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Chapter 1116 Ancient Summoner

The old patriarch who had a heartache and was unable to breathe lowered his head and pouted, as if he was thinking about it carefully.

Shangguan looked up and looked at the thundercloud rolling over there. The cloud said lightly: "Oh, it seems that the thundercloud over there will be coming down for a while, and I don't know if that man can still..."

"Yes! Deal!" The old patriarch bit his teeth and turned his head and seemed to never want to see him again.

The smile in the heart was smug, and the Shangguan did not delay. He put the medicinal herbs on his body and flew out, and his expression became serious.

Must reach the thundercloud at the fastest speed, because no one knows when the thundercloud will kneel down.


Xiaojia tribe, Peiquan spring.

Nangongyi sat in the spring water, frowned and closed his eyes.

The thunderclouds in the sky seemed to be hitting soon. The lightning was moving through the thunderclouds. The whole sky was like ink, and the lowness seemed to be on the head of the person.

The body is constantly rushing, like if it is going to overflow the body.

These days, I practiced in the spring, so that I was filled with enthusiasm in my body, and I was always ready for my breakthrough.

Nangong Yi was miserable, although he was already prepared!

However, in the face of the powerful Thundercloud pressure is still very large, the body's blood rushing, he held back the throat sweet, gritted his teeth, looking at the thunderclouds in the sky.

In the Xiaojia tribe, Xiao Shengjie was very embarrassed to step outside the spring water. Thundercloud pressed to the top of the head, so that everyone felt the **** tumbling. Such a powerful Thundercloud, only relying on Nangongyi alone, I don’t know if you can In the past, but there are no higher people in the entire ethnic group than in the Nangongyi realm, so if you don’t squat in the past, I am afraid that your own tribe will...

Thinking this way, Xiao Shengjie’s heart is even more fearful.

Listening to the roaring sound inside, watching the lightning in the clouds like a dragon, but not in the look of his knees, Xiao Shengjie's heart is up and down.

Nangong Yi is very cautious, purple vindictive has shrouded his body, and he is taking the essence of the spring water, cycle around, and gradually reach the best state.

Suddenly, I only heard a loud bang, and suddenly a huge beam of light in the black cloud smashed from top to bottom.

The people who were stunned around were suddenly covering their eyes, and thunder roared as if the entire Xiaojia tribe seemed to be destroyed.

Purple vindictively condensed above the top of the head, facing the sudden huge energy, let Nangong escape blood, a sweet throat, a blood spurt out.

Thunderclouds in the sky continue to rush, seemingly dissatisfied with the resistance of Nangongyi, the roaring sound is more intense, so that the whole world is shaking.

In a short while, the second thunder slammed and slammed down.

Nangongyi closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. He almost rushed out his vindictiveness and resisted the sacred thunder.

A painful heartbreak in the body, let Nangong Yi bite his tongue, licking blood flowing down the corner of his mouth, coughing twice, but close his eyes and wait.

The third thunder is carrying more powerful energy.

Then, the fourth and fifth roads, the water in the spring is like a boiling, violently rolling up, the stone that Nangongyi is sitting on has been torn apart.

Nangongyi gasped fiercely, his face was white without a trace of blood, and there was a burst of darkness in front of him. He forced himself to raise his spirits and looked up at the sky. The sixth thunder that seemed to be coming out seemed to be accumulating energy.

The spotted blood on the white clothes made him look very miserable. He couldn’t find the situation in the body. The two thunders slammed and slammed down.

Nangongyi was hit, and flew out, lying on the edge of the spring water, turned up to spit out a large mouth of blood, and closed his eyes to investigate the body, the body that had been a mess, let him suddenly feel a little discouraged.

Perhaps this is your last fate.

Spit, the blood rushed out of the throat.

Nangong Yiqiang opened his eyes and lifted his spirits. The broken body was so lucky that he was protecting himself. It was already the seventh.

The eighth thunder was delayed, and Nangongyi hurriedly sat down and tried to repair his seriously damaged meridians, but the injury was too terrible.

The black clouds are surging in the sky, and half of the sky has been immersed in the darkness. Everyone has widened their eyes and is very shocked by the scene in front of them.

Finally, the eighth thunder in the sky burst into a muffled sound, suddenly blasted, Nangongyi almost exhausted his temper, lifted a palm, and struck toward the thunder.

Suddenly, the two forces collided together, and the huge fluctuations smashed the stones and peaks of the spring. The splashing stones smashed the body of Nangongyi, and the white clothes were instantly smashed. .

Nangong Yi coughed twice and softly fell to the ground.

In the sky, the violently thundering thunderclouds gradually dissipated, and the eyes turned clear.

Xiao Shengjie was so excited that he rushed into the spring.

However, in front of it, a large number of black people suddenly appeared, and the whole Pei Jingquan was firmly enclosed. The powerful gas field made Xiao Shengjie look white and stepped back two steps.

"The people inside are taken away."

One of them said coldly, stopping Xiao Shengjie and others in front of him, and several people have already rushed in.

"The people of Wanshoumen!" Xiao Shengjie looked pale and looked at the people who poured into Peiquanquan.

Lying in the south of the palace, Nangongyi gradually became weaker. He only heard a sudden rush of footsteps, but he could not open his eyes.

"Take me away!" A black man pointed to Nan Gongyi, who was lying on the ground and dying.

The two men stepped forward and stooped to prepare the South Palace.

Suddenly, a figure flashed in front of him, and then two people suddenly flew backwards.

"Want to take him away? Let me pass this before!"


The grave left by the Summoner.

In the cave, the cloud dance didn't even have time to answer the words of Huo Linger. Even more time was given to say "get away as soon as possible", and the lightning-like attack came on the scene.

The black flame on the ancient knives burned to the extreme at this moment, and the deep blackness seemed to be a black hole that jumped, making people feel timid from the bottom of their hearts.

However, the woman opposite the opposite side did not feel the general, and looked at the cloud dance with a cold eyes, waving a pair of swords without mercy.

Like a silver snake, it is usually moving in the upper reaches of the double sword. It is the rich and pure element of the thunder. The opposite woman not only has a very fast speed, but also has a powerful attack power!

"Sting -", the weapon collided with a harsh sound.

Yunwu only felt that there was a thunder and lightning rushing into the body. The right hand with the ancient sword was numb.

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