Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 804: Destroy the flood gate

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Chapter 804 Destroying the Flood Gate

This time, the goal is the flood gate that the upper bounds admire.

Although they have only entered the upper bounds for a while, they have also done some research on the position and strength of Sihongmen in this upper bound.

This time, we must do our best to let the young lady down.

Gao Yu nodded after hearing the words and was preparing to make a waiting gesture for the soldiers lurking around.

Suddenly, a black shadow passed by.

They haven't waited for Gao Yu and others to react, and the cold figure stood in front of them.

When Gao Yu saw someone coming, his face could not help but be black.

"White water, can you not always float out! I want to scare people." Gao Yu pressed his teeth down and glanced at the black, breathless white water.

In fact, my heart flashed a touch of surprise.

This embarrassing, not seen in a few days, the strength has improved, is he an assassin or a ghost?

Bai Qingshui heard the words, but he just glared at him and then turned his eyes to Ling Xuan.

"How are you going to act?"

Xuan Tian looked at him. "Is everyone all right? If it is all right, follow the previous plan."

After Bai Qingshui heard the words, he said nothing, and the shadows of the shadows, just in front of the crowd, suddenly disappeared into the darkness of the night.

"Rely, he is a ghost in the end." Gao Yu could not help but snorted.

If it is not the regular contact during this time, it will really make people feel that it is a ghost.

Without moving, it disappeared.

Xuan Tian’s mouth was slightly raised and he whispered; “This is her skill. Can anyone who is trained from her hands be ordinary?”

This is not only Gao Yu, but even the lurking soldiers behind him heard the words, and they nodded hard.

Yes, if it’s not Miss Nine, these people don’t say that they are coming into this upper bound, that is, strength is absolutely impossible to be the present scene, and it will not learn so many things.

At the thought of this, the worship of Gao Yu and others seemed to be unconsciously deepened!


After a while!

I saw dozens of weird shadows in the dark night, appearing from the corners of the treetops outside the stone walls.

If you don't take a closer look, you won't find it.

The outside of the flood gates and the sky were covered by spiritual power. The only way to enter the flood gate was to have only one entrance, that is, the stone gates guarded by the two guards.

"Brush! Brush!"

Suddenly, two invisible sharps cut through the subtle sound of the air.

The two guards did not react to what happened, they were directly punctured and the neck was broken.

At the moment when the two guards fell to the ground, dozens of shadows had passed like ghosts.

I didn't wait for anyone to see it clearly. Those figures have disappeared into the entrance.

"It's really like a ghost." Luyu was lurking outside, and after a slam, he raised his hand and made a gesture in the void.

I saw that the gestures just fell, hundreds of figures, the tacit understanding of the entrance to the floodgates.

Gao Yu got up and was ready to enter, so he could show his talents.

"You wait." Xuan Tian reached out and stopped Gao Yu.

"What's wrong?"

"You stay."

"What? I stay?" Gao Yu heard a brow when he browed.

"Well, you bring a hundred people, stay here, in addition to breaking the back road of the Hongmen people, we also need you to leave the road for us." Xuan Tiantian said low voice.

This time, I always feel that it is not that simple.

Regardless of the situation, it is always correct to think about it.

Gao Yu is the master of the war. He prefers to fight on the battlefield and sprinkle blood on the battlefield.

However, in the eyes of Xuan Tiantian, I don’t know why, he seems to understand the worry in his heart.

In the second, Gao Yu grinned and smiled. When he slammed his hand, he shot on Xuan Tian’s shoulder and said seriously: "Brother, you can rest assured that there is me here!"

Xuan Tian also reached out and put his shoulder on his shoulder, "take care!"

It seems that everything has been expressed from the moment I shot my shoulder.



A moment later, in the flood gate, there was a fierce fighting sound.

The original article was ordered in the floodgates. Under the sudden attack, it was already a mess.

The soldiers who will lead Xuan Tian will be attacked from the outside according to the plan, and should be combined with the Baiqing Spurs.

For a time, Sihongmen really had a feeling of being defeated.

"What the **** are you?"

At this time, where is the floodgate in the past?

Now the leading deputy leader, with some of the leading sects, holding the blood in his hand, the black robe on his body is ruined, and there are still several wounds on his body that are not bleeding.

What exactly are these people who suddenly pop up?

Their strength is obviously not particularly strong, but they have a strange assassination technique, which has repeatedly caused them to suffer big losses.

In the upper bound, what faction is the assassin who can have such a strange strength?


Another scream.

A guard at the flood gates flew in from outside the door.

Xuan Tian led the well-trained soldiers and quickly copied them from the four breads, and immediately surrounded the main hall of the flood gate.

When the deputy doorkeeper looked at the guard at the eye, he suddenly shrank.


Was the Guardian actually in the middle of the sorcerer?

How is it possible that only the witches know how to use them, how can they...

Xuan Tian, ​​Bai Qingshui, and some assassin soldiers stood around, along the way, they saw people kill, but along the way they found that the people of Shuhongmen did not add up to hundreds.

This is really a bit strange for the entire Dahongmen.

However, since it has come in, it must at least ruin this floodgate.

"You, you are the Wu people?" The deputy doorkeeper was shocked to see the situation in front of him, but soon, the eyes were a little gloomy staring at Xuan Tian and others.

"Do you know that here is the flood gate, you dare to provoke, and you are ready to be destroyed..."

Although the current shogunate across the wild, it seems to be a shell that has been evacuated.

However, the majesty and power of Yu Hongmen, but can not be fooled by some small characters who do not know.

Bai Qingshui looked coldly at the door of the door, and his eyes flashed with a touch of disdain. He sneered and said: "Destruction? Today, it is to destroy."

If the white water is clear, then the doorkeeper’s heart will tremble.

It seems to have come to mind that the assassins that have just been brought by Bai Qingshui, like the ghosts of murder and the enthusiasm of cutting rice seedlings...

"Who is your master? I want to talk to him!" The doorman straightened his waist and said coldly and proudly.

In the upper bound, they are the representative of identity.

If it wasn't for them, the Liaomen Lord just took away most of the sects, and these small characters, how can they break into the floodgates, it is a minute kill.

However, my heart could not help but feel surprised.

These people's martial arts, killing skills, are very different and hate, obviously these people have the highest strength only Wu Zun, but these people did not hurt a little bit of people, a short fragrant time, almost **** wash Hongmen.

Although there are only a hundred people in Shuhongmen, they are all low-level guards.

But the speed of the killing of these people is also terrible.

Who are these people...

"Don't talk nonsense with him, he is deliberately delaying the time." Xuan Tian suddenly opened his mouth coldly, and there was no mercy in his eyes.

Entering this flood gate, you can feel that there are too few guards at the flood gate, and the powerful ones are not present.

However, it is also possible to complete the task of cloud dance confession at the moment when the flood gate is empty.

Destroyed this flood gate.

When Xuan Tian’s voice fell, Bai Qingshui naturally understood what he meant.

When I was in the middle of my hand, I had a long sword.

The assassin and the soldiers, when they were stunned, quickly rushed toward the people in the hall.

The door owner seemed to know that he could not delay the time, and suddenly he roared; "You really want to die, then I will let you try to get to the end of the flood gate."

Several other leaders, the doubles suddenly became cold and the breath picked up.

Xuan Xuan Tian turned over, black smashed out from his hands, the next second has been volley.

Just as the black scorpion hit the leader of the flood gates, suddenly, a more powerful energy emerged from the place where the three fell, directly colliding with the black scorpion!


Under the sound of an explosion, the spark suddenly splashed in the hall.

The burning sound of "Zizi..." was spread in the living room with a stench.

"Hello, bring someone to come to Hongmen to kill the door, I don't know if anyone has asked me that Liao Cangtian does not." A voice that sounds like a gentle, ordinary time came from afar.

Not a moment.

Seeing the sky that had been shrouded in spiritual power, the spiritual power suddenly disappeared, and a middle-aged man in his forties was tempered by a gentle robes.

This person is not someone else, it is that Liao vertical.

Bai Qingshui followed Xu Lingtian and others, and when they heard the sound, they turned their heads and looked at the outer air, and the eyes were cold and alert.

"Liao Zongzhu..." Xuan Tiantian spit out these words, the mood is dull.

Liao Longtian stood in the air like that, and the pair of sharp scorpions looked at Xuan Tian, ​​who was open.

For a moment, the corner of the mouth suddenly outlined a smile; "You are a witch."

That sentence is a positive word.

It seems that this Liao vertical eye is quite poisonous, and at a glance it can be seen as the identity of Xuan Tian.

However, when Liao Chongtian was able to sweep into Bai Qingshui and the surrounding assassin soldiers, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"You are the people in the lower bounds. You can enter the enchantment and enter this upper bound. It seems that your master is really not simple."

After the words of Liao Zhongtian fell, all the people who lived in the flood gates could not help but be shocked.


Tonight, these people who have almost washed the floodgates are actually the people in the lower bounds?

God, the people in the lower bound, are they not mistaken?

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