Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 484: Return to Tibetan Military Court

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Chapter 484 Return to Tibetan Military Court

"I found ten assassins who are willing to pay for my life, high-level assassins, and, as long as I am only loyal to my people, half a month."

Ten? Senior assassin who sold her for her life?

Bai Qingshui heard the words and couldn’t help but look up at the cloud dance.

Yunwu mouth corner slightly outlined, "I want to build a killer corps, ten is just the beginning, if you can't even do this, then what qualifications are my apprentices of cloud dance?"

Killer Corps?

Killer? Is it an assassin?

Although Bai Qingshui’s heart was amazed, the blood was inexplicably somewhat boiling.

"Well, within half a month, I will finish the task and return, the master please rest assured." The depths of Bai Qingshui's eyes are extremely serious.

Cloud dance did not say much, because this is really just the beginning, this white water is still only a beginning, and she still does not need to explain too much to him.

However, the Killer Corps, she did have plans for the morning.

Even the queen can cultivate his own assassin organization, and the national teacher, the ink of the night, can privately make a beast door. These are all points.

In addition to being powerful, in this world, if you want to protect your important things and want to get back your own things, you need power.

It is a force that you can manipulate.

The Killer Corps is just a small step from her start.

She said that one day, she would let the person who owed her a hundred times repayment.

She believes that the distance is not far away.


Bai Qinghui dropped out of school and left the inner school.

Ling Feng and Wu Wu and Xiao Zhu, in this month, running in the challenge area and the two sides of the cultivation tower, busy, the strength has improved a lot.

The emergence of the cloud dance today made the three people happy for a while.

"Cloud dance, this month has not been seen, and now ran out, is it not enough points?"

However, the three did not seem to know that Yun Dance had disappeared from the college and thought she was going to practice.

"Since you defeated Wang Fatzi last month and got the right to master the intermediate challenge zone, we charged you nearly two thousand points in the challenge zone in a month. I will give it back to you." Looking at the cloud dance.

Xiao Zhu also said aside; "Yeah, you gave me two thousand points last time, so that you are not enough, we feel very embarrassed."

Unintentional, but looking at her for a long time, only said; "We are always looking for you, can not find."

"I went to retreat, so I came out now." Yunwu looked at the three people and said with a smile.

“Retreat?” Ling Feng looked at the cloud dance. “Are you going to advance?”

Cloud dance whispered.

Unconsciously lazily looked up at the sky in the sunset, suddenly said: "Squad leader, you ask so much to do? People who don't know, think you mean what to her."

Ling Feng heard the words, his face was a blush, and suddenly there was some unsatisfied sighing toward the unintentional; "What are you talking about, me, how do I... forget it, I am too lazy to tell you, go, finish dinner. Then go to the challenge area."

Xiao Zhu is the best understanding of Ling Feng. Seeing this, it seems that some can't help but peek at the eye dance.

Seeing the face of the cloud dance is still so light smile, and after a lot of expressions, it will helplessly smile.

"Oh, don't make him a joke, let's go, I will treat you tonight." Xiao Zhu said.

I didn’t open my heart.

"I won't eat tonight, go on your own, I want to go to a place." Yun Dance stood up from the position of the three people.

"Where to go?" Unintentionally, when I was at the same time as Ling Feng, I opened my eyes and looked at the clouds.

The cloud dance looked over at them and the mouth was slightly raised; "Zangwu Pavilion."

Tibetan military pavilion?

When I heard that she was going to the Tibetan Military Court, all three of them were stunned.

Where is the Tibetan Bukit Court, the three people are naturally very clear, but the place where the seniors need to get through the consent of the elders.

she was……

After the cloud dance was finished, they did not wait for what they said, and they were convenient to go in the direction of the Tibetan Military Court.

However, just a few steps away, the cloud dance seems to suddenly think of something, turned to look at Ling Feng; "ready to participate in the promotion contest two months later, want to wash the stains trapped by others, you are good Work hard."

After the language is finished, the cloud dance will leave.

Promotional competition?

Did she really fight for him?

Ling Feng looked at the direction of the cloud dance, and some of them couldn’t help but succumbed to the general.

Inadvertently, the color of the eyelids is inexplicably deepened, and it seems that there is a fascinating sensation.


The night has just fallen.

Anyone at the Tibetan Military Court needs to leave.

When Yun Dance came to the Tibetan Armed Pavilion, everyone just left.

Once, this time, I was familiar with the road.

Open the stone gate and enter the outer space of the Tibetan Military Court.

At this time, the cloud dance did not rush to go inside the door, but let the small stinky blue secluded people and other people let out their play and relax.

However, as her strength advances, this contract Warcraft seems to evolve with her.

Although the small smell is still a cute image, the smell of the fire element on the body is thicker and thicker. It seems that the strength has improved a lot.

Blue and White Snow have not changed much, but the contract beasts generally evolve with the owner's upgrade.

The biggest change is the red diamond.

The original clumsy and large eater's flower, nowadays, can not only be reduced, but also can be turned into an ordinary small red flower, which makes people feel that it is not.

This is not, as soon as it comes out, it is directly transformed into a small red flower inserted in her hair.

The little red snake, because it is not a contracted beast of cloud dance, has not changed much.

However, it seems to have some connection with Hongling. As Hongling evolved, it seems to be evolving.

When Hongling became a small flower, it also turned into a red bracelet, wrapped around her wrist, not looking at it, I really can't see it as a snake.

These little guys really make Yun Dance feel quite a surprise.

However, after they came out, the cloud dance allowed them to move freely, and she also turned over the martial arts books around.

I have selected a few books that will allow Ling Feng to post their primary training.

The cloud dance went to the small door inside.

Reaching out and knocking on the door.

After waiting for a moment, Shimen automatically opened, not accidental, seeing the pitiful figure in the corner next to the door.

Still nothing changed, just like that night, pity, holding a book reading.

After the cloud dance came in, she looked up at her and gave her a look. She said, "Come on!"

Yunwu grinned and smiled. "It seems that you have been waiting for me. What? If you don't see it for a month, don't you miss me?"

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