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Chapter 1115 is a long time

The icy sound sounded as if it brought the atmosphere of the entire cave in an instant.

The cloud dance pupil shrinks, shocked and said: "Thunder Warcraft? You are the beast of the owner of this grave?"

The fire spirit on the side has long been immersed in the news that the cloud dance is the summoner, shocked and unable to speak.

Before I saw the cloud dance fighting with purple vindictiveness, how did it become a summoner?

But what the person said in front of him is not like a fake, and her cloud sister did not deny it. It seems that it is true?

And then her cloud sister also burst into a more shocking thing, the woman in front of this human form turned out to be a summoned beast?

Huo Linger suddenly felt that his brain was not enough. He wanted to know what was going on, but obviously she did not have this opportunity.

"Linger, you go to the back." Yun Dance said coldly, the tone is unquestionable.

Huo Linger shuddered and looked at the two men who were arrogant and arrogant. They knew that now they were not able to intervene. They nodded quickly and went to the back.

Who knows, just turned around, the voice of the cloud dance passed again.

"If you find that it is wrong, you will leave here as soon as possible and find Mu Xiu Ming."

Fire Linger stunned and quickly turned his head: "Cloud sister, you mean..."

But the answer to her is not the words of the cloud dance, the charming woman directly rushed up to the cloud dance with a sword, a long sword is like a lightning bolt.

When it comes into contact with the weapons of the cloud dance, it directly strikes a piece of fire, and there is a thunderous sound of “噼里啪啦”!

Thunder Warcraft!


Shenyu tribe.

"Who wants?" Shangguan curiously asked, but he saw the old patriarch with his hands up and looked up, looking at the distant sky rolling in thunderclouds, frowning.

"I want that person who is about to break through the Emperor Wu?" Shangguan Zhang opened his mouth and asked in amazement. Looking up at Leiyun, his face was incredible: "What good is that person?"

The old patriarch sighed and shook his head: "I don't know the specifics, but this is something that people above strongly demand."

"The people above?" The Shangguan repeated it. My heart was wondering who was on the top, but I heard someone exclaimed: "Scorpio, the thunder is going to collapse!"

Almost everyone's attention is concentrated on the thundercloud.

The exclamations came one after another, so that the Shangguan could not help but frown, and looked very worried at Lei Yun.

Who is this person? This large thundercloud seems to be amazingly powerful. I don’t know if I can withstand the real thing of the day with the realm and vindictiveness of that person.

I thought of a thing that made the Shangguan curious, and turned to look at the old patriarch: "You said, if this person died in this thunder, what should I do?"

The eyes of the old patriarch were round and round, and for a long time, swallowing a mouthful of water, it seemed to be a little scared: "This, it should not be, can reach the realm of Emperor Wu, should be against the thunderbolt ... or, still can cope with it."

When I said this, the old patriarch’s apparent lack of confidence was very flustered.

Shangguan bowed his head and smiled and sighed: "If you can find a way to help me break through the Emperor Wu, I can help you find that person and subdue him."

As soon as the words were spoken, the old patriarch looked at the upstairs with a look of surprise. He did not seem to believe what he said: "You mean... you have to break through the Emperor?"

Seeing Shangguan seriously nodded, the old patriarch had already trembled with excitement, and hurriedly turned his head and said: "Come, come out and return the gods in my cabinet!"

Shangguan’s heart suddenly screamed, grinning, and my heart, this returning to God, I seem to have eaten one.

However, the old patriarch turned his head and said with a smile: "This is a return to God, but it is quite precious. We have not used it. We gave it to Shangguan Shaoxia. I hope that Shangguan Shaoxia can improve smoothly. Break through the Emperor Wu."

After hearing such an ardent statement, Shangguan just touched his nose and laughed: "That, I want to say, there is no better thing, the remedy I have..."

If I haven't finished talking, I will hear a panic shouting outside: "Nothing! The patriarch! Go back to God Dan!"

"I'm gone!" The old patriarch changed his face instantly, turned around and pulled the collar of the man: "How can you not see it? It is clearly on my cupboard!"

"But, but it is really gone!" The man was so scared that his face was pale, and the whole body trembled and he was urinating.

Shangguan stood next to him, scratching his head, and wanted to speak a few times but didn't know how to explain it. He looked at the old patriarch's face.

Biting his lip, he finally tangled his mouth: "Ah, that is the case, that is back to God Dan..."

A moment of silence, the old patriarch suddenly stunned, then turned his head, looked at Shangguan very wrongly, swallowed his mouth: "Is it eaten by you?"

Shangguan looked at the old patriarch with a serious look and nodded seriously.

The old patriarch bites his teeth, and the blue veins on his forehead swell, holding the man's hand and almost suffocating the man.

For a long time, I finally let go of my hand and gave a sigh of relief, revealing an ugly smile: "That would be great, if the young man does not disappoint, then I will find some other medicine."

Shangguan readily agreed.

The old patriarch smiled stiffly and took the fist out of the room.

Finally, I couldn’t help myself. The Shangguan was laughing and unable to hold himself, sitting in a chair.

Not long after, the old patriarch ran down in despair, and the people behind him put two small porcelain bottles on the table and then retreated.

Shangguan went to the table, picked it up, and smelled it in front of his nose.

The old patriarch seems to have been lingering for a long time, scratching his head and scratching his head, and for a long while, he finally said very hard to Shangguan: "This, Shangguan Shaoxia, I want to ask you to help me."

"Oh? Let's listen." Shangguan poured out a medicinal herb and then put it back on the table.

The old patriarch looked at Shangguan is not very interested, some timid, clenched his fists, and gave himself courage, said: "I want to ask the Shangguan Shaoxia to help each other's masters to thunder."


Shangguan couldn't help but turn around and was very surprised: "I didn't get it wrong? Actually let me help him through the thunder?"

"Because I need this person on the top, if this person dies in a thunder, I am afraid..." The old patriarch looked pale and bowed his head, and the rest of the words swallowed back into his stomach.

Shangguan raised his eyebrows and bowed his head for a moment. He suddenly smiled and turned his head. He took both bottles and looked at the old patriarch: "That can be, but the price is, I have to do both."


The old patriarch feels that his heart is bleeding, this is his own treasure of the town, how difficult is it to ask for medicinal herbs, he, he actually wants two?

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