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Chapter 811 Thin Scholar

Since Meng Bai appeared in the door of the beast, and knows so many things, it is estimated that it has been in the door of the beast for a long time, then you must know something.

"You don't even think about it. The five elements that open the shield are harder to find than the power of the four natures."

Meng Bai snorted, she really intends to completely destroy the Beast Gate?

That is a thing that the upper bounds can't think of, she actually...

"Know it and say, where is the nonsense!" The cloud dance is so cool and cool, like the aunt Wang next door.

Touching her cool eyes, Meng Baizui’s mouth was slightly pumped.

This woman, which is like her gentle mother?

"The tears of the flame mountain, the drops of the snow mountain, the light of the ancient times, the heart of the wind and the flower of the wood vine, these five elements can make a person look for a lifetime."

His meaning is self-evident, these five elements are extremely difficult to find.

"The tears of the Flame Mountain and the drops of the snow-capped mountains have fallen, and there are three left."

The cloud dance took a deep breath, and the **** smell pierced the tip of the nose.

This time, whether for Yunfu or for her purpose, she is bound to find the best to destroy the mortal door and completely destroy it.

“What?” Meng Bai’s eyes are full of doubts. “You said that you already have two elements in the picture?”

"The tears of the flame mountain have been obtained, and the drop of the snow mountain is also close at hand." Yunwu ignored Meng Bai's shocked petrochemical appearance, nodded sincerely, and then turned and left.

Already got...

Meng Bai thoroughly petrified...

The dragon fell in love and looked at the back of the cloud dance, leaving a sneer, this little thing...

Chasing the figure of the cloud dance, the two left, leaving Meng Bai, who did not respond.

Probably staying at the door of the beast for too long, I know that Shangguanyu has not paid for the power of the four natural forces and the five elements.

But now, suddenly a lower-level person gets it so easily, which is really hard to accept.

Just when Yunwu planned to leave Yunfu, he suddenly went to the direction of the Yunfu forbidden land in the distance.

The original forbidden land is now filled with traces of fighting. It must have been bloody.

After a moment of contemplation, Yun Dance stepped forward and went to the forbidden place.

After entering the forbidden area for a while, the traces of blood appeared. The places where the dumplings were everywhere were the cannibal vines that were cut off by the vindictive power, and the pythons ran across.

Cloud dance condensed Liu Mei went inside.

Suddenly, she suddenly stopped, and her eyes looked at the ground in front of her, and looked at the four bodies lying there.

At this time, the dragon dying behind her also saw the four bodies, and the golden scorpion sank slightly.

It is the three elders of Yunfu and a dead body!

And the body is wearing, it is like the clothes that Yun Lengyi usually wears!

Is it... is it cold?

The three elders' white robes were stained with blood red, but their faces were pale and terrible. They squinted without a trace of fear and pain, but they were extremely serene.

They lie straight in a row, it seems that someone has moved their bodies.

Looking at the three of them, Yun Yun’s heart was pumping, and the look at the bottom of his eyes changed slightly.

These three old men, perhaps the three old men who are the most disgusted in addition to Yunxiao, can now...

Shangguan, this account has to be added.

Rest assured, one day, I will personally avenge you, and you rest in peace.

Taking back the eyes of the three elders, the cloud dance looked at the broken body.

I don't know why, my mind suddenly flashed through the coldness of the cloud.

It seems that at this moment, there is a father who is just and stunned, and he has not lowered his body until he died.

He held a long sword and inserted it straight on the ground. His body leaned against the trunk, his right hand held a long sword, stood unrelentingly, standing straight.

Seeing this scene, somewhere in the heart of Yunwu’s heart touched a little, and a glittering object slipped and dripped on the back of her hand.

Cloud dance coveted and looked at the crystal, slightly frowning.

Is she crying?

The dragon smashed the evil eye and flashed a touch of tenderness. The slender fingers wiped the tears on her eyes. The golden scorpion was dull. "It turns out that you are so ugly, you can rest assured that this hatred will sooner or later we will get back thousands of times. of."

The cloud dance is slightly raised, and the rare one is in his chest.

Although she has no emotion with Yun Lengyi, but after all, the blood is thicker than water. This subtle emotion is not something she can control, and the only thing she can do for him is to let the culprit go to hell!

The dragon fell into the garden with a cloud dance and took her to the stone bench.

"You are here to take a break!"

Then, the dragon fell into the forbidden land, watching the cloud cold and the three elders, the dragon sighed and sighed, placed them in the forbidden land.

"With her, Yunfu will rise back sooner or later, and she will bring her to the top. You rest in peace."

The magnetic voice, gently dyed with a strong voice, echoed in the forbidden land for a long time.


In the garden.

The cloud dance looked at the slowly falling dragon, and the lips were slightly hooked, revealing a bitter bitter but soft smile.

Suddenly, her eyebrows were slightly picked up, as if she had thought of something coming up, looking at the ring on her finger.

It has been imprisoned for so long, and it is also missing.

As soon as the red light blooms, a huge dragon shape flashes, but when the red light disappears, an extremely handsome man appears next to the cloud dance.

This looks!

Looking at the man in front of him, Yun Dance raised his eyebrows slightly and tweeted: "The dragon eight princes turned into human figures. Is it such a handsome man? Was it the original illusion? Or is it illusory?"

In the past, Yun Wu also saw the red fire turn into a human form, but that time looked a lot of British.

But at this time, the appearance of it in front of her eyes, what she wants to say is that when the dragon is in a state of momentum, the body is strong, and now it is beautiful, but it looks like a slim and thin scholar.

A beige robes, wrapped in some thin body, black hair hanging down to the back, the oblique bangs in front of the wind drifting in the wind, the whole person looks smart but somewhat weak.

But soon, the cloud dance found the hidden anger and discomfort between his eyebrows.

"I am born to look like this, look at what, even if this uncle is this appearance, you are not the opponent of this uncle." Red fire dragon with angerful words, directed at the cloud dance.

"Oh? Your strength will be reduced when you turn into a human form." Yun Dance looked at him with an eyebrow.

What Red Fire Dragon wants to say but does not say anything, just that sentence is undoubtedly moving the stone and licking his own feet.

The cloud dance looked at the appearance of the red fire dragon, and it was slightly coveted. Then he looked at the forbidden land. "When I look at the place where I have lived for hundreds of years, I have become nothing, how do you feel?"

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