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Chapter 456 Renren Old Monster

After that, the old tower seemed to be not ready to stay, and turned and left.

However, Yun Dance can't help but raise his brow.

A person who owes a cloud family?

The old man, the age of the face looks like eight or ninety years old, but it is estimated to be at least a hundred years old or even older.

What kind of humanity can he owe to the cloud family?

Even if the human condition is the last generation, he told her this time, is he wanting to let her go to talk to him?

However, it is obvious that the old man turned and left, that is, he did not intend to say.

After half a ring!

Cloud dance converges on the spirit, but the brow is quiet.

Because the tower suddenly appeared, it interrupted the detection before the cloud dance, but now under the detection, obviously no discovery.

But the cloud dance found that the kind of emptyness that began in this space, I do not know when it disappeared.

It won't be, what is the hand of the old man?

Just as the cloud dance was contemplative, a mechanical sound came from the air.

"One hour has arrived, deducting five percentage points!"


Is this an hour?

Cloud dance can't help but brow, how does she feel that she has come in for about ten minutes, how can this be an hour later?

Looking at the token, another light passed, and the cloud dance tightened his brow, and he was puzzled.

Is it that the time in this place is faster than the outside?

However, under the circumstances that Yunwu can't detect anything, he chose to leave for the time being, and wait for tomorrow.

She knew in her heart that it was definitely what the old man had done.


However, after the cloud dance left the seventh floor.

The old man who had just left, the gray robe tower, slowly came out from the stone wall at the stairway.

Such a strange scene, naturally in the absence of anyone.

The scorpion of Ta'ao’s Shuangzhirui dyed a touch of inscrutable color and looked up at the stairway where the cloud dance left.

"I really don't care about the descendants of the world, not only know how to make it easy, but the talent is still so bad."

The snoring snoring slowly spread from his mouth, but at this time his voice was not just that old.

If the cloud dance hears or sees this scene, it will be scared.

Cloud world?

Not at the beginning, in the ban of the cloud home, the red fire dragon mouth hate to gnash his teeth, the ancestors of the Yun family, set the Millennium Summoner to the Red Fire Dragon?

However, that cloud world has been ancient for hundreds of years.

I can listen to the old tone of this tower. It seems to be very familiar with the cloud world, and even understand it.

So it can be inferred that this tower is old, I am afraid that a few hundred years old people are old monsters.

Moreover, he can also see through the cloud dance's easy tolerance.

Of course, at this time, this scene of cloud dance naturally does not know.

After the old man snorted, he retracted his gaze and walked slowly toward the opposite side of the groove.

His body is still just like that, he can automatically cross the wall.

Enter another space behind the wall.

The space is completely different from the outside environment. It is like a bedroom room.

Under the soft candlelight, it is the temperature that makes people feel comfortable.

At this time, the center of the space was filled with a bed surrounded by white mist like a whirlpool. On the bed was a figure that gradually began to fall asleep.

I saw that after the figure on the bed was asleep and relaxed, the white mist spread out from his body little by little.

It seemed to be the body gas that came out with his breathing.

However, all that is unknown is that because of the white mist, the existence of this so-called cultivation tower...

Looking at the sleeping figure, the eyes of Ta'ao Nazhi Rui gradually floated a hint of luster.

It feels like watching a child you love.

For hundreds of years, waking up in the night to sleep, such a day is boring and boring, but still day after day, as time goes by, he is constantly growing up.

Just don't know, how much time is left.


Sigh, silent.


After leaving the seventh floor, the cloud dance stayed on the sixth floor for a whole noon.

Time is really blinking.

Until, it seems that many students began to enter the cultivation tower, and the cloud dance stopped.

From the morning to the noon time, Dan Tian, ​​who was in the emptiness because he had just broken through Wu Sheng, felt that he had reached a semi-saturated feeling in a morning time.

This is a terrible existence for the strength level of Wu Sheng.

If it reaches saturation, it can enter the medium term from the beginning.

At this rate, it takes almost a few days, and maybe you can go to the peak of the bottleneck.

It is no wonder that the students of the entire college want to come in and practice. It is really more effective to practice in this cultivation tower. It is even faster than the ice-cold jade of her chaotic hall.

"I heard that no, the two younger brothers of Wang Xin, who were seniors last night, were all stunned, especially the fat man, who was not only cut off by a fat man, but also gave the intermediate challenge zone of the challenge zone. I lost it."

"The Wang brothers have always been overbearing, and now others are stripped and very happy."

"What do you know, that Wang Xin is going out and going abroad. If he comes back later, it is estimated that there is another good show."

"Have you heard about the news last night? I was in the high-level challenge area. I heard the movement of the intermediate challenge zone, but I didn't go to see it. I thought it was a little bit of trouble, but I missed it. A good show."

"I have a schoolboy I know. He was at the scene. He said that the scene is not so exciting..."

"Not only that, but I listened to him. Last night, I smashed the two brothers of the Wang family, but the same person, and still a first-year student."

"The old family of the king, not only was defeated in the casino, but the audience lost all the points. At noon today, you saw no, a large wave of people are heading for the hoe..."

"Haha, I also said how to eat meat without eating meat, but they loved to eat it. They turned out to be lost last night..."


As soon as the cloud dance was on the fifth floor, I saw that there were about seven or eight students. The three-eighth gathering was sitting together and chatting and laughing.

Until, when I accidentally picked up the cloud dance from the sixth floor, the laughter of the haha ​​was quietly one by one.

One by one, they stared at the cloud dance in an inconspicuous way, staring at the badge on her chest.

First grade?

Is she a first grader? She just... is coming from the sixth floor.

She entered the sixth floor? Rely on the sixth floor, but need to deduct almost five percentage points, how is a first-year student...

Is it?

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