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Chapter 457 Discharge Shortcuts

Is she the girl who did not last night?

The idea almost flashed through the minds of the students present, adding a touch of surprise to each other's wrong eyes.

In the first grade of a teenager, stumbled on a third grader?

is it possible?

This ratio seems to be too exaggerated.

However, at this time they all looked at her from the sixth floor.

If she won the entire primary gambler's points last night, then it would be no surprise that she entered the sixth floor.

After the cloud dance went to the fifth floor, only a faint sweep of those people, they took back their sight and walked toward the fourth floor of the stairs.

As for what they just discussed, she didn't feel much.

However, Wang Xin, who said what they said, listened carefully.

When I left the fifth floor, when I went up to the fourth floor, it was almost the same as the fifth layer, and it was a bit of a look that attracted the fourth layer of students.

The third layer, the second layer...

When I walked up to the second floor, the entire spacious space was almost full of people, and the dense people did not pay attention to anything, so they sat on the ground and entered the interest rate adjustment.

There were few people who paid attention to her.

However, just as the first layer of the cloud dance was gone, the unintentional eyes were swept to Ling Feng and Xiao Zhu.

Both of them seem to know that there are many people, and they chose the grooved platform on the wall early in the morning.

Just one person and one position, instead of competing with others.

However, the cloud dance sweeped a circle and did not see the unintentional trace.

What about others?

After sweeping a circle and did not sweep to the figure, the cloud dance did not look too much.

After leaving the second floor, return to the first floor.

However, when I saw someone more encrypted than the second layer, it was a bit shameful.

It took almost half the time of the incense, and she squeezed out from the crowd.

"Shantou, how come out so early? In the afternoon, the tower is the most suitable time for cultivation." Just as the cloud dance just squeezed out the hole of the cultivation tower, an old voice came from the ear.

Looking down the sound, I saw the old man in the gray robe sitting on the stool in the hole.

"I have something to do." Yunwu looked at the tower and politely nodded.

Although I don't know the details of this old man, his strength is enough for her to form a polite respect for him.

The old man heard the words, raised his eyebrows and smiled kindly; "What? Is there any need for the old man to help?"

Cloud Dance looked at him for a while, then shook his head slightly; "It's a little thing, just don't bother the tower, then I will go busy first."

Saying, after the cloud dance politely nodded, the convenience turned and left.

Looking at the back of her departure, the smile on the old face of the tower has deepened a bit, but the eyes of the pair of Zhirui are still inscrutable.

Little girl, the vigilance is so high!


On the way to the cave of the cultivation tower, there will be a lot of students along the way, walking towards the entire cultivation tower.

The cloud dance is the opposite, going to the door of the college.

After walking out of the college, Yun Dance thought that she could feel the aura of the abundance, but found that the aura of yesterday morning disappeared.


How did the day, the thick aura disappeared?

Yun Yun’s heart was dyed with a trace of doubt, but it was not delayed at the door. When the figure flashed, it went outside the forest.

Entering the arbitrage method, the pharmacist elder had taught her that day, and although it was late last night, she still paid special attention to the pace when he went out.

After she left the woods smoothly.

The cloud dance used a roughly half-column time and finally came to the medicine garden.

At the end of the flower garden, the air is still the heart of the flowers, the wind and the weather.

No half-personality.

"The pharmacist elder? Isn't there!" As the shouting of the sound reinforcement, it spread from the air.

After half a ring!

It seems that the sea is sinking, and the trace of the pharmacist elder is not seen.

Yunwu squinted at the large piece of medicinal flower in front of her eyes, thinking about it, whether or not to dig a large piece of it into the chaotic hall.

"You are a girl, you have not been approved by the elders of the college, you dare to leave the college, you are looking for death!"

A rough door came from far and near.

Immediately, I saw the black-and-white-bearded pharmacist elder, coming quickly.

"You are not the elder of the college! You should not sin." Yun Dance said to the pharmacist's elder cool mouth.

And when she heard her breath, the pharmacist elder seemed to be inexplicably guilty.

Probably guessed, Yun Dance may have found the limit of the token he gave her last night.

However, the elders must also have the elders, and they must not be considered in front of their own students.

Therefore, in the case of a little guilty conscience, it was okay to clear the throat and ask aloud; "Let's say, what do you want to do this time?"

She can't steal the pace of his trip, just to see him, there must be something.

The cloud dance did not take out the token from the pocket and threw it away; "Nothing, just want to return this token to you."

Give it back to him?

The pharmacist elder glimpsed, and immediately looked at the cloud dance with a slight squint; "Do you want to cancel the transaction between us?"

"There was a deal, and there was no such thing as cancellation."

The pharmacist elders breathed a sigh of relief.

However, his tone has not completely Panasonic, and the cool sound of the cloud dance is again; "You give me restrictive, and still only use the token at night, then I will give you a half at that time." If the ban is lifted, then the transaction will be fair."


Half an eye lifted?

As soon as I heard that, the pharmacist's forehead black line brushed straight down.

"You are a girl, you really don't know how to be good. You know that letting your first-year students enter the Tibetan Military Court is unprecedented. It has taken a lot of energy to get such a token. You still... Forget it, let's talk, then what do you want!"

Looking at the cloud dance, there was no softening expression. The pharmacist's elders were a little angry, but they still compromised first.

Just look at the temper of this girl, he can worry about the time, he gave him a half-eye lift!

"The elders also know that in colleges, transactions need to be fair. Since this token is almost invaluable, then you give me another compensation."

What is no use?

The token entered into the Tibetan martial arts, even if it was restricted to the night, was very precious and rare. How could it be in her mouth, all the tastes changed.

The pharmacist elder stared at her and his brows were wrinkled like caterpillars.

After half a ring, I heard him speak; "What compensation?"

“The shortcut to the in-house college!”

However, when the words of the cloud dance fell, it was the moment that the face of the pharmacist’s elders sank.

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