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Chapter 1219 Terrible Existence

Wan Beast Gate, heard the name, Shao Ran and changed his face from the moment of illusion, looking at Situ Wu in front of him, his face is unbelievable: "You mean, you want us to help you attack the door of the beast?"

Heavy nodded, Situ sighed heavily and took a sip of alcohol: "How do you think this thing has the ability to help me?"

After listening to this, I suddenly smiled from the fragrant incense, looked around my house, and looked at Situ Wu: "Do you think that my strength can help you?"

"Nature is capable." Situ said, and Shao Ran touched a glass of wine, drank it, and sandwiched two dishes.

Turning around from the incense, look at Shao Ran.

The child's fragrant scent, the mind did not put on the words of the two, from the fragrant incense, bowed and meditated for a moment, said: "If this is the case, your kindness to me is not enough for me to take such risks."

Looking up, the style of the genius stunned Situ, and said: "It is better, how do you help me with the body?"

When the words were not finished, Stuart suddenly pressed the glass on the table and made a loud noise.

He squinted his eyes and his eyes were very cold: "If you don't help from the island owner, then you won't be discouraged, but from the island owner, Mo said so lightly, people think..."

He licked his mouth, and the last few words were still not spoken. He stood up and walked toward the door: "I will not accompany you."

Shao Ran lowered his head and ate something, but suddenly stopped the chopsticks, looked up and looked at the incense: "That is, the sister of the incense does not agree with this thing?"

From the illusion of the head, the expression on the face is very complicated, the eyes are red, the tears are full, and the whispering voice: "A good Stuart, I am so unbearable? Just let him turn and leave no feelings?" ”

Grit your teeth, knead the glass in front of you, suddenly poured a glass of wine, coughed twice, and then poured a glass of wine, simmered: "Shao Ran, nothing to go to duty."

Shao Ran blinked, worried about the incense in front of him, silence for a long time, then put down the chopsticks, turned and left.

In the house, there is only one person from the illusion.

Looking down from the fragrant incense, watching the glass of wine reflected in the enchanting beauty, for a while lost.

After thinking for a long time, I finally looked up again and drank the wine in the cup. I sighed and fell down on the table.

Shao Ran, standing outside the door, quietly listened to the sigh of the incense from the room, licked his mouth and frowned and left the house.

Stuart, who was walking on the street, was frowning coldly and sulking forward.

Shao Ran was behind Situ, silent, not saying a word, two people walked for a long time.

Finally, Situ Wu in front of me stopped, did not turn her head, just coldly said: "Why, is it from the fragrant incense to let you come back to persuade me?"

Behind him, Shao Ran suddenly stopped his footsteps, widened his eyes, and looked at Situ Yu for a long time, stuttering: "Original, originally, you found me."

"You have followed me all the way, and everyone has to find you."

Stuart turned helplessly and looked at Shao Ran. He shrugged: "Let's say, what's the matter?"

"I heard you say, you want to attack the beast door?" Shao Ran walked through Situ Yu, and continued to move forward: "You are more confident in attacking the beast door." He smiled.

Situ was heard, for a long time, this child, actually knows the things of the beast door?

I hurried forward and stood next to Shao Ran: "Have you ever touched the door of the beast?"

Shao Ran, who looked down, couldn’t see the expression, but Situ Wu felt the deep excitement from the young man’s body: “Not only touched, but my biggest enemy.”

Situ Yu opened his mouth and thought about it. Otherwise, why should a teenager follow the fragrance all year round instead of following his parents?

Regarding his parents, Stuart has never heard of it.

"Do you say that your family is given by the people of the Beast Gate..."

"Yes." Shao Ran lowered his head and his whole body began to tremble. The hand holding the sword had already swelled: "My tribes are all killed by the people of the beasts."

I finally realized that it is no wonder that this boy has always been with him from the illusion, it turned out to be like this!

Stretched his hand and patted Shao Ran’s shoulder, sighed and turned around, looking at the market where people came and went, saying: “I think we have enough power this time and we can find enough power to destroy it. I lost the beast door, but I also want to help from the island owner, but now it seems..." The words didn't finish, just sighed.

“The illusion sister is actually very contradictory.”

Shao Ran looked up and saw a restaurant in front of him. He turned his head and said to Situ Wu: "It's better for us to go up and drink some wine, let's talk slowly."

Situ Wu also agreed, and two people lifted their legs and walked toward the restaurant.

As soon as he entered the room, Stuart couldn't help but laugh: "This is my last night and the place to drink from the incense."

Shao Ran also smiled and called Xiao 2 to have two pots of good wine and two dishes.

Two people sat in the restaurant and had a drink in the glass.

"We actually have the same enemy." Shao Ran sighed and suddenly pointed to the bustling, prosperous street below the restaurant.

"Don't look at the fact that we are so harmonious now. In fact, we almost died before. It was because of the attack between our tribe and the Wenger Island Alliance against the Beast Gate, but because our tribe was framed by other tribes, so that our tribes were quietly The annihilation of interest, I am still small, hiding under the corpse to escape, and finally saved by the team of Wengo Island, came here."

"So, Wenge Island also suffered heavy losses at that time." Situ Yu poured a glass of wine to Shao Ran, and he poured a cup and touched Shao Ran's cup. He poured it: "From the incense, you will be taken over." ?"

"It was her father who took me in. I grew up with her, but she was a lot bigger than me." Shao Ran smiled and said: "In the end, her father also died in the hands of the beast, she is 10,000 The beast door is also abhorrent."

I heard that Shao Ran said this, Situ was suddenly silent, yeah, if there is room for the beast door, it means that this person is also unstoppable.

"But for the entire island, she had to choose carefully." Shao Ran said: "You know, how terrible the existence of the beast door for us."

As the sun sets, Yu Hui smudges the entire town. Everyone's face is gentle and smiling, but older people know how bad the city has experienced.

"I am here for three days. If you think about it, please come to me. After three days, regardless of the outcome, I will leave and I will not delay for too long."

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