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Chapter 812 You are not a dog

The red fire dragon looked at the forbidden place with the eyes of the cloud dance, and the imprisoned taste immediately came to mind.

Think about his dear Prince, who was imprisoned for a hundred years. How did he get a foothold? What face does it appear in the dragon?

The facts are unbearable.

However, although he was imprisoned for a hundred years in Yunfu, he was only imprisoned and did not suffer any humiliation. He would think that the humiliation suffered in these days when he was imprisoned by the Shangguan, would be the thorn in his heart forever.

Yes, hundreds of years of imprisonment have not been so humiliating in just a few days.

Shangguan, you have to let the tyrants of this uncle come to Japan, and will surely return it in the future!

The red fire dragon lingered in the heart.

"Right, I just heard that you are looking for five elements?" Red Fire Dragon retracted his eyes and looked at the cloud dance.

The cloud dance is slightly shivering, and there is a trace of doubt in the eyelids. "you know?"

The red fire dragon pondered for a while, faintly said: "The light of the ancient times has always existed in the dragons, which is the legend of the dragons for thousands of years."

Just in the contract, he heard the conversation between Yun Dance and Meng Bai, knowing that the destruction of the beasts of the beast requires the light of the ancient times, which reminds me of the legend that the dragons have heard the light of the ancient times.

Dragon family?

The cloud dance is twinkling, the ancient light is in the dragon?

No wonder she hasn't even heard of it. It has always been hidden in the Dragons. No wonder no one can find it.

"Since you have heard of it, do you know what it is, what is the "light of the ancients"?"

The Red Fire Dragon shook his head. "The legend about the ancient light has always existed. The Dragon people are also estimated to be rumored to be rumored. It is the power of ordinary people to get the light of the ancient times. It can be directly colored, but no one knows what it is."

Can it be fairy?

Cloud dance mouth raises a sardonic smile, but it is really enough to deceive yourself.

"The light of the ancient times was only a cluster of light left in the upper bounds during the great chaos in the ancient times. It is not so much a cluster of light, but rather a cluster of horrible power."

The dragon fell in love with the cloud dance, watching the cloud dance evil charm and said with a smile.

And his enchanting expression seems to be saying, is it more admired for the husband?

Cloud dance is speechless!

"How do you know so clearly?" Red Fire Dragon suspicion looked at the dragon.

How do you know the legend of the dragon?

The dragon sneaked a lazy look at him, but did not answer, but put his chin on the shoulder of the cloud dance: "For the husband to know, under his background, the position of the husband in your heart is more stable. ""



This man does not want to answer the question!

At this time, Meng Bai, who has been in a petrochemical state, did not know when it had appeared.

"When the beasts of the beasts are frustrated, why not look for the light of the ancient times?" Meng Bai looked at the cloud dance proposal.

Cloud dance pondered for a while, but did not agree quickly.

When the Red Fire Dragon heard that he was going back to the Dragon, the look at the bottom of his eyes was obviously sinking and seemed to be somewhat resistant.

It is because of this subtle expression that Yunwu did not respond quickly to Meng Bai.

The Red Fire Dragon did not intend to sneak into the cloud dance and stared at his gaze. The four eyes were relatively short. The Red Fire Dragon saw the doubts and inquiries in the eyes of the cloud dance. He lowered his eyes and pondered for a while.

"When the Beast Gate was in the battle, my origin was injured. Now there is no Dragon Ball, and I can only return to the Dragon to repair it."

This sentence is given to the cloud dance answer.

"Then go first to find the light of the ancient times."

Without waiting for the cloud dance, Long Dingxun agreed with Meng Bai’s proposal.

The dragon has agreed to it, and it represents the default of Yun Dance.

Yunwu glanced at the dragon's sorrow on her shoulder, and there was a trace of doubt in the depths of the bottom.

This guy is a bit abnormal. He will definitely wait for her to answer. She will go to him. She will never take her as the owner without listening to her opinions. What is going on today?

I don't think much about it. The cloud dance looks back at Meng Bai. "I have to go to several places before this. You will be happy for three days and see you here three days later."

What the dragon is thinking about, she can understand it vaguely, but she does not want to think more. His starting point is always for her sake. Just understand that he is a man who can entrust everything.

Moreover, it is imperative to find the light of the ancient times.

"Then see you three days later." The voice fell, Meng Bai has gone, vaguely can see him waving his back to the cloud dance.

Yunwu took back the sight of the distance and looked up to the red fire dragon. "That is the Dragon King, it is not easy to get free, change back to human form, not to go to the happy and happy is not a pity?"

The red fire dragon heard the words, and the twilight was filled with joy.

He has a contract with Yun Dance, and he does not dare to leave without a cloud dance.

Now that Yun Dance has spoken, naturally it is very happy.

"Hey, this uncle is not rare." Red fire dragon snorted, sweeping the clouds and dragons and turning the evil spirits into a circle: "You continue to love, I went to find meat."

After the language is finished, Yunwu feels that the line of sight is swaying, and the focal length can only come back to feel a blast.

This is a disappointment, the tone of speech is not pleasing to the people to change, or white has the appearance of a handsome guy.

Daddy, she felt a little moist feeling on her neck. Looking at it, someone was biting her without knowing shame.

The cloud dance face is black and low.

"Dragons are evil, are you a dog?"

"Only if you lick your bones, you will not starve to death." Someone did not care about the cold and angry eyes, and continued to move.

"I have fewer bones and more bones on the ground."

"For the husband to eat you, in order not to be starved to death, let the bones for the husband to eat."


After Meng Bai and Red Fire Dragon left, Yun Dance and Dragon Pour Evil found a passenger station and lived nearby.

Yunwu told the dragon to go to the evil, she was going to do something, let him wait for her at the inn.

The strange thing is that the dragon dumped evil did not say that he wanted to go there, and did not ask her where to go. Instead, he agreed quickly, which made the cloud dance somewhat suspicious.

"Here are you going to return to Long Xuguo in these few days?" Yunwu looked at the dragon who was lazy and teasing.

The dragon pours evil and throws a wink at the cloud dance. The evil charm says: "You guess, guess it is rewarding for the husband."

When can this man be serious?

"What is mysterious?" Yun Dance returned to him with a cold look and got up and left.

When I passed the dragon's sorrow, I stepped on his foot and listened to the squeaking sound that made her comfortable. The cloud danced the corner of the lips and disappeared into the inn.

The dragon fell in love and looked at the figure that Yunwu left. He shook his head helplessly. "Be careful."

After Yunwu left the inn, Long Zhixie also left and rushed to Long Xuguo.

However, when Yunwu was going to do things, he first went to the so-called "Imperial Palace."

The bones of the Yun family will eventually be collected.

The cloud home has been destroyed for so many days, and the entire imperial city cannot possibly not know that Zhou Batian in the palace may not know.

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