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Chapter 1261 Murong Yun

"Shangguan, don't think that the little dance will be afraid of you. I tell you, the little dance is very powerful. She is very smart and will definitely not come. You kill us!"

"Shangguan, I advise you to give up this method, otherwise you will waste time waiting here!"


Everyone said that I was eager to say a word, and I was very worried that the cloud dance would really come.

After being tortured by the beasts for so long, they have already put their lives and deaths out of the way. They are more adventurous than the clouds and dances. They hope that Yunwu can protect themselves well and avenge them in the future.

If the cloud dance is coming, I am afraid that there will be more and more fierce.

The Shangguan faintly glanced at the people below, sneered a sneak, and ignored it. It seemed that even if they saw them, it was a waste of poison. He had enough confidence that the cloud dance would come here.


Three days will come soon.

Shangguan was sitting on the first seat and slowly opened his eyes.

Compared with the previous days, the guards on today's main hall are more secure. The rows of black people stand on the lower sides, and the cage containing the owners of the Murong family is placed in the middle of the main hall.

Everyone in the Murong family is stunned and secretly prays that the cloud dance will not come.

As time goes by, the Murong family is getting more and more relaxed. Even thinking about the best time to go faster, it is better to go to the bureaucracy and kill all of them now, so let the cloud dance not take risks.

However, when a slender figure appeared at the entrance of the main hall of the beast, and walked in a steady pace, the people of the Murong family were filled with sorrows and joys.

When I saw the cloud dance, they always had the illusion of seeing hope. When they think about the current situation, they are really optimistic.

When the figure of the cloud dance appeared, the black man on the entire main hall was instantly enemies, as if it were possible to do it at any time.

But immediately after the Shangguan, he raised his hand and signaled that everyone should not act rashly.

The cloud dance was cold with a face, step by step, and a handful of ancient knives hanging on the side of the body, the black flame burning on it.

It was not until she was near the iron cage that she finally stopped.

Yunwu looked at the Murong family who were locked in the iron cage and looked at her with complicated eyes. They only felt that there was something burning in their hearts, and they could not wait to rush directly to the Shangguan smashed the corpse!

"You are finally here." Shangguan squinted at the cloud dance, his voice low and cold, "I know you will come."

Yunwu left his eyes from the crowd in the cage, looked up at the upstairs, and asked coldly, "I have come, you put them."

"Let them?" Shangguan frowned and picked up and stood up and laughed: "Ha ha ha..."

Cloud Dance frowned and looked at the Shangguan Temple standing above, and did not understand what he meant.

"It's really interesting. When do I say that if you come, I will let them go? Don't dream." Shangguan snorted and waved, and immediately the black man stepped forward and opened the cage. The people were pushed out one by one.

The weak Murong family has no backhand power at this time, and the black man is in his hand like a chicken, and can only be left to the mercy.

Shangguan is not afraid of what the cloud dance will do. As long as she dares to act rashly, these people will die directly in the next moment.

“What do you want to do?” Yun Dance asked with a brow and looked at the people who were shackled by the black man.

"I don't want to do anything." Shangguan said with a smile, but the smile made people feel very uncomfortable: "You made me too surprised. Even if you arrested you, you still have some ruin." My base, so this time, I have to be more memorable and can't let you escape."

The cloud dance took a deep breath and said in a cold voice: "You put them, I won't run away."

Shangguan Yu sneered: "There is nothing in the air. If I let them go and you run away, what should I do? Or... change the way."

Cloud dance frowned. "What do you want?"

"How?" Shangguan’s eyes were cold, his hands unfolded, and he flew straight from the top. He fell in front of the black people and grabbed a man from the hand of a black man and watched the cloud dance. .

"Yifu!" Yun Dance exclaimed.

Although, in the first place, she was not willing to admit Murong Yun, who claimed to be her righteous father, but the righteous father left, and he is now her relative.

What's more, the Murong family will be arrested because of her!

I saw that Murong Yun was caught in the hands of the Shangguan, and his limbs were unable to hang down. It seems that the beasts of the beasts suffered a lot of pain.

The cloud dance was full of anger, and the excitement almost rushed forward!

"Don't move!" Shangguan immediately screamed, "If you dare to act rashly, I can guarantee that you will regret it immediately!"

The cloud dance stopped and looked at the Shangguan, and the various ideas in my mind kept changing.

His own strength is not the same as the bureaucracy, not to mention the hostages are in his hands at this time, as long as they do it, I am afraid...

"Little dance! You are going!" Murong Yun was shackled at the neckline. At this time, it was difficult to breathe, but he still said: "I am old, life and death are indifferent, but you must leave here, only you can live. Give us revenge!"

When Murong Yun’s words are finished, others follow him to follow: “Yes, little dance, as long as you are alive, you will be able to leave here with your ability!”

"Little dance! You can already be grateful to us, but you are not his opponent, let's go!"


The clouds danced coldly and listened to these words. The whole person seemed to be an ice sculpture. There was no temperature. Only the hand that held the ancient sword was exposed to her mood.

how is this possible?

How can you leave behind the existence of being a relative, and a person who steals?

Today, as long as she has a cloud dance here, she should be well protected in any case.

Otherwise, even if she dies, she will not leave before them!

"Oh, it’s a touching scene." Shangguan sneered and said: "It’s just a pity that I can't move me."

Yunwu looked at Shangguanyu without speaking. She knew that she said nothing was useless. Everything could only be seen as the purpose of the bureaucrat.

"I have been waiting for you for three days. It is not until the last day that you arrive. Is it because you are thinking about what you are not doing?" Shangguan said, "Is it not here yet?"

Yun Dance took a deep breath and said: "I am not interested in listening to you. I have already come. Your purpose is not to let me die? Now you have let them go."

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