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Chapter 485 Military Camp Unrest

For the words of the cloud dance, pity brows a bit.

After a while of silence, he actually said: "There are some people who miss you. You are not boring these days."

This time, instead of letting the cloud dance can not help but raised a brow.

However, it was also grinning and coming forward; "How can it be boring? I don't think you like it very much. Otherwise, how can I stay here every day?"


Pity, frowning and silent again, only looked up at the cloud dance that was in front of him; "You are doing the same thing in the same place every day, will you like it?"

"Is it the same every day?" Yun Dance looked at him inexplicably, only to slap his lips; "I can't say that I should be used to it, and day after day, even if it is boring, I won't feel uncomfortable."

This situation is actually the same as most people.

Everyday I do the same thing. Sometimes, some people forget what their original purpose is, repeating day after day.

In fact, such people will not feel uncomfortable because they are used to it.

When I heard the words of the cloud dance, I felt very reasonable after I thought about it.

"It's not uncomfortable, but I don't like it either."

Yunwu shrugged and suddenly reached out and patted him on the shoulder, just like an old acquaintance; "I know you, I will have a chance to go out in the future, and I will be tired if I don’t feel bad here every day. ""

However, the cloud dance did not know, and her words were like a seed, planted in the heart of pity.

This has instead caused a catastrophe in the future.

Of course, the current cloud dance naturally does not know, she just said casually, want to test temptation.

Really, when he touched his shoulder, the strong aura rebounded from his shoulder.

It seems that this guy is estimated to have something to do with the cultivation tower.

As for the relationship, the cloud dance is still unclear.

After retracting the hand, the cloud dance went to the martial arts books, and prepared to digest all of them here.

"Do you want to watch it again?" Just after Yun Yun just picked up a book, the voice of pity was passed.

Cloud dance turned over; "What's the matter?"

"Come with me and talk about what the world is like."

outside world?

Cloud dance raised eyebrows, but at that moment, the eyes flashed a stream of light.

"It’s okay to chat with you, but the question is, what good can you give me?"


Pity, stunned, watching the cloud dance so loud, the hand suddenly suddenly emptied, and when I saw a book, I flashed from the void.

"Don't you always want to find a book about advanced martial arts? As long as you tell the story outside, I will give you a look."

Yunwu heard the words, the outline of the mouth could not help but deepen a few points.

"Okay, deal!"

Look at this pity, just move, it is estimated that the martial arts in this space will be at the middle level of martial arts, and the advanced martial arts should be hidden in him.

In fact, the cloud dance is also guessed.

Therefore, this "outside" story, the cloud dance will be separated for a while.

Speak one night, and he gives her one book a night.


A few days passed quickly.

And because of the movements of Yun Dance in the foreign colleges, these days have finally calmed down.

With less attention, the cloud dance is naturally unstoppable in the college.

Anyway, during the morning and the third grade class, I went to class. In the afternoon, after the cloud dance and the Lingfeng three had a lunch, they disappeared.

Of course, the cloud dance is not seen, naturally it is to go to the medicine flower garden outside the college to find the pharmacist elder.

After a few days, the pharmacist elders felt a little used to coming in and out of the cloud dance.

Moreover, the elders of the school seem to know this.

The elders all told them not to have more than one tube, and they naturally closed their eyes with one eye, which made the cloud dance more free to come and go.

On this day, the pharmacist elder left because of something, leaving Yunwu to help see the garden.

The cloud dance also made Bai Xue, after turning into her appearance, the cloud dance jumped off the cliff.

The wind element is wrapped in the air, but it is not stable from the air, but it is still supported.

Because the last time I paid special attention to the pace of the pharmacist's elders and the small movements when I left, the cloud dance was not too difficult when I went out, and soon left the inner college.

Originally, Yunwu was planning to go to the military camp that night and go to the military camp the next day.

But I thought about it, suddenly awakened, and a fallacy passed over a month.

Wind element wraps, flying in the air.

In the fastest time, I rushed to the border city in half an hour.

This time, the cloud dance entered the military camp and did not enter from the front, but flew directly to the air.

Because it is afternoon time.

Soldiers in the military camp, patrolling patrols, training training, seem quite harmonious...

However, without waiting for the clouds to dance, a drum drum sounded in the military camp.

After a while, I saw a soldier leading a lot of soldiers, and immediately went to the steep forest in the south.

The soldiers left behind, all of them entered the state of preparation.

what happened?

Is it that some soldiers are also acquainted with the eucalyptus forest in the depths of the woods?

However, the cloud dance did not wait in the air for a long time, and saw many soldiers carrying a dozen injured soldiers returning from the forest.

Seeing this, the cloud dance naturally falls from the sky.

Suddenly someone entered, and the soldiers who were preparing for the situation suddenly rushed forward.

“Who is breaking in?”

Under the screaming, when the soldiers were preparing to attack with a knife, the token in the cloud dance had been taken out.

"What is this about?"

When the soldier saw the token in the cloud dance, the moment the pupil collapsed, he immediately put away the attack, and respectfully looked at the cloud dance; "You are Miss Nine?"

That night, Yun Dance summoned more than 3,000 people in this military camp. However, that night, many people in the back could see the appearance of the cloud dance.

In particular, the cloud dance is still appearing with its original beauty.

"Well, General Gao Yu? What happened here?" The cloud dance looked at the soldiers who were carried back. The wound was not caused by a locust, but a sword wound.

Then the soldiers quickly respected; "Back to Miss Nine, someone from the forest rushed into the military camp, after wounding the general, and fled into the forest, we pursued and were ambushed."

When I heard that, Yun Dance couldn't help but blink.

This Yun Jiajun is Yun Lengyi who stayed in this place. In fact, it can only be regarded as a small residual army.

Who will deliberately count a general who has only a few thousand people under his hand?

However, after that, the clouds danced in the direction of the forest...

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