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Chapter 1275 State of Cultivation

"Who?" asked the cold night. The person who wants to find her can go more. Who knows who this person is?

Chongguangji turned around and looked at the door. The few people had no movements, and this was closer.

However, I saw the night in front of me and I was very vigilant. I had to stop the pace and whispered: "You are not all on the reward order. He is one of them, but I don't know which one, he only tells me, ten million. Don't let the people of the Beast Gate find that we are looking for you!"

祁 愣 祁 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"You took me to see that person." The words didn't finish, and suddenly came together. The dagger died against the neck of Chongguangji. Coldly said: "If you dare to lie to me, the first one is you." ”

Chongguang’s bitter smile, laughing is more ugly than crying, which road I have recently collided with.

"That, of course, how can I lie to you, after all, my realm, you kill me ten, not casual."

I glanced at him quietly in the night, then pulled out the dagger in his hand and walked to the window behind him, opened the window and looked at it.

Chongguangji is still in a daze, looking at the woman in front of this unusually handsome woman who disguised as a man, swallowed.

"Don't you go?" The night suddenly jumped up the window and turned to look at Chongguangji, but saw that Chongguangji suddenly came back to God, looking at the night with a terrified look, pointing to his nose: "Call me?" ”

I couldn't help but turn a blind eye and turned over and got out of the window.

When Chongguangji was too late to call, he heard a rush of footsteps in the brothel, and then his face changed and he turned out from the window.

"Come on!" 祁 色 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将

After the reign of Sogo, he hurriedly walked in one direction with the night.

Look at the night and look forward, I saw a small hill in front.

Turning around and seeing, there are countless black people behind him.

The brow wrinkled slightly, and the snake sword had already appeared in the hand. This piece, except the hills, was flat and there was no place to hide.

It’s really troublesome. I think about it in the night.

"Is it coming soon?" The night sighed: "They have caught up! We will have no place to hide when we go further."

Before the reign of Chongguang, he was already sweaty. He rubbed it and turned to look at the black man who was getting closer and closer behind him. His face was white.

However, it has been a long time before my own position, and if this is the case, I am afraid that this place cannot be saved.

Thinking this way, Chongguangji suddenly stopped and turned and said seriously: "You go first, I will cover you."

The night brows were wrinkled, and the black man who came in front of him looked up and spoke without speaking...

The valley where Yun Jiajun hides.

In the heart of Yun Wu, it is also very important to remember the dragon and the evil spirits, but just brought out the people of the Murong family from the claws of the beast.

At this time, it was wanted outside, and when I saw the Yunjia Army and the Killer Corps, Yunwu knew clearly that she could not go out to find them at this time anyway.

She believes that her friends are constantly looking for themselves.

What she has to do now is to immediately understand the current situation of the Yunjiajun and the Killer Corps, and use the fastest speed to get the best arrangement.

Followed by Gao Yu and others to walk to the place where they lived. The cold water around them has been silently standing on the right hand side. On the left is the unintentional three people who have been listening for so long. It has been trained for so long, and the night of the murderous body is Increasingly, but when they face the cloud dance, they are still the same as before.

"Little dance, what is your strength now? Why can't I feel it at all?" asked without doubt.

Nowadays, the strength of the three of them is not low. After entering the killer regiment, they have made rapid progress. In the current regiment, they are also considered to be first-class masters. I thought that how much can shorten the gap between the two.

However, when I really faced the cloud dance, I found that I could only look up to her as before, and this time I felt stronger than before, as if the cloud dance had stood above the height they could not reach.

"Yes, yes, little dance, what strength are you?" Xiao Zhu is also very curious.

Even Gao Yu, who walked in front of the road, couldn’t help but erect his ears. You must know that Gao Yu is now a strong man in the realm of Wu Zong. In addition to the beasts, he rarely encounters rivals, but he faces Cloud dance still feels too far away.

He even wondered if the cloud dance has reached the realm of legend?

The cloud dance mouth corner is a hook, but it does not hide: "I have just entered the realm of Wuling, not much."

The voice just fell, and the moment was quiet.

Yunwu looked around the circle of people, but found that everyone looked at her with surprise, never imagined, how long it took, she has already risen to the realm of Wuling!

"Master... Master... you are so powerful." Cold water said a tough one.

Yunwu thought for a moment and said: "It's just a coincidence and good luck."

A faint sentence covered the past with lightness, but did not mention how he trained on weekdays.

Whenever there is time, it will go directly into the state of cultivation. Over time, it will naturally take a few minutes faster than other people to practice. Plus, they are always in a passive state, and how many times have they gone through life and death. The potential under great pressure and reward is naturally motivated.

Of course, the cloud dance didn't want to say this at the moment: "What about you? What strength is it now?"

The cold water was embarrassed and scratched his head and said: "I have progressed in general. Now I have just arrived at the border of Wu Zong, and there is still a distance from the upgrade."

Yunwu nodded. She was very satisfied with the strength of the cold water. At least she said that she had been diligently practicing after she left. It was only a little worse on the chance. Without her own good luck, it seems that she still has to shoot. Help her a little.

Yunwu thinks of the summoner's grave that he inherited, and there are already quite a few ear chambers that can be opened.

Because I have been busy for a long time, I have never been able to see what is going on. Now I am in harmony with everyone. It is also time to take out the things inside and entertain everyone.

With this in mind, Yun Dance immediately made up his mind.

"I am also the realm of Wu Zong."

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