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Chapter 1276, Wan Cliff

"But it has just been upgraded. Because of a coincidence problem, I have robbed a grass from the hands of the beast door. This has made me cultivate a lot faster. Otherwise, I can't reach this realm."

"My strength with Xiao Zhu is worse." Ling Feng said with embarrassment, "Because there are very few opportunities to go out, all of them are not so lucky, but we have been working hard to cultivate, and now it is the middle of Wu Zun."

"But we are all breaking through. If there is no accident, I am afraid that I will be able to enter the late Wuzun this month." Xiao Zhu said quickly, for fear that the cloud dance would be like her.

The cloud dance smirked and reached out to pick up Xiao Zhu’s head. Then he stopped talking more, but he quietly started his plan in his heart.

Everyone has been walking to where they live. Although the houses here are simple, but the area in the valley is large enough, the soldiers are all five people, and other places like Gao Yu have their own affairs. It is.

As for the cloud dance, as the real boss of the Yunjia Army and the Killer Corps, from her time to the valley, someone has arranged a man to build a house for the cloud dance.

According to the speed of these people, I am afraid that I don't have to wait until the evening, the cloud dance's residence can be completely settled.

"The leader, you should sit down first, and there are still many people who want to let you see you later." Gao Yu greeted everyone sitting down and said to the cloud dance mysteriously.

"Oh?" Yunwu picked up his eyebrows. The surprises he got here today are too many. She even wants to know immediately who Gaoyu said. "Who else?"

Gao Yu mysteriously shook his head and said: "The subordinates have sent people to ask, please wait a moment."

Cloud dance helpless, had to sit and wait quietly, while guessing in the heart who it will be.

The wait didn't last long. Soon, the door of the room was pushed straight away, and a figure of a rushed figure stumbled in.

"Little dance?" The man looked around as he entered the door. Finally, when he saw the cloud dance sitting on the first seat, he trembled.

The cloud dance "蹭" stood up from the seat and couldn't believe the people in front of him.

I don’t know how many times I thought of him in the past days. Every time I think of it, I will feel a strong heartache and a deep hatred for the beasts. It is a deep hatred of the bone marrow. There is no way to lift it!

In the past, the cloud dance that was destroyed by the Yun family could never be forgotten. The most unfortunate thing for her was that she could not protect her family at that time!

The cloud dance stepped forward and looked at the person in front of him. The mouth moved, but he could not say a word.

Standing in the opposite direction, Yun Lengyi reached out and seemed to want to hold her in her arms, but she could not reach out if she moved.

"Father." Finally, Yun Dance tried to press down the heart of the chest and screamed, and shouted softly.

The eyes of Yun Lengyi are instantly red, and an angular face does not know how many vicissitudes and sufferings have passed. Now, after so long, I can see the people of Yunjia. Both father and daughter are in the heart. There is an unspeakable feeling.

"Little dance..." Yun Lengyi reached out and held the cloud dance tightly in his arms. Surprisingly, Yunwu did not reach out and push.

Blood is connected, long time reunion. Both of them felt deeply fortunate and delighted for the reunion at this time.

The people around him are somewhat distressed, and Gao Yu understands what the two people are at this time. The former Yun family is so powerful, but they can only end up being killed by the genocide. This time, only ordinary people will meet. It’s like a slap in the face of life, let alone these two people are still fathers and daughters?

After a long time, Yun Lengyi let go of his hand, and their emotions were slightly calmer.

Gao Yu came forward and said, "Sit down first."

The cloud dance nodded faintly and sat with Yun Lengyi.

"The surprise you gave me is really too big. I can't think of you being able to be together. What the **** is going on?" Yun Dance said: "Father, you are not..."

Yun Lengyi sighed: "Hey, it’s a long story. When I fell to the door of the beast, the guys mistakenly thought that I was killed, and I dropped the cliff directly."

Wan cliffs!

Cloud dance eyes cold, I did not expect his father to escape from that place, and now, the hatred of the beast door is even stronger.

"According to the idea of ​​the beast door, it must be considered that in the place of Wanwan Cliff, even if I am not really dead, I will definitely fall directly. In short, there will be no chance of survival."

Yun Lengyi sneered a sneer, as if taunting them, "Just they never imagined that I met the Yunjia Army under the cliffs of Nanawan!"

"It’s also my life. The Yunjia Army and the Killer Corps at that time have been improving their strengths for a long time. Gao Yu said that he was left behind according to your instructions. The Yun family was destroyed, I have nowhere to go, I want Revenge must make you strong, so I have been following the Yunjiajun since then, while progressing with them, waiting to meet you."

Yun Lengyi looked at the cloud dance's eyes a little more loving. "I thought it would take a long time to see you again. I didn't expect this day to come so soon. It really helps me."


Gao Yu stood up and said to Yun Yun. "These days, thanks to the help of the cloud master, when I was at the cliff, I told him the news of the beast door, saying that the cliff is very It may be unsafe. The activities of the Beast Gate are very frequent. I suggest that we move out. Later we discussed it and decided to move out there."

Cloud Dance nodded, no wonder that when I got there, no one saw it, and it seemed that everyone was leaving in a hurry.

"Your approach is correct." Yun Dance said with appreciation, "There has been been discovered by the Beast Gate, and I used to take your life to swindle me and want to lead me."

Later, Yun Dance told everyone after he had reached the human world. Everyone was filled with indignation.

"The beast door is simply hateful! Even with this trick, people are hooked! Also grabbed Xiaomu!" Xiao Zhu said with anger.

"Little dance, let's act now, save Xiaomu back!" said nothing, frowning.

"Yeah dance, now we are strong enough. The Yunjia Army and the Killer Corps are on standby, plus the many forces that you have just said that have been brought together, I will not believe that I can't deal with the Beast Gate!" Counting the winning rate of his own, he said with full confidence.

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