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Chapter 1260 Dungeon

Said this on the mouth, but the cloud dance action is not sloppy, directly bypassed the hall, and walked to the dungeon that he had been waiting for.

After a few days of conditioning, there is the help of the power of magic.

Therefore, the injury suffered by the cloud dance in the dungeon has been restored a lot. The power of the third layer of the Chaos Hall is also better than before.

However, Yun Dance still knows clearly that if Shangguan is in front of himself, he can still find himself easily.

"They should be locked up here..." The cloud dance frowned and looked at the depths of the dungeon, surrounded by a full-fledged beast, which seemed to be many times stricter than before.

Yunwu didn't know how much trouble Snow and Silver's self-destruction brought to the base. From the perspective of the dungeon, I just felt that it was a little stricter than before, but I didn't know the things of the formation.

"This kind of security is so strict, it seems that it is definitely right here." Yun Dance said thoughtfully, feeling that there is no Shangguan's breath, so he quickly got in and went to find a cell.

Cloud dance to find them is natural, but it does not mean that she will surrender directly to nothing if she does nothing.

In any case, she will try to fight to see if the people of Murong family are really here, and whether they can try to save people.

Otherwise, if you really surrender, it will fall to the hands of the beast door. When you can't save it, you will die here.

The cloud dance in the dungeon is not familiar. When I was locked in, I was alone on the other side, so it is quite troublesome to find it now.

It was only half a day after the cloud dance was turned around and it was finally seen in the entire dungeon.

The cloud dance standing at the door of the dungeon again was heavy because she did not find the people of the Murong family, but they felt the breath of their remnants...

"How can I not find it..." Yun Dance frowned and thought about it. What went wrong? Why did this happen?

A little bit past, the cloud dance looked at the layout of the entire dungeon, and it seemed that there was some difference between when I left before.

"Is it something that I missed?" Yunwu thought, and immediately decided to go in and explore again.

This time, more careful than before, not only did the room carefully examine the past, but also felt the surrounding atmosphere at the same time, and used much more time than the first time, even waiting for her to check in again. After one time, it took two hours!

Standing at the door of the dungeon again, Yun Yun’s heart was even more confused, and even began to anxiously start the music.

However, at this moment, a sound that made her very familiar was suddenly heard outside the dungeon.

"Since it is here, you don't have to hide. It's not that easy to tell them to rob them."

The sound of Shangguan’s voice sounded, and all the beasts in the entire dungeon were heard clearly.

In an instant, everyone is like an enemy, looking around for a cloud dance.

The cloud dance, which was wrapped in the smoke of Dumen, stood there so brightly until it heard the voice of Shangguan, and the cloud dance thought and moved directly into the third floor of the Chaos Hall.

Shangguan can be different from these people. She can stand in front of everyone and can not be discovered.

But even if the Shangguan is still a hundred feet away, he will feel his breath.

"It’s useless even if it’s hiding.” The voice of Shangguan’s voice came again.

I just don't know how, but the sound is still in the same position as before. The cloud dance can be heard. Although the other party found out its existence, it did not mean to do it.

Thinking of this, Yun Dance not only did not feel relaxed, but instead raised the heart in an instant.

Standing in the third floor of the Chaos Hall, Yun Dance feels the surrounding environment with his eyes closed, and the most concerned is the Shangguan.

It has only been discovered so far, so it will not act rashly, so it stands quietly.

Although Shangguang discovered that she did not come, but Yunwu felt that it was probably because Shangguan was unable to determine her position. If she was a rash move, Shangguan must be shot immediately!

After that sentence, the entire headquarters of the Beast Gate was in a silence. The Shangguan did not speak, and others did not dare to speak.

Cloud dance and him seem to compare each other, no one wants to speak first.

Finally, the Shangguan Temple seems to be waiting impatiently, knowing that the cloud dance will not show up.

"I have already expected that you will not be embarrassed to listen to my words before the first. Your strength is so strong, your heart is high, I naturally have to know in advance what you plan to do, always ready to guard."

"Just this time, you are planning to be wrong." Shangguan said coldly, and the voice was faintly proud.

"Since it is against you, how can I not be prepared for it? I am not looking at you. The people of Murong family are on the main hall of my beast headquarters. If you have the courage, come directly. I am here waiting for you."

"Of course, you can not believe it. Just continue to find the person you want to find in my base, but as soon as three days arrive, I will kill one person every day, and the body is hung at the main entrance of the headquarters. Waiting for you to lead! Hahaha..."

The two fists of Yun Dance were tightly held together. Until now, she did not doubt what Shangguan said!

It turned out that the people of Murong family are on the main hall!

The voice of Shangguan’s voice did not come again. Yunwu knew that he had no need to wait. Finally he looked at the dungeon and the cloud dance turned away from the dungeon.


Above the main hall, Shangguan was sitting in the upper seat, with a cold smile on his mouth and looking at the people of the Murong family who were locked in huge cages.

The words that he said only the headquarters of the whole beast door can be clearly heard. Naturally, all the people from the Murong family who are so close to him are all in their ears.

At this time, I was screaming at him one by one, and I couldn’t wait to rush out of the cage to smash him.

"On the official residence, you will get retribution!" Murong's a young man shouted loudly.

He is the most violent one of these people, but he has been tortured for so long by the Beast Gate, his temper has been almost polished, and he knows the importance of maintaining physical strength.

However, at this time, I heard the words of Shangguan, and the calmed heart that was tortured seemed to disappear in an instant, and immediately screamed out.

There are many people who have the same feelings with him. Everyone in the cage, except Murong Yun and Grandpa Murong, stood up and screamed at the Shangguan.

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