."

Cloud dance can't be denied. "Do you think that as long as you keep going, can you surpass everyone?"

A glimpse of the fire, do not understand what this means.

The eyes of Yun Dance swept through the passage. The faint opening said: "There is no atmosphere of the battle here, but if there is no guess, the legendary summoner guesses that someone will enter the grave to study in the future. The formation method, so specifically avoided the existence of this weakness, and switched to another method."

The fire brow jumped and said: "What method?"

"Organization." Yun Dance clearly spit out two words.

Some of the fires can't believe it, and even Lin Yunqi's people are full of doubts.

A summoner who can exist in the legend, saying that there is no defense in his grave, but to activate an organ that can be used without any special ability?

how is this possible?

But Yunwu didn't want to argue with them, just said faintly: "Now don't worry, you won't be able to use it for a long time."

Saying, I took the lead and sat down in front of everyone.

When I saw Yun Dance, I was not in a hurry. I was just an ordinary team. The main task was to protect Huo Linger.

As for whether or not I can get to the first place to get the thing, there is an elite squad of Flint Town to finish, so I let go of my heart, and like the cloud dance, I sat down with everyone.

Originally thought to sit for a long time, clinker, but the time of a tea, the cloud dance suddenly felt the fluctuations of the surrounding space elements.

This kind of fluctuation can only be felt by her. As for others, no one has found out what is going on.

"Come on." The cloud dance whispered, opening his eyes and looking at the passage that had not passed before, the eyes of the cloud dance smashed, and some looked forward to what happened next.

"What is it?" Hearing the voice of the cloud dance, several others opened their eyes.

Huo Linger looked around, but found that it was still in the passage, and there was no change, and he could not help but ask.

"Organization." The cold voice of the cloud dance came over, and several people listened clearly. When they saw the cloud dance eyes, they looked at the front without hesitation, and now they looked toward the front.

The eyes of everyone became more and more shocked by the initial calm.

I saw that the calm passage in front suddenly began to move, and the entire passage seemed to be a building block, shifting toward the side...

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