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Chapter 810, the only weakness

The dragon slays the hand and grasps the hand of the cloud dance with a slight effort. He said: "This is not what you should do now."

The cloud dance is shrinking.

Yes, anger and grief is not what she should do now.

What she should do now is to destroy the door of the beast, and to pay homage to the people above and below the Yunfu.

However, she can't do it now.

The angry anger in the heart seems to break through the chest.

Holding the nails of the fist, deep into the flesh and blood, blood seeping, dripping...

However, the cloud dance did not seem to feel, she only felt that her heart was uncomfortable and wanted to break out.

Wan beast door...

Wan beast door...

Cloud dance double bloodshot violent anger, filled with an endless anger: "I swear in the name of the summoner, if you do not destroy the door of the beast, the reincarnation of the prison can not end!

Raging, breaking up.

Until a good half-sound, the roar of the lore, as if it was slowly faded in midair.

quite a while!

The blushing silk gradually calmed down, and the horror of anger seemed to gradually converge.

But the killing in the depths of the eyes did not disappear.

“Comfortable?” Long Zhiyin has been watching her, she needs to vent.

"Go in and see!" After the cloud dances, he walks toward Yunfu.

Walk into Yunfu.

The smell of blood, the stench of the body, are all around, but the cloud dance doesn't feel like it.

Every time she took a step, she wrote more accounts for the beast door.

Every step of the way, the killing in her eyes is a point.

She has to remember everything here, and one day in the future, she will surely pay everyone a hundred times to pay for it.

Even if she doesn't like some people in Yunfu, but here is her home, her root!

Dare to move her roots, she wants everyone to pay the price...

Walked around!

The cloud dance took a deep breath and looked up at the sky above Yunfu. It was already reddened by the blood on the ground.

"Oh..." A breeze swept over, the leaves creaked, and it seemed to be cheering back in the clouds, and it seemed to mourn the killings it saw.

Yunwu picked up the leaves on the ground and soaked in the blood. He whispered: "Have you seen all the passing of Yunfu? It doesn't matter, take these blood and grow up. One day, you will do the same. See the end of the bureaucrats on the door of the beast."

Meng Bai looked at the cloud dance, and the rare serious silence.

After walking around the Yunfu, he seems to be able to imagine what the former Yunfu was, but now...

Meng Bai looked at the cloud dance for a long time. From her, he felt anger, sadness, killing, hate...

Finally, Meng Bai could not help but sigh.

"That... I heard your mother said that the only way to kill the Shangguan is the Witch Relic."

Meng Bai suddenly spoke and let the cloud dance move.

Witch sacred objects?

Obviously, the sacred sacred object in his mouth is not the necklace that she carries on her neck.

Yun Wu put the leaf on the stone bench and stood up to look at Meng Bai. "What is the Witch Relic?"

Because of it, she was imprisoned by the Shangguan.

However, before, she seemed to have heard her mother's remnant, as if it was really the sacred thing that was the only thing that could kill the bureaucracy.

However, she later went to disturb the beasts of the beasts, and she forgot all about it.

It is no wonder that the Shangguan will be so nervous and must get the Witch sacred objects.

It turned out to be his weakness!

Shangguan, don't worry, don't hurry to find me, one day I will go to you, that day will not be too long!

"Since you know so much, do you know what the sacred sacred thing is?" The cloud dance frowned slightly and looked at Meng Bai.

There is news about the sacred sacred objects everywhere, as if everyone knows the existence of the sacred sacred objects, but why does she not know what the sacred sacred objects are?

Meng Bai shook his head. "When your mother didn't have time to say it, she left."

The departure he said was the secret base of the Beast Gate that he had only visited that day!

Cloud dance frowns, it seems that I want to know about the Wolverine relics and I have to ask the sleeping white old.

However, she now suspects that the sacred sacred object is a singularity.

If Bai Lao does not know, then seek nowhere...

"Although I don't know what the sacred sacred thing is, but I accidentally said that she only said that the only thing that can inspire the sacred sacred objects is the key to the power of the four natures. The key to the power of nature can inspire the holy things of the Witch."

The power of four natures?

Not so smart?

The cloud dance was slightly changed, and the mind was moved. From the space, I took out the drop pendant that I got from the fat man.

When the people of the Beast Gate always wanted to find this, they knew that the key to the power of water was not simple.

Unexpectedly, there is still this use.

Then she now has the "key to the power of water", then it is not the other three keys?

However, when Meng Bai looked at the silver pendant in the hands of the cloud dance, he suddenly saw it.

The next second, the eyes are big, and the surprise is like dropping the chin: "You, you, have the key to the water?"

Yun Wu Liu Mei slightly picks, "I just have this one."|

There are still three missing, and it seems that I am not excited about this.

"Do you know that this is the official residence that you have not found for decades, you are so easy to get, still still..."

Also said that it is just one?

Meng Bai silently looked at the sky, this woman thought it was a family? Are these four natural forces so easy to find?

The Shangguan has not found a hand for decades. Is it time to commit suicide?

Cloud dance frowning, is it so difficult to get this?

If Meng Bai knows how much she is “unintentional”, she will get this key. Is this estimated to vomit blood?

"Do you know that there is a sense between the forces of the four natures, you have got this key, and if the key to other natural forces is nearby, the key can be sensed, and you will be content."

Can it still be sensed with other keys?

This is not bad!

Cloud dance looked at the power of the water in the hand, and the corner of the mouth hooked it back to the space, and there were other uses.

Now that you know how to eliminate the Shangguan, there is still a headache.

That is the five elements that open the protective cover of the beast door.

If there are no five elements, even if you get the holy things of the Wu people, it is also a loss.

Among the five elements, in addition to the "tears of the flames" she has already obtained, "the drop of the snow mountain" in the hands of snow and silver, as long as he can find him to find the woman, and the other three elements in addition to the ancient light, in addition I don’t know the two kinds of nicknames, how to find them?

Looking up at the sky, I feel the black cloud pressing the top.

"Do you know the five elements that need to be used to open the door of the beast door?" The cloud dance suddenly looked at Meng Baidao.

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