Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 1108: Wife who has not passed the door

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Chapter 1108: The wife who has not passed the door

Immediately afterwards, another channel slowly moved toward the road of cloud dance, and finally it was matched.

The whole process was very quiet, as if nothing happened, but if the cloud dance didn't stop at that time, they had already reached another road.

Cloud dance mouth corner, a heart: "Sure!"

However, in the eyes of other people, I did not expect it to be like this.

"How...what is this going on?" said Lin Lin, shocked and turned to look at the cloud dance, hoping to get an answer from her.

Mu Xiu Ming was the most curious, recovered from the shock, and went straight to the left and touched the right touch on the wall.

At the end of the dejection, I said to a few people: "It’s amazing. I can’t find a coincident gap, as if it were a complete wall.”

As a result, several people have more curiosity and ran up to watch.

Yunwu stood up and watched everyone curious waiting for her explanation. Then I said, "The transmission array is indeed randomly sending us to every different place, but if you have not guessed it, this grave There should be quite a lot of such passages as we go."

"Every long channel can be divided into many parts. Every time, the channels will be exchanged with each other. According to some kind of change, you can prevent the team from meeting. As for how many kinds of changes... If According to different combinations, I am afraid there are at least hundreds of them. As a result, the chances of natural encounters are small."

As soon as the words of the cloud dance were finished, several others showed their shocked appearance.

I only knew that the owner of this tomb was terrific. Until now, I felt that this master is terrific, and it is simply a close-up demon.

"In addition, because of the space element, every small segment of the entire channel will not be transmitted to a certain place, instead of being exchanged as we have just seen. As for what place to change, I don't know. Why can't we hear anything when it changes, and even if we are in it, we don't feel the reason why the channel is changing."

Yun Dance looked up and saw the unchanging passages around him, and closed his eyes to feel the surrounding environment.

The other few were very quiet and stayed aside, for fear of disturbing her.

After a while!

Yunwu opened his eyes and said affirmatively: "The entire tomb is wrapped in space elements, and there seem to be other elements. I think the summoner thinks that it is difficult to have more summoners in the future, so use This move to protect your grave."

But he did not expect that there is not only a multi-summoner, but also a space element.

In this way, the entire grave is to give the cloud dance convenience.

"This is what it is... what do we do now? These passages move around, and if we move to the other entrance of the other passage, are we going to stay in the passage forever?"

Huo Linger responded the fastest and directly figured out the key.

Yunwu nodded and said: "This is indeed the case. I believe this is the reason why we can't walk out of this channel no matter how we go."

"But don't worry now, we have not followed the previous channel, and then we may meet some other people..."

When the words of the cloud dance are finished, everyone is ready to be enemies.

The head of the cloud dance mouth was hooked, revealing a light smile. Suddenly, the smirk stopped directly at the mouth, and there was a lot of people's breath in the perception.

"It’s true that Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here." Yun Dance said, "I just met other people just by following the passage, but I don’t know if it’s an enemy or a friend..."

"Who is there!" The man's voice came from behind, and the cloud dance still kept the same standing position before, and there was no point in nervousness.

The most powerful of the adventurers are just a few city owners, all of whom are the strength of Wu Zong.

There are two Emperors in the cloud dance, but it is an overwhelming victory. Not to mention that this time is only a small team.

But when I saw the increasingly clear team, Yunwu only wanted to say: the road is narrow.

"Is it you?" When Mu Lin came to the cloud dance with all her men, she frowned at the unpleasant moment.

"Hey, how are you? I really don't come innocent." Mu Xiu Ming said yin and yang, looking at Mu Lin's body, I feel very unsightly.

Mu Lin’s face suddenly sank. This is clearly reminding him of what happened at the entrance to the palace. It will happen on the spot.

There are no outsiders here, so he doesn't need to pretend to be warm.

However, the sound of Huo Linger’s crisp voice directly sounded: “Okay, let’s go, don’t delay the time.”

Huo Linger’s eyes are full of impatience, and every time he sees Mu Lin, there is no good thing.

So he was too lazy to take care of him. He dragged the sleeves of Mu Xiu Ming to let him say less. It is best to leave now, far from the Mu Lin.

Mulin seemed to see the disgust of Huo Linger and immediately changed her face.

The smile is even more splendid: "The original Linger is here too. How can I only see you a few? The people around you? Didn't you come in?"

Huo Linger frowned, and the fire on the side said directly: "This will not bother the young master to ask. If there is no reason, there is a reason. This reason is not convenient for outsiders to know."

Mu Lin did not put Huolin in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Where is Lin Shu said, Linger is my wife who has not passed the door anyway. I care about it, but let alone Linger. You are protected by yourself, and if something goes wrong, it will not be good."

"Who is your wife who has not passed the door!" Huo Linger suddenly yelled.

When did she say she was going to marry him?

Even she is trying to refuse this person's kins, and wants to marry him?


Mu Lin smiled and looked at him, but said nothing. Pampered your eyes and looked at the fire, as if looking at your beloved woman.

If not everyone here knows the truth of the matter, in the eyes of Mu Lin, they really think that Huo Linger is just shy.

"Well, don't forget that we still have our own things." Yunyun said in a timely manner, turning around and preparing to take people away.

But Mullin did not intend to let them go.

At the moment, they only have a few people, but their own team is nearly twenty. No matter how you look at it, you have the upper hand.

Before the cloud dance did not give face, he still hates it now, how can he not take the opportunity to retaliate?

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