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Chapter 803 Unique Gestures

The strength that has just come to the official residence is really strong.

If it weren't for the small potato that popped up in the arms, and the black arrogant shot stopped most of it, it was estimated that she was really given a broken sword.

It’s not a surprise, it’s fake.

However, the cloud dance was a little unexpected. The little guy who was supposed to be in her space suddenly came out to take the broken sword for her.


Suddenly, some sort of fine-grained bite of steel sounded.

When everyone saw what was going on, they were a little dumbfounded.

I saw that the little guy who was just a ball potato suddenly broke a sharp tooth from the position of the broken sword, along the blade, little by little, but chewed finely and quickly. It’s up.


When the screaming food disappeared, the broken sword that was originally inserted in the "potato" had already disappeared into the sharp mouth.

At this time, the round potatoes stretched out the round short legs and the chubby little head.

"Not good!" The little red tongue licked his lips, and the small mouth was dissatisfied, and stared at the cloud dance and spit out three words.


Yunwu heard the words, could not help but burst into laughter.

It’s hard to be done. It just came out to block the sword for her, just to find out what to eat?

When Shangguan was seeing the little Warcraft in her arms, there was a slight change in the face that was originally sullen and undulating.

"How come you get the cubs of the poor beasts? You have been to the lower level of the base crime..."

In the depths of the Shangguan 冢 森 森 森 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


The only singular beast in the world has died for thousands of years. He has spent most of his energy and can't wake up the poor beast. How can there be a strange cub?

However, the cub appeared in front of his eyes, and this can't be done.

Can she let the cubs of the poor beasts save themselves?

How is it possible, that poor beast is...

Poor beast?

How do you feel that name is so familiar?

By the way, on the earth, it seems that there is a myth and legend of four beasts, and one of the four beasts seems to have a "rich".

However, the little guy like a potato in her arms, is that the beast?


- Shantou, still stupid to do what, go quickly.

At this time, the voice of black arrogant sounded from the head of the cloud dance.

Now, not only has the strength not recovered, but it has also been imprisoned in the Chaos Hall. Even if it can be phantom, it is also a great discount. It is impossible to be the opponent of this Shangguan.

This **** also made such a small cub out, it is just playing with fire.

But just in the black arrogance, there is no chance to respond to the cloud dance.

Shangguan’s emotions seem to have undergone some kind of change, the gloomy summer of his face, and the movement of a strange figure.

In a blink of an eye, the figure plunged into the front of the cloud dance.


Without giving anyone the opportunity to react, the cold hand turned into a claw and went straight to the shoulder of the cloud dance.

The other hand caught the little Warcraft in her arms - the little potatoes.

The dragon poured into evil and sank at the same time. At the same time, the figure quickly came out, and Yuan Lig grew up to grow his sword and went straight to the claws of the cloud dance.


The collision caused by the collision of sharp weapons ignited a half-star spark.

"It's really looking for death!"

The Shangguan dynasty flashed a touch of impatience, and the black mist suddenly picked up, and the claws and sorrows went straight toward the dragon.

"You are looking for death, in front of me I want to hurt my man, you are when I am dead." Yun Dance reacted to the moment, Gu Wu Dadao squatted away.


In the blink of an eye, I saw three lights colliding together.

The strong breath spreads around and spreads, and the breath is strong, so that those who came to the black robe and the three old men were surprised.

But their most powerful lord, can they let the two juniors get entangled?

Hong Ling sees his own master, so brave, suddenly can not be left behind.

"Hey, Laozi is just hungry..."

The lychee that spread around it, when seeing the black robes who came, smashed out countless branches and quietly sneaked away, ready to sneak directly when these black robes were astonished and stupid.

By the way, get a few teething sacrifices and restore your strength.

"Ah... it’s a piranha, use fire..."

"I just used it, no..."


Not only here, the entire direction of the beast door is destroyed by the "蹂躏" of several contracted beasts.

They can do whatever they want, and if they see what they can do, they will take the shot.

As for the person who blocks the door of the beast, if you can hit it, you can't win it, then you can run it. Anyway, you can also destroy it while running.

However, not only did the head fight, but the other side was equally lively.


The sunset just fell, the night just arrived.

Qingyong City, Shuhongmen!

Outside the wall surrounded by stones, the roads are as hidden as possible, all from the lurking of the streets.

Silent, one by one seems to be a ghost.

In order not to attract anyone's attention, these people are wearing ordinary clothes.

If it weren't for those sharp eyes, just look at the clothes and faces on them. There is absolutely no one to think of them. These people were actually the well-trained lower mortal army.

Two years have not yet arrived. The strength of these people has reached the strength of Wu Sheng at least, and even some of them have broken through the level of Wu Zun.

If these strengths are put in the lower bounds of the original, it will definitely make people feel idiotic.

In two years, from the strength of the class, it jumped to the level of Wu Sheng and even Wu Zun.

What is the meaning?

Needless to say, it is estimated that it is a crazy existence in the eyes of the lower bounds.

"The captain, the man has arrived." A low-pitched voice was gently heard from the mouth of a seemingly ordinary man.

Gao Yu nodded, his hand stretched out, and the silent team was lurking around, making a unique gesture.

At this time, Gao Yu turned his head and looked at the Xuan Tian who was around him. "Is there cold water?"

Xuan Tianmu swept around and shook his head slightly; "I don't know, those people who are trained like ghosts by cloud dance can't feel their existence."

"That still waits? Or do we act first?" Gao Yu asked.

Although he is the leading captain in this team, he does not know when he has developed the habit of asking the opinions of this "military division".

Let Xuan Tian frown a little thought.

"After waiting for a moment, we can't miss this time, plus the team of the cold water, the chance of winning this place is even bigger."

Ps: 2DBC8L, the top 100 people who can exchange the cake can receive it, first lead, and there is no more after the end, I wish you good luck!

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