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Chapter 1220 promises support

Shao Ran nodded and smiled, turned his head and looked out the window, but suddenly caught it, only to see the front of a burst, a large group of people around the street.

Suddenly, Shao Ran’s face changed, picking up the long sword on the table and standing up and rushing downstairs.

Stuart also stood up and followed Shao Ran downstairs.

I saw the front, Shao Ran pushed the crowd, bent over to lift the people on the ground, Situ Yu also rushed into the crowd, looking at the people sitting on the ground, suddenly caught.

I saw it sitting on the ground from the fragrant incense, and looked up at Situ Yu with tears in his eyes. It seemed that for a long time, I finally found Stuart standing in front of me, and suddenly grinned: "Situ, you didn't leave." I thought you were gone."

Situ looked at the incense from the fragrant incense, and the scent of the scent was full of alcohol. The whole person was swaying and held by Shao Ran, and walked toward Situ.

I haven’t walked to Situ’s side, and suddenly I’m rushing towards Situ’s sorrow, and Wen Xiang is in her arms.

For a time, my thoughts were thousands of people, and Situ Wu felt the soft body in her arms, and she was bitter at the time.

"Situ, you said what should I do." From the fragrant incense, the words are unclear: "What do you do when you turn around?"

Shao Ran looked at the incense, holding his mouth, and couldn’t see what it was.

"From the island owner, don't do this." Situ sighed, but heard all sorts of pointing people around him: "Look at how this man is doing this."

"Yeah, you see, the girl is crying like this, I will leave if I have this girl."

"Oh, isn't this from the island owner?"

"Hey, don't you say it really is."

For a time, the whole crowd suddenly began to boil.

Situ was full of black lines and had to pick up from the fragrant incense and walk towards the island's main house.

"How can I drink so much wine from the incense?" Stuart turned to look at Shao Ran: "Is she drinking while you are away?"

Shao Ran grinned, bowed his head and sighed: "You know it too. I can't help her. If she has to drink, my words don't work, I still have to come."

Stuart smiled and looked down at the sleepy look from the fragrant incense holding his neck and tears. He looked up and speeded toward the front house.

Finally, I put the fragrant incense on the bed, but I grabbed Situ’s arm from the scent, and muttered: “You don’t want to go, I want to promise you, but I can’t help myself, I...” I haven’t finished But it has begun to choke.

"Situ Ge." Shao Ran, who stood on one side, suddenly said: "In fact, our singer sister really loves you deeply."

"But I can't."

Stuart bowed his head and gently grabbed the hand that grabbed his sleeve and put her hand into the quilt: "Still that sentence, I will leave after three days. I need a result in this, so wait for the island. Be sure to tell her after the Lord is awake."

Said, got up and ready to leave.

"Okay." Shao Ran frowned and looked at Situ's back, seemingly angry.

Situ Yu, who walked out of the island's main government, finally vomited and patted his chest. He thought that he had just rained from the fragrant pear flower, but he seemed to be a negative heart.

All the way on the road slowly wandering, is preparing to find a place to live, but suddenly heard behind, Shao Ran's voice came: "Situ Ge! Situ Ge!"

Situ Yu suddenly turned back and looked behind him, but saw that Shao Ran ran over with excitement. He didn’t breathe, and he sang Situ’s shoulder and said, “I told you! Magic sister! Magic sister promised support. It!"

“Really?” Stuart looked at Shao Ran with surprise, blink of an eye, and frowned. “But you are sure, she is awake now?”

"Oh, this..." Shao Ran scratched his head and smiled. "I don't know, but she said, let me immediately help her to set the word, she agreed to support the attack on the beast door!"

Stuart touched his chin and thought about it. Finally, he shook his head and patted Shao Ran’s shoulder and said, "No matter what, wait until tomorrow morning when she wakes up."

Shao Ran solemnly nodded.

"I live here." Situ squatted with his finger at the inn, saying: "If there is anything going on tomorrow, send someone here to find me."

The two said two sentences and separated them.


On the second morning, Shao Ran had already walked toward Situ’s residence and knocked on the doorstep of Situ’s door: “Situ Ge, Sister Xiang, please go to the house to sit down.”

Situ’s heart moved and hurriedly packed up, followed by Shaoran’s main house.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw that I was sitting there from the fragrant incense, and looked at Situ Yu with a smile.

However, in the line of sight, it was obviously alienated, stood up from the incense, and let the seat out, letting Situ Wu sit down.

Situ was not polite, he sat down and watched as the singer drove out the maids around him and closed the door. Then he turned to look at Situ, the whole room, and only Shao Ran, from the fragrant incense And Situ Yi three.

Looking down at the tea from the fragrant incense, there was no speech, and the three did not speak.

After a moment of silence, I finally looked up from the fragrant incense, looked at Situ, and smirked, swearing, watching his face quietly.

Seeing from the incense, I don’t know what to say. I just don’t know what to say. I just quietly sipping the tea in front of me and bowing my head: “What do you mean by calling me from the island owner?”

From the fragrant incense, it is even more smiling, watching Situ 澜, it is very bright: "Why are you going to appear in front of me? This is a magical thing."

A sudden sentence, let Situ Wu looked inexplicably from the illusion, did not understand what I wanted to say from the illusion, but I saw the sigh from the fragrant incense: "This is really strange, I actually love you so much."

For a time, Shao Ran’s face changed. He looked at Situ’s face with a cold face, and looked at the incense. He sighed and said: “If you have something to talk about, if you don’t have it, I will go first. It is."

Situ looked at Shao Ran’s indifference and laughed, but he didn’t speak. He just said: “I heard Shao Ran say, from the island owner agreed to attack the beast door with us?”

Saying that the beast door, the smile from the eyes of the illusion disappeared immediately, she frowned, watching Situ, silent for a long time.

Only cautiously said: "You said that attacking the beast door, how can I believe in you, I used so much manpower and material resources, can I return in return?" She looked up and her eyes were full of seriousness: "This is not only involved To your emotional problems, but to the problems of the entire island."

When Stuart heard this, the look in his eyes was serious and he was right: "If I said, our team is very strong, you can trust me, you will believe it?"

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